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Mark Johansson

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Everything posted by Mark Johansson

  1. It’s seems that the United States isn’t the only country that is arguing with Cuba. It appears that Sweden wants to join the game also. http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/nyheter/stor...1027548,00.html Might be off-topic, if so, just erase this topic. Johansson
  2. Greer was in on it. He heard shooting, stopped the car and looked back at Kennedy, who was struggling with his throat. Kennedy got hit in the head from the front-right and Greer took off. I believe in Secret Service complicity. Kathy He could have been, although I think he merely was stunned by the whole thing and firstly didn’t release that shots had been fired, and more or less acted by lack of common sense. Johansson
  3. I don’t know if this is useful, but according to Jim Marrs, Greer was almost positive he heard JFK talk after shots had been fired. Johansson
  4. I have the tape (DVD) in my possession and he expressly explains that the WC changed his story on numerous points, similar as they did with other witnesses. Mark Johansson
  5. Mark - James Tague sells the book on eBay - I do not know if it is 100% the same as the online version or not. http://cgi.ebay.com/When-They-Kill-a-Presi...1QQcmdZViewItem - lee Thanks, Lee I will check and see if it is the same as one. Cheers
  6. I'm sorry, but it was Fritz. Decker wasn't in the interrogation room. Steve Thomas Steve, Of course it was Fritz. I have to blame it on all the coffee I’ve drinking. Mark
  7. Craig's account and what happened to him afterwards certainly is interresting, some things, like his presence in the DPD are confirmed by at least one picture, even though that was denied by Fritz or Curry (can't remember who said it), but, from what I have read over the years, there are allegations that he changed (or evolved) his claims over the years. Weaver, It was Decker who denied that Craig was present in the interrogation room. However, later on, a picture surfaced and proved the opposite. Mark
  8. Hi all, I haven't read his whole book, but alot of portions of it. Mike, Do you know if Craig managed to write a whole book before he died, or just the manuscript, which is available here and there? Mark Johansson
  9. Hi Mark, maybe this is what you are looking for: http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/WTKaP.html regards uwe Weaver, This is the link I have stumbled upon, and read numerous of times. My question to all of you, does it exist a continuation of his autobiography or could you recommend other books that spends a great deal of time explaining his events? Mark Johansson
  10. Good evening, I am currently on a hunt for Roger D. Craig’s autobiography “When they kill a president”. Hitherto, the hunt has been unsuccessful, and I’m starting to think that the book doesn’t exist or it is embedded in another book. I have stumble upon a link with portions of his book, but I am hoping to find the whole book, if it exist. I was hoping someone could shed some lights on this. Thanks in advance Mark Johansson
  11. Howdy researcher , if you find no other source, you can ask David von Pein for a copy, he has that film in his huge video archive. http://www.amazon.com/Century-Complete-Ken...s/dp/1592485405 Are you still searching for clues, I thought you know who killed JFK ? Uwe/Weaver, Thanks for your response. I will ask David for a copy if I cannot find it elsewhere. However, it seems he has it on VHS, which I’m not really fond of. Honestly, I don’t even know where my VHS recorder is. It’s somewhere on the attic, presumably collecting dust. Have a good day Johansson
  12. Hello fellow researchers, I have been trying for several years to obtain a copy of Mark Lane’s documentary “Two men in Dallas”. My search however, has been fruitless so far. I would be most pleased if someone could provide me with a link where I can buy a DVD version of it. Thanks in advance Johansson
  13. Thanks for chiming in, Pat. I'm following my own advice and re-reading SOMEONE WOULD HAVE TALKED. The book deserves study -- and debating the merits of it with people who haven't read it yet seems like a waste of time, imo. http://www.larry-hancock.com/ The original thread on Someone Would Have Talked is what drew me to this forum. It remains, I believe, the most viewed thread in the history of this forum, and is probably the most informative, with a number of us sharing information, and not just picking at each other. Anyone interested in the book, or the potential of this forum, should take a look at the books section and curl up for a few hours. Pat, I could not agree with you more. Someone would have talked is the most informative book regarding the Kennedy assassination, according to me. I ordered it as a venture, but the content came as a surprise to me, as it was very well written and hugely informative. Larry Hancock should put a feather in his hat, because the book is absolutely brilliant. In addition, the photos in the book by James Richards are, as always, very impressive. Johansson
  14. Greetings from Sweden, The Dallas police obtained cigarette-butts behind the stockade fence, and I was wondering if anyone knows the brand of them? Mark Johansson
  15. Eugene, Your colorization is very well made, but how on earth can you discern an earpiece from that image, when Moorman’s Polaroid lens did not have the power to capture it? This is the original photo of the Moorman photo, as you see it’s just grainy dots and blobs. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/badgemanarea.jpg Johansson
  16. No need to do that, I can see the point right there! Badgeman and hardhat man were midgets. Mark
  17. Uwe, Speak for yourself; we are not as bigoted as you. Your beliefs can’t be change, because you have already decided in your mind that Files is a fraud. I’m sure you won’t recognize Files as the shooter, even if we glue convincing evidence on your snout. Johansson
