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Mark Johansson

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Everything posted by Mark Johansson

  1. Not necessarily, Uwe. If Bowers and no else didn't see badgeman and hardhat man, why would Files have seen them? Also the acoustics study does not pinpoint the knoll shot to the badgeman position (on the short side of the fence behind the stone wall), but to the Files position (on the long side of the fence next to the large tree). But indeed on Wim's forum and also by email , he gets a lot of questions: Why did Files not see badgeman? This shows what a die hard myth can do, also for truthseeking people. The answer to that question should be: He didn't see badgeman, because there was no badgeman. Mark
  2. So many of the witnesses that day felt they heard or saw some evidienc of a shot from the N. Knoll, I find it interesting at this late date that people want to reject it completely. Look at the statements of Gordon Arnold and so many others. Lemkin, I’m not rejecting a bullet from the grassy knoll; all I reject is a bullet from the badgeman because he is a pure myth in my opinion. I find it impossible to discern three human figures from a tiny section of a photo. Mark
  3. Jack White and his badgeman fantasy… Once upon a time I was unbiased and thought the badgeman existed, and he was the man who fired the fatal bullet in JFK’s head. But recently I started to doubt that badgeman really existed, based on Lee Bowers’s testimony. Jack White states that badgeman and his spotter hardhat man stood on the hood of a car, overlooking the area. Which means that Bowers must have seen them from his watchtower. But why didn’t he mention it in his testimony? Such a serious observation must be worth to tell to the authorities, but why didn’t he? I know the answer, and the simple answer is following: badgeman didn’t exist, just blobs on a photograph. Mark
  4. I would be curious to know how many members, apart from Jack White and AJ Weberman, still believe that Howard Hunt is the tramp with the hat??? Would they please step forward? I have the same question about Frank Sturgis. Who believes he was the tall blond tramp? Mark
  5. Wim, I agree with you 100%. You can compare it with Jack White’s assertions that E. Howard Hunt was the old tramp. Why would a high-ranking member of the CIA expose himself of danger, when one of his agents can do his dirty work? Mark
  6. My opinion is that Oswald was trying to prevent the assassination instead of being an accomplice. The CIA encouraged him to infiltrate in order to stop it. Or so they told him. He was the ultimate dupe. Mark Mark: You pose an interesting concept that I have been thinking about for some time now. The idea that, in the early 60's there existed two "branches" of the CIA that were at total odds with each other. The faction that had JFK killed and the group that sent Tosh Plumlee in to try to prevent the murder. In fact this split- or something similar- may still be occurring....fwit. Carl Oglesby's brilliant Yankee Cowboy War first got me thinking in terms of competing groups running things...I read his book when it first came out- 76. Did not really think of the CIA in this manner til I read Tosh's seminar paper in 11/04. Oswald may have been working for a part of the CIA that really did try to prevent the murder. That would certainly explain a lot about Lee's (patriotic) activities. Dawn Thanks Dawn for sharing this information. As a relative new “investigator” (est. 1988), this was new information for me. I would also like knowing your opinion regarding Tippit being Oswald’s getaway driver, since they both presumably, was under CIA’s payroll. Mark
  7. Frank Struges was not CIA he was a "contact cut out" sometimes under "limited" contract to "special operations", which were not directly associated with the CIA's Covert Action Group (CAG) or the 40 Committee. Tosh, when are you CIA in your defintion? Frank Struges was my friend as well as John Martino and John Roselli. None of these people were government employees. Who paid them for their actions against Cuba? Would it really make a difference whether they were sponsored directly or indirectly by the government? I can imagine the CIA would not want them on their payroll list. After all, they were clearly connected with organized crime. Others like Struges would sell the part by indicating they were real Spooks while they were not. There claim to fame was the fight for Cuba with promises of good jobs in the casinos when Cuba was returned to more happy times. I think Sturgis claim to fame came with Watergate, supervised by Howard Hunt (was he CIA?). Untill then, nobody had heard of Sturgis. Mark
