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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. As Maggie realizes, a simple question is not answered by posting a link to a website that takes a considerable amount of time to read, let alone the time required to check all the links referenced, particularly when much of the information is not germane to the question that was asked in the first place. Life is too short. If Maggie's question was answered, it would not be necessary to write a bad term paper on why it was. Because his sole purpose here is to derail the thread from any meaningful discussion to bs. Irrelevent links, websites that no-one is interested in, divert, divert, divert. In fact I am surprised Maggie and Michael are even still posting. Soon ...."they"....-whoever they really are- will have their playpen to themselves.
  2. So...out of curiosity...what happened to the complaint thread? Dawn
  3. Because exactly the same situation occurred not long ago, where Jan believed Len compared him to a holocaust denier, and I failed to act. Does Len not deserve the same treatment as anyone else? The compromise offer would have made clear what he meant without the possibility of it being interpreted as being directed at Len. At least two moderators read the comment as being directed at Len. The thread about psyops has been deleted; if you care to repost it - ensuring it conforms to the standards expected - then there will be no problems. Evan, I am going to speak openly and I hope this does not cause this post to be peremptorily deleted. If one cannot air one's complaints in the complaints thread, where else can one do it.... As you already know because I have already made this clear, I can't repost that thread as it has been lost to history due to your biased and hasty decision to delete it. Until this weekend I felt not the need in these fora to copy my posts and threads as I had not hitherto seen or expected to see the wholesale murder of them by one Moderator (you) for the poorest of poor reasons. I would be grateful if you would post a link to that exact charge about Jan and holocaust denial and any subsequent moderation decisions made about it, so that I can review the accuracy of the charge you now make. Thank you. I do remember that you recently took action on another post Jan made, that Jan appealed to John of unfair treatment at your hands, and that John upheld Jan's apology and asked you to issue and apology, which you did and which Jan accepted. I do know that you have reacted badly to Jan's presence here in recent times (prompting an outrageous outburst of spleen) - to the extent that it was clear there was a personal issue involved and that has grown out of all proportion. This, in my view, has entirely clouded your judgements. And this is why I have expressed my formal opinion to John Simkin that you are no longer fit to Moderate these fora. As I anticipated John has not responded. Nor did he respond to Jan's appeal against your latest decision. But it is not relevant anyway, because it is against the natural order of justice to carry over resentment (and/or harbour a vendetta against a member for being forced to apologize - assuming that was the case) from an earlier post (unresolved or not) to current times. If that were the case then every poster on this forum from their accumulated past posts - especially the debunking crowd whom you appear to heavily favour and protect (imo), would have every post excised. After all, the debunking crowd specialize in attacking other members motives, ridiculing, and baiting them and engaging in inflammatory statements and so forth. But I haven't yet seen you censure any of them to any marked extent for any of that. What's good for the Goose Evan, is also good for the Gander. Favouring one camp because they are the natural allies of your own positions, while punishing others who hold opposing views, is a terrible abuse of power. If you have any self respect left, you'd resign and allow other moderators to step into the breach. I am quite certain none will voluntarily step forward in opposition to your wishes otherwise - or that John Simkin will replace you no matter how badly you damage the forum by running amok (and believe me this place HAS been badly damaged after these recent happenings). I think you are also wily enough to know that this is the case and that this knowledge invigorates your decisions. Just my opinion, though. Meanwhile many regular members here have now signed up for a new forum as they are sick and tired of the Colby debunking crowd and your protection of them. The view is that this place no longer warrants the effort to try to salvage it because the patients have taken over the asylum and that there is no courage in the leadership to take tough decisions. How this will play out only time will tell. But as I have indicated earlier, Jan has left, I will be leaving shortly, as will others. The upshot will be that this place will not have the clash of opposing views and will be quieter. This may be a good thing... I don't know. I'll be interested to see if the debunking crowd end up debunking each other or just fall silent -- mission achieved as one member here recently observed? Who knows what the future holds. But the word is now out that this is no longer the place for objectivity, balance or fairness or for knowledgeable members, researchers, writers, journalists and