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Shanet Clark

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Posts posted by Shanet Clark

  1. Just for the record,

    these are the names of the John F. Kennedy

    West Virginia Democratic Primary 1960

    campaign organizers ( bagman , in the vulgate) :

    A. J. Houvouras. A Sargent Shriver associate for Cyprus.

    J. McOwen. Kennedy Attorney. Goodwin associate.

    J. Tweel. Local Democratic machine, host, restauranteur.

    D. Fox. Attorney

    R. Myers. Businessman



  2. Philip Elman?

    Nice West Virginia name, Elman. I can just see Bobby Kennedy falling short in the executive interview protocols...Ramsay Clark served as Attorney general, and is really a prime source for us. He was an insider who grew very independent and vocal in his call for greater oversight, and his remarks should be carefully sifted for his ideas on Dallaas.

    I have been reading Schiem's book 'Contract on America', and it is a pure Blakey style 1980 era limited HSAC hang out ... the fall back position vis a vis The Mob or the MAFIA angle hinges on the government widening the disclosures on JACK RUBY. That's it, in the 1970s they gave up the other obvious conspirator, Rubenstein and threw off on Marcello, Trafficante, Giancana and Roselli...


    Katzenbach came back to be Attorney General under NIXON and was approached at BURNING TREE COUNTRY CLUB by the breathless G GORDON LIDDY the weekend of the WATERGATE BURGLARY, Katzenbach knew everything and should have blown the whistle a million times.

    {or was that Kleindienst? I get Karamessines, Kleindienst and Katzenbach mixed up}

  3. Lee is sincere and he is striving to come up with some new insights using the existing evidence.

    We worked together well on that Zapruder Matted Area in frames one thru forty and I think the FUZZY AREA between the County Jail and County records is proof of forgery. The KODAK code letters that appear, disappear and reappear, in the left hand sprocket is intriguing, and Lee is one of the few to appreciate this.

    I see very well the dark figure on the stairs, and the lenses are reasonable.

    We have all seen bulging pocket radios on DCM and Jim Hicks and the black man with his back turned, and the FIRE ESCAPE spotter had a radio.

    Recently we have seen Towner and the crowd of approx. 14 people on the OVERPASS, a violation of basic security, a great vantage point for the observers, and a very sensitive area for our "silent" member from the 6th Floor Museum.

    With the SWEEP teams, the OVERPASS teams, the JAIL/RECORDS team, the RETAINING WALL TEAM (those rapid responders in the BADGEMAN CLASSIC GUNMAN and PERGOLA positions thirty seconds after the shooting) the suspicious traffic in the RAILROAD TOWER parking lot, the cigarette butts and muddy traffic behind the GRASSY KNOLL FENCE, the teams existed.....

    The teams existed and Lee is correct to probe for more evidence of forgery and evasive actions on the part of the CONSTRUCTION workers, the SIGNAL TEAMS, the PHOTOGRAPHERS and the DRIVERS....THE LOOKALIKES, etc.

    Basically, Lee has hit us with some difficult graphics to grasp,

    but I think his approach and theoretical sense is quite sound.

  4. That last perverse post from this individual sank without a trace, Terry. Mad ravings about a confession, I believe, a psychotic free form verse, it was.

    This member, either consciously or unconsciously, seeks to undermine our legitimacy.

    I agree with terry:


  5. Good point Pat.

    I would also point out the fact that Allen Dulles was glib and duplicitous and quite a few people thought he was an ally, when in fact he was a snake.

    It seems clear that he came out of Sullivan Cromwell with an agenda to "undo" the "damage" that the war had done to US-German corporate mergers and inter relations, and his work on Paperclip and Gehlen org show a dangerous, militant reactionary in a position of power. He put on his liberal democratic face and wormed his way into the Kennedy inner circle, etc. and never should have been trusted, even if he did drop crumbs about the Cuban Invasion Plan to Jack Kennedy in 1960 during the campaign.

    Pat is also correct to point out the gullible nature of naively believing Lyndon Johnson's version of events.

    The Kennedy's may have thought Allen Dulles might serve their best interests and the best interests of justice and the American tradition, but if they did, they were wrong.

    When Jack White saw Wim Dankbaar's list of Suspects in the Kennedy Assassination, he wrote in "WORKING FOR DULLES" after nearly every one,

    and that was a great summary of the legal and covert lines of responsibility in 1963.

  6. John,

    I dont know if you go to the POLITICAL CONSPIRACIES, threads (I  post there  frequently). Mr Wendland is currently "getting it on" with Shanet & James Richards over the John Lennon murder. Strange behaviour for a cold war researcher.

