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Jim Phelps

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Everything posted by Jim Phelps

  1. I don't agree with Mr. Hogan on many things, and his observations here are yet one more example. He is usually not being constructive in his comments, IMHO. He typically has to veer into personal insults, very intentional disrespect by not using Mr. Phelps, else I'd not see my name used disrespectfully and he'd work on the material presented. Which, if he'd done that, would have found the EF Boo-Boo. I do think the problem is Mr. Hogan has this "axe to grind" since he has the habbit of reading something and trying to make it into something else. Ever time he comes around, he has to insult. I don't run over to his threads and make friction. It was clearly listed where the citation came from, so all those folks recommeding glasses, go put them on and go read the orgin of the wrong information. Deal with only that. I don't think Welch's central thesis has changed from when he cranked up the JBS in 1958, and the video just captures his long term obsevations. However, I think he places blame onto Communism as a cover or excuse to cover up the Royalist banker's games. Was Welch being used for the ploy or was he a willing helper of the Rich seeking more power and wealth? It is pretty clear for the cases of the Merchinsons or the Rothschilds Fed. Res., those usual suspects. I was doing a play on words once before and Mr. Hogan blew that up, and he can't let that go. That one ran on for pages and pages and destroyed the entire topic for a long time. he very much intended the same disrespect then, as now. Do return to the central topic and that is the JBS being part and parcel of what grew to kill JFK, not over Comminism but over "Extreme Right" Capitalism games using Communist fear mongering. I don't think this grew simply from the JBS or Welch, but his New York associates rebel rousing likely set the stage for the JBS being used and abused as much as the American people that fell short of the whole picture. JFK captured the whole picture of what was wagging the the dog via the tail. Nothing new. The problem is the source is wrong on EF. All I did was point that out, quietly. Mr. Hogan's Echo gang wanted to make a scene, it appears. He makes wild claims like I didn't watch the video. I did watched the entire video clip and read even further. I clearly listed the URL and the source of the citation----it came from EF. That was wrong information per the date and easily spotted by anyone, as we have well shown--- the correct move then is to address that site's URL as being wrong on the date. Does that really change anything per Welch's theses, I doubt it. Welch was anti-communist from day one and the response to that fueled the response and opened the door to have the conspiring Royals take control of the US. The Communist didn't take the US from within, the Royalist Banker's did and their Dirty Dealing British consorts. And Kruchev was right that the US would fall from within, but not to Communism directly. Perhaps Kruchev knew the Roman Empire's demise was similar, so history tells us this has indeed happened before. Kruchev gave the US fair warning, and dumb Americans just don't listen nor do they even defend the fallen hero JFK. Just about anyone looking closely at the "movers and shakers" saw Communism as a tool for the global expansion of the Royalists. If Mr. Hogan's disrespectful Echo gang insists in jumping on me for making an observation of the Forum that was in error to see who was watching and reading, then let the "Witch Hunt" begin right there on EF's Bio. Anyone that had their glasses on and watched the video and read the EF Bio would see the error glaring on the last line of the EF Bio. I even looked the Welch fella up on Wiki and noted the "Bio boo-boo" existed. I not only watched the video and did several hours worth of reading on Welch and the Burch gang, so then I'd test just who else could read and comprehend. Obviously, about zero read the EF's Bio. The "Yawn" was a simple response from their typical boring run around that avoided disclosing the obvious. Mr. Hogan's Echos follow him around and always do this sort of attack. You tell em twice and they still doesn't get it. Double Yawn. Their Vapidity is boring. See who was reading and sharp enough to see the issue. Obviously, for those with a nice decorum that bothered to read and comprehend---they'd say the EF listing was wrong----and say they'd take care of it---and pass around the correction. But the tactics of Mr. Hogan and his Echo group are to cause a scene and twist the issues. Unfortunately, per usual with Mr. Hogan, he still can't let things go. It is one more blow up. One more example of what appears to be Combative disrepect, else We'd all see my name as Mr. Phelps, if it was really called for. The problem was and still is the EF Bio has bad data, which they try to ignore. If he looks foolish for jumping on me for quietly testing those reading the listing, then let him look rude, disrespectful, and condescending once