others who have an interest in those subject this forum has been a safe harbour to until recent times. I have no way of knowing if the two moderators you mention have reviewed their decisions in the light of Jan's entirely credible follow-on explanation (once he actually received an explanation from you why you deleted his post - although he still hasn't receive the fabled PM you say you sent him - the fact that Antti has a copy does not prove you sent Jan a PM does it), because every other Moderator here, including John Simkin appears to have donned flak-vests, tin helmets and legged it to the bunkers, leaving you to run the place on your lonesome, taking whatever decisions to delete or locks thread/posts your spleen and bias sees fit to take (again in my opinion). David Guyatt (my real name) PS, you will note that I have changed my avatar, in view of the nonsense that has surrounded this subject in recent days. The fact is that when I began posting on this forum, John asked me to post an avatar. I declined and explained my reasons for doing so, namely security following two very unpleasant death threats that included the delivery to my home of a firebomb and other items on other another occasion. There is no publicly available picture of me anywhere and never will be. John offered ideas of a compromise and I therefore used, with his tacit understanding, a picture that is similar to me in some respects (lifted from the internet) but is not me. This has amounted to an intelligent compromise hitherto. The recent nonsense you have engaged in with Maggie has highlighted the ridiculousness we now see being enacted. I have therefore chosen another picture that might be me, but might not. If you have a problem with this, please contact John and ask him to PM me to discuss this. I have kept the original exchange of emails discussing this topic with John btw. I see this issue as the forum having a mod who in essence is anti conspiracy, whose political philosophy is similar to that of the attack dogs, so he naturally is more defensive of their positions than those of Jan, Jack, David, Charlie etc. This is NOT what the forum used to be like. While anti- CT posts were not banned, they were also not lauded. When someone says the least little thing about "Len" it's deleted but CTers can be called names, mocked, and worse yet this is tolerated. If people say they are not receiviing PM's I believe them. John's silence speaks volumes. Dawn I also long ago noted that the pic of "Len" resembled DW. I chalked it up to coincidence or good genes.
  4. It is with great sadness I read this post. I do not understand why John has allowed this situation to reach this point. Exceptionally good researchers and lovely people have been leaving this forum in droves the last two years over the non- stop harrassment and insults by the Colby/Lamson group. Yet they are continually protected. I am in complete agreement with Charlie Drago's assessment of these posters. I very much miss his presence on this forum. And Jan's work has been so very significant. I remember when John started this forum and the hopes he had of researchers all over the world joining forces for the common good: truth and justice. Jack White wrote an important post yesterday: Beginning with how CT's were handled in the old days- harrassed, phones tapped, mail opened, even beat up. And now on the net we know that the gov is all over this stuff and their lackys are sent in to cause as much dissention as possible. Anything to derail a thread, to get the focus off the search for the truth. That IS their MO. And I have seen this occur repeatedly on this forum. A a result a pattern emerged long ago: the true researchers finally gave up and left. Now yet another. I do hope that there is some resolution to this whereby Jan stays. We can count the number of mainstream journalists on one hand who have come over to our side. And it's been an honor to have Jan and his fine mind on these pages. But it certainly appears that the powers that be here favor the presence of those whose sole purpose here (imho) is to attack the truth and its presenters. And that's a damn shame. Dawn
  5. And we- the CTers- are just paranoid nuts! This is beyond disturbing. Dawn Thoughts On the Harassment of Tom Feeley Kurt Nimmo Infowars August 7, 2008 Reading Mike Whitney’s account of the harassment of Tom Feeley, the editor and publisher of the Information Clearing House website, I am once again reminded that it is a few minutes before midnight (see Paul Joseph Watson’s account as well). As the clock strikes midnight, our brownshirts will rush in like a plague of locusts, or more accurately an invasion of cockroaches. America will become Nazi Germany, it will become Chile under Pinochet, it will be transformed into a fascist dictatorship. Most of us, distracted by bread and circuses, numbed by incessant propaganda, don’t realize how close at hand this reality is. It is now emerging from the shadows, as Mr. Feeley no doubt understands. George Grosz: A Writer, Is He? 1934-35. Nazi Germany, of course, is not an exact parallel. In 1921 Adolf Hitler formed his own private army called Sturm Abteilung, German for Storm Section, and the SA was instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents. In large part the SA was comprised of former members of the Freikorps, reactionary thugs organized into gangs after the First World War. As Spartacus Educational