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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. ...that is why I suggested that there might be a way to verify this very specific point, by checking the data gain between evolving versions (which would appear to manifest very major, credible information increase, like Bond 4) and the original, factored in with the number of iterations...... ) First, I think you should post a copy of the original as well as finished. I don't know how but if you or anyone can suggest a good linux hex binary editor that might help? Also with Image Analyzer (MeeSoft, free/postcard ware) you can get graphing of values for each step.
  2. From what I've read they are practically dumping the concept of sovereignty in the bin. A tiny minority of the worlds population (those who actually vote) empower a much smaller group to decide the fate of the rest of the world. I for one am not interested in that kind of democracy.
  3. City of New Orleans - Johnny Cash
  4. Not only is the history of the USPO difficult to piece together. The history of the USPO PI D epartment is even harder. Near impossible, though I'm sure the information exists in various formats there doesn't seem to be any truly comprehensive history of it available anywhere. I've even gone to the state library and various university libraries and it's almost as if the USPO never existed. The Wiki article starts with , ~ the usps dates back to Franklin.- It doesn't, it dates to 1971. The USPO was an entirely different kettle of fish. One, IMO, can also see trails of two USPOs that date back 100 years from jfk when the confederates had their own POD with also a unique history that reverberates into the future.
  5. Not applicable, Jim. FedEx doesn't deliver to P.O. Boxes: https://www.fedex.co...=US&language=en And neither does United Parcel Service: http://www.ups.com/c...i/ship_box.html Jimbo strikes out again. One rather interesting thing, among many others, about the USPO is the perhaps understandable confusion about the US PS and it. They are two different things. buried in wiki .... The United States Post Office (USPO) was created in Philadelphia under Benjamin Franklin on Wednesday, July 26, 1775, by decree of the Second Continental Congress. Based on the Postal Clause in Article One of the United States Constitution, empowering Congress "To establish post offices and post roads", it became the Post Office Department (USPOD) in 1792. Until 1971, it was part of the Presidential cabinet and the Postmaster General was the last person in the United States presidential line of succession. The Post Office Department was enlarged during the tenure of President Andrew Jackson. As the Post Office expanded, difficulties were experienced due to a lack of employees and transportation. The Post Office's employees at that time were still subject to the so-called "spoils" system, where faithful political supporters of the executive branch were appointed to positions in the post office and other government corporations as a reward for their patronage. These appointees rarely had prior experience in postal service and mail delivery. This system of political patronage was replaced in 1883, after passage of the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act.[7] Ten years before waterways were declared post roads in 1823, the Post Office used steamboats to carry mail between post towns where no roads existed.[citation needed] Once it became clear that the postal system in the United States bla bla bla
  6. Colloquium calls for intensified efforts to free the Five Leonardo Pupo Pupo HOLGUIN, (AIN).— Delegates from more than 50 countries present at the 7th International Conference to Free the Five and Oppose Terrorism called for intensifying efforts around the world in support of these five anti-terrorists. In the final declaration approved at the event, which took place in the Cuban province of Holguín, more than 300 delegates advocated maintaining pressure on the U.S. government and expanding mobilizations in different sectors of the population. The delegates' declaration called for the generalization and expansion of positive experiences with the participation of jurists, academics and students. Also included in the document were plans to hold conferences with U.S. intellectuals who support the Five and the In the Defense of Humanity Network, and to screen documentaries about the case, and terrorist attacks on Cuba, in open spaces, parks and plazas. The delegates called for the placement of banners and billboards about the Five in public areas, as well as demonstrations in front of the White House, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Supreme Court and other places where significant numbers of people congregate. The promotion of massive petition campaigns of letters to President Barack Obama from around the world and the involvement of religious organizations within and beyond the U.S, were other activities encouraged by those attending the Colloquium. Every year since 2005, Holguín has hosted the event in solidarity with René González, Ramón Labañino, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando González, who were working in the U.S. to protect the security of the Cuban people. The Five, as they are known internationally, were arrested in the United States in 1998 and given heavy sentences for monitoring anti-Cuban terrorist organizations operating from South Florida, such as the Cuban-American National Foundation, Brothers to the Rescue and Alpha 66. After more than 13 years, four of the Five are still incarcerated, while René González has completed his prison sentence and is serving a three year probationary period of "supervised release" in the United States. PRINT THIS ARTICLE Editor-in-chief: Lázaro Barredo Medina / Editor: Oscar Sánchez Serra. Granma International: http://www.granma.cu/ E-mail | Index | Español | Français | Português | Deutsch | Italiano Only-Text | Subscription Printed Edition © Copyright. 1996-2011. All rights reserved. GRANMA INTERNATIONAL/ONLINE EDITION. Cuba. UP http://www.granma.cu/ingles/cuba-i/cuba-i.html
  7. I don't think it's necessary to see the actual gif. I think the process helps me understand some of what you're talking about. I still think that there is a finite amount of information in the base images you use but when you resize them in whatever way the algorithm that performs the resizing creates a predictable set of new data that when zoomed in on appear to show things that simply cannot be said to be there. (IMO)
  8. Steva and Don. This brings to mind the comment by Malcolm X 'the chickens have come home to roost' (afa I can remember). Basically this is the nature of Capitalism. This is how it expresses itself. In essence the issue is not the form of the conspiracy but rather the solutiion to the systemic. This fluidity tends to be in the far left and to my experience within the ranks of those who understand Trotsky. Those who did were primarily the SWP and the CPUSA, precisely : those represented in the BY photos.