again and his Echos also shown to be playing his same game to mislead. I certainly didn't ask for one of his condescending remarks with such a simple test. Let's drop this nonsense distraction that some seem to want to pull attention off the issue of the Burch gang over a trivial matter that Mr. Hogan can't read what is obvious to the world and get back onto the issue of did Bob Welch's Communism games play a role in JFK's demise. Did the John Burch society play into the games of the Royalist's scheme to get JFK out of the way for the longer term Royalist's planning? Is Communism just a tool, and the real goal not being Communism, but the Royalist's Oligarchy. Which is what JFK was breaking apart. Even the Communist have figured out they were being used and started the "Waging Peace" game, which was supposed to and did diffuse the Royalist's banking games. So, now they have to have a new nemisis, and that is terrorists, Islam, and those evil people that don't like usury or the Federal Reserve methods. They can't even use China in Red Scare tactics because they own more of the US than the Saudis. North Korea is too small, leaving only the fabricated New Pearl Harbor scam on America by the corrupt Bush Neo-Cons of PNAC. I find it very ineresting that JFK taught the Soviets how to "Wage Peace", which is exactly what he was doing when the Royalists killed him. JFK was succeeding with Peace. Looks like the JFK proposed joint cooperation of the Russians and US is complete, because the US will use the Soviet Rockets to put Astronaughts in space. One more of JFK's insights taking shape. Just need to complete the rest. Obama needs to wake up and learn that the low interest consistent with Islamic issues is allowing rampant inflation that only rewards the ultra rich Fed. Res. types. Inflation is a tax on every American and it had halved the dollar's value in the time Obama has been in office. Generally, there are several around these parts that seem to not like that I cut right to the chase on what and who had JFK killed, complete with all the motives and methods to achieve this greater plan that now threatens the US's National Security as it all comes into full and plain view. ========
  2. Guess that means the Checking needed to begin on EF's home turf. I noticed the difference early on, that the dates didn't fit. I also like to toss out when things are wrong. Let it dawn on folks there is a problem. But some like to cause a scene, of sorts. Where did this error begin? Here: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwelchR.htm What was the better way to address it? I'd say make note of the EF site's error politely, then get whoever to fix it. And politely post an update. Did we see that happen? No!
  3. So, the correct way to have brought up this topic of 65 or 85 was to read the Education Forum's Bio Listing for Bob Welch and simply tell that it was in error and we'll get someone to go fix it. But, There are these overbearing, disrespectful, rude types that place blame everywhere except on the source for the information which comes from the Education Forum somewhere. You can literally see the disrespect intention by the total lack of Mr. Phelps being used. Get someone to fix the bad information on the Education Forum's Bio Listing, then come back and post a revision statement and set up people to review these listings for errors. Aplogize for your errors. Then, this tread will reflect the same. Until then, the Education Forum is on the record for Welch died in 1965.
  4. If he did, he did so from heaven. Welch gave that speech on March 9, 1974. Although Welch quotes himself from 1958, the speech was given at the JBS Council Dinner in 1974, as the video clearly states. Phelps got his description word for word from the person that posted it on YouTube. I'm not sure that Phelps even watched the video. ========== Yawn... Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965 ========== Best find your spectacles, Jim. Welch died on the 6th of January, 1985. I've put this in a larger font in case you can't find your specs. Michael Hogan is one of the most detail driven members of the board. And very respected. Yawning at his corrections to your blatant errors is not very smart... I agree, Mike and a few others are the primary reason I still keep up with this forum. Someone's death is so easily verified on so many sites that I wonder about Mr. Phelps. Dawn =========== You don't need glasses to do a "copy and paste" from an EF information Bio page to call attention to it. I was using a citation from the Education Forum's main information page here: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwelchR.htm Where it painly tells this: "Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965" So, the Education Forum's information is listing bogus information. Should this get fixed or ignored? And do make sure you jump on this wrong information source much more intensely than myself. I think it much more appropriate to fix the EF's screwed up information on its Bio inf URL, ask them to correct it, as I am sure not in charge of those listings.