explains, Freikorps thugs “had considerable experience in using violence against their rivals” and were inspired after Hitler’s speeches to hunt down, brutalize, and even murder their opponents. Later, select members of the SA would be organized into the Gestapo SS. Bush’s neocons are nowhere nearly as organized and vicious as the SA brownshirts, although the demented passion and violence is there, the desire to deal with opponents severely is thinly masked, ready to emerge given the right situation. Bush, however, is not Hitler, although his grand daddy helped facilitate Hitler’s crimes. Unlike Hitler, Bush’s neocons do not have at their disposal a mass fascist organization and cannot dispatch paramilitary goon squads and knuckle draggers to deal with opponents. In America, circa 2008, we have yet to experience organized gangs of neocon thugs attacking antiwar activists and truth movement patriots. In America, circa 2008, the intimidation and violence operates in the shadows… for the moment. It is not clear who exactly threatened and intimidated Tom Feeley and his wife, although a few educated guesses come to mind. It is a matter of documented history that the FBI and recruited local police, under COINTELPRO, used “extralegal” force and violence against opponents of government policies. Such tactics included break-ins, vandalism, assaults, beatings, and — in the case of the Black Panthers and the American Indian Movement — murder. “Many of the techniques used would be intolerable in a democratic society even if all of the targets had been involved in violent activity, but COINTELPRO went far beyond that,” reported the Church Committee back in the mid-1970s, “the Bureau conducted a sophisticated vigilante operation aimed squarely at preventing the exercise of First Amendment rights of speech and association, on the theory that preventing the growth of dangerous groups and the propagation of dangerous ideas would protect the national security and deter violence.” In essence, the FBI served as America’s secret police then and continue to do so now. It also on occasion served as an assassination team assigned with taking out leaders like Martin Luther King. Back in the 1960s and early 1970s, there was no such thing as the Patriot Act, nothing approaching the Military Commissions Act, and certainly nothing of the draconian character of PDD51, basically a plan to declare martial law and implement a dictatorship, provided the right situation or, as in the case of 9/11, the right “terrorist event.” Nixon’s declared “silent majority” pales when compared to Bush’s neocon minority, a gaggle of reactionaries hysterically calling not only for nuking Iran but also rounding up the growing opposition, tasering and beating them, and marching them off to freshly constructed concentration camps built under government contract by Halliburton. But maybe I am biased, as I have personally experienced the insane wrath of these people. Compared to Mr. Feeley, however, I am fortunate — no thugs showed up uninvited in my kitchen. Instead, they repeatedly emailed and blogged death threats and made harassing telephone calls to my place of employment. Unlike Alex Jones, I was not physically attacked, or did a thug block in my car and demand I forget about the First Amendment. I am fortunate to have only experienced minor harassment. If you can tell which way the wind is blowing, though, you will realize time is short. It is eleven fifty eight and twenty seconds. It is no mistake that candidate Obama calls for a “National Security Force” as large and well-funded as the U.S. military, and candidate McCain calls for troops to lock down cities and conduct raids to “fight crime.” REX-84 was no mistake and the long-standing plans for FEMA detention camps are not happenstance. Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are not the idle meanderings of pencil-necked geeks at the Pentagon. Former Gen. Tommy Franks was serious when he said the Constitution will be jettisoned after the next false flag terror attack. Exercise Vigilant Shield and dozens of other “exercises” conducted by U.S. Northcom, the DHS, and local, state and other federal “responders” has less to do with natural disasters than gearing up for martial law. It’s no mistake the local cops, the National Guard, and Blackwater — under the aegis of FEMA — confiscated firearms in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Likewise, it was no mistake local cops, the Kansas Highway Patrol, ATF, FEMA, and the National Guard confiscated firearms in the aftermath of a tornado in Greensburg, Kansas. Both were incubator studies in tyranny. No, the Nazi SA comparison does not work — not in America, circa 2008. Tom Feeley and Alex Jones were not kidnapped in the dead of night and found the next morning executed in typical death squad fashion. But after martial law is declared — after the next attack, an attack repeatedly promised by no shortage of government officials and experts — the machinery is firmly in place to turn America into a fascist dictatorship that will make the Nazi corollary pale by way of comparison with its scientific precision. In the meantime, keep your eye on the clock. 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising Get the DVD and make copies or watch the high quality streaming and download version online at Prison Planet.tv. Click here to read more about the film and view sample trailers.
