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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. I'd be really interested in hearing your theory on why the CIA (presumably it was the CIA) set the trap for Nixon Stephen. Either in this thread or another. -------- Myra, I would strongly strongly strongly recomend the book Secret Agenda by Jim Hougan. I first heard of it on this forum and it sprained my hyperbole, for which I had always been proud. Ill just say its a really really really interesting book to read. Hope I can chime in on your question: 1) Detente-- ironically something that may have done in his debating partner of 1960 2) Centralizing "too much" power within the Whitehouse in the opinion of the CIA and Joint Chiefs-- again similar things were said about JFK and McNamara 3) Rumors that spread in the permanent buraucracy during secret backchannel negotiations-- another possible similarity. 4) wage and price controlls-- anathama to rightist economics 5) PERCEIVED continuation of Keynsian social spending. 6) differences over Vietnam poilicy 7) Kissinger, Henry. Catcher, batting 7th. 8) The War of the FBI succession. I heard that phrase used somewhere. What I think it means is that some saw Nixon as impinging on FBI turf in a similar way as he was impinging of CIA turf. Here the death of Hoover was significant. Thanks for the book recommendation Nathaniel; I'll look for it. Not sure I understand some of the items on your list. For example #7. Are you saying the CIA wanted to get rid of Kissinger? And, can you elaborate on #8. Are you saying Hoover was one of the conspirators against Nixon or a victim like Nixon? Another book rec. on point here is "Who Killed John Lennon?" by Fenton Bresler. But Lennie is not interested in learning the truth. Nate jolly good job here, but of course you know it's wasted on him. Thanks also Peter for the Mae Brussel reminds. She was one amazing woman. John Judge told me 10 years ago in Dallas about the cancer/ CIA house and fire. I asked him what got her wacked, what was she working on? "Satanisn in the military" was his reply. (This has also also been a huge interest of mine as it- Satanism- is hand and hand with other black ops. I have been thinking a lot recently about all the serial killers we have had, and the advent of MKULTRA. When I heard James E. Ray's brother talk on coastto coast about Jame's being messed with in the military, it got me thinking about this again. (This coincided with Manson stories, new bodies) and being reminded of the brainwashed Manson girls. The killers. ) So I googled Manson and MKULTRA. INteresting and lots of hits. Of course John Lennon was murdered by a conspiracy. It took me a long time to face that, (though I thought it possible from the start ). And I read the entire Playboy interview, before falling asleep, Dec. 8th, 1980, only to get the call: "He's dead." I was inconsolable. So all Len's strawman arguments are just that. But on this long Friday I appreciate all the great responses from the other posters, who post to the peron who least wants what Lennon asked for: "some truth", (and peace, and love). John Simkin called people who put these connections together and see the truth "critical thinkers". Craig and Len are here to hijack every thread, no matter how much evidence is presented to these types you will be met with refusal to see. Gratz did it endlessly with his Castro did it foolishness. Dawn
  2. [quote name='Christopher Hall' date='Apr 11 2008, 07:14 PM' post='142663'] This is a great post, Bill. I encourage everyone to read the linked articles. This prosecution is even more eggregious than I was aware. It appears to me that Mary Beth Buchanan may be trying to use her position to launch herself into political office. Am I the only one who is tired of prosecutors cum politicians (e.g. Rudy and Spitzer come to mind). What she apparently did to former Pittsburgh Mayor Mike Murphy, a Democrat, is almost as bad. She unsuccessfully pursued him and eventually had to drop her investigation because she had insufficient evidence to prosecute him. Nonetheless, he had to live under the burden of having a Federal prosecutor, with unlimited resources and investigatory powers, seeking to send him to prison. This is the same kind of nonsense that Spitzer did, leaving unduly tarnished reputations and careers in the wake of his unbridled political ambition. Name someone as a target, try to coerce benign associates into becoming "witnesses" against their friends ("you know, Martha Stewart went to prison for lying, don't you"), and then use the full power of your office to try to imprison them. She obviously wants to financially ruin the 77 year old doctor/lawyer, while she parlays her prosecutorial/persecutorial experience into a high-paying big firm legal career after the 2008 Presidential election. This is our tax dollars at work. Even as a non-trial lawyer, if I went 0 for 41 and got an apparently substantially divided jury, I would accept defeat. If she truly wants to "end the culture of corruption", which is a phrase she "borrowed" from Nancy Pelosi, she can do so by dropping this malicious prosecution. Like I said, I would like to hear HRC, Obama, McCain, and Dershowitz (even Arlen, for that matter) weigh in on this. And a major kudos to the jury for doing its job. Great posts Bill, Peter and Chris. This story is not getting any national attention either, the media is ignoring it because of who Cyril is to us. So in addition to the above names to contact I'd add MSNBC's Dan Abrams and Keith Olbermann (sp?). The media needs to publicize this major injustice. Dawn