  5. If he did, he did so from heaven. Welch gave that speech on March 9, 1974. Although Welch quotes himself from 1958, the speech was given at the JBS Council Dinner in 1974, as the video clearly states. Phelps got his description word for word from the person that posted it on YouTube. I'm not sure that Phelps even watched the video. ============ Yawn... http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwelchR.htm "Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965" ============
  6. Digging a little more deeply, we find that Bob Welch supported McCarthy and the "Red Baiting" games of that era, for which RFK also worked. Certainly, RFK knew about the warnings of Welch, as RFK worked for McCarthy for a time and the JBS was based on the Kennedy home terf of Boston. It didn't take long to determine that the "Red Baiting" was more the counter propaganda for the Royals and their wealth to ferment hate for Communist ideals. Issues like the English Royals and the Bilderburgs liked oligarchic economic power and most of all that power exercised upon a dumb group of Americans. So, JFK didn't appreciate the John Burch "Red Baiting" influence in the Military by Walker, as the games were to ramp up the hate toward Russia and start a war supported by JCS like LeMay and Lemnitzer. LeMay and Goldwater were even big buddies. ========= http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18014 Robert Welch retired as a very wealthy man in 1956. He used some of this money to fund various extreme right-wing causes. This included supporting the work of Joseph McCarthy and other aspects of McCarthyism. In 1958 he established the John Birch Society (JBS). The organization was named after Captain John Birch, a member of the China Air Task Force murdered by Chinese communists on 25th August, 1945. The JBS continued to grow and by 1964 it had an income of $3,000,000 and employed a staff of 200. Around 100 people were employed at the JBS headquarters in Belmont, a suburb of Boston. In a survey carried out in 1964, the JBS was supported by 11 per cent of Americans. Despite this, In 1975 Harry Dean claimed he had been an undercover agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation who in 1962 infiltrated the John Birch Society. He later reported that John Rousselot and General Edwin Walker had hired two gunman, Eladio del Valle and Loran Hall, to kill President John F. Kennedy. Welch claimed that the Republican Party had been infiltrated by secret supporters of a communist conspiracy. One member of the JBS, Phyllis Schlafly, published a book, A Choice, Not an Echo, where she claimed that the party was being controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberger group, whose policies were "designed to usher in global communist conquest". "A Choice, Not an Echo" became one of Goldwater's campaign slogans. =============== Unfortunately, it appears the issue was the Communists hated the Royals control over the world's economics, but the larger issue was the British Intelligence arm of the Royals and the Bilderburgs hated anything that would limit their control over the world's economics. The game was a Royalist monopoly to control the world financially. It was more a new game for slavery the Communist feared. John Burch became the "Echo" of the Royalist's games, as did Walker. These became more the Pawns of the Royalists seeking economic monopoly, and not a balanced freedom. There was a choice to eliminate the extremes of oligarchic power and JFK took the better choice. JFK was to steer a middle of the road course between the ditches of extreme Socialism and extreme Royalist Capitalism. When JFK came up against this system, he was systematically taking apart their faked up "Red Baiting" games. JFK was pulling the plug on Vietnam. JFK was pulling the plug on the Royals Federal Reserve banking control on the US. It took JFK a couple years to spot these external influences, but he figured out that America was being played from on high. And the driving force on destruction of America is manipulation of Americans via "Red Baiting" and using that fear mongering to spend America into non existance, to the benefit of the Royals bankers and their oligarchic NWO intentions. At the top of the pyramid of issues is the Royals and their "Red Baiting", and that system was JFK's greatest enemy. Walker, Goldwater, LeMay and those like them had allied themselves with the Royalist's plan to not only control America's military, but to use that to expand the Royalist's banking and corperate games around the world. It worked much like the IG Farben system from Germany. Amerca has been taken over from within, not by the Communists, but the ploy of Communists being used by the Royals / Bilderburgs to assume total control over the US as a stepping stone to the world. JFK was a roadblock against their plans. America has been used and abused by this group and as matters worsen, it becomes close to WWIII to correct this overbearing control via this Oligarchic intenting group. JFK was going to restore the balance, and if the dumb American population had completed his greater visions, this war would not become a certainty. JFK had Peace with Russia at hand, a Peace with Casto, and this totally destoyed the Royalist's plans to use and abuse America.