  8. My opinion is that Oswald was trying to prevent the assassination instead of being an accomplice. The CIA encouraged him to infiltrate in order to stop it. Or so they told him. He was the ultimate dupe. Mark
  9. So Sturgis was wrong? Sturgis was also a member of Operation 40. He later explained: "this assassination group (Operation 40) would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either members of the military or the political parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents... We were concentrating strictly in Cuba at that particular time. Actually, they were operating out of Mexico, too." Mark
  10. Mr. White, are you insane??? You are crossing a line here! Wim is a personal friend of me and indeed is wealthy, he made a now famous computer-brand big and famous... Pornography legal overhere? Do you know the US has THE BIGGEST PORN-INDUSTRY in the world??? Do you also know there is this hacker who every day signs in as a new member and posts all porn-links? And he does that 10-20 times? I bet you know more about that? Or other Files dis-believers? Common' : stop this childish mud-throwing and go debate with Wim, I bet you loose! Not because Wim is such a good debater (which he is!) but because Wim has the truth at his side.... And you obviously don't! Just keep on posting your photo-alternation crazyness... Gr. Paul. Paul Choor and Mark Johansen challenged me regarding what I had heard about Wim's interest in pornography. Perhaps this needs explaining then: http://onlinejustice.org/interface/index.php?action=231 I am not opposed to all pornography; some is acceptable as "art" and some is beneficial. I do not like "ugly" hard core porn. Pedophilia is entirely unacceptable. Good examples of acceptable porn are men's magazines like Playboy, etc. Some consider Michaelangelo's DAVID pornographic, and some reproductions substitute a fig leaf. I think it is great art. Nudity per se is not pornographic. Filth and pedophilia cannot be excused. Perhaps Wim or friends would like to comment on the charges on the attached website. Jack Mr. White, Do you care to tell us who made you aware of that link? Mark
  11. I have a great contact in Hollywood! Oh yeah? Who's that? Donald Duck. Say Wim, how much did Donald pay you for this masterpiece of yours ? Btw. this is the best shot of Files near the crimescene folks, save it as long as it is hot. A classic IMO, and Mr. Whites and Macks Badgeman stinks compared to this masterpiece of artistic impression. Mr. White,Mr. Mack, I hope you forgive me. Wim, This image is more detailed than the Moorman photo and actually shows a human being. The figure is the only one walking and leaving the plaza in that direction. Johansson
  12. Uwe, to me you are the living example that the CIA's strategy to pull records, is a good one. Watch this and go to where the ticker says: 00:40:00:00 http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/jimmya.wmv "Where have they tried to discredit your story? ........." Mark
  13. That's what I love about Jack White. He claims there is no doubt about the tall tramp = Charles Harrelson, on the other hand he believes that the old tramp is Hunt. As if a high rank CIA man would dress up as a tramp and hide in a boxcar. Not to mention that nobody has been able to put Harrelson and Hunt together. There is no connection whatsoever that we know of. And of course, Jack White consistently forgets to include this photo in his comparisons: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/trampear.JPG Is that maybe because anyone can see that's not Hunt, but Chauncey Holt, up to the perfect ear match ?? But best of all, he ignores that Chauncey Holt confirmed Harrelson as the tall tramp. So he actually agrees with Holt! Hurray! Mark PS: Actually, the best of all is that Jack White has a mouth full about spreading false stories. How Ironic.