  3. Dammit, I missed all the fun. On whether Barack will be assassinated, I agree with an earlier opinion from Scott---almost zero chance, at least before his inauguration. It would just be too much, especially with the 40th anniversary remembrance of MLK just gone and RFK soon to come. He's playing a smart game, our bold Barack, causing as little offence as humanly possible before he becomes #44. Very impressive. What happens in the months after his inauguration will be fascinating. I hope he develops a rational and independent approach to the job--like JFK. In fact, he will effectively become #36, imo. LBJ thru GWB were merely corrupt servants of wealthy interests, not real Presidents, although Jimmy Carter tried to do the right thing, imo. Barack will be a breath of fresh air on foreign policy and will be the first Prez in quite a while to show an understanding of foreign culture. I hope he can transform America from global renegade to responsible global citizen. He'll be risking his life. I totally agree with this assessment Mark. Sad to see the usual name calling bs in the rest of this thread. I concur with Mike and Myra. (Not that it matters). Dawn
  4. --------------- Me to. Now is not the time to lose members who are so good a pointing out the relevance of the Kennedy years to today's precarious politics, when democracy might well dying. I know that I can speak for Charlie, and myself, and am pretty postivive for Myra as well, that we do NOT intent to cease work on this case, and related issues. Ever!! And "democracy"...well it's kinda like "freedom" in the Janis sense: "freedom's just another word". Things are very bad for those of us who long for justice. Getting worse by the day. Dawn
  5. This is not answered simply. Hillary gave an interview to Newsweek many years ago stating that she was a Goldwater Republican until she read Carl Oglesby's book Containment and Change. Then she became a Democrat and anti view nam supporter. Later she trveled to Boston and met with Carl to discuss with him her transition. However, none of this precludes that both Clinton's were not recruited by the CIA. There has long been rumors that Bill's Rhodes travels were really under CIA guise. I have heard for years that the Clinton's are a CIA couple. And everyone knows that SDS and the peace movement were completely infiltrated by spies. So Hillary's words to Newsweek and to Carl could well be true, they did both run TX for McGovern. BUT one does not rise to the level of power to which they rose without some HEAVY (=bad) backers. As for Obama, I agree with what Jack White posted. (I did vote for him as the lesser of the evils). But these are very scary times for the US and the world. Until the truth about OP Mockingbird, and JFK (etc) assassination(s) is OUT front and center we are governed by the same powers regardless of the candidate. I believe 100% that the Clinton's know who killed JFK (too many reasons, the above, and that they had AIB co -author (Government By Gunplay) Sid Blumental in such a high level position in the WH- his nickname was "GK" (Grassy Knoll) but they did nothing. Keep in mind HSCA recommendation that the Justice Dept follow up. Yes Bill appointed members of AARB, but in terms of the justice we NEED Bill Clinton wase "no Jack Kennedy". Why? Fear of murder or part of coverup. Dawn
  6. That's what he did: http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburgh...s/s_561264.html Well, it's good to a point....and I certainly hope the Prosecution change their mind about a retrial. Otherwise poor Cyril has to go through the whole endurance test again.....and the tax payers will be paying nearly half a million dollars for nothing. It will be interesting to hear what the jurors have to say, if they are allowed to say.... A retrial will cost twice as much as what Wecht is accused of missusing by having county employees run errands and do private work on county time. Certainly what the jurors say could influence whether the prosecution decides to go another round. In addition, as previous trials have shown, retrails of cases with hung juries (ie Medgar Evers/Beckwith 2 hung juries before conviction), usually end the same unless new evidence and witnesses are presented. It's highly unlikely the prosecutors didn't fire all their ammo on the first round. BK I know we have a couple of attorneys on the forum, Dawn an Tim etc, can one of them tell me if juror's from a mistrial are allowed to say how they voted? Thanks, Denis. Yes they are allowed to say. This judge has put a gag order on them, but