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Mark Johansson

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Everything posted by Mark Johansson

  1. Interesting vote, Tosh. Are you sure your vote has nothing to do with the fact you don't like to be associated with the MM story? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/tosh1.wmv Mark, please try to abide by the poll's request. It's merely for vote casting..not inquisition of WHY someone voted the way they did. Tosh, please answer my question on following thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6803 Mark
  2. Interesting vote, Tosh. Are you sure your vote has nothing to do with the fact you don't like to be associated with the MM story? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/tosh1.wmv
  3. Interesting vote, Tosh. Are you sure your vote has nothing to do with the fact you don't like to be associated with the MM story? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/tosh1.wmv
  4. 2. I believe James Files fired the fatal bullet from the Grassy Knoll. Mark
  5. I agree with you. I believe also “the badgeman” failed to shot Kennedy. I believe the Badgeman missed the car completely and made a trace in the grass on the opposite side of Elm Street. Mark
  6. We all knows that it exists a connection between LHO and David Ferrie. A picture shows comprehensively the both men together during the civic airpatrol. John Melvin Liggett worked as a embalmer and he also owned a funeral home. Many speculates included his wife Lois, whether he was the man who repaired Kennedy´s head before the autopsy photos. Shortly after LHO was murdered David Ferrie visited Liggett´s home according to Liggets daughter. Liggett probably knew both David Ferrie and LHO. Does it exist any pictures on either LHO and Liggett together or Ferrie and Liggett together? Mark Johansson
  7. Mr. Field Don´t you think it is a coincidence that both Rosselli, Nicoletti and Giancana dies before they make their statements. Mark
  8. Braden had the contact that got Nicoletti and Rosselli into the Dal-Tex building. Mark Now either Chauncey Holt drove Rosselli to Dallas from Licovelli's Grace Ranch or James Files flew Rosselli into Dallas in a plane or Rosselli, as FBI wiretaps imply, was in bed in Vegas when JFK was hit, but he didn't do all three now did he? I might even agree with "They Call Me" Gus on his one. Mr. Kelly Holt´s statements are recorded on videotapes. Holt drove Rosselli from Licavoli´s ranch as you said. The trip to Dallas was memorable according to Holt. Bad weather and nomerous car troubles almost made them fail their assignments. You said that the FBI had a surveillance on Rosselli. It´s utterly wrong. The FBI did not have a surveillance on Rosselli during and before the assassination. Mark
  9. Hello my fellow researches I am no educated researcher and not directly well-trained in the English language. If you find lots of spelling errors, then you know the reason. Many of your perhaps not all of you knows that I have a big confidence for James Files. J.D Tippit got killed as a result of a mistake by a hitman who supposedly should eliminate LHO. Explanation: Everything began a week before the murder. Files was instructed by Charles Nicoletti to transport weapons and ammunition to Dallas. But also to check all roads, escape roads and dead ends. With the aid of LHO they could together look at the environment and establish escape roads and dead ends. LHO knew also places who was appropriate to testfire weapons (In warren commission it stands that people saw LHO along with a man who testfired weapons). The longer the week went the more nervous Files became. Because LHO knew that Files was in Dallas and he could tie him to the murder. When Nicoletti arrived to Dallas, Files told him about his concerns. What happened after that is unfounded speculations but Nicoletti probably contacted his boss. The only manager for Nicoletti was Sam Giancana. Nicoletti probably told him that Files was concerned that LHO could link him to the murder of JFK. Giancana probably contacted David Atlee Philips or someone in the CIA organization to elimintate LHO. At the boarding house: The CIA had a contract on LHO´s head because he knew to much. I always believe that LHO felt he had a major role to disrupt the assassination. At the TSBD LHO got a call from Philips to meet him at the cinema (Texas theatre). What was already settled by the CIA was that the hitman was ordered to eliminate Oswald on the way to the cinema were he suppostedly would meet Philips. LHO knew that he was the patsy and believed that Philips could help him be cleared from any suspicions. I also believe that Tippit worked for the CIA and was paid by the CIA. I also believe that he had a big role in disrupting the assassination. I believe LHO would leave the country with the help of Tippit. Tippit would drive LHO to Redbird airport and later fly from the country (people stated that they saw an unidentify airplane with the engine on). Tippit had an additional shirt/sweater in the car that probably would be used if something happened. When Tippit assuming would drive LHO to the airport he met the hitman. They probably knew the each other from earlier assignments but they both felt bad vibrations from each other. The hitman had no choice but to kill Tippit. LHO was the prime suspect and he couldn´t waste any time on Tippit. The hitman missed his chance to kill Oswald and the contract was forwarded to Ruby. My question to you is do you think Tippit had a role in the assassination or was he at the wrong place at the wrong time? If my explaination sounds like a child story then it is because I cannot express myself very good in english. I hope you understand Mark