  14. Wim Dankbaar asked me to post this: Some of you just don't grasp that James Files was just a spoke in the wheel, not only mob, but also CIA, that he wasn't supposed to shoot, that his grassy knoll shot was'n't intended to be, that in fact it was one big screwup. Just like the fact that he only knows about his part in this need to know operation. Just like the fact that some of you don't grasp that his shot was the ONLY shot from the front and that the so called throat shot wound , was actually an EXITING fragment from his explosive bullet. In addition, everyone, also us, is a victim of the massive CIA disinformation machine as well as mass psychology. (Wim Dankbaar) I will gladly defend my position. However, since David Lifton has now taken an email discussion to the public arena, and John Simkin has allowed it, to both of which circumstances I do not object, I do object to the fact I am no member here. If you want to discuss, encourage or discredit the positions of people, you should also allow those persons to engage in the debate, as long as they do not violate forum rules. I have never understood anyway why my membership was terminated, nor was it explained to me, except for John Simkin's statement that he didn't like being critisized on the way he runs this board. Anyway, I take the position that if you really want to debate these issues, John Simkin should re-instate my membership. Chapter 3 of Best Evidence --"The Throat Wound: Entrance or Exit?"--sets forth the complete record on the throat wound, starting on "day one", and the evidence that, at Dallas, it was reported as an entrance wound. Included are the key news accounts, the essential quotes from the Dallas doctors reports, etc. Chapter 11 of Best Evidence--"The Tracheotomy Incision: Dallas vs Bethesda"--sets forth entire case that, by the time the body reached Bethesda, the throat wound (the site of the tracheotomy) had been considerably enlarged and its entire character changed. So it doesn't matter what James Files, Dankbar, or anyone else says--these are the facts; and anyone wishing to construct a viable explanation for the assassination must deal with those facts. I agree with Lifton those are facts. I acknowledge that most Dallas doctors thought the throatwound was an entrywound. They were certainly sincere and I don't blame them for their opinion. After all, the wound was neat, round and very small (the diameter of a pencil). I have long believed it myself untill I learned something from the embalmer that nobody is aware of. It's hard to abandon an opinion cultivated for so long, and I know that this will be very hard to swallow for many. Disinformation does not always have to be on purpose. Because of that unwitting brainwash alone, this is practically a lost battle before it starts. The point is: the fact that most Dallas Doctors thought it was an entrance wound from a bullet, does not make it fact that it was. The doctors were wrong. In assuming they were right, that's where Lifton goes wrong. Around which Zapruder frame was JFK hit in the throat and from where? Where is the exit wound from the throat wound? If that bullet it lodged on the spine, what happened to the bullet? Please be so fair to not ignore these two questions. Here's another question: Why would you shoot twice from the front if you want to blame a patsy from behind? This established record proves that someone like James Files--who has inserted himself on the grassy knoll--is off in a fantasy land of his own making. (Moreover, and for entirely similar reasons, it can be shown that Judyth Baker, who has done the same thing with Oswald's chronology, is off in another "fantasy universe.") Is any of this really worth wasting time on? I have long believed it myself untill I learned something from the embalmer that nobody is aware of. (Wim Dankbaar) Yes, you can see my book to see I have long adhered to Lifton's position, see chapter Internet discussions: Jimmy's thought on the neck would are, that he was shooting Mercury loads, because they purposely explode upon impact. He thinks that pieces from his Mercury load came through Kennedy's neck, and also hit the windshield from the inside. Answer from Wim: Jimmy should stay away from speculation. Although his need to know knowledge actually enhances his credibility, and also proves that he is not "well read" on the assassination, there is no way that the throat wound was inflicted by a fragment from his bullet. The throat wound was caused by another bullet from the front (it could only have been from the south knoll in my opinion). It was a neat little round hole, recognised by all the Parkland doctors as an entry wound from a small caliber bullet. Good Lord. . From "an embalmer"? You mean--at Bethesda? What data can anyone at the Bethesda end of the line possibly provide other than to establish that the wound, at Bethesda, was no longer in the same condition as it was in Dallas? Case closed. Yes, Thom Robinson, the last of the three embalmers still alive. A very nice, pleasant, unpretentious man who has been extremely quite about this. He was also present at the autopsy and told me that he always has chukcled about those researchers that claim JFK was hit in the throat from the front. Because he was there when they probed the wounds in the brains from INSIDE the skull through the gaping headwound in the back of the head. And one of those trajectories ended up in the throat wound. Case closed. Now, Lifton will probably start saying that the man is a disinformation plant and must be lying. It's fine with me for him to decide which witnesses are right or wrong. As long as I know for myself he isn't Jesus and what he preaches isn't the gospel. Robinson also made note of tiny perforations in the face. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/EMBALMER.htm He calls them "small shrapnel wounds, packed with wax". David Mantik speculates these were caused by glass splinters from the bullet through the windshield. Something I found intriguing initially. However I am now positive that these too were caused by exiting fragments from the explosive bullet, possibly even droplets of mercury, which is extremely heavy.