    James and I can easily fend with the likes of these, Stephen, but thank you.

    You will notice I had to use the Nuclear Option Font in Post Twelve (propaganda equivalent impact SOP).

    There is some really good backlog in the Political Conspiracy, Authors' and Seminars "Rooms"....has everyone read Dr. Mantik's Seminar thread (link):

    titled- Forged Autopsy Photos and X rays?

    I think that and the old TRIPPLE UNDERPASS thread are the two best backlog items, one in Seminars, one about halfway back in this "Debate" thread room......... :)

    Thanks man, Shanet

  7. Great shots. In the one directly above (Post 30, Towner) I see three men between the wall and the fence, clearly. The team on the stairs has moved back up the secured corridor. The cleanup of the area has begun, but two or three people are strangely well ahead of Secret Service and Dallas police :)

    The red shirt operator does watch, watch, watch, jump with hands up to his mouth and run up the stairs...like a baboon at a waterhole, very focused for a payoff and then jump and act...extremely suspicious actions.

    This area, where Lee F. sees a crouching 4th man, is in military jargon "A Salient"

    or an [ offensive tactical salient ] it juts out of the protected fence/parking area to a point, a point close to the planned ambush's headshot. Occpation, control, and activity here is obvious in this photo and NIX and shows a conspiracy acting to secure the Salient offensive point closest to the fatal shots, when the Limousine was closest to fully stopped.

    The red shirt man, the other operative with red shirt man, were babysitting Emmett Hudson, and have NEVER BEEN IDENTIFIED.

    Lee this photo also shows someone at the NIX classic gunman position, and another, possibly on a radio, at the PERGOLA near the parking lot.

    I Believe the NIX classic gunman was just Whited Out in Moorman (see above, trinagular light sky where Nix has dark foliage). Above the wall in Moorman was out of bounds, but the gunman is clear in NIX...

    The presence of the additional figures and lenses reminds me of a WEST VIRGINIA Story.

    While driving late at night, a buck deer was caught in the headlights and reared.

    He stayed in the right lane and we passed him, but many little creaatures eyes could be seen along the medians, glinting in the brush...a similar morbid curiosity is seen in these lenses. Somewhere a complete, untinted, properly exposed series of photos may still exist.

  8. The Mo Dean and Maxie Wells trials are very interesting.

    Maxie Wells made a fairly strong claim to be a private citizen rather than a public figure, and as secretary to President Carter and a public figure simply through her political contacts and positions, I thought that was weak. If she had been a truly private (non-public) figure she would have had a stronger case against Liddy.

    The Dean trial had a chilling effect, muzzling that angle quite a bit...

    The motivation for Watergate and the foreknowledge of the principles is still up in the air.

    I like to expose people to the nature of the call-girl theory, but I am not really a proponent of the "trick-book" theory.

    I think there was a CIA influenced call girl ring in the hotels nearby.

    I think that the intersection of the watergate team and the call girl extortion ring was a very dangerous place to be. John Paaisley was a liasson here, and knew of both efforts...on the other hand, Robert Bennett also knew and apparently capitalized on the power of knowledge.

    McCord made it clear that Bennett, (Hunt's other employer) sat down with the Watergate burglary team and announced a parallel of interests between the CREEP group and Howard Hughes's Las Vegas interests. Lawrence O'Brien had just moved from SUMMA CORP., the Hughes Tool Company conglomerate to the Democratic HQ and had information relative to both parties, Hughes and Nixon.

    On the otherhand, sexual content is clearly the theme of the Spencer Oliver State Democratic Watergate tapes and transcripts that moved though Liddy to Strachan to Haldeman in the Oval Office, these taped transcripts of what the CREEP bugs heard over the DEMOCRATIC PARTY lines have never been released. To protect the illegally tapped State Democratic Watergate officials who were the wronged party, but general descriptions of the tapes dwell on "who was sleeping with who" and "lots of kinky sex" .... also the mainstream historians who expand on the call girl theme insist on the motivation, opportunity and means of John Dean to intercept the Phil M. Bailey and Cathy Rieken Dieter materials...

    So the weaknesses of the specific need to burgle Larry Obrien at Democratic HQ, are complemented by the strengths of the TRICKBOOK theme to muddy the waters.