  6. Nothing going on here but a bunch of paranoid old CT fools going off on nothing in a childish attempt at...well lets just say its childish. Don't let the the screen door slap you in the azz on your way out to greener pastures. (Craig Lamson) But Craig, That's exactly what your little gang desires. That the CTs all leave. Sorry- Mission Accomplished-not!
  7. Jan, Please check your PMs again. I have a copy of the PM sent to you, so it can be confirmed that it was at least sent. Edited to add: it was sent at 9.54PM my time, 32 mins before this post. It was also sent to Antti at the same time, so he can confirm if it was received by him or not. A couple of months ago, Evan Burton deleted (he preferred to refer to it as made invisible) an exchange between Len Colby and me. There were no Forum rules broken on my part. I received no PM. When I asked why the exchange was deleted, all I got from Evan was a nondescript and patronizing sentence about bickering. Since then, I've made several references to his biases. His lack of consistency in his moderating efforts have been apparent to me for a long time. [/color] Mike You are not alone in noting that for some ODD reason those who appear to be here merely to debunk all conspiracy truth have their rights overly protected, imho. Downright coddled. Colby has called me names and it's been left up. The worst I said of his group is call them "attack dogs". Of course he responded with an innane comment about me not understanding "irony". I have not ever attacked onyone on this forum. A few days back I sugested just ignoring their comments and posting as if the offending comments are not even there. About two years ago we had a character who went by the name of "Lynn Foster". I found that the best way to deal with her outrageous comments was to utilize the "ignore" feature on the forum. It worked wonders. She eventually disappeared. Members may remember she was fond of posting links that when opened messed up your computer. Aside from that and her nonstop detestation for Jim Garrison she had virtually nothing to say. Justa a suggestion... Dawn
  8. Again???? Evan, John this is so unfaiar. CD does serious rersearch. Len merely attacks. Check out his bio folks,: "GG Allin" concerts, then google GG Allin. A most fitting and admirable way to earn a living. Dawn
  9. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Having only just discovered it, I see you've been a frequent visitor to my Profile Page. Have you been spending all your time neg-repping me just so you could post the above? Puerile puerile puerile..... Seeing as how Len is so into visiting bios, I urge forum member to look carefully at his: one of the activities he claims he did was book shows and videos for one GG Allin. Check out this act. There is a utube online but I am not sure I can post it here, it may violate rules. GG Allin is on an old Jerry Springer show and bragging about in his rock shows he gets a woman out of the audience and RAPES her. Also assaults people. Now we've all gotta make a living but, geez. I sure would not list this on my bio. But it does provide insights. Dawn
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: Having only just discovered it, I see you've been a frequent visitor to my Profile Page. Have you been spending all your time neg-repping me just so you could post the above? Puerile puerile puerile..... Why are these attack dogs permitted to just insult our best members? Don't the mods ever wonder why these characters are really here? Disgusted. Dawn
  11. Thanks for that one John, JWD has a very powerful message that just might get through. BK This is one of the most profoundly spiritual talks I have ever seen. And so relevent to today. Thanks John for posting this. (And of course Douglas' book is a must!) Dawn
  12. The first I heard about this last year is when Chauncey Holt's daughter Karen emailed me and told me "Hey did you know Wim Dankbaar is in jail?" I said it didn't surprise me. She said he was caught stealing information off journalists Peter DeVries computer. Among other things, she also told me how Dankbaar harrassed her and her husband in California. Pamela Ray I'm confused. Sounds like you are miffed at Wim. Since he is/was File's biggest advocate, does this mean there is something amiss now? Dawn
  13. How could the world's great democracy elect George W Bush twice? Because the system is corrupt. It doesn't work anymore. America will have another revolution, imo. [/color] Mark: Americqans are way too dummed down to ever pull off another revolution. As to the election of W? Stolen, both times. The evidence for '04 was overwhelming. And Kerry -(Sull and Bones)- said not a word. Recall what happened to a person who dared to ask Kerry if there was a Skull and Bones deal: he got hit with a taser. I saw Kerry speak a few years ago here in Austin. I had him sign a book just so I could mention the election. All I said was "you won the election you know". The look of startle that came over his face was amazing. "That's what I hear" was his response. I came close to asking him the Skull and Bones question myself. Wonder what would have happened if I had. Dawn