  15. Sometimes, when I see posts like these from the administrator, I wonder if this board is really interested in finding the truth about the assassination. Because Mr. Shelton's view is also known to Len Osanic: I first was aware of James Files in 1980 because he was a subject of mine while I was working in Chicago. My interest in Files as it relates to the JFK story was a comment he made to an informant. This comment was made in the late 70's. The comment was made in Dallas while driving throught the Dealey Plaza and went like this, " If the American people really knew what happened here, they would not be able to handle it." I gave this information to Joe West in 1993 to and Joe was the person who got Files to talk. My next involvement was in 1998 when I retired from the FBI and the contact was made my Bob Vernon. I had nothing to do with the confession but Bob knew I had discredited a person that was giving information to Joe West and he wanted me to talk to Files for my opinion of his truthfulness. I did this in December on 1998 and told Vernon that I was 50/50 on believing or disbelieving Files. Based on what I have investigated since then, that percentage has grown toward Files' favor. When Bob Vernon realized that he could not claim full ownership of the core evidence, the 1994 video interview with James Files, as he had always asserted Wim, me and others, Vernon then decided to sell out. Or in fact he forced Wim to buy him out. In essence it went like this: Buy me out or I will discredit the whole story myself and ruin the investment I solicited from you". Thereafter he started saying how everyone was lying. My analysis is that when Vernon realized he could not profit more from the story, he decided to try and ruin it for all his former partners, who had invested either with sweat, personal sacrifice, money or blood. And that includes the late Joe West and James Files. He even had the nerve to file a complaint against me. I think that such a betrayal, disguised as "truth seeking" by Vernon, should give any thinking person enough indication on what Bob Vernon is about. As Vernon knows, the FBI did not create a hoax , because there is no hoax to begin with, in fact, the FBI tried to disregard Files by sending two agents to interview him in 1993 and the supervisor told the agents before they went to Files," There is a nut in Jiolet that says he shot the President." These agents interviewed Files without knowing that their former partner, Zack Shelton, had anything to do with Files. Moreover, leads that Files gave them were never followed up. Whoever is corresponding with Wim, needs to find out the truth before making assessments based on Bob Vernon's word. Vernon has lied to me and tried to undercut Wim when he though he had a sale to Dick Clark several years ago. I know this because I prevented it and I was sitting right there in his home when he was talking to Clark's #1 person. Suffice to say that if there has been one person lying in this whole story, it is Bob Vernon. Zack Shelton
  16. What does the above reply have to do with the original post? Other than to make an unprovoked attack on another forum member I mean? JWK *************** If it was an attack it was certainly not unprovoked, but it's not an attack, just a statement of facts. Apparently you find it all right for Mr. White to discredit Mrs. Baker with no backup whatsoever. But you charaterize my post as an "attack"? That speaks volumes. The fact that you don't seem to find the picture interesting, speaks more volumes. Mark
  17. Don't look in the mirror so much, Jack, when you weave your defamation fantasies. BTW, here's a very interesting picture about your Badgeman "discovery": http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/moorman-drawing2.JPG It shows "Badgeman" was the size of a kid, yet he was tall enough to tower above the picket fence. Pity you forgot to do that analysis. Speaking about factual situations Mark
  18. John, Thank you to have posted this article. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that OBA was in Dealey Plaza on 22nd November, 1963. "The Cuban" aka "The accomplice (TA)" aka "Dark Complected Man" aka "Umbrella Man Firend" is (was) Orlando Bosch Avila!!! See: Was Orlando Bosch Avila in Dealey Plaza? Best regards Interesting and fairly convincing. What was his height and does it match the photo of this person walking away? Any ideas as to his 'pal' TUM's identity? I bet my money on either Gordon Novell or Roy Hargraves. Mark