they are free to talk. According to an email I received yesterday from longtime JFK assassination researcher Jerry Policoff, some jurors are talking, some are doing so asking that their name be kept private. I have NEVER seen a trial where both sides have not asked the jurors which way they "hung". For the DA this is a cost/benefit analysis. Meaning if only one or two were holding out for guilt the DA would not go to the incredeible expense (taxpayers) of a re-trial. If, on the other hand it was just a few holding out for aquittal (justice here) the DA would likely re-try. This is clearly a malicious prosecution (in my opinion) to convict or financially ruin one of the few good guys. ( I am surprised Gratz did not answer this question. ) As some forum members know I too have left the forum, many reasons, right now lack of time, work is on over kill, but also I have seen it taken over by too many .....well... Charlie said it well. And I see that thread has been brought back up. I agree with Don J. Great post. So I check in when I can, and consider this trial a most important issue. Dawn ps The infighting was something I begged to stop from the start and when Lamson basically called me a pig and that was allowed to stand, I checked out. (It was on the Controversial Issues section). There are rules here and when this violation occurred and no one did anything about it I decided the loons had taken over this place. I will miss many people here, but I have their priovate email address and can keep in touch. For me it was the same issue Tosh had. And when I posted my views on this- the LN's and other loons taking over the forum- on a Tosh thread the thread disappeared, reinforcing my opinion that I needed to leave. So unlike the others I will drop in once in awhile and post, but this place has changed a lot since I first joined. And not for the better, sadly.
  7. John: Thanks so much for posting this. Amazing how much truth can be packed into less than 7 minutes. Just one more thing I need to send to everyone on my contact list. (Too ill to do it today, but will soon's this crud passes). Again thanks for all you do. Dawn
  8. Well, I imagine the whole idea in these things is that if you can't get the target convicted for something, you can at least financially ruin him. Yup, that's the idea. Let's HOPE the jury remains deadlocked and the judge is forced to declare a mistrial. Then hope that on balance there were only a couple of holdouts for conviction. And I hope that they will talk with the media, once released. Erick- (my husband, law partner and forum member )- had an interesting experience yesterday related to this. At a CLE (Continuing Legal Ed. ) class, the subject was witness prep and jury selection. The presenter told of one prospective juror who was a counsellor and said, one of her areas of concentration is with people who had been victims of brain washing by the government. He said he got rid of her figuring she was a loonie. So my husband went up to him and asked him if he knew about the CIA and MKULTRA. "No" was the resposnse. So Erick, who is actually shy in social settings- (but NOT in his law practice)- went up to several more attorneys and asked the same question. All had the same response "No." He told them all to google it, even wrote it down. They won't. I have been doing this for years to no avail. As someone pointed out I believe in this thread, the more educated a person is, the less they know or WANT TO KNOW on this stuff. I noticed this many decades ago. Dawn
  9. I have sent to most people in my email contacts. 40 years today! "Early morning April fourth, shots ring out in the Memphis sky Free at last they took your life But they could not take your pride In the Name of Love, what more in the name of love?" Pride In The Name of Love - U-2 Dawn
  10. I have never been called for jury service. Nor have any of my political friends. However, those who were not left-wing activists have been called. I am sure we are all on a database somewhere. I think you are absolutely correct John. Ejoyed reading the juror's experiences. I too have never served and would love to. My prayers are with Dr Wecht. Deadlocked can mean anything. Maybe it's just one person holding out for conviction. We won't know until this is over. The sad thing is IF the judge allows the jurors to say how they were deadlocked , eg half to convict, excellent chance DA will re-try. So this is potentially horrible for Dr Wecht. Dawn
  11. You are right Dawn, you don't need a cup. Based on your posts it appears you drink directly from the trough. Bye Waccos. The lunitics can have this place. Dawn Meredith
  12. Ray: Why do you even try to reason with this person? I need a "cup?" I won't even type what he needs. Dawn