  7. This thread is the story of how the John Birch Society were the "Ring Leaders" of the hit on JFK. There are some that don't want this much solving for the JFK assassination to be aired, but the "Birchers" were the "Ring Leaders" on the JFK hit. The information in this thread pretty well puts all those writing poor books on the JFK assassination and misleading the public's information on what plot killed JFK out of business. Those making money from misleading and partial truth story books on the misfortune of a Dead President are just as bad as the plotters themselves. The Birchers plot Succeeded in killing JFK and getting away with it, but threw the US more deeply into Fascist control that is exploiting the US into near destruction today. I learned of this association on Nov. 22, 1963 from connections within the Oak Ridge Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Plant that had connections with this group in Dallas. The Oak Ridge hate for JFK was greater than that for Dallas. Oak Ridge was involved with the CIA and the LHO hit on Castro with Cancer method, and the last thing Oak Ridge wanted was Peace with Communist Russia and Cuba. In the 60s this JBS link to the JFK assassination was highly covered up, but once everyone realizes the culprits were known about the very day it happened, then one can easily find the cover up pattern today and tons of information on the Internet that supports the JBS "Ring Leader" associations and basically solve the JFK assassination in short order. Solving the JFK assassination isn't difficult, if one follows that association. ======= Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America Did JFK pay close attention? ========== http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwelchR.htm In April 1961 Major General Edwin Walker, commander of the 24th Infantry Division in Europe and stationed in Augsburg, Germany was accused of indoctrinating his troops with right-wing literature from the John Birch Society. With the agreement of President John F. Kennedy, Defense Secretary Robert McNarmara relieved Walker of his command an announced an investigation into the affair. ============= Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965 =============
  8. Texas is not your usual sort of place, as almost every pick up truck down there has a Winchester Model 94 on the gun rack in the truck over the back glass. Guns are normal in Texas and nobody pays any attention to guns everywhere.
  9. Certainly, this US domestic Crooks group was involved, but there were more internationally in conspiring. LBJ and Hoover were dirty on the JFK hit and worshippers of the big money elites the protected them. Rockefellers were born dirty and his big bankers internationally made it ultra dirty per the JFK hit. Hoover was taking oil money and dirty as they come in protecting crooked LBJ and covering up the JFK hit. We'd also have to put on trial his Masonic buddy Earl Warren and all the corrupt Warren Commission white wash artists. I'd necessarily add in the old European associations and put all the PERMINDEX players and especially Mortimer Bloomfieled in Canada and his British Intelligence and Zionist associations and his DISC connections with the nuclear establisment and CIA in the US. Bloomfiled's Bronfman connections were the ones running the drug operations in the US and how Ruby gets tied into lots of this, as he was dealing drugs for the Bronfman gang in Chicago. Plus, he knew lots of the USAEC gang from Jaffe in Dallas to persons he went to school with in Chicago that worked in high circles in USAEC Oak Ridge. After the JFK hit, all these Corrupt Influences in Oak Ridge were called Crooks. And Nixon was one too. The biggest motive for killing JFK came from the Royalists or the Mil / Ind Network as it was termed in the US. They wanted a new war and JFK didn't play along. JFK was going to distroy LBJ and Hoover. JFK was going to shatter the CIA. And he was breaking up the CIA war mongers and getting out of Vietnam. It took JFK a couple of years to learn how the presidency was being used and manipulated by the Royalists, and he had all the operation in his sights to destroy. It was a work in progress that would take JFK some time to complete, but with the fall of LBJ, lots of the US Royalists corruption was about to fall right behind him.
