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Mark Johansson

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Everything posted by Mark Johansson

  1. Ah, Bill, I am glad you don't have any problem with my pursuit of witnesses before we get your grand jury together. Hopefully we will be able to get Mather on the stand before he's gone too. I take it that you meant JVBDVD virus, but you better call it the CIA/Ochsner/Sherman/Ferrie virus. Why call it the JVB virus, if she was one of the least pawns? http://drmarysmonkey.com/index.php Wim
  2. Tiger in the Rain http://www.robertclaytonbuick.com/ Does anyone know this new book? The author Robert Clayton Buick spent time in jail with Roselli in 1971. He and Roselli started on the wrong foot, but then hit it off. The author claims Roselli told him in detail about the Dallas hit, that Nicoletti and Jimmy Sutton were the shooters, up to the abort mission and the bitten shell casing. What do we make of that? Another one for Tim Gratz to put his teeth in. Wim
  3. Bill, how long have you been talking about this grand jury? 5 years, 10 years? Should I have the faith you're not kidding yourself, instead believe you're going to pull it off and thus not seek any evidence myself? Or should I wait untill every witness is gone? By the way, you can hardly "pollute" a witness with anything that 's publicly available. And even if I would have, I am glad I did, when he used it to stress once again that Bishop was David Atlee Phillips. Maybe he can make you posthumely understand what the likelyhood of a grand jury will be. I made the text bold for you: From: http://cuban-exile.com/doc_001-025/doc0019b.html It was now obvious to Phillips that I wanted to bring him and Veciana together. "Well, as you know," I said, turning back to Phillips, "I'm with Senator Schweiker and I thought you might be able to help us with what we've been working on." "What about." asked Phillips. "The Kennedy assassination," I said, a bit surprised at the question. Phillips smiled. "I'll be glad to talk with any Congressman, or any representative of Congress...in Congress." Veciana suddenly appeared at our side with Sarah Lewis directly behind him. "This in Mr. Veciana," I said again. Veciana immediately asked Phillips in Spanish if he had been in Havana in 1960. Phillips answered in Spanish, yes, he was. Did he know Julio Lobo? Veciana asked. Phillips said, yes, he remembered the name. Did he know Rufo Lopez-Fresquet? Phillips said yes, then quickly asked Veciana, "What was your name again?" "Antonio Veciana." "Veciana?" Phillips repeated. "Don't you know my name?" Phillips shook his head slowly and, with apparent thoughtfulness, said, "No..." Then he turned to me and asked, in English, "Is he with Schweiker's staff?" Phillips now appeared quite nervous. "No," I said. "Mr. Veciana has been helping us with our investigation." "What investigation?" I found it strange that he didn't quite understand. "The Kennedy assassination," I said again. "That's why I thought if we could talk, I mean nothing official, just off the record if you prefer, you could be of some help. I thought...." He interrupted me with a forced smile: "I'll be glad to talk with any Congressman, or any representative of Congress...in Congress." His hands were visibly shaking. Unintentionally, with the push of the crowd behind me, I had forced him up against the wall and it suddenly struck me that we had inadvertently cornered him. "Well, there's an area I thought you might help us with..." I began, thinking I could push a little. His smile was frozen. "I told you, I'll be glad to talk with any Congressman, or any representative of Congress...in Congress," he repeated. Then, suddenly, he turned testy. "I'm sorry," he said, moving toward an opening, "you've caught me at a very inopportune moment. As you can see, this is all very hectic here and I'm quite busy, so if you'll excuse me...." He kept the smile on his face but I was surprised at how clearly and visibly shaken he appeared. "No," I said, "I said, "I didn't mean I wanted to talk with you now, but perhaps if I can give you a call...." This time the smile was gone and with a blatant sigh of exasperation he repeated again, now slowly and in mock rate. "I'll be glad to talk with any Congressman, or any representative of Congress...in Congress. Now, if you'll excuse me..." he pushed his way between us. I retreated, thanked him for having us, told him I enjoyed the lunch and the guest speaker. He smiled again nervously, said we been most welcome and quickly moved away.
  4. No, Veciana was not paid a dime. He was joking that I should give him one dollar for the release. Then Tony Jr. said he wanted a euro, cause he had never seen one. So I gave him a euro, but he pushed back my hand. Wim