    The presence of Hunt, Sturgis, Martiniez, Bernard Barker and others know to the JFK reseaarch community remains an even larger historical problem, obviously blackmail was in the air if Hunt quietly engaged these men into a "botched" burglary. Nixon was in fact impeached on the Hunt hussh money iself, as proof of corruption and obstruction of justice.

    Nixon, Dean, Haldeman and Mitchell shared responsibility for the burglary.

  9. I think John Lennon was murdered by a strange young man under the sway of some covert experimental behaviourists and LENNON's FBI investigation led to a vendetta ... he was killed as a policy statement and settlement of scores.

    I base this on the research of British Barrister Fenton Bessler and my own readings of illegal government operations in the time period.

    The YMCA's international institutional REFUGEE PROGRAM was involved, when Chapman was with them in LEBANON

    DIG IT?


  10. There has been some chat over the years that Hinckley didn't fire all the shots during the attack. I was checking this photo out below which was snapped moments before the gunfire.

    Have a look up at that first floor balcony where a person is crouched behind the railing. Even if this individual is perfectly innocent, why did the SS allow such an obvious breach?

    The burning question is could a shot have emanated from this position?


    Reagan took a bullet to the side near the heart, left ribs, is that correct?

    Great Photo.

  11. Psychic Driving and Behavioural Programming may explain Mark Chapman's drive to kill the most popular anti-war radical activist in the States

    ....Fenton Bressler makes it clear that Chapman was associated with some behaviouralist influences.

    And the FBI had had Lennon on the griddle for over ten years......

    "Christ you know it ain't easy...

    The way things are going

    They're gonna crucify Me"

    BEATLES: The Ballad Of John and Yoko, ( Lennon McCartney 1969).


    In the late 1800s the nineteenth century experienced a wave of TERRORISM.

    Vigilante groups, self appointed white males used violence to co-ordinate and drive anti-democratic and anti-republican representative theories of power onto the national political stage, where they remained through until today.

    In San francisco, New orleans and New york city, violent and murderous elites took hard right reactionary race baiting political positions, while taking over local and state political structures. Anti Asian and Anti Irish Catholic rhetoric drove the organizations efforts, and the tradition of the Know Nothing runs through secret societies until this day.

    Self appointed race baiting whiter than white rednecks with money combined in the 1850-1900 period and they recombined, as the reaction of the late 20th century recapped many of these themes.

    Joseph Kennedy and his four sons were Irish Catholic political bosses from Boston, Massachusetts, and while some in the Cambridge Harvard MIT Beacon Hill circle accepted and welcomed the Kennedy's entrepot to political power, others

    centered in New Haven, Wall Street, Michigan and greater Los Angeles opposed the rise of the Kennedy's sons.

    Vigilante elites. This is the key, paramilitary assassinations were common in the racially loaded Victorian period, when Irish and Asian were non white ethnic groups, Catholic leaders were killed.

    When John Kennedy took the 1960 election, over fellow Senator and Vice President Richard Nixon, the aggravated elements of the right brought militant reactionary illegal force to bear, and the constitution was overhauled with the new succession doctrine of EXECUTIVE REMOVAL, in a law originally composed by Senator Estes Kefauver, who died in 1963 of a heart attack and ratified by the States in 1967, in the year before Lyndon Baines Johnson stepped down.

    ALexander Haig, National Security Adviser to President Ford, Protege of Henry Kissinger and General Douglas MacArthur, served as White House Chief of Staff during the transition of power in August 1974. Recent indiscretions committed by the Haig ego point to a role for Al Haig in the Bay of Pigs, BAYO EDDIE, OPERATION TILT, OPERATION EXECUTIVE ACTION, CHAOS, COINTELL COUNTER INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM the domestic joint agency disruption of American Society and our political state in the Cold War 1960s and 1970s.


    and of course AM/LASH, ZR/RIFLE ZERO RIFLE and WH EXECUTIVE ACTION an illegal US domestic covert assassination team run by Howard Hunt out of Mexico City, but cooperating and coordinated by JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE, MARINE INTELLIGENCE and NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Of course, marine intelligence is an oxymoron and very frightening entity, serving as the source for LEE HARVEY OSWALD, and his LEGEND.

    The vigilantes of the anti Catholic reaction survived to mix with German rocket scientists and Nazi Pharmocological and Behavioural Psychologists in OPERATION ARTICHOKE which was a joint military illegal Domestic mind control, hypnosis and forced drugging PROGRAM.

    Most famous of these was the MK/ULTRA, which combined PSYCHIC DRIVING or forced behavioural actions on witting ang unwitting individuals.