  19. Bush would not be in charge of Shackley in 1963. That's what you may believe. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/JFonBush.wmv I would guess that Posada by saying he was in Georgia on 11/22/63 means that he was still in the Cuban officer training program at Fort Benning. Does anyone know when he is supposed to have left that program? See red bold text: Posada discusses life as a federal detainee An interview with Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles shed light on his plans if given asylum -- an angle reported Saturday. Now he talks about his U.S. detention. By Oscar Corral And Alfonso Chardy, ocorral@herald.com. Posted on Mon, Jun. 06, 2005. EL PASO - Luis Posada Carriles, the anti-Castro militant known for a life full of secrets and a debonair attitude, sat in an immigration courtroom surrounded by guards. He wore a red jumpsuit and a plastic ID bracelet instead of his usual expensive watch. Posada, 77, is a federal detainee in El Paso, charged -- like thousands of other undocumented migrants -- with illegally entering the country. It's a sudden transformation from the almost mythic warrior of Cuban exile lore to illegal migrant. Posada's situation is far from normal. He is sought by Cuba and Venezuela as an alleged terrorist, and he is being treated as a special prisoner here. He has his own room. He lives in self-imposed isolation, instead of sleeping in dormitories and sharing cafeteria meals with the other detained migrants, in part to avoid any confrontations. A naturalized Venezuelan citizen, Posada is wanted by Venezuela in the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. He was acquitted twice of that crime in Venezuela and escaped from prison in 1985 while awaiting a prosecutor's appeal. Cuba accuses Posada of orchestrating a string of bombings in Havana in 1997, one of which killed an Italian tourist. Six people were injured in the explosions. While his attorneys want him shipped to a Florida facility, Posada said Friday -- in his first interview with a U.S. publication since his detention -- that it might be better for him to be in Texas, away from all the talk and ''accusations'' about him swirling in Miami, as he pursues his request for asylum in the United States. ''It was more convenient for me to be outside of Miami so I don't receive all those accusations and foolishness,'' he said. "I have the right, well, it's not a right, but a privilege, that they give me asylum.'' It was a far cry from the last time Posada spoke to the media, the day he was detained in Miami-Dade County May 17. He had donned a fashionable white linen suit, dark tie and a blue tailored shirt for a news conference. He'd slipped into the United States weeks before, visiting friends in South Florida and indulging in his passion for painting. His presence caused an international stir and embarrassed U.S. security agencies. During a Herald interview May 11, Posada sipped peach juice and soaked in the breeze from the balcony of a luxury Biscayne Bay condominium. On Friday, Posada spoke at length about his life in custody, supposed contacts with a dissident Cuban military officer and a secret trip to Cuba that he says he made a few years ago. Posada also claimed he had information that Fidel Castro will fall soon in a popular revolt. The interview was monitored by a Homeland Security media spokeswoman, along with one of his attorneys, who advised Posada via speakerphone not to answer certain questions. The storyteller and firebrand remained undaunted. He still crackled with anti-Castro rhetoric and offered no apologies for his behavior since sneaking into the country. FEELS THREATENED Posada said he always feels threatened because of what he called Castro's obsession with hunting him down -- though he noted that for now he feels safe in detention. ''I'm always under threat,'' he said. "But they never found me. Castro is most nervous when he doesn't know where I am.'' "Fidel Castro is a monster of malice.'' Just a few years ago, Posada claims, he sneaked into Cuba to meet with a dissident Cuban military officer. He refused to provide details other than to say that it happened in Baracoa, an old town in eastern Cuba. ''It's very delicate,'' he said. Posada also addressed speculation in certain exile and intelligence circles that Castro is using him to harm the image of the Cuban exile community. The speculation is based on a perception that Posada's alleged exploits typically fail and help Cuba portray itself as a victim of exile terrorism. The allegations range from his allegedly meeting with Cuban spies to having a family member linked to the Cuban government. In a 1991 interview, Posada told The Herald that two brothers and a sister had accepted jobs as professionals in communist Cuba. He said he hadn't spoken with his siblings since 1960, fearing contact would bring them harm. FAMILY Posada declined to discuss family connections in Cuba. He acknowledged the possibility that some of his Cuban government contacts may be spies. But he insisted that he doesn't serve the interests of the Cuban regime. Although he wouldn't answer questions about allegations he participated in several terrorist acts, he readily rejected rumors that he was in Dallas on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. ''Let me answer that,'' he told his attorney. ''I was pumping gas dressed as a lieutenant of the American Army in Fort Benning [Georgia] when that happened,'' he said. "How was I going to be in Dallas? What's going on is that they blame me for everything.'' After the 1961 failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, Posada and many exiles received U.S. military training for possible future action against Cuba. That training also was meant to defuse their anger toward Washington over the invasion's defeat. Posada said he still hopes to return to a free Cuba. He predicts that Cuba will soon be rid of Castro. ''Fidel