  5. Mark, Kudos. Will you publish the interview somewhere that we can see it? I am amazed that Veciana is still living. (Given the attempts on his life, he is likely amazed as well). He must be quite elderly by now. Dawn Dawn, It's Wim posting under Mark's name, cause I lost my password and John Simkin does not react thusfar to my requests to get me a new one. Anyway, Veciana is still very much alive with an electic energy and James is not out of jail but remains very much incarcarcerated. I will publish the interview when I feel like it, but I will give you some gems here: It was in Spanish , and I do not have the tape yet, let alone the transcription. But I will give you the gist of how he answered some questions, as best as I recall. One question I asked is: So if Bishop was Phillips, the confirmation for that would not come from you? He said: No because the CIA knows, and the confirmation should come from them. Also he was very interested in the cancer project that Lee Oswald, Ferrie and Judyth Baker worked on. I don't know why, maybe because his wife died from cancer. So I gave him the DVD of my interview with Judyth, which apparently he watched the same night. Because the next day in the interview he quotes the DVD. He said that Lee told his girl friend (su amante) never to forget the name David Atlee Phillips, in case he would not survive. So in effect Veciana uses other people's testimony to stress that Bishop = Phillips = Oswald's CIA controller. I started the whole issue with the question: Tony, is there any chance that in your lifetime you will change your statement that David Atlee Phillips was not Maurice Bishop? He said no, because he "made a promise". Then he said something that Tony Jr translated as maybe he would write something up for after his death. Likewise, he also quoted a statement of Fonzi, that when David Atllee Phillips died that Maurice Bishop died too. So I asked him if he found that a good statement, and he said yes. He added that everyone around Phillips recognized the sketch as being him, including his family, his brother and niece. And he described how extremely nervous Phillips was when Veciana and he met at the luncheon. Anyway, body and and facial language is also important. I had a little debate with my producer who handled the camera, about whether this was a confirmation. In Veciana's presence he said "Yes, he confirmed it, he just did." And Veciana just watched and didn't make a comment and smiled. I think his loosening up also has to do with age, and that he liked me. Wim
  6. Two weeks ago I was honored to conduct an interview with Antonio Veciana. Although he still denies it for the record, there is no doubt left that David Atlee Phillips was his CIA controller. Veciana had a nice way of confirming it without confirming it. You will know what I mean once you see the interview. Wim
  7. Why does a self declared Marxist, who hates America, capitalism, and John F. Kennedy, enlist in the US Marines? And why is he allowed to take a crash course in Russian at the Military Monterey Language School? And why is he allowed to spend time at a top secret U2 base in Japan? And why is he allowed to defect to the Sovjet Union and come back without any problems? Wim
  8. Greg / Bill, Please contact Wim at dank@xs4all.nl Wim
  9. This is Wim Dankbaar, posting under Mark Johannson, because I lost my password, and cannot login. John Simkin, could you please render some assistance and reply to my email on this matter? How exactly did the story that Ralph Meyers stayed in the Cabana emerge? Reportedly Penn Jones brought this story. But does anyone know what his evidence or indications were? Wim
  10. Tim, Bayo seems to be somewhat of a ghost, as it was reported he died during Operations Tilt, or after, as a matter of fact. However, people mentioned they saw him in Florida after the operation. His fate is today, I believe, a mystery. Mark
  11. In additional, The DVD itself, the murder of JFK: A Revisionist History, is great documentary for those who have just started to investigate the assassination, and want to learn how it all started. I strongly recommend it. http://www.amazon.com/Murder-JFK-Revisioni...5075&sr=8-2 Johansson
  12. Thanks, Gil, I hadn't seen that one before. Do you have the name of the original program and the year of the program? I'd like to add Baker's comments to my witness database. Pat, I think the Marrion Baker interview is from ’The men who killed Kennedy’ back in 1988, if my memory serves me right. Mark
  13. John, Everything you’re saying is correct, don’t get me wrong. It’s just feels too complex that the CIA would terminate a leader in a small country like Sweden, since we don’t make any noise. Who knows, maybe he was a bigger threat than I expected. I would categorize Palme’s murder with Anna Lind’s, killed by a psychopath who had no clue what they were doing. But, who am I to say who did it, I’m just speculating. As to a cowardly country, we let the Nazis through Sweden to Finland, while the king saluted them. Thus, prevent us from getting mixed up in the war, although disgrace us. I wouldn’t have let them into our country in the first place. Hey, that’s just me. Johansson
  14. My speculations aren’t based on anything, but I think that the Palme murder is not as advanced as we try to make it. Most of the Swedes know that Palme leaned towards the communist way, but I don’t think he was such threat for the CIA, in order to be killed. We are a coward country, and we wouldn’t associate with communist countries that would jeopardize our safety. I strongly believe that Pettersson, unaware, should intimidate, what he believed was Sigge Cedergren, and shot Palme of pure surprise and shock. One must remember, Lisbeth Palme has always maintained that Pettersson was the assailant. Johansson
