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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Thanks for that info Myra, David seems very busy. I'm looking forward to hearing his interview with Terry Gross, NPR Fresh Air. And there's Chapter One for those who haven't got to the book yet. BK Thanks BK. Keep em copming this book needs a LOT of press. FInished it last night and loved it, with one exception the Garrison/Sheridan stuff. That literally made me sick. So Joan's only half right- Bobby sent Walter Sheridan to investigate. Not sagotage. Then Garrison and Sheridan did not hit it off so Sheridan convinced Bobbby he was phony. Why the hell didn't Bobby go to NO and meet Garrison himself? THat really irritated me about him. That he let others do his trusting ( or lack thereof) for him. But loved the book. JOhn: When is David Talbot going to come here and discuss it with us? Dawn.
  2. [quote name='Charles Black' date='May 14 2007, 06:17 PM' post='102441'] I am terribly saddened that only at important times such as this do I become at a complete loss for words. Tim, the prayers and well wishes of my entire family will include you. Hope can be a marvelous thing, and when combined with sincere prayer "it can create the possible"! Charles Black I completely agree about the power of prayer. In fact I could write a book on it. But we also must explore all alternatives. Tosh called me Sunday to get Tim's number, as he'd misplaced it and then, after they talked, we talked a second time, and Tosh had an interesting theory/idea. If correct this is treatable. Like a miracle. I will keep Tim's friends here updated Dawn
  3. [ quote name='John Gillespie' date='May 14 2007, 07:47 PM' post='102450'] ALERT - St. John Hunt is on RIGHT NOW with Alex Jones regarding his father's role in JFK and Watergate: http://www.infowars.com/listen.html Says he hated Kennedys and would say often, at home, "Let's finish the job and get rid of Ted." Regards, JG Erick downloaded the E Howard 4 minute speech from the net. Interesting. I love hometown guy, Alex. I see him on access tv, but probably shoud get hooked up at the computer too. Streaming" John what does it cost ? Thanks Dawn
  4. If by some miracle Stanford: 1. takes his case, 2. agrees to not just one lung but two and a heart (his is 80% blocked) I will up date this. Of course.....people die waiting for this sort of thing. And Tim seems resigned to this. He really wanted to update Carl's Yankee/Cowboy but .... We have to treasure every day of life, because it can be gone in an instant. Dawn
  5. In my copy there are no indications on the text as to what is footnoted. There are notes in the back but but without numbers on the actual text it's impossible to see what the cites are referring to. Dawn
  6. My copy finally arrived and thus far I am loving it. It's a different kind of CT book, it gives you an inside view of the the day to day problems JFK and RFK faced with the war mongers. It was uphill from the start and JFK stuck to his morality (and Sanity!) against these JCS, and others who wanted war, invasions, toppling governments. They hated him and he did not trust them. I think he even knew it was only a matter of time til he was killed by powers he could not stop. This book is definately must reading. Dawn
  7. I have debated about putting this on the forum, but things are so dire that I feel the need to post this information. I'm bad at the medical terminology, but bottom line is he needs a double lung and heart transplant NOW. Not a smoker, so no one knows how this happened. But he is quickly on the decline. Terry and I talk with him on the weekends,(via my three-way) and I check in sometimes during the week. It's just heartbreaking; he's 50. Sadly, Dawn
  8. John, I discuss the mystery photos in greater detail at patspeer.com than I did in the presentation. I also answer a few of the arguments encountered after the presentation first went online. I don't remember what flaws you encountered. Most who disagreed with my analysis pretty much said it looked like a forehead to them, and not the back of a head. If you watch my video series you'll see that there is a trail of strange circumstances surrounding these photos, which only add to my conclusion that the photos are of the back of the head. So Pat, are you saying the head shot was from the back and not the front? (Actually there were two head shots, one from the rear pushing JFK forward then THE head shot, pushing him violently backward.) That shot appears to hit him at the side of the forehead, blowing away a good portion of the right side of his head. Dawn ps If you say it's from the rear, you have a most unlikely ally here on the forum. (No hints,you've got to guess)
  9. Thanks Myra. I was about to comment on the great Garrison posts on the Talbot thread til I saw BK's comments. (Hey BK did you ever know the other BK in all this - Bob Katz from the Assassination Information Bureau?). I disagree with some of what Pat said. But then I am very biased in favor of Garrison. He is my alltime hero. I agree that Sheridan was NOT being loyal to Bobby- but to their enemy- the CIA. Sure he faked it for Bobby and Mellen may be correct that Bobby sent Sheridan to check Garrison out, BUT I will never believe Bobby sent him to sabotage Garrison. "Naive"? He was THE DA, he'd never had his extraditions blocked before, and I don't think he was at all naive. But brave. He went to his deathbed still obsessed with justice for this murder. He was a true patriot, in the real sense of the word. Not like these Bush neocons we have destrying the counrty now. Their brand of "patriotism" is downright evil. I do agree that he should have given Ferrie protection, but ya know, these bastards would have found a way. When they decide it's your time, they had ways even then that are still unimaginable today to people who don't understand this stuff. And keep in mind Shaw lied his ass off, the judge disallowed crucial evidence BUT the jury did believe there was a conspiracy. Garrison just could not prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt against the well- known and well- heeled (scum!) Clay Bertrand/Shaw. Dawn
  10. Interesting, if memory serves me Foreman was also one of Jack Ruby's lawyers. The guy got around. And stuck it to these clients. Dawn
  11. Gil that's wondeful. And of course these will cause many to start reading books...and, hopefully, researching to write new books. When you say "source of ...headshot" do you mean "who"? or "where"? Dawn
  12. Gil that's wondeful. And of course these will cause many to start reading books...and, hopefully, researching to write new books. When you say "source of ...headshot" do you mean "who"? or "where"? Dawn
  13. Gil These are great little videos. I am wondering though if they are receiving a wider audience than here at the forum? This stuff needs to be all over the net so that this generation knows the truth. Dawn
  14. Yeah that sorta leaped out, when he said "guy." But if a giant celeb is willing to stand up and state the basic truth, even if it's not perfect, I'll take it. The media is more likely to publish something a celeb says. Bruce is right, what he says doesn't mean jack ****. The 911 'Truthers' think Charlie Sheen is the bees knees because he advocates their position, big wow. It isn't celebrities that we need on our side, but rather intellectuals and historians. John While I agree in part, I also think that celebrities can have a powerful affect. For a few months now I have been thinking of writing to Oprah and asking her to do a show on MLK. Have as guests MLK's sons (who believe in conspiracy) and Judge Joe Brown, who KNOWS there was a conspiracy. Add to the mix James Earl Ray's atty, Dr. Pepper. I think this could make a great show, but I wonder if Oprah has the guts to do it. Dawn Well instead of just THINKING about doing this I just did it. I am sure she gets tons of email with show ideas...but it does not hurt to try, so I did. I choose MLK because she has said many times how she admired him. Surely she does not believe the media cover story. But you just never know, so I also suggested a book. Phil Melanson's "The Martin Luther King Assassination". (It's a real page turner too!). Dawn
  15. Yeah that sorta leaped out, when he said "guy." But if a giant celeb is willing to stand up and state the basic truth, even if it's not perfect, I'll take it. The media is more likely to publish something a celeb says. Bruce is right, what he says doesn't mean jack ****. The 911 'Truthers' think Charlie Sheen is the bees knees because he advocates their position, big wow. It isn't celebrities that we need on our side, but rather intellectuals and historians. John While I agree in part, I also think that celebrities can have a powerful affect. For a few months now I have been thinking of writing to Oprah and asking her to do a show on MLK. Have as guests MLK's sons (who believe in conspiracy) and Judge Joe Brown, who KNOWS there was a conspiracy. Add to the mix James Earl Ray's atty, Dr. Pepper. I think this could make a great show, but I wonder if Oprah has the guts to do it. Dawn
  16. Myra: I totally agree. I have the book on order but it now won't arrive til next week. Seems to me Bobby and Garrison were both on the same trail. Of course I also think the LBJ stuff is true, that he was in on it. Dawn
  17. I just ordered it from amazon, it will be here Monday! Yea! I had read- on amazon, about a month ago, that it would not be released until 5/8... I am curious as to what stores will carry it. I was at Book People last Sunday to see John Kerry and they did not have it. Reminds me of when Barr McClellan's book came out. Stores had no more than 2-3 copies. Jay Harrison and I spent days calling stores all over the country, same story: Just 2-3 books or none at all. Bookstores aren't big on who killed JFK books. I got my friend (Barr's ) book directly from him and gave many personalized- by Barr- copies to people as Christmas presents in 03. Glad I don't have court on Monday! I'll be reading. Dawn
  18. Charles, have you obtained an advance copy of the book? I am going to amazon right now. Dawn
  19. Thanks for the heads up. Normally coast to coast repeats the previous night's show (here in Austin) from 10 til midnight then a new show begins at 12. I will check the website. Broke my heart about Valenti. Dawn
  20. David Talbot has agreed to be interviewed by this forum when the book is published. Unless he has changed his mind since the last time I talked to him, he will not be arguing that JFK and RFK were murdered by either the Mafia or rogue elements in the CIA. That's great John. I am going to order his book today. I have been waiting for its release for sometime now. Dawn
  21. Gee, someone should tell W that there's a terrorist on the loose. But since he's former CIA, that makes him ours. So W doesn't care. It's so embarrassing to live in a country with possibly the worst president ever. But I don't see anyone standing up to him either. Harry Reed needs a lot of support, to get us out of a county that W and his evil cronies lied to get us into. Now we have McCain singing "Bomb Iran". Disgraceful. And terribly frightening. Because they WANT to have a war over there. (imho). Dawn
  22. Charlie, There was NOTHING in Stephen's post directed against you. In fact your post is attacking him. This was a shocking horrible tragedy and I don't think it could have been forseen. No conspiracy- just an angry and evil guy. NO friends, not even in high school. Anger that built up. At what we don't know. He probably watched a lot of violence. I will not watch his video, and find it deplorable that the media ran even parts of it. This is what he wanted: infamy. This is not news. It's not educational. It's just ratings and so hurtful for the victims' families. My husband Erick ( a member here)- has guns, but they are locked up.
  23. I had a run-in with him several months ago regarding some extremely derogatory things he printed about Lisa Pease. Of course he denied this, as well as being a forger of documents. I was also taken in by this book a few years back... Alas, as we know there are a lot of kooks pretending to be researchers in this "business". Everything I have heard since has not been good. Dawn
  24. A very perceptive comment. So far this thread has had 664 viewings. No doubt a large number of people visit the forum to get a regular laugh from some of our regular posters. My eyes actually hurt this morning from all the crying I did last night watching the coverage of the kids and teachers murdered at VA. Tech. So it's been a nice reprieve to read this thread and have some laughs. God knows we all need one. Dawn
  25. Haven't seen it, but can make observation that stress and lack of often changes male pitch. Drugs, booze can also do that. This programme has been shown on BBC several times - I have seen it twice. It has appeared on the National Geographic channel too. The BBC voice over was done by a BBC correspondent and journalist called Gavin Esler. There may be different voice overs for different target areas - UK, USA etc., etc. The programme is a total whitewash. "Oswald did it - case closed." Dale Myers and Gerald Posner feature heavily as well. It is pure unadulterated hooey. Not worth watching and certainly not worth recording. EBC It is the same show that ABC ran in 2003, then hosted by Peter Jennings. TRASH. At the time, prior to the showing, Jim DiEugenio enlisted several researchers to aid him in getting newspaper ads to alert the public to this garbage. I aslo sent Jennings an impassioned email asking that he not participate in this cover-up. But of course the trash ran. The night before the three- later censorced- MWKK shown by the History Channel. Now History channel has dropped all episodes of TMWKK and show this trash on a regular basis. "Beyond Conspiracy" indeed! Beyond revolting. Dawn
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