Castro will fall violently,'' he said, basing his assessment on what he described as secret contacts within the Cuban government. "But how will he fall? A coup? God knows what will happen. Cuba is on the verge of all of that. The people will rebel.'' PRISON ROUTINE Ensconced inside a barracks-like compound surrounded by chain-link fences, razor wire and desert, Posada wakes up before dawn, checks his blood pressure, and eats a light breakfast of milk or juice. He forgoes the regular offerings of sausage and eggs. Then he prays, he said, asking God for the liberation of Cuba. On Wednesdays, he attends Mass in a chapel. ''I don't ask much for myself,'' he said of his supplications. After prayers he reads Spanish and English publications but refuses to watch television. Without painting supplies, he has not been able to pursue his hobby, which he'd like to develop into a career if released from detention. He spends a half-hour each day in a small yard. The sun has imprinted his arms with a subtle farmer's tan. Lunch consists of hamburgers or chicken, followed by an hourlong nap. More readings and prayers follow in the afternoon, an early dinner, then bed by 9 p.m. He refers to his red jumpsuits as his "baseball player outfit.'' ''There are no pastelitos here,'' Posada said longingly, referring to the Cuban pastries found almost anywhere in Miami. But he noted that immigration officials treat him well in detention. Posada's view never varies from the guards posted outside his room. He is allowed to make almost unlimited calls to the outside world using prepaid cards or calling collect. ''They've offered to let me join the general population if I find myself too locked up, but I prefer to be alone,'' Posada said. "What am I going to do mingling with the rest of the population here?'' I will fight to 'lead a normal life,' Posada says Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles said he wants U.S. asylum so he can spend his days painting, but refused to say he would give up anti-Castro violence. By Alfonso Chardy and Oscar Corral, ocorral@herald.com. Posted on Sat, Jun. 04, 2005.
  20. See red bold text: Posada discusses life as a federal detainee An interview with Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles shed light on his plans if given asylum -- an angle reported Saturday. Now he talks about his U.S. detention. By Oscar Corral And Alfonso Chardy, ocorral@herald.com. Posted on Mon, Jun. 06, 2005. EL PASO - Luis Posada Carriles, the anti-Castro militant known for a life full of secrets and a debonair attitude, sat in an immigration courtroom surrounded by guards. He wore a red jumpsuit and a plastic ID bracelet instead of his usual expensive watch. Posada, 77, is a federal detainee in El Paso, charged -- like thousands of other undocumented migrants -- with illegally entering the country. It's a sudden transformation from the almost mythic warrior of Cuban exile lore to illegal migrant. Posada's situation is far from normal. He is sought by Cuba and Venezuela as an alleged terrorist, and he is being treated as a special prisoner here. He has his own room. He lives in self-imposed isolation, instead of sleeping in dormitories and sharing cafeteria meals with the other detained migrants, in part to avoid any confrontations. A naturalized Venezuelan citizen, Posada is wanted by Venezuela in the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. He was acquitted twice of that crime in Venezuela and escaped from prison in 1985 while awaiting a prosecutor's appeal. Cuba accuses Posada of orchestrating a string of bombings in Havana in 1997, one of which killed an Italian tourist. Six people were injured in the explosions. While his attorneys want him shipped to a Florida facility, Posada said Friday -- in his first interview with a U.S. publication since his detention -- that it might be better for him to be in Texas, away from all the talk and ''accusations'' about him swirling in Miami, as he pursues his request for asylum in the United States. ''It was more convenient for me to be outside of Miami so I don't receive all those accusations and foolishness,'' he said. "I have the right, well, it's not a right, but a privilege, that they give me asylum.'' It was a far cry from the last time Posada spoke to the media, the day he was detained in Miami-Dade County May 17. He had donned a fashionable white linen suit, dark tie and a blue tailored shirt for a news conference. He'd slipped into the United States weeks before, visiting friends in South Florida and indulging in his passion for painting. His presence caused an international stir and embarrassed U.S. security agencies. During a Herald interview May 11, Posada sipped peach juice and soaked in the breeze from the balcony of a luxury Biscayne Bay condominium. On Friday, Posada spoke at length about his life in custody, supposed contacts with a dissident Cuban military officer and a secret trip to Cuba that he says he made a few years ago. Posada also claimed he had information that Fidel Castro will fall soon in a popular revolt. The interview was monitored by a Homeland Security media spokeswoman, along with one of his attorneys, who advised Posada via speakerphone not to answer certain questions. The storyteller and firebrand remained undaunted. He still crackled with anti-Castro rhetoric and offered no apologies for his behavior since sneaking into the country. FEELS THREATENED Posada said he always feels threatened because of what he called Castro's obsession with hunting him down -- though he noted that for now he feels safe in detention. ''I'm always under threat,'' he said. "But they never found me. Castro is most nervous when he doesn't know where I am.'' "Fidel Castro is a monster of malice.'' Just a few years ago, Posada claims, he sneaked into Cuba to meet with a dissident Cuban military officer. He refused to provide details other than to say that it happened in Baracoa, an old town in eastern Cuba. ''It's very delicate,'' he said. Posada also addressed speculation in certain exile and intelligence circles that Castro is using him to harm the image of the Cuban exile community. The speculation is based on a perception that Posada's alleged exploits typically fail and help Cuba portray itself as a victim of exile terrorism. The allegations range from his allegedly meeting with Cuban spies to having a family member linked to the Cuban government. In a 1991 interview, Posada told The Herald that two brothers and a sister had accepted jobs as professionals in communist Cuba. He said he hadn't spoken with his siblings since 1960, fearing contact would bring them harm. FAMILY Posada declined to discuss family connections in Cuba. He acknowledged the possibility that some of his Cuban government contacts may be spies. But he insisted that he doesn't serve the interests of the Cuban regime. Although he wouldn't answer questions about allegations he participated in several terrorist acts, he readily rejected rumors that he was in Dallas on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. ''Let me answer that,'' he told his attorney. ''I was pumping gas dressed as a lieutenant of the American Army in Fort Benning [Georgia] when that happened,'' he said. "How was I going to be in Dallas? What's going on is that they blame me for everything.'' After the 1961 failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, Posada and many exiles received U.S. military training for possible future action against Cuba. That training also was meant to defuse their anger toward Washington over the invasion's defeat. Posada said he still hopes to return to a free Cuba. He predicts that Cuba will soon be rid of Castro. ''Fidel Castro will fall violently,'' he said, basing his assessment on what he described as secret contacts within the Cuban government. "But how will he fall? A coup? God knows what will happen. Cuba is on the verge of all of that. The people will rebel.'' PRISON ROUTINE Ensconced inside a barracks-like compound surrounded by chain-link fences, razor wire and desert, Posada wakes up before dawn, checks his blood pressure, and eats a light breakfast of milk or juice. He forgoes the regular offerings of sausage and eggs. Then he prays, he said, asking God for the liberation of Cuba. On Wednesdays, he attends Mass in a chapel. ''I don't ask much for myself,'' he said of his supplications. After prayers he reads Spanish and English publications but refuses to watch television. Without painting supplies, he has not been able to pursue his hobby, which he'd like to develop into a career if released from detention. He spends a half-hour each day in a small yard. The sun has imprinted his arms with a subtle farmer's tan. Lunch consists of hamburgers or chicken, followed by an hourlong nap. More readings and prayers follow in the afternoon, an early dinner, then bed by 9 p.m. He refers to his red jumpsuits as his "baseball player outfit.'' ''There are no pastelitos here,'' Posada said longingly, referring to the Cuban pastries found almost anywhere in Miami. But he noted that immigration officials treat him well in detention. Posada's view never varies from the guards posted outside his room. He is allowed to make almost unlimited calls to the outside world using prepaid cards or calling collect. ''They've offered to let me join the general population if I find myself too locked up, but I prefer to be alone,'' Posada said. "What am I going to do mingling with the rest of the population here?'' I will fight to 'lead a normal life,' Posada says Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles said he wants U.S. asylum so he can spend his days painting, but refused to say he would give up anti-Castro violence. By Alfonso Chardy and Oscar Corral, ocorral@herald.com. Posted on Sat, Jun. 04, 2005.
  21. http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=62519
  22. Sure, Shackley in charge of David Morales = known Kennedy suspect Shackley in charge of David Phillips = known Kennedy suspect Shackley in charge of Luis Posada = unknown Kennedy suspect Bush in charge of Shackley Luis Posada: I was in Georgia Bush: I don't remember OJ: I am innocent
  23. That must be Marilyn Monroe with Sam Giancana. Just to let JFK know in his final moments: Look Jack, the winner takes all ! Great discovery , Jack. Mark
  24. Shackley is correct, who was his Chief of Operations?
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