  15. Keep the above in mind when remembering the assassination of Olav Palme....ask Ollie North..he knows who killed Palme...as do many other CIA/MI/US-covert op types. Peter, As to the Palmer murder, according to the latest, he was killed by an alcoholic called Krister Pettersson who mistakenly killed Palme because he looked like a hard-nosed drug dealer called Sigge Cedergren, whom he had a dispute with. The murder could have been solved back in 1986, if the police and the office of the public hadn’t messed up the evidence. Krister Pettersson has been a prime suspect for years but always managed to get away with it. However, after his death, many friends maintained that he had confessed that he was the lone assassin. Also, much evidence in form of papers has surfaced during the last years, which suggests that Pettersson was the assailant. Olof Palme’s wife, Lisbet, has always maintained that she saw this individual, since she saw him running away from the scene. Furthermore, I believe the CIA had some kind of surveillance on Olof Palme, although I cannot comment on that, as I have not read much about it. Johansson
  16. Stockholm was a nest for American agents The Swedish peace activists weren’t paranoid. Now it is verified that the American intelligence agency, CIA, infiltrated the Swedish Vietnam movement. - Stockholm was a nest for agents, says Tore Forsberg, former chief of Säpo’s counter espionage. Stockholm was one of ten cities in the world where the secret American intelligence agency, CIA, gathered its resources for foreign operations of the 1970’s. It’s clear from the so-called family jewels, an 800 pages document that the CIA made public a couple of days ago. The venture was included in the intelligence program (MH) CHAOS whom so far has been top secret. The purpose was to survey extremists who supported Cuba, China, Soviet Union, North Korea, and North Vietnam. By recruiting agents who had been active in different citizen movements, was the CIA able to infiltrate foreign organizations. The rapports were handed over to the CIA’s headquarters who coded the messages. Henry Kissinger, whom was undersecretary of state at the white house at that time, was one of the top men who received the information. It was foremost the Swedish Vietnam movements the CIA was an interested of, according to the documents. According to a rapport from 1972, The Swedish organization for Vietnam movements– Stockholm Conference on Vietnam – planed to disrupt the Republicans and Democratic congresses in USA in July and August by demonstrating. - The new indications are limited to a certain member of the secretariat of the Stockholm Conference on Vietnam, writes an unknown CIA employee. “A few was deported” To Tore Forsberg, Former chief of Säpos contra espionage says that the information doesn’t come as a surprise. He worked at that time as a handling officer at Säpos contra espionage spy department and knew that a handful of the American deserters who had escaped to Sweden, in fact were CIA agents. - We had a follow-up of who we knew were CIA’s own guys. It led to that a few of these guys were deported, says Forsberg.
  17. The news has also reached Sweden, as Sweden’s biggest newspapers have articles and even news rapports of CIA’s attempts to eliminate Castro. http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/nyheter/stor...1105042,00.html http://www.expressen.se/1.737536 BTW, John, is the weather starting to get better, as I heard that the Great Britain has got plenty of rain the last couple of days. Johansson
  18. I agree that the man in question is African American and therefore not Morales. Myra, allow me to disagree. If one carefully looks at the BBC videotape, from the RFK assassination on youtube, one can clearly see Morales and he’s very much alike the man in the Murray photograph. Johansson
  19. In additional, Deputy Weitzman even wrote in his report that a 7.65 Mauser was found on the sixth floor. Johansson
  20. Mark, That's from Gordon Smith. Make-up artist. Chris, Thanks for the other images. I have never seen such a convincing piece of material, beside drawings, that has shown the actual wound of the head. Was this make-up for ‘JFK’ the movie? That was a rough one. I never saw it before. Maybe you should warn people. But I remember the medical drawing of it. Now, the bullet entrance in his back: was that the hole someone stuck his finger into and it was only the size of a thimble? Kathy Kathleen, you’re right, I should have warned everyone. Johansson
  21. I searched around the internet and came across with a very interesting image, which I think agrees what the witnesses testified regarding the rear wound. Johansson
  22. What I can recollect, when Veciana was interviewed by Fonzi the last time, he gave him small hints that Bishop was in fact Phillips, even if he didn’t say it out loud. I’ve read it somewhere but I am, at the moment, unable to find the source. I think the shoot in his head was a major cause to why he didn’t reveal the identity. Johansson
  23. Hej, Trygve

    Jag ville bara säg hej, och hoppas att du trivs i det underbara vädret.

    Ha det bra


  24. I am slightly uncertain if I should be persisting and trying to focus on the Russian embassy in Stockholm and see if whether Oswald got his visa from there or Helsinki. According to you, do you think it is any idea to follow it up or should I leave it as it is? Johansson
  25. Gil, Could you be so kindly to reveal from which documentary this segment is from Mark
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