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Len Colby

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Everything posted by Len Colby

  1. Ron do you really believe that Hinckley WASN'T a LN and that the WTC collapse was controlled demolition?
  2. I imagine his theories made sense in direct proportion to how much "Thai stick" or even "skunk weed" you and your friends yourselves had consumed! Things that don't make sense when you're straight do when you're stoned and vice a versa.
  3. IIRC Oswald's discharge was reclassified during the Eisenhower Admisistration, before Connally's brief tenure as Sec. of the Navy why would LHO want to kill him? Even if he did why would he do it when the govenor was with JFK? Funny that he would have hit JFK three times and Connally only once and that was [if you accept the WR] a bullet that exited Kennedy. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Where did you hear that?
  4. Len Colby? What poll? The "Who Killed JFK?: Poll..." as per the name of this thread. I didn't read the whole thread but there was discussion on the 1st 2 pages of the choices, so at one point at leat there must have been an actual poll. Why is my name a question, Howard? Len
  5. In case you didn't get it the "The Khrushchev/Kennedy Plot" post was meant to be a joke.
  6. Nikita Khrushchev was a US intelligence asset. He did the bidding of his capitalist paymasters as much as possible without drawing suspicion on himself. Thus he denounced Stalin, reformed the Soviet economy, allowed dissidents more freedom, put reformers in power Eastern European satellite states like Checkoslovakia and promoted the idea of peaceful co-existence with the West He was secretly negotiating with JFK to end the Cold War. High ranking member's of the Military Industrial Complexes [MICs] of both nations discovered these negotiations. These negotiations threatened their vested interests. Rouge US/USSR intelligence agents mounted a ultra-secret joint operation to remove both leaders. Lee Harvey "the patsy" Oswald was allowed to leave the Soviet Union and return to the US. Khrushchev's humiliation in the Cuban Missile crisis was also arranged. When the two leaders signed the Test Ban Treaty in August 5, 1963 the MICs in both countries they couldn't wait any longer. The first part of the plan was carried out 3 1/2 months later when Kennedy was assassinated. Knowing that a simultaneous removal of Khrushchev would draw too much suspicion the Soviet conspirators waited almost a year before removing him from power. After Khrushchev's death in 1971 his son, Dr. Sergei Khrushchev, discovered his father's diary and other documents that proved what had happened. His life was threatened by the KGB. This lead him to move to the US in the mid 1970's. With Seymour Hersh’s expose in 1974, the 1975 – 76 Church Committee hearings, the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976 and appointment of Stanfield Turner as DCIA in 1977 the US intelligence community felt that killing Dr. Khrushchev or letting foreign agents do so would have been too risky in the contemporary political climate. The younger Khrushchev advised those who wanted to eliminate him that he turned the documents over to undisclosed third parties and will be turned over to the media in case he dies suspiciously. He made a pact with the NWO his silence in exchange for his survival. For more information or to buy my book, The Khrushchev/Kennedy Plot for $ 19.95 plus s/h, go to my website http://www.khrushchev-kennedy-plot.com
  7. Gerry I didn't get the reference, who is your nemesis? Your Moriarty?
  8. Doesn't sound like you were too impressed by Fetzer's book!!
  9. Got any links to reliable reports backing these claims?
  10. Steve [or anybody else] finish my joke, what do you get when you put, Flocco, Fetzer and B.C. Adams in the same room?
  11. Gerry, Thanks for your fascinating post. I have some questions too. How did you come to know Ruppert? IIRC he didn't join the LAPD till '71 as "a student helper", you said you left in '70. What's you impression of him? He seems paranoid to me http://www.fromthewilderness.com/about_Mike_part_one.shtml Why did Wright turn away from the hotel when the dispatcher specificly asked you to go? Why didn't you go after he dropped you off? Did anybody question your absence? Do you think RFK had already been shot when you were called back to the station house? What was Hathcock doing at the Sirhan residence? Did you ever meet Wambaugh? Do you have any direct knowlwedge of anything suspicious about the shooting or any indications of cover up or participation of LAPD personel? Or hear of anything along those lines from your contacts? Len
  12. Steve you're such a dupe, you believe everything the corporate controlled media wants you to. Tom Flocco has access to a secret CIA document which reports that witness saw Tony Blair, Queen Elizabeth and Michael Harari near Di's car moments before it crashed!
  13. I read this online "What is it with brothers? The Hlava brothers, the Naudet brothers, the Pfeifer brothers, the Bin Ladin brothers, the Bushes, the Kennedys, the Dulleses, the Oswalds, the Cabells [one the Mayor of Dallas, the other the deputy to one of the Dulleses at the CIA until one of the Kennedys fired them both]. At least four pairs of brothers in the Dallas story and five in the 9/11 one" It sounds like prue looney tunes CT to me but I just want to make sure. Were either of Oswald's brothers tied in any way to the assassination?
  14. I have it on good authority that SpongeBob, Barney and Tinkly-Winkly are involved in a love triangle.
  15. Did you ever dig up that book Tim? It's been a long time since I've read anything on the subject by my impression has always been that the evidence indicating that JFK was going to pull out of Vietnam was inconclusive. Another question is did the Joint Chiefs etc know of this decision [if indeed it was made]?
  16. Jack - Any luck finding someone? There're a couple of rocks in my front yard he hasn't looked under yet!!!
  17. Members are allowed to promote their books on this Forum. In fact, we have a whole section where authors discuss their work. However, Len does have a point. The promotion of this website does seem a bit excessive. Bruce, it would be better if you posted a detailed summary of what appears on a particular page of your website. You could then provide a link so that members can read the full account if they wish. However, the main purpose of this Forum is to debate different topics. If you receive criticisms of your views, you should answer the points being made on the Forum. But there's a difference John. There were 21 threads in the History Books section. One is about JFK books and was started by Tim, Daniel Marvin started one about a book by Kent Heiner, you started the rest presumably because you thought those books had some merit or for other reasons thought them worth discussing. That was the situation as of yesterday until Mr. Adams posted thinly disguised ads for his self-desktop published works. He doesn't have anything listed on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. I Googled his name and got 6 hits, 2 were to his site 2 were to his eBay listings and 2 were to a discontinued listing at the same book store in the UK selling a [possibly used] copy of one his books. Mr. Adams' works are only sold by Mr. Adams. Shouldn't the History Books section of this forum be reserved for works that someone other that the author thinks are worth publishing, selling or discussing? Mr. Adams' posts in the JFK and Political Conspiracies sections don't amount to anything other than ads for his wares either. I haven't noticed any similar examples of such blatant self promotion here. Jack White plugs his sites but they're non-commercial, Gerry Hemming started the Gerry Hemming thread but he's not selling anything and he's an interesting historical figure. When an author discusses their own work one could argue that it is inherently self promotion, but selling his books seems to be Adams' sole intention in posting here. I was extremely critical of Fetzer's Wellstone book, but as much as I think his book is bunk he came here to defend and discuss it, not to boost sales. I did made comments about him repeatedly urging people to read his book. The problem I had with Fetzer was different, IMO he said people should read his book when he wanted to avoid arguing a point in the forum. The problem is if this goes unchecked the forum could become little more than a free classifieds section for every nut case who publishes his own books and videotapes etc. I've seen other forums "spammed to death" and I hope it doesn't happen here.
  18. The purpose of the Educational Forum IS NOT to serve as free advertising space for books, video tapes or any other products. 6 of your 7 posts [up till now] are plugs for your books or tapes. Spam elsewhere! This is not the place for it!!!!! Also for an author of so many books you have piss poor grammar, maybe you should enroll in a literacy course.
  19. The purpose of the Educational Forum IS NOT to serve as free advertising space for books, video tapes or any other products. 6 of your 7 posts [up till now] are plugs for your books or tapes. Spam elsewhere! This is not the place for it!!!!! Also for an author of so many books you have piss poor grammar, maybe you should enroll in a literacy course.
  20. The purpose of the Educational Forum IS NOT to serve as free advertising space for books, video tapes or any other products. 6 of your 7 posts [up till now] are plugs for your books or tapes. Spam elsewhere! This is not the place for it!!!!! Also for an author of so many books you have piss poor grammar, maybe you should enroll in a literacy course.
  21. Lynne Many people "do not see a reasonable rebuttal" to their beliefs because they discount any information or arguments that contradicts them out of hand. That chapter you cited proves little and is hardly conclusive, much of it is undocumented speculation As for the notion that Wellstone was murdered that was debunked long ago. That's why Fetzer fled two forums about his book and left many questions unanswered. Len
  22. Steve -There were inumerous various especially to Q.1 I had to limit them which is why I ask people to choose the answer that best refelected their views. Thanks for participating
  23. Tim Did you get the e-mail I sent you? Your PM Inbox is blocked Len
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