  10. Braden had the contact that got Nicoletti and Rosselli into the Dal-Tex building. Mark
  11. By the way Stephen, Holt is one of the three tramps Mark
  12. I believe the tape has not yet been released, its contents being asserted secondhand. T.C. The reason that the tape is not released is unknown for me. I must examine the circumstances. Mark
  13. Did Holt say he saw Bosch and Posada in DP, or did he just say that he had false credentials that were intended for them? Somewhere there is a list of the people who Holt said he had credentials for. I believe that Bosch and Posada were names on that list, but I've lost the list, or rather the doc that contained it. It is not in Holt's interview, it was in some other doc. Do you know the doc I'm talking about and where it can be found? Hello Ron, In the documentary "Spooks, Hoods and the hidden Elite", taped 8 days before his death he mentioned several characters he saw in Dealey Plaza. Two of them are Bosch and Carriles. Although the tape was never transmitted. Mark
  14. Hello, Both James Files and the late Chauncey Holt confirms that they saw Orlando Bosch in Dealey Plaza. Chauncey Holt also confirms that he saw two other Cuban-American CIA Operatives, such as Frank Sturgis and Luis Posada Carriles were also present in Dealey Plaza. Mark
  15. Sequencing the hypothetical Badge Man's shot as being prior to the headshot(s) is a logical inconsistency (therefore impossible). If one believes in Badge Man at all, it is based upon the image some see in the Moorman photo (Zf-316), in which a shooter wearing a police uniform is supposedly seen at the moment of muzzle flash, a fraction of a second after the headshot(s). Tim Tim, Did you see what I wrote? "This is not in order but according to me a possible scenario." Stephen, I believe there were 7 shooters. TSBD = 2 shooters Grassy knoll = 2 shooters (James Files and maybe badgeman if he exists) Dal-Tex Building = 1 shooter At the pergola or behind the pergola = 1 shooter Record County building = 1 shooter Mark
  16. This is not in order but according to me a possible scenario. Mark
  17. Mr. Weaver I adimre Mr. White for his work. But I can´t keep my mouth shut when he accuse Wim for being dishonest and accuse him for disrupt forums. Mark This is what Mark means by "I adimre Mr. White for his work."...He has a post on Wim's Forum entitled "Jack White-The Great photo expert" In this post, it is clear how much he respects Mr. White with the following snip.... "...Mr White is a stubborn man and won't change his mind..." Historically I don't agree with Jack's symmetry lines either but then the following occurs... Mark comes to this forum demanding answers as to why Wim is not allowed back on the forum. He described this post previously as "repugnant". He professes that I am out to "smear" Wim. It is clear he does not understand the difference between questioning theoretical tennants versus ad hominem attack. He is also demonstrating what I indicated concern about regarding the files theory - a cult-like allegiance which is sure to produce more attacks on the messenger than productive analysis. Jason Vermeer. Jason I admire Jack for his work on the badgeman photo. But I don´t admire him for falsely accuse Wim for disrupt forums. We also don´t agree about the old tramp but every person is entitled to have a opinion. Mark
  18. Mr. Weaver I adimre Mr. White for his work. But I can´t keep my mouth shut when he accuse Wim for being dishonest and accuse him for disrupt forums. Mark
  19. Mr. Simkin Can you still be a member on this forum after the false accusations Jack White just did? White, can you prove or have a backup to what you just said? Mark
  20. White, Do you have evidence for such a extraordinary and serious accusation? Mark
  21. The methods he used were fairly effective and so I don’t plan to go into details. After all, his followers might start imitating his methods. You can go on all you like about Wim, he will not be readmitted. If you don’t like it, I suggest you leave the Forum. Mr Simkin I just wanted to know why you treat someone different then the other one? If Carroll got the opportunity to rejoin the forum. Why can´t Wim get that 2nd chance? Mark
  22. That is not true. He was banned for a wide variety of different offences. Tim's case was different and that is the reason why he has been allowed to rejoin. You are also free to post as much as you like about Wim's theories as long as you don't do anything to undermine the Forum. Mr Simkin What did Wim do to undermine the forum? Mark
  23. I do. I did not mind him posting his views on the JFK assassination despite the fact he appeared to have commercial reasons for promoting the case of James Files. I even defended his right to do this against the threats of legal action made by Bob Vernon. As a result of defending Wim I was barred from another Forum who did not agree about my views on free speech. As you know I allow all sort of characters to post their ludicrous theories (Tim Gratz, for example). However, what I did get upset about was discovering evidence that he was trying to undermine the functioning of this Forum. That is why he was removed as a member. Nor will he be allowed to rejoin. I see he now has his own Forum where he can promote his commercial ventures. He can also ensure that he only has members who are willing to support his theories about people like James Files. The situation clearly suits both of us. Mr. Simkin Why is Carroll back on this forum. I tought you banned him? If Carroll is back why hasn´t Wim got the opportunity to rejoin? Wim got banned because he defended Carroll and questioned you. Wim appeared on national TV last tuesday. Please check: http://dewerelddraaitdoor.vara.nl/terugkijken.php?id=32 Mark