  9. Yes it could be. I think that this action is empowering and will spread so that in the end it is people like the young man who will contribute to a growing 'community' that will then make the difference.
  10. Franz, since you are working off digital images: each pixel of course contain no more information than that which is coded for that pixel. Any blowup of that creates however many new interpolated (whatever algorithm you use) points of data that is not in the original image which probably isn't like the real original for the same reasons in the first place. However, there are some features of the technique you se3em to be using that are interesting to me, particularly the bit about what gets reinforced and what is washed out in the process. I don't know if you saw it but in a post I did a panorama of a gif by Chris using that sort of transparent layering so for example one can hardly see a trace of Zapruder but a clear image of Sitzman. It just means that that which moved leaves less of an impression and is 'masked' by the repetition of the static.
  11. Of course, I believe the Tan Jacket Man was the sniper from the 6th floor window of the TSBD. Why are you so quick to discard this evidence? This is a breakthrough. Let's follow it. It's too coincidental. Now they found footage of him in the Bell film (I believe). To me he doesn't look American. But he looks like a down-and-out loser like Oswald. John Armstrong's book places Lee Oswald in the 6th floor window. Apparently, that's not the case. Kathy C Kathy, I think David Joseph put it pretty well with one of his latest posts. I tend to agree with that. ( I think one could go even deeper into the matter and look at each pixels hexadecimal content ). It's just simply impossible to turn such a tiny portion, (of who knows what generation and type) of tiny images and in any way produce an image that can lead to definite statements about identity (let alone nationality, economic status or creed).
  12. Very interesting, Stephen. It takes me back to the days of the FSLN in the late 70s and through the eighties. Always with the FMNL in El Salvador in mind. And inevitably there the running demos where the protesters ran in order to be less of targets, and then ArchBishop Romero of course. I wonder if this person has looked into this as a recurring theme with a long history and not just current events?
  13. 27 November 2011 Last updated at 12:37 GMT Share this page Lady Gaga emails fan to praise anti-bullying campaign Gaga's hit single Born This Way was a call for tolerance Continue reading the main story Related Stories Gaga wants new law on bullying Gaga launches anti-bully charity Lady Gaga has surprised one of her Canadian fans by recording a personal video message in support of his campaign against school bullies. The pop star emailed 17-year-old Jacques St Pierre, praising his efforts to "spread tolerance" by asking pupils to make pledges against bullying. "It is important that we push the boundaries of love and acceptance," she said in the video. The pop star has long been an advocate for anti-bullying laws. She addressed President Obama on the issue earlier this year, highlighting the case of 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer, a US student who took his life after being taunted at school. This month, she announced the formation of a not-for-profit organisation to tackle issues of bullying and abandonment. In her video message to Jacques, she reiterated: "I'm going to be working as hard as I can to make bullying a hate crime". Speaking to Toronto's CBC News, the teenager said he had not been expecting a direct email from the pop star. "The subject line said 'To Jacques from Lady Gaga,'" he told the broadcaster. "It said 'click on the link below to download the video for your assembly'. "I watched it and I started crying. I'm a huge fan. It's kind of embarrassing because I love her so much. I couldn't believe it." 'Tolerance and equality' Jacques said he had been bullied in elementary school, when fellow pupils called him gay for wanting to take part in school plays. After moving to the Etobicoke School of the Arts in Toronto, he ran for the student council and organised a series of events to raise awareness of bullying. As part of his campaign, he emailed several celebrities to ask for their support. In her response, which , Gaga said: "I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you for being such a strong advocate of the LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] community in your school. "My father always saves all the fan letters that I receive and I read yours very recently and wanted to send this video to you. "It is important that we spread tolerance and equality for all students." According to CBC, pupils at Jacque's school were impressed by the video's message. "I'm starting to actually realise how big this problem is and I just want to make a difference now," said one male student.