  13. It seems to me that the Prophet Jeremiah is often on the money in his comments. I heard him thunder that "we bombed Nagasaki, we bombed Hiroshima, and didn't give a damn" and this was broadcast repeatedly on cable television as an example of a hateful and racist remark. And that the government brings in the drugs, to the ghetto, and as as result our black prison population is huge. This is 100% true. It started with Viet Nam and Heroin (in fact I believe ALfred McCoy is even a forum memeber). Gary Webb brought this- (cocaine and the government)- to the mainstream. His passion, bravery and truth telling ended his brilliant carreer and untimately his life. My husband and law- partener Erick Bovik- (also a forum member) have been telling our black clients, well all clients who are charged with crimes based on cocaine, to simple google "CIA and cocaine" and read. Then pass it on to the brothers and sisters in the 'hood. (We have been doing this since there was a 'net). Arguaby this pastor should have been preaching the gospel. But for me it's all tied together: The truth is the truth is the truth. And I am sure there are many sermons devoted to the Bible, but the media, the hate mogers, have cherry picked some sound bites. I too thought it was a great speech. BUT Rush promised yesterday that he will play these sound bites all throught the election. (I have taken to listening to him in my car between courts in different counties because he is delusional and we must know what the enemy is up to. He calls himself "the man who runs America") . Dawn
  14. The site says: first time seeing the Z film. B's question asks first time saw it on tv. I saw the film for the first time in 1972 at the Democratic Convention. It was a VERY bad bootlegged copy. Scary, nonetheless. I next saw it in 73 via my association with the Assassination Information Bureau. First tv viewing was in 75- when Geraldo showed it- back when he was still a good guy. I never get "used " to it. Have seen it thousands of times. Dawn
  15. Peter: Please tell him a lot of people are praying for him. He won't remember me- I met him at the COPA convention in '98. Told him he's long been a hero to me, took his pic. But as I said, there'd be no reason for him to remember. (It was the same night Vince Salandria gave the keynote address, the first night- Friday). I'd also had some correspondance with son Ben over the years. But none with Dr. Wecht himself. I just checked to see if Court tv was by chance covering it, but they are not. As I recall the judge (who makes all tv camera calls, said no. A lot of other unusual secret things too. Dawn
  16. I haven't seen 'The Take', but I know we've robbed every country blind we've put our tenticles around. How about the movie 'The Sting' with Paul Neuman.....that reminds me of what is happening. Its only the Enron-ization of America and the Planet. This time [as in last depressions] it is the ultra-ultra-rich taking in their chips from everyone below them. It is predicted that there will be up to 30,000,000 new homeless in America, after loosing their homes to these leeches. What with oil at $111 and going up toward $200; Food prices going up at the highest rates ever; unemployment to hit 1929 Depression levels; and more [no, make that less.. ] I can only hope some wake-up from their stupor. This is all planned - along with all the Wars; the destruction of the Environment; the false values; he lies; the control system; the spying on you; the assassinations; government o erthrows (including your own) and all the junk you've been taught to think is important - which is not. Wake-up call coming just now. The question is if on this last chance the People will awake or buy the new lies that will be spun to point the blame on some outside other. The evil is within and IS the system and those who rule it. First, the People must awake to the deceptions. Second they must get angry at the real villians in this play [ruling elites]. Then they must act and change the form of government from this sick, unsustainable top-down model to a sane and sustainable, fair one that is bottom-up....or we all perish, worldwide - but the rot is starting in America. Here is a good place to start for the economic problems: http://www.kpfa.org/archives/index.php?arch=25261 For answers, try the book The New Turning [or so many others like that] or the film The End of Empire - What a Way To Go Peter: I was just about to post the "Guns and Butter" link, but see you already have. Another must view. Dawn
  17. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1205452770...in_commentariesPerhaps John simkin will ask Minister Wright to join the forum. He would fit right in. Ronald Kessler is a Mockingbird hatchet man. This is a foretaste of what the Republicans (and even some pro-Isarael Democrats) have in store for our bold Barak. There are two big problems here for Obama: The good pastor, in his sermom, repeatedly said "God Damn America". McCain's people will play that sound bite non stop. Also Obama knew for over a year that this pastor was a problem but kept him on his "religious advisory" team. (Since when do we need on of those???). Now Obama's judement is being called into question. He's also been caught in some inconsistent statements. Another problem. He needed to have dealt with this stuff in a timely manner and shown leadership, as well as good judgement. Now the comments the pastor made after 9-11 are things I happen to agree with But, that said, I am hardly the "average voter". Most people are horrified by this stuff. It's all over the cable news here. Dawn