  24. I have said what I had to say, and could of course waste many more words, like on my disgust with people like Tim Carroll and his former buddy Clinton Brownell, who stole Wim's corespondence between Joe West and James Files, violating publication rights and confidence. Anyone who wants to debate James Files, or vent their grudges or support, knows where to go, as long as forum and basic rules of decency are honored, which excludes insulting the host of pursueing a hoax for monetary gain. Wim has always been abundantly clear on that. Jim Marrs can be contacted through Wim's website for crying out loud. Another display of ignorance. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/marrs.htm Mark
  25. Jason Vermeer, For some reason you seem hell bound on destroying the credibility of the Files story, to the extent of attempting to smear the messengers now. Actually, I believe you are doing Wim a big favor, for you draw more attention to the subject and drive traffic to Wim's website, which by the way is one of the best documented according to many sources, where the visitors will find what a sore loser your are. Wim let me know he is too busy now to deal with characters like you outside his own forum, and probably your post should not even be dignified with a response. However , I find it so repugnant I would like to put something opposite of it. You started your presence on Wim's forum with this thread: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=160 Can you be a member here and NOT believe the Files story? A careful analysis of this discussion reveals that Wim answered all your questions, including the one in the title with YES. But it also reveals you did not answer any of Wim's valid questions, other than by evading them with other questions. You questioned Files' military service in South East Asia for instance, which Wim, despite the purging of Files' military records, then pointed out convincingly, here: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=165 and more recently here: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=301 You avoided Wim's question to explain the "hoax" with the dented shell casing, found in Dealey Plaza: "Also, if you believe Files has made up his story, would you take the trouble and think about how the "hoax" of the shell casing was put in place? When , how and by whom? Who "coached" whom? Who planted it, and when? " That discussion shows further that Wim's website and forum is not only about James Files, but also Chauncey Holt, Tosh Plumlee, Judyth Baker and other subjects. It is people like you who want to concentrate on Files. Finally, it shows that in the end you had no valid arguments left, along with a general concensus that you lost the discussion, a phrase you took in your mouth the first time by joking that Wim had lost, only to provoke a reaction from the rest of us that nothing was farther from the truth. Hence you did not make yourself liked on the jfkmurdersolved forum, which by the way becomes a busier place by the day, and finally you decided to leave, with an amazing request to terminate your membership. It reminded me of Bob Vernon, who requested the same. I never understood why you would ask that, until it struck me you that you, like Vernon, may not have wanted to leave a record of making yourself ridiculous. Anyway, the facts are that you left voluntarily, only to vent your anger and insinuations elsewhere. Can't you deal with Wim's answers directly anymore? Or is it just that you can't stand the fact that a growing number of people, including credited researchers and authors, are starting to look through the curtain of discreditation? I would avoid looking at the reviews of the book then, for that page will be extended over the next months, no doubt, and your task to ridiculize them all, might turn out to be a hard job. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/reviewsbook.htm It is quite telling to me that you attempt to condemn Wim for selling a book on this important information, like any author would, without even having read the book itself yet, something you said you would do. The fact that you did not do this, makes your ignorance the more embarassing, for if you would have aqcuired the DVD for example, you would have known that it was Jim Marrs and Wim conducted that interview. Thus you could have avoided a dumb question like: Jim Marrs? It is further telling that you have to resort to flatout untruths like "the Files story lacks cooberation", because if you would have concentrated on studying the wealth of information on Wim's website (which is completely free by the way) instead of firing cheap popshots, you would have known that Files' story does not lack cooberation, for example from this page: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/filestruth.htm In conclusion, Jason Vermeer, why are you asking your questions here? You know that Wim is the best person to answer those, and actually he has. Heck, since you left voluntarily from JFKmurdersolved, he might even honor a request to re-instate your membership. Mark
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