  18. Folks, let me ask this. If it can be proven that James Files was in the army, will everybody here believe James Files then? I mean the rest of his story? Will Uwe and Tosh and everyone else apologize to Wim for the relentless attacks and outright insults that he is "a con in it for the $$$"? Because if that's case, I think Wim really should make it his priority to corroborate Files' military service more convincing than he has. But somehow I don't think that will be the case. Let me know. Mark
  19. As Jack made quite clear ... Badge Man is not on the hood of any car. Bill Miller Hood, bumper, whatever you want to call it, the badgeman is pure fiction, as Lamson says: an artifact made of multiple generations photographic copying. You can’t discern three persons from a tiny square as Jack White did, regardless what he says. Johansson
  20. Stephen, I have never seen a serious JFK researcher who puts up a photo wearing a woolen bonnet like that. Why did you not make it a ski mask? Enough said. Mark
  21. It was my sixth visit to what I consider to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. In fact, Sweden is a great county and hopefully it will not regret its recent election of a conservative government. I’m delighted that you appreciate Sweden, even if it’s a rainy country. It was just a matter of time before we changed government, as the socialist party didn’t handle things the way they should, for example the Tsunami catastrophe and other scandals as well. We can just hope for the best that they aren’t as bad as Göran Persson and his fellow party members. Mark
  22. I was in Stockholm at a conference. I try very hard to maintain a forum where no voices are censored. I agree that Brendan Slattery is an offensive character. However, I see him as playing a very important educational role. I assume that most students will be able to see that Brendan is incapable of putting forward an intellectual argument to explain his beliefs. He reminds me of his idol, George Bush. The best thing is to ignore him until he attempts to engage in intellectual debate. I must say I find it disturbing that so many members think that Brendan’s rants are worth reading, let alone bothering to insult him. In fact, these threads on Brendan often obtain more page views than threads where members post important information on their research. Off-topic, but what did you think of the beautiful capital of Sweden? Mark
  23. Robert Charles-Dunne Jack White and his badgeman fantasy… Once upon a time I was unbiased and thought the badgeman existed, and he was the man who fired the fatal bullet in JFK’s head. But you are now presumably "biased" and think otherwise? Thank you for the unintended candor. But recently I started to doubt that badgeman really existed, based on Lee Bowers’s testimony. Jack White states that badgeman and his spotter hardhat man stood on the hood of a car, overlooking the area. Which means that Bowers must have seen them from his watchtower. Wrong, wrong, wrong. But why didn’t he mention it in his testimony? Such a serious observation must be worth to tell to the authorities, but why didn’t he? Bowers did mention seeing two men in that precise location, as anyone can tell had they bothered to read his testimony. Yes, but none of them was a policeman or a guy with a hard hat. One of the men fits the description of James Files. The other one was most likely an innocent bystander looking for spot to watch the motorcade. Bowers is not sure at all if both men were still there during the shooting. That he didn't see a third man doesn't negate the two he did see, and doesn't demonstrate that a third man could not have been there. Sure, but the problem is that there is no photographic evidence to support three men behind the fence at the time of the shooting. Unless you wnat to believe in Jack White's blown-up fantasies. And Bowers wasn't alone in providing testimony consisent with Badgeman, as anyone can tell had they bothered to read the testimony: STERLING HOLLAND: Well, the only thing that I remember now that I didn't then, I remember about the third car down from this fence, there was a station wagon backed up toward the fence, about the third car down, and a spot, I'd say 3 foot by 2 foot, looked to me like somebody had been standing there for a long period. I guess if you could count them about a hundred foottracks in that little spot, and also mud upon the bumper of that station wagon....It was muddy, and you could have if you could have counted them, I imagine it would have been a hundred tracks just in that one location. It was just---- Homework, do your homework. The spot that Holland describes was the Files spot, NOT the badgeman location. J – Were you a smoker at the time? JF – Oh yes, I did smoke. J – Were you smoking cigarettes that morning? JF – I had smoked that day. Careless! I probably stepped on several cigarette butts and left them there. Most of them Pall Mall. J – Was it muddy back there? JF – It was very muddy. Let me put it this way: A couple of times I even took my shoes, put them above up the little country ledger and scraped the mud off the bottom of them. I hated getting mud on them.
  24. We also don't know how much of Bower's testimony was edited out, as was the case with other eye witnesses to this horror. I don't see a lot in most of the photos or film clips but, even to the untrained eye like mine, Badgeman is very obvious. Does not say he's a cop, just someone wearing a badge, who likely should not have been there. An innocent explanation would have been offered years ago. Dawn Dawn, it's not so difficult to see a badgeman with the untrained eye, after it is enhanced and colored in. The trouble is, you have forgotten that once upon a time there was an original, which has nothing to do with Jack's wishul-thinking-enhancements that are now imprinted on the brainstems of many. Mark
  25. Please show me ONE (1) photo where Gordon Armold is visible. Don't give me "black dog man" because that's a black blob totally inconsistent with Jack White's light colored fatigue for Gordon Arnold. Mark
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