  18. I wonder if Walt Rostow knew the Spanish professor who owned the Rambler station wagon? I am betting on yes. It's a small town. And in this "sense" very small. Deadly. I would not ever go to the LBJ liab when Rostow was "running" it. Anything you looked at was written down along with your name. Little mimi CIA/NSA there. So I just kept away. Dawn Thanks Dawn, Sounds like a good bet, but need proof before the payoff. They're not only in the same small town - Austin, they're at the same University, UT right? And I would think that Wing and Rostow would come together at the Latin American Studies Institute. http://www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/llilas/ So Professor Wing, whose station wagon could be the Dealey Plaza getway Rambler, taught and promoted the writings of Paz, whose wife had a party attened by the accused assassin LHO and Syliva Duran, purported mistress of Cuban Ambassador to UN and point man in the backchannel negotiations between JFK and Castro. Now if a more concrete connection between Wing and Rostow, that would be three degrees of separation. BK Bill: I sent this thread to Richard for his imput, which is below: Hi Dawn, In my Rambler paper, under the heading UT, CIA, and JFK, I wrote: "It is also worth noting that the golden age of collecting for UT's Latin American collection was during the reign of Harry Ransom. According to UT librarian and former Spanish student John Wheat, the Latin American collection was Ransom's favorite. Nettie Lee Benson, the collection's long-time head librarian, received major funding from and had direct access to Ransom at any time. And ILAS, as we have seen, very likely had financial support from C.B. Smith." I later discovered in Wing's personnel file, that Wing was on the board of the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS). Ransom recruited both Walt Rostow and Jack Dulles to UT. Jack Dulles was an expert on Brazil. His daughters were students of Wing. Jack's father was John Foster Dulles, and his uncle was Allen Dulles. So it is not hard to imagine that Rostow knew Wing. Richard -- Richard Bartholomew http://www.bartholoviews.net Again, not proof, but further evidence that they must have known each other. Too many connections here. Dawn
  19. [quote name='David Guyatt' date='Mar 17 2008, 04:16 PM' post='140968'] The thing is Maggie, is that the bulk of those son t be unemployed will be ordinary mortals. It s the extra wealthy greeds who need the opprobrium -- but they're safe as houses already. It's always the same losers... So so true. This is SCARY. The media is "covering" it but downplaying just HOW serious this is. Dawn
  20. Who said he was entrapped? HE PUT HIMSELF IN THIS POSITION. Did you bother to read the article? CAN you read? Several of my favorite members left because of you, curious that you are now back. End of conversation. And as far as your PM to me goes, you misread that post as well. I never once said I thought the Morely lawsuit was a slam dunk.. I said the judges seemed to know it was an important issue. Again CAN you read? Bye TG. I have a real job to go to and no time for your pretend- to- misunderstand crap. Dawn Meredith A licenced attorney, overly busy at the moment and no time for fools.
  21. Welcome, welcome! I see you joined in '05 and very impressive bio sir! I look forward to many more posts from you. RE Baden, the fabricator, during the HSCA hearings, while trying to convince the listeners that CE 399 did the deed told them their lying eyes had to see just "how flattened (it) was". I have never trusted a word the man has said since. And am amazed he and Wecht remain friends. Dawn
  22. I wonder if Walt Rostow knew the Spanish professor who owned the Rambler station wagon? I am betting on yes. It's a small town. And in this "sense" very small. Deadly. I would not ever go to the LBJ liab when Rostow was "running" it. Anything you looked at was written down along with your name. Little mimi CIA/NSA there. So I just kept away. Dawn
  23. Absolutely. Read the Plast article posted by Nathaniel on the Political Conspiracies section of this forum: Spitzer HIt + 200Billion Dollar Bank Bailout. Read it and weap. (And ask why would this man put himself in this situation? Another Gary Hart!) Dawn
  24. Thank you Nate. I just copied and pasted this to a lot opf people. Tomorrow the rest of my contacts will get it. PLEASE everyone send this everywhere. Dawn
  25. I'd love to see Jesse run for president but he'd be killed very fast. He's known the truth about all this a very long time now. Of course his class was monitered. Just like his tv show was cancelled soon's he told the story of being warned not to come down to Dallas talking conspiracy. (10/25/03 was the show). I loved his response, said to the camera "I'm not afraid of them". And I believe him. This guy's the real deal. Dawn
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