  14. 26 November 2011 Last updated at 00:32 GMT Share this page Chavez repatriates Venezuela's foreign gold reserves The gold was escorted through Caracas by troops and armoured vehicles Continue reading the main story Related Stories Venezuela sets 2012 election date Chavez to nationalise gold mines Venezuela's economy in further slide Venezuela has received its first shipment of gold bars, after President Hugo Chavez ordered the repatriation of 85% of the country's bullion reserves. The gold was unloaded from a plane and taken under heavy guard to the Central Bank in the capital, Caracas. President Chavez has explained the move as an act of sovereignty that will protect Venezuela's reserves from global economic turbulence. However critics say it is expensive and unnecessary. Venezuela plans to bring home around 160 tonnes of gold, worth more than $11bn (£7bn). "The gold is returning to where it was always meant to be: the vaults of the Central Bank of Venezuela," Mr Chavez said. Hundreds of troops lined the route to Caracas as a convoy of armoured security trucks escorted by military vehicles carried the bullion to the bank. 'Historic act' Officials said the gold had come from European countries but did not say how much was in the first shipment, citing security concerns. Central Bank chief Nelson Merentes said the return of the gold to Venezuela was a "historic act". "It has historic value, it has symbolic value, and it has financial value," he said. "The country's finances will be backed by autonomous wealth, so we are not subject to pressure from anyone." Opposition groups have criticised the move as a populist measure aimed at boosting Mr Chavez's popularity ahead of next October's presidential elections, when he is seeking another term in office. Some critics have suggested that Mr Chavez is acting out of fears Venezuela's overseas assets could one day be frozen by sanctions, as happened to his friend and ally, the late Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi. Most of Venezuela's foreign gold reserves are held in London.
  15. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18430&view=findpost&p=239257
  16. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18430&view=findpost&p=239257
  17. Your both wrong for different reasons. we know beyond all doubt that he definitely ordered; Jimbo's absurd protests notwithstanding?? But so what if he could that says nothing about whether he did There are so many ways in a job, prob more back then that allow for ''doing stuff''. The longer you work there the good ways are eventually found.
  18. Possibly that very statement holds the answer. Because Kennedy held that POV then he attains a kind of freedom to act. His actions cause reactions but those reaction actions do not produce a controllable or predictable reaction. IOW a loose cannon that seems to be pointed in the 'wrong' direction. ?
  19. Walker is the most common surname in the s&b member list. I understand the Bush fortunes came from the sale of vital resources to Nazi Germany. Prescott sat on Senate committee investigating the Walker Blue Book matter. An organiser for the Walker defense fund came from Midland and went on to run an anti cancer clinic in redbird (?). The contact for the fund raising was an office in Dallas CBD practically opening up into the world Dallas of ''highrollers'', incl G DeM
  20. Ok, what do you mean ''So?'' ? also : Lee Harvey Oswald applied for a job at a parking garage at 1208 Commerce (note the 1208) a couple of weeks before the assassination. Why? - To get a job? Because he didn't believe the motorcade was ultimately going to go right under his nose at the TSBD? If so, does that then lead one to believe that someone involved in the assassination must have had the route changed for Oswald's benefit in those last two weeks? Or could it have been just laid right out for him as a gift of sorts? If so, who or what did that? It isn't an out, but another factor to consider that may change certain logic in terms of what has to have happened. - Sorry, you've lost me there. I find being lost a bother sometimes, could you help here please?
  21. It may not matter whether De Witt was the UM or not.I think that De Witt, becomes of some interest if one reads the report into militant right wing groups (5 vols and index 1965 from memory.) There is Elizabeth De Witt (KKK Ohio) and others that may be of interest describing costings and methods to assassinate. If there's no connection so what? if there is, well. As the question of DE Witts role is a question, this may lead to an answer.
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