    These forces, I believe came together to kill John Kennedy and overthrow our government through force and guile. RICHARD RUSSELL, Georgia Senator, Military and Intelligence Appriations Chair and Warren COmmission member, Exercised what enforcement and oversight which existed, which was nearly nil.

    He and the Congress knew little of the PROGRAMS until November 1963.


  13. [Just because I really didn't want to see his name on the thread head guide :ice ...]

    Thats a photo I got yesterday that shows the triple underpass south side from the roof of the TSBD or DAL TEX...you are right Gib, it is off topic here...Chapman was from here in Decatur georgia, and I think he was the victim of Psychic Driving or some sort of behavioural manipulation...I also think he shot John Lennon.....

    One of the signs of real manipulation here is the intersection of Lennon, who the FBI watched and disturbed ala Martin Luther King or the Kennedys....and this guy Chapman, who wasn;t a Beatles fan, and the way they linked in CATCHER IN THE RYE as a sort of cultural totem to "blame" it on...and I wouldn't have noticed that in the Lennon killing if it hadn't been present in the TAXI DRIVER theme attatched to the attempted murder of RONALD REAGAN during George bush's vice presidency....this Catcher in the Rye JD SALINGER theme, linked to the ROBERT DENIRO character (terence bickle?) is suspicious to say the least....

    Shows signs of manipulation.

    The timing of Ronald Reagan's final demise is also suspicious as it gave the Bush campaign in essence a second convention, a GOP media spectacle, etc...

    Chapman got a lot suggestive phone calls and really couldnt explain his actions in New York City in the three days leading up to the Dakota killing.

    THe Paramilitary stance shows a real guiding hand, as well.

    Cheerio... cellars of cask ale on the thames and all that .... shanet in atlanta

  14. Lee Forman's reclining man can be seen here.

    He makes the case that behind the Emmett Hudson group, the stairs

    are misshapen and it appears possible that a reclining man was removed from this frame of film. I see the area and how he may have proposed this.


    DO either of you see the airbrushed shape of a reclining spotter/cameraman on the stairs. The shadow is suggestive, and Lee has a very sharp eye.

    I am not convinced, but I definitely see the intriguing area Lee enhanced here...

  15. Jim

    Good research.

    Could the John Hurt reference on the Dallas jail phone memo possibly refer to

    Raleigh, West Virginia?

    Are either of the John Hurts in Raleigh North Carolina the Japan-based crypto analyst?

    If the John Hurt you are looking at did not reside in North Carolina's Raleigh (city) he may have resided in West Virginia's Raleigh (county) ?

    I hope that is helpful.

    {{ PS Jim Root I will update the 1978 executive order post in the seminar thread again soon/somebody is reading it here/but locked out THERE/

    Did you ever find the intersection of Al Haig, max Taylor and Ed Walker? Probably something there....also Lou Tordella and Marshall Carter, where do they intersect Taylor, Lemnitzer, Walker and Haig....see you in the funny papers. SC. }}

  16. JOhn,

    Glad you ar posting. the position you put forth is a mainstream one, out of a handful of near-consensus theories, that is one. Never forget the cut-out, the deniability the distance which the sponsors would have wanted to place between their effort and themselves. Here is what I mean by near consensus themes.

    One is that Cuban exiles, angry at JFK for the Bay of Pigs debacle, with or without CIA fore-kn owledge, killed him.

    Of course the Texas Oilmen is a theory, with or without Connally or Johnson's involvement, killed him.

    I tend to go to the old 1960s consensus, "the government was behind it"

    meaning executive action, or sanction with extreme prejudice, by the other

    executives around Johnson, CD Dillon and Maxwell Taylor.

    Another consensus (nearly) theme is this one: organized crime elements from Los Angeles, New Orleans, Chicago, Tampa and Dallas led the effort.....

    So really there are four near consensus themes, and a false null hypothesis (oswald).

    Oswald the Lone Nut Commie. (a poor "null hypothesis" accepted by only a minority)

    Angry Cubans (with or without CIA). This is your angle (Thread and Post)

    Texas Oil barons and Manipulators. (with or w/o Johnson) John Simkin posts along these lines, and he is not wrong.

    Ranking Military and Government sponsors, Executive Sanction. My posts and the Twenty Fifth Amendment theme, traditional "military coup, government did it"

    Organized Crime (w/w.o CIA help) Mob Hit. This is also not "Wrong" but was overemphasized by the 1977 House Committee and Robert Blakey.

    There are other themes (french OAS, KGB and Castro) but these are the BIG FOUR.