  10. The "Berlin Crisis" was certainly a pivotal moment in the JFK presidency. He designed for Peace and the IKE Network he inherited was designing for another war, a nuclear war against Russia. It did set the stage for what was to come. Things like "Umbrella Man" were protesting this JFK stace against "Communist Expansion". "Umbrella Man" was upset with JFK over Berlin and trying to say JFK was like UK PM Neville Chamberlain in making soft deals with Hitler. Somehow, it appears that Joe Kennedy in Britain inherited this umbrella imagery of Chamberlain's. At the time of Chamberlain's deal with Germany it was a pretty safe bet that Hitler would not go after his German Cousins on the Throne of England, as the "Windsors". But that would change as the Rothschild bankers get into the plan and they work New York's Jewish population to boycott Germany. Then matters got worse as the Rothschilds got Britain into the war and they dragged in the US. The Royal Oligarchs of banking hated Joe Kennedy over this, as he was US Ambassador to England at that time of Chamberlain's deal. In England, the town of York and several others were known for their Jewish populations, and when the US came along the name New York automatically implied this was a city for Jewish folks and it indeed became the banking and financial center highly connected with European Royalists and especially the Rothschild's banking conglomerate groups. So, naturally the Rothschild's war against Hitler kicked off in New York because Hitler was unhinging the Versalles deal with the Royalist Bankers and kicking all the Jewish good ole boys out of German Government. JFK came into the Mil / Ind Network's push for aggressive actions on Communism and to take it to their turf, not ours. Ike's term Mil / Ind Network should be more correctly put as the Royalist's political counter attack on the role of Communism in the world. Almost all the Ike years were geared toward quickly building the nuclear arsenal to be able to take on Russia with a nuclear power ratio of 10:1. JCS Lemnitzer, LeMay, et al wanted an all out shoot out with Russia and to nuclear punch out Russian Communism on that Continent. They wanted to bring the war to them. And as the Russians figured out their game they countered with like measures. In Europe, the Marxists response against the holdings of vast capitalistic oligarchic type wealth became Communism. Communism rebelled against the Czar and had him killed. The Russian Czar supported Abe Lincoln's revolt against the US Southern Capitalists and their UK Atlantic Triangle Trade routes supporting slavery. The Jewish led Marxists of Germany well saw the Germans that took over the Thone of England from the Stuart's Clan, and the Windsor Germans even had to change their names to avoid being exposed as a bunch of Royalists seeking Germans. As Hitler's power grew, the extreme capitalists of Europe, generally assosciated with the "German Rothschilds" name changers, ran to the "German Queen" and the "Windsor Germans Royalist Power" for help with the Royalists designed capitalism. This was the Royalists Power and what was to become the Mil / Ind Networks crank up in the US during the Ike/DDE Administration. It has been a long road of history, but history shows the Czar tried to help Lincoln with freedom issues against the UK allied South. History shows there was all kinds of "Crook Games" to install the Federal Reserve in the US and the next day kick off WWI and have the US citizens pay the bill. The Big Crook Players even switched the Olympic for the Titanic and killed the prime resistors to the Federal Reserve in the US. It has only gotten worse since, with the games employed to exploit a stupid American population, who are being led down the road to exploitation by corrupt media influences. JFK lead conspirators were this group's efforts to start WWIII.
  11. Try this: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=3001 http://www.paralumun.com/onassis.htm http://www.netplaces.com/jacqueline-kennedy-onassis/love-and-marriage/baby-blues.htm Heartbreak Jackie became pregnant in 1955 but miscarried. She became pregnant again in 1956. She was in her final trimester during the Democratic National Convention, at which Jack narrowly missed out on the vice presidential nomination. Angry and frustrated, Jack left to go sailing on the Mediterranean with his father and brother Ted, over Jackie's objections. She was eight months pregnant. While Jack was gone, Jackie began hemorrhaging and was rushed to the hospital. She underwent an emergency cesarean section, but the baby, a daughter who would have been named Arabella, was stillborn. Jack could not be reached until three days later. Rather than rush home to be by his wife's side, he called Jackie, then finished out his vacation. Friends said he probably wanted to grieve in solitude. Regardless, when he got back, his relationship with Jackie was more strained than ever. ========= http://www.dclikealocal.com/dclikealocal/tag/kennedys =====
  12. Isn't it interesting---swapped ships for a quick insurance claim and the rich US resistance toward the Federal Reserve all died. Even more interesting when one considers the workings of the Rockefellers and the AMA and the issues of fluoride used on America to maintain this Exploitation. When the US should have put trace boron in the water to protect people's health, they put fluoride in their water to make them dumb and slowly make tons of money off their illnesses. Americans are so dumbed down they can't see the Elephant tampling their very living rooms. The JFK assassination linkes a much bigger set of crooked dealings to take over America from within.