  14. One might wonder "why is this news?" An article about a book in progress. They must be getting desperate. For Holland this is just one more career move. Did the Post cover John Kelin's book or Jim Douglas' ? No, those were important books, to be ignored. Dawn
  15. It appears that more and more "untruthers" are piling on here. Peter, thanks for that excellent article. Very impressive group of people, hard to dismiss these folks as "conspiracy waccos", but the supporters of the official conspiracy theory will just ignore them. Dawn
  16. Suggestion: Ignore Colby/Lamson. Just carry on as if they are not even here. To get into it with them just brings the fourm down to the level of __________________ (you decide). Dawn
  17. I am on record as saying that many good people have left this forum due to the admins always taking the side of the Colby crew. This is most unfortunate. I do not know what CD wrote but I was in agreement with what Jack was posting. When I saw that CD had posted I was really glad, alas....he is silenced again. The forum is the loser imho. Dawn
  18. Thank you so much B.! And yes, thanks to Gil for putting this togehter. Let's all fight those who would have it removed by disseminating this information widly. Dawn
  19. David Guyatt and I have both worked - separately - with Harlan Girard for more than a decade. We mentioned his case in this recent thread. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=12949 There is additional information about the potential state of electronic mind control technology in the overview piece linked below. I was working with another claimed victim, Blanche Chavoustie, when she was presenting her (and other's) evidence to Admiral Boorda, who very soon after decided to commit suicide. Many of us doubt the official story. http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/health...rime.html#N_31_ I have shared this information with other members whom I regard as genuine researchers. I now share the tip of the iceberg with the Education Forum. I do so in the hope that any discussion will be constructive. Jan: Thank you for posting this deeply disturbing article. If this is merely "the tip of the iceberg" one shudders to think just what else our evil government is capable of. No wonder the net is not "controlled" , if too many people become overly aware that can be easily taken care of. Dawn
  20. Agreed. But wonder if any of the men who worked on refurbishing it are still alive to bear witness to what they saw and had to 'repair'?! I'd almost be willing to bet they had to take secrecy oaths or have been just plain threatened to keep their mouths shut....but one never knows...after all this time.... for more info concerning the Limo see: Murder in Dealey Plaza, Part II, The Kennedy Limousine pgs. 120-159, by Douglas Weldon, J.S. ************** Doug Weldon : TMWKK The Final Chapter, ep.1.The Smoking Gun, seg 2 Limo information begins with Dr.2 minutes ..Dr.Galanges......54 seconds into the video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAW-bxxZfcM The Limo Windshield, Bullet from Front Limo to Detroit, Part I TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmMXfBgjsh0...feature=related JFK Assassination, Presidential limo SS-100-X, part 5 B....... Thanks Bernice for posting TMWKK segments. I recall that someone posted all these utube showings of the three censored hours. Could someone please repost them. I am recently in contact with the son of an old friend who is very interested in all things conspiracy and I would like to email them to him. Many thanks, Dawn
  21. I do not have this book and would not read anything by the intellectualy dishonest Dale Meyers but have a question: In this book does Meyers ever admit to believing, in the 80's, that LHO was framed? Merci, Dawn
  22. Yea, thank's for Jim's review, Ron, and I concur with most of what Jimmy D says. But, I don't think Michael Paine and Volkmar Schmidt ever lived together. At the time Oswald met Michael Paine, they were attending a party at the home of Everett Glover, who lived with two other Magnolia Oil Company employees, Richard Pierce and possibly Volkmar Schmidet. There is also a reference, I think wrong, that Norman Fredrickson, whose father worked for Radio Free Europe, lived there, but he was married at the time, and attended the party. Also in attendance were the DeMohrenschildts, who brought the Oswalds, the Paines, and Betty McDonald, not the stripper, but another employee of Magnolia Labs. Paine and Schmidt however, did not live together, as far as I can tell from the record, so its not such a coincidence after all. BK The quote below is from Jim DiEugenio, who asked me to post this response: "The information about Schmidt living with Michael Paine is listed in Evica's book on page 237. Evica sources it to authors Edward Epstein and Priscilla Johnson. If there is a question it should be checked against those books."
  23. [quote name='William Kelly' date='Jun 16 2008, 07:54 AM' post='147780'] The Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law and Duquesne University School of Law present Making Sense of the Sixties A National Symposium on the Assassinations and Political Legacies of Martin Luther King Jr., Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Oct. 3-5, 2008 Power Center Ballroom Duquesne University Pittsburgh, PA Forty years after the brutal and untimely deaths of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, and 45 years after the relatively better known assassination of President John F. Kennedy, questions still abound about the circumstances of their murders. Furthermore, amidst the current climate of political cynicism and apathy, historians and voters alike ponder what these men might have become, and what their political legacies are even today, on the cusp of another historic presidential election. From matters of ballistics and trajectories to questions of conspiracy and cover-up, these three cases present fascinating and important topics for students of all ages. Following up on their historic 2003 conference on the JFK assassination, The Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law and Duquesne University School of Law are convening many of the top experts on these men and their murders for three days of presentations and panel discussions. Among the confirmed speakers to date are: Michael M. Baden, M.D. Chairman, Forensic Pathology Panel, U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) James DiEugenio Author, Destiny Betrayed; co-author, The Assassinations Isaac Ferris, Jr. CEO, The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change Robert J. Joling, J.D. Attorney and co-author, An Open & Shut Case Robert Blair Kaiser Author, R.F.K. Must Die! Chasing the Mystery of the Robert Kennedy Assassination Dan E. Moldea Author, The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy Lisa Pease Chief Archivist, Real History Archives; co-editor, Probe Magazine; co-author, The Assassinations William Pepper Sirhan Sirhan attorney, former James Earl Ray attorney, and author, An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King David Talbot Author, Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years Robert K. Tanenbaum Author, attorney and Deputy Chief Counsel, HSCA For more information, or to join our mailing list, please visit us at www.forensics.duq.edu Od choices:Michael Baden and Dan Moldea. To present the other, anti- CT side? Dawn
  24. What is worse - a man who abandons his political friend, or the man who abandons his wife. When McCain got back from Vietnam he discovered that his wife at the time, Carol, a former beauty queen, had been disabled in a car accident. He abandoned her for Cindy Hensley, an heiress whose wealth is estimated at $100m in 1979. Hensley has helped to bankroll her husband's political career. And this is a distortion of what occurred in 1972. Yes McGovern did say he was behind Eagleton 1,000%. Then the entire press corps began demanding that Eagleton be dropped. It did not let up. No one in the press supported Eagleton remaining on the ticket. Then McGovern caved. And it is rather strange that every ugly rumor about Michelle Obama is all over Fox news but McSame is gettin a pass regarding Carol and their children. Dawn
  25. There was no better loved journalist than Russert. Much of TV lat night was devoted to him. I just cannot imagine the debates and electin coverage without him. He will be greatly missed. Dawn
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