    Hope that was helpful, my young British friend, it is puzzling


  17. In the late 1800s the nineteenth century experienced a wave of TERRORISM.

    Vigilante groups, self appointed white males used violence to co-ordinate and drive anti-democratic and anti-republican representative theories of power onto the national political stage, where they remained through until today.

    In San francisco, New orleans and New york city, violent and murderous elites took hard right reactionary race baiting political positions, while taking over local and state political structures. Anti Asian and Anti Irish Catholic rhetoric drove the organizations efforts, and the tradition of the Know Nothing runs through secret societies until this day.

    Self appointed race baiting whiter than white rednecks with money combined in the 1850-1900 period and they recombined, as the reaction of the late 20th century recapped many of these themes.

    Joseph Kennedy and his four sons were Irish Catholic political bosses from Boston, Massachusetts, and while some in the Cambridge Harvard MIT Beacon Hill circle accepted and welcomed the Kennedy's entrepot to political power, others

    centered in New Haven, Wall Street, Michigan and greater Los Angeles opposed the rise of the Kennedy's sons.

    Vigilante elites. This is the key, paramilitary assassinations were common in the racially loaded Victorian period, when Irish and Asian were non white ethnic groups, Catholic leaders were killed.

    When John Kennedy took the 1960 election, over fellow Senator and Vice President Richard Nixon, the aggravated elements of the right brought militant reactionary illegal force to bear, and the constitution was overhauled with the new succession doctrine of EXECUTIVE REMOVAL, in a law originally composed by Senator Estes Kefauver, who died in 1963 of a heart attack and ratified by the States in 1967, in the year before Lyndon Baines Johnson stepped down.

    ALexander Haig, National Security Adviser to President Ford, Protege of Henry Kissinger and General Douglas MacArthur, served as White House Chief of Staff during the transition of power in August 1974. Recent indiscretions committed by the Haig ego point to a role for Al Haig in the Bay of Pigs, BAYO EDDIE, OPERATION TILT, OPERATION EXECUTIVE ACTION, CHAOS, COINTELL COUNTER INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM the domestic joint agency disruption of American Society and our political state in the Cold War 1960s and 1970s.


    and of course AM/LASH, ZR/RIFLE ZERO RIFLE and WH EXECUTIVE ACTION an illegal US domestic covert assassination team run by Howard Hunt out of Mexico City, but cooperating and coordinated by JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE, MARINE INTELLIGENCE and NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Of course, marine intelligence is an oxymoron and very frightening entity, serving as the source for LEE HARVEY OSWALD, and his LEGEND.

    The vigilantes of the anti Catholic reaction survived to mix with German rocket scientists and Nazi Pharmocological and Behavioural Psychologists in OPERATION ARTICHOKE which was a joint military illegal Domestic mind control, hypnosis and forced drugging PROGRAM.

    Most famous of these was the MK/ULTRA, which combined PSYCHIC DRIVING or forced behavioural actions on witting ang unwitting individuals.

    These forces, I believe came together to kill John Kennedy and overthrow our government through force and guile. RICHARD RUSSELL, Georgia Senator, Military and Intelligence Appriations Chair and Warren COmmission member, Exercised what enforcement and oversight which existed, which was nearly nil.

    He and the Congress knew little of the PROGRAMS until November 1963.

  18. Group: Members

    Posts: 822

    Joined: 13-October 04

    From: Atlanta, Dekalb Co., Georgia, USA

    Member No.: 1708

    We are bigger men than the ones in power.

    We are critical and courageous, they are timid and docile.

    We speak up at great risk, they clam up for personal gain.

    We make sense, they make a mockery of reason.

    We probe for the truth, they deny, deny and classify.

    We speak out in dismay, they hide behind grim institutional walls.

    We think, they only react.

    We explore the world, they retreat from it's reality.

    We struggle, they sit in wealth and arrogant contempt.

    We see the truth, they are blinded by misplaced self-interest.

    We fight for Constitution and Reason, they consolidate power irrationally.

    We live in pride, they are shameless and neurotic in their denial.

    We look for explanations, they only hunt for excuses.

    We act in the tradition of patriots, they act in the tradition of treason.

    We are free, they are indoctrinated, trained to go along, co-opted & intimidated.

    We are people, and they are simply beasts with polyester suits and trophy wives.

    We are self actualized, they are programmed.

    Be brave, be courageous, be critical.....

    we are better Americans, better scholars, better thinkers, better people.

    ...And then Shanet climbed down from the mountain and went unto Galilee


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