  13. Interesting postulation via Henry Makow of Canada, via a new book by John Hamer, perhaps a floating version of 911 happened in 1912 to stop opposition to the Fed. Res. Perhaps JFK found this unusual also. Such individuals would have no problems killing JFK. Nor exploiting the US in that wake. ============ http://www.henrymakow.com/questionssurround.html Down the years, suicide has always been a very convenient cover-story for many a silencing murder. How easy would it have been under the circumstances for a paid assassin to dispose of Messrs Smith, Murdoch, as well as the financiers Guggenheim, Strauss and Astor? Thus, these wealthy men, who may have opposed the formation of the Federal Reserve System (granted, due to their own conflicting financial interests and not out of any great concern for the plight of the masses), were disposed of, along with the 'collateral damage' of 1517 other innocents. ========== JFK also opposed the Federal Reserve. And the US went to H in a hand basket, as the exploitations worsened in the US. ============ This sounds like the 911 event over again on the high seas in 1912. Comparing, The "New York Port Authority" dumped the Rockefeller's "World Trade Centers" for pennies on the dollar due to their Asbestos Remediation expense issues. These buildings were not an asset, but a liabilty. Larry Silverstein bought these highly valueless buildings, then had them insured for top dollar. Then suddenly they all fall down and all of Manhattan is contamined with Asbestos and lots of other crap. So, if we consider the rest of the story on the alledged Titanic: ============ http://www.henrymakow.com/was_sinking_the_titanic.html According to Gardner, "Almost two months after the Hawke/Olympic collision, the reconverted Titanic, now superficially identical to her sister except for the C deck portholes, quietly left Belfast for Southampton to begin a very successful 25-year career as the Olympic. Back in the builders' yard, work progressed steadily on transforming the battered hulk of the Olympic into the Titanic. The decision to dispose of the damaged vessel would already have been taken. ... Instead of replacing the damaged section of keel, longitudinal bulkheads were installed to brace it". How significant then in the light of this statement, that when the wreck of the Titanic was first investigated by Robert Ballard and his crew after its discovery in 1987, the first explorations of the wreckage reportedly showed (completely undocumented in the ships original blueprints) iron support structures in place which appeared to be supporting and bracing the keel. ============== It shows just how far the Crooks will go to exploit using deceit and treachery. Stay tuned for this book: 'The Falsification of History - Our Distorted Reality' by John Hamer. ========= JP Morgan appears to have gotten his damaged ship paid for and we'll have to see if "LLoyds of London" was the Insuror of the ship. Not only did Morgan get a huge pay off, he paid his conspirators in the UK with sinking those opposing the Federal Reserve in the USA. Then the cover up of it all became part of the UK Official Secrets Act. Simply amazing what happens when the cover up dike busts loose. People in Canada start filling in the blanks and others in England giving up the dirty deeds. Soon the Crooks will come under the World's magnifying glass and they'll have no place to hide any longer. It'll soon be obvious as to their collective methods of deceit and treachery.
  14. IMHO, JFK stepped up to stop much of the Exploitation of America's Freedom by an old system based upon deceit and treachery in religion. Even Oliver Stone has run afoul of this system in telling the JFK story, as well as interests in Germany as the same system worked over the NAZI Party. A most informative Goldwin Smith book from 1894 tells the age old story. This book was written in Toronto, Canada: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v17/v17n1p16_Smith.html One should always know history, else the US is doomed to repeat these methods of exploitation. JFK selected Freedom for Americans, and sought their best interests from this Oligarchic like system for oppression.
  15. JFK Producer Oliver Stone was complaigning about not being able to present the issues of Hitler's Reicht in the US, but it appears the Germans are more free to tell the story: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/28/“crystal-night”-in-1938-–-the-third-reich’s-911/ When the victors write the history, it oft times becomes distorted or suppressed. But, sooner or later, the truth always seems to surface. Even on the JFK assassination tied to PERMINDEX. Another bit of truth seeking insight as to what the Talmud is about: http://www.henrymakow.com/the_talmud.html 'The Jew alone regards his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah.' ============== And one can be certain that both Joe Kennedy and JFK both read this work from 1894 by Goldwin Smith and seen a good many of these observations of exploitation in prograss against the US. This is nothing new for this religion's methods and games to seek power and control and it has been happening since Roman times. Its interests killed the Czars, killed Abe Lincoln over their money machine, killed JFK because he knew these features, and killed MLK because he spoke for Peace and Palistine.: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v17/v17n1p16_Smith.html The Vexing 'Jewish Question': A Nineteenth-Century Scholar's View It is evident that the policy which I proposed to the Turkish government [that is, the restoration of Palestine] might be adopted with equal advantage by England or any other European Power. The nation that espoused the cause of the Jews and their restoration to Palestine, would be able to rely on their support in financial operations on the largest scale, upon the powerful influence which they wield in the press of many countries, and upon their political co-operation in those countries, which would of necessity tend to paralyze the diplomatic and even hostile action of Powers antagonistic to the one with which they were allied. Owing to the financial, political, and commercial importance to which the Jews have now attained, there is probably no one Power in Europe that would prove so valuable an ally to a nation likely to be engaged in a European war, as this wealthy, powerful, and cosmopolitan race. A Nation Within the Nation Such a relation as that in which Judaism has placed itself to the people of each country, forming everywhere a nation within the nation, cherishing the pride of a Chosen People, regarding those among whom it dwelt as Gentiles and unclean, shrinking from social intercourse with them, engrossing their wealth by financial skill, but not adding to it by labor, plying at the same time a trade which, however legitimate, is always unpopular and makes many victims, could not possibly fail to lead, as it has led, to mutual hatred and the troubles which ensue. Certain as may be the gradual prevalence of good over evil, it is a futile optimism which denies that there have been calamities in history. One of them has been the dispersion of the Jews. As was said before, it is incredible that all the nations should have mistaken a power of good for a power of evil, or have been unanimous in ingratitude to a power of good. A Fresh Invasion None of them want to hurt the Jew or to interfere with his religious belief; what they all want is that if possible he should go to his own land. As it is, Western Europe and the western hemisphere are threatened with a fresh invasion on the largest scale by the departure of Jews from Russia. American politics are already beginning to feel the influence. A party, to catch the Jewish vote, puts into its platform a denunciation of Russia, the best friend of the American Republic in its day of trial. Jews are becoming strong in the British House of Commons and one of them the other day appealed to his compatriots to combine their forces against the political party which had been opposed to Jewish interests. That the Jew should be de-rabbinized and de-nationalized, in other words that he should renounce the Talmud, the tribal parts of the Mosaic law, and circumcision, is the remedy proposed by M. Leroy-Beaulieu, a writer by no means unfavorable to Israel. There seems to be no other way of putting an end to a conflict which is gradually enveloping all nations. This being done, whatever gifts and graces may belong to the race of Moses, David, and Isaiah, of the writers of the Book of Job and of the Psalms, of Judas Maccabaeus and Hillel, will have free course and be glorified. If Israel has any message for humanity, as he seems to think, it will he heard. Jewish merit will no longer be viewed with jealousy and distrust as having a sinister confederation at its back; and no man need fear in the present age that in any highly civilized community he will suffer persecution or disparagement of any sort on account of his religion. But the present relation is untenable. The Jew will have either to return to Jerusalem or to forget it, give his heart to the land of his birth and mingle with humanity. ============
  16. Steven, You may find this of interest regarding France: http://abna.ir/data.asp?lang=3&id=255953 =========
  17. Yes, Steven, as the people learn more of how the power in the US has been abducted and abused to have Americans not only get involved in wars, but to pay for the wars contrived by others. It will all come down just like the situation in Weimar Germany. Soon, will come the issues that the US is close to insolvent and the money rating slipping from AAA. The rampant inflation, the control over the press, the lack of honest truth and too much propaganda. The cover up of multiple killings for this cause, not just JFK's. Abe Lincoln, MLK and others were offed by British Intelligence run in Montreal and their money connections. In the US, The Jewish and Royal interests are disproportionatly present in US Government, banking, media, Hollywood, etc. Which is a large part of the cover up for these killings and exploitation of the US. These conspiring corrupt interests need to be removed from the state and from the US Government. ======== http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com/node/5735 Deadly enemy, deadly friend - The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State ======== When those seeking to exploit the US come into clear view in these next years, the US take over will anger too many that sought real freedom and a new revolution to install JFK's ideas may come into vogue. Certainly Oliver Stone appears not even able to express his opinions: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/alana-goodman/2010/07/25/oliver-stone-jewish-dominated-media-prevents-hitler-being-portrayed-c And I'd think the same issue colored his ability to do JFK justice. Justice for JFK would expose the high level killers connected with PERMINDEX, then the long standing games of the UK Royals to treat the US just like it did China with Drugs and Tobacco. The idea is to keep the US weakened and also to exploit them for every cause of war to expand their Empire. The pendelum is about to swing back for corrections of these abuses of power. It is exceeding obvious for those that read outside of the propaganda: http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-controlledpress-folder.html ================ WWIII is likely close at hand, and everyone knows who the evil people are and there will be no place on Earth for them to hide as they pulled off with the UK in WWII. The US will awake to the simple issue that two allies really are not allies, but really the exploiters of the US and its people. They have been conquored from within, due to the corruption of the US Govt. So, Bush-41's prediction may come true as the US recognizes its traitors: "If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched." -- George H. W. Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter
  18. Hello Bill, You mean to tell us that some Palistinian Arab Semitic persons in Dubai were assