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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Thanks Len. I have been waiting for this film. Hope Austin sees fit to run it. Amazing that Dallas will. Great! Dawn
  2. Peter: Since about 1973 I have not "wonder(ed) about who really won WW 2". Fascism came to American in the name of National Security. (To paraphrase Garrison in his Playboy interview). Dawn
  3. Thank you Dawn. I've been reading this forum for quite a while and hope to contrubute more in the future. I think I feel more "at home" here than some of the other forums. I was not aware of Nathan Darby's death until I read some of your posts. Sadly, my good friend and co-author Mark Collom passed awy also, on Nov. 9th. He lived in Burleson, Tx, and our last trip together was to Austin to visit Nathan. Glen Glen My sincere condolence to you on the passing of your friend and co-author Mark Collom. Yes, Nathan told me all about your visit and he was most pleased that you changed your mind about the print match based upon your meeting with him. Wish I'd known you were here. It was because of you that I even met Nathan. J Harrison had told me that you said there was "No Nathan Darby in the Austin phone book". So I pulled out my book and discovered that there was such an individual and that he lived a block from me. So I called him. This was in 1998. We became fast friends on the phone that day and remained so until his death. I very much miss both Nathan and J. Dawn
  4. Thank you Dawn. I've been reading this forum for quite a while and hope to contrubute more in the future. I think I feel more "at home" here than some of the other forums. I was not aware of Nathan Darby's death until I read some of your posts. Sadly, my good friend and co-author Mark Collom passed awy also, on Nov. 9th. He lived in Burleson, Tx, and our last trip together was to Austin to visit Nathan. Glen Glen My sincere condolence to you on the passing of your friend and co-author Mark Collom. Yes, Nathan told me all about your visit and he was most pleased that you changed your mind about the print match based upon your meeting with him. Wish I'd known you were here. It was because of you that I even met Nathan. J Harrison had told me that you said there was "No Nathan Darby in the Austin phone book". So I pulled out my book and discovered that there was such an individual and that he lived a block from me. So I called him. This was in 1998. We became fast friends on the phone that day and remained so until his death. I very much miss both Nathan and J. Dawn
  5. I am having the same problem. With all respect to Ashton, and his helpful hints, I still perfer to utilize the RCD method of replying in color, but with this new system it's not working. Dawn
  6. [quote][[color="#48D1CC"]quote name='Michael Hogan' date='Dec 8 2006, 09:43 AM' post='84288'] [quote name='David G. Healy' post='84287' date='Dec 8 2006, 01:41 AM']Is Max Holland-author, a member of this forum?[/quote] [url=http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?&name_box=begins&sort_key=members_display_name&sort_order=asc&filter=ALL&act=members&max_results=20&aim=&yahoo=&icq=&msn=&posts=&joined=&lastpost=&lastvisit=&signature=&homepage=&name=m&photoonly[/color]=&st=60]http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...only=&st=60[/url] [/quote][/quote] I did not see his name in the list when I opened the link Michael provided. But why one earth wuld we want yet one more CIA disinformation agent posting? Dawn
  7. [[i]quote name='Michael G. Smith' date='Dec 8 2006, 02:24 AM' post='84273'] Thanks guys! Great stuff! I always knew there was the JFK connection with Flynt, but i never knew it went sooo deep. I will be reading up on this for quite a while! thanks-smitty [/i] Yes thank you for this Flynt stuff Peter. I did not know about this second magazine. I knew about his reward and that he took a bullet for it, but not that he devoted a second magazine to research on these matters. Dawn
  8. The fact that Barr McClellan's son Scott was W's pressman has zero to do with Barr's book. Barr had been working on that book many years before Scott became so connected. Scott and his brothers grew up with their very political mother here in Austin. Sometimes there ARE coincidences in this case and this is one of them. LBJ utilized Mac Wallace to kill many times. Kinsner is the first we are aware of because it was so in the open. I, like our moderator, hope that Glenn Sample will discuss his work here. I have bought The Men On The Sixth Floor for many people. Portions of this work are also available on the net. Dawn
  9. Thank you Charlie Black. I think there are many here who agree with yor post. People like Richard who "claim" to have studied this case yet find no evidence of conspiracy strike me as intellectually dishonest. Dawn
  10. [quote name='Jack White' date='Dec 6 2006, 11:32 PM' post='84069'] No, just want you to be logical and fair, and dismissing someone's words because they wrote a book is neither. But... ah prairie-xxxx I can't stay annoyed with you. You're articulate and entertaining and make boffo graphics and fake French like nobody. Come here mon chéri; group hug. Ditto, re the group hug I mean. All this sniping is wearing me down. I'm the resident, unabashed "let's all try to get along and slolve this damn thing" optimist. Dawn Ashton has his own "groupies"...darn, all I attract are provocateurs. Jack Jack, but we all REALLy love you! (And Ashton has more than his share of provocateurs). Dawn
  11. No, just want you to be logical and fair, and dismissing someone's words because they wrote a book is neither. But... ah prairie-xxxx I can't stay annoyed with you. You're articulate and entertaining and make boffo graphics and fake French like nobody. Come here mon chéri; group hug. Ditto, re the group hug I mean. All this sniping is wearing me down. I'm the resident, unabashed "let's all try to get along and slolve this damn thing" optimist. Dawn
  12. I am sorry you are in a chair. That makes life much more difficult. Please read all the evidence that the Vietnam war was being ended by JFK and restarted by the man who sent you there. Dawn
  13. [quote name='Cliff Varnell' date='Dec 6 2006, 05:52 AM' post='83949'] Same old non sequitar... The Single Bullet Theory requires JFK's clothing to have hiked up 3 inches. The SBT also requires that this bullet hang in mid air more than a second before going on to cause the wounds sustained by the Governor. Absurd. Dawn
  14. So you're saying you believe the magic bullet fiction? Because if not, that means conspiracy. The only writers to truly profit from this crime are the lone nutters like Pozner. So once again, you're full of s**t. Dawn LHO himself said it was not him in the backyard photos, just his head superimposed onto someone else's body.
  15. So I guess you don't believe all the evidence that the Viet Nam War was to be ended? I could cite many other changes, but you are obviously a right wing hack sent here to disrupt this forum. I see you have begun several new threads. SInce you believe in no government conspiracy, why do you hang around here? And where's your photo? (A forum requirement). Dawn
  16. dgh: if its something new and I suspect ABC [Peter Jennings docu related] can make a buck, I'd check with the 6th Floor Museum, all Lone Nutter inspired case related info, is there! If, its available or in fact, exists for public sale. I'm still trying to figure out why Dale Myers needs a 10,000 word FAQ section on his website... All those anticipated Q&A's defending the Lightwave *animated* cartoon version of the Zapruder film? Really. Why would anyone care what this xxxx has to say? He's one of the most sophiscated disinformationists in this case in a long time. I could only watch 15 minutes of the Jennings airing of this animation in '03 and wanted to break the tv. I taped it tho in case I ever have a masochistic moment. Dawn
  17. Last messege I got from Plumlee via private email was that he was leaving the Forum and not to be paying it any attention. He also mentioned he was going to be 'out of touch' for a 'while'. He has done both before and surfaced again before. Tosh, you out there and wanting to answer? If no, I'll try my level best....but you could do a much better and more authentic job. I can vouch for Ashton as a very tough and ornery questioner, but a decent guy...and not trying to trap you into anything...only interested in getting to the [Capital T] Truth of the matters at hand. Ashton: I concur with Peter. Tosh has done this several times. He will be back. He always answers questions, so just be patient. He may be working on something sensitive. Also when he starts a thread and little interest is generated he then loses interest himself. This has occurred several times. But he always returns. Dawn
  18. John, BK I can think of no cause more worthy than COPA. I will be sending a donation today. Thanks for letting us know. John Judge has been tireless in putting togehter these conferences year after year. Next year Terry and I are definately going. Dawn
  19. I saw this trial and taped it. Actually perhaps what I am remembering were the hearings on the rifle that were presided over by Judge Joe Brown, also in 1999. This is what I viewed with great excitement as it was clear that Judge Brown was very informed on this cas. Typically though he was removed and nothing ever came of all this evidence for conspiracy. James Earl Ray died and most believe, like with LHO, that he was the lone assassin. Did reporter Wendell ever air anything of significance on the Lloyd Jowers triall? Dawn
  20. Ashton, Betzner #3 and Willis #5 are from Cliff Varnell's post #116. I think they reveal the fence to be a good spot for placing a shooter. I agree with your point about falsehoods being deliberately placed into the record as indisputable facts. I'm just not sure this is one of them. The fence seems an ideal vantage point to me. Your alternative argument that it could have been utilized as the focal point of an elaborate diversion is also worthy of consideration, IMO, but I'm not convinced that the task of escaping detection from this location was an insurmountable barrier to its selection by the conspirators. Just my opinion. p.s. your work on this is greatly appreciated. I'm confident many readers will agree. This is probably not the best time for me to be posting on this subject, but, that said, I find that I agree with Mark. Most often I find Ashton's opinions very persuasive, but having been to Dealy Plaza and having seen the Zapruder film more times than I care to recall, I find it very hard to imagine that there were not at least two frontal shots. I have never found a really complelling reason to disagree with ALL the Parkland Hospital doctors. Having stood at the picket fence in person, this area is, I believe, ideal for shots. I am perhaps biased in my opinion here and am open to being shown I am wrong. Ultimately tho I think we need to get back to something really more fundamental: Proving that the damn government lied to us. The K.I. S.S. method of this case: Force the media to admit that the entire government's case- the SBT - is treasonous fiction. Dawn
  21. [quote name='Stephen Turner' date='Dec 5 2005, 11:13 PM' post='47461'] One of the greatest anti-war songs ever written. Another Costello song I love is "Tramp down the dirt" one of the greatest anti Thatcher songs ever written, along with Ghost town, by the Specials Also "Oliver's Army" by Elvis Costello is an all time favorite of mine. Dawn
  22. Well I am convinced. Am gonna order it from Amazon. I sure Larry is happy about all the kudos he's received here. Sounds like they are well deserved. Dawn
  23. Great thread guys. Much food for thought here. Wonderful graphics, Ashton. Too bad History Channel sees fit to run Dale Meyer's piece of crap when someone like you, or Richard Bartholomew could do an accurate portrayal of what may have occurred. But then they would have to resort to the truth. They ceased any semblence of that that in '03. "All I want is some truth; just gimmee some truth" -John Lennon Dawn
  24. Anyone with a copy of Joan Mellen's book 'A Farewell To Justice' should quick read up on the short part on Larry King vis-a-vis the 'job' done on Garrison....it may clue you in to what happens and what kind of questions get asked..... Thanks for the reminder, Peter. I was about to insist to my husband that we abandon watching the movie he rented in favor of King on RFK. But I remember Joan's description well without having to look it up. Typical media whore. Incidently the title Joan choose for her book was the title Garrison initially had for his book "On The Trail Of The Assassins". The book that Stone turned into, I personally believe, the most important film made in my lifetime. Dawn
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