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Mark Johansson

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Everything posted by Mark Johansson

  1. Stephen, Do you know what kind of evidence there is? I don´t believe you know the whole story. What part of the confession is not reliable according to you? Ryan, What is your proof regarding the assassination? If you believed in something wouldn´t you talk about or support it? Robert Groden said, If nobody supports him, or debunk him, he´s got to be real. Mark
  2. I don´t want you to change your opinion, but I´m curious to hear why you don´t believe what Files have said. Mark
  3. Ryan, I´m not sure what you mean. But I can tell you when I´m hunting I use a rifle with a scope to achieve a great shot. The shot is more accurate. Because you don´t wanna injure a animal who then runs away alive. Just like Files, he was instructed that Kennedy had to be shot in the head. He didn´t want to injure Kennedy, he had to be killed. Mark
  4. Nic I must confess that when I started to read about Files I wasn´t sure if he was telling the truth. It was to good to me true. Soo you had to sceptical. But the more I study it the more convinced I bacame. Don´t debunk it at once. Read about him and watch the interviews with him. If you don´t belive him, that´s okey with me. But you just can´t let go of something that you believe in. Hopefully one day we all have the proof of what happened in Dallas. Some investergators will get disappointed because their belief was wrong and some investergators will be happy because their belief was correct. Maybe one day I will be sad because my belief was wrong but I´m also gonna be happy for that person who had the right belief. Mark
  5. Ryan, Why should I forget about it? I don´t believe it´s a lie. To me Files is credible. Mark
  6. I don´t think that there are lack of evidence. It think there are evidence that support Files. Mark
  7. Mark, welcome to the forum. May I ask you to cite your evidence that supports the above statement. BTW, your spelling is fine, if only I could say the same. Steve. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hello Stephen Thanks for those kind words. You may find these links interesting. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/newcia1.htm Mark
  8. Tim, James Files was recruited for the CIA by David Atlee Phillips on a recommendation of Ted Shackley. I belive that David Atlee Phillips also recruited Lee Harvey Oswald. Because both Files and Oswald had Phillips as a controller. Mark
  9. (If you want a warmer climate, move to Key West!) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks Tim, At the moment we got loverly weather. But It would be great to spend the winter in key west. Mark
  10. According to his nephew Shawn Phillips, David Atlee Phillips confirmed to his brother James Atlee Phillips that he was in Dallas the day Kennedy died. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/phillips.htm Mark
  11. Gaeton Fonzi interviewed Antonio Veciana (the founder of Alpha 66). Veciana told Fonzi about his relationship with his CIA contact Maurice Bishop. Veciana claimed that in August, 1963, he saw Bishop and Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. CIA agent, Ron Crozier claimed that Phillips sometimes used the code name, Maurice Bishop. It´s also been verified by James Files. Mark
  12. Hello everybody, This is my first topic about the Kennedy assassination. I´m from Sweden soo you got to have patience if I have some spelling mistakes. Why Lee Harvey Oswald was killed I week before the Kennedy assassination James Files was ordered by Charles Nicoletti to drive to Dallas with guns and ammunition. He stayed at a hotel in Mesquite, Texas. The day after he arrived Lee Oswald came by the hotel. He took Files out somewhere southeast of Mesquite and testfired weapons and calibrated scoops. Lee stayed with Files a couple of days, they drove around soo Files would know every street and dead ends. When Nicoletti arrived in Dallas Files said to Nicoletti that they got a problem. The problem was Lee Oswald. Lee knew that Files was in town and he could been tied to Nicoletti. Nicoletti said that he would take care of it. After the assassination Files went back to his hotell room. When it suddenly knocked on the door. In the doorway there was a man who Files don´t want expose. The man said that things got messy and he had to kill a police officer (Tippit). Files said that the man was not involved of the JFK assassination. The contract was to eliminate Oswald. You might wonder why Oswald knew that Files was at the hotel? When Files arrived at the hotel he made two phonecalls. He called Nicoletti and said that he arrived and everything was in order. The second call he made was to his controller, David Atlee Phillips. Files and Oswald had the same controller. Files speculate that when Oswald was captured at the Texas Theatre he was going to meet his controller, David Athlee Phillips. Because he was in Dallas that day. I also believe that Nicoletti called his boss Sam Giancana to take care of Oswald. Giancana or Tony Accardo then called Phillips to take of it. Mark
  13. Mark Johansson is the name. I am resident in the small northern cold country Sweden. I live togheter with my beautiful wife, my beautiful daughter and two horrible dogs. My interest for the Kennedy assassination started in 1988 when I was only 9 years old. I underwent an extensive heart operation and during the reablilitation I got the pleasure to see Nigel Turner´s “The Men Who Killed Kenndy”. I became very concerned of the documentary but at the same time very fascinated that the murder hadn´t been solved after 25 years. Jack Ruby´s statements got me to believe that a conspiracy was behind the Kennedy murder. Not a lone gunman as the Warren Commission maintained. Mark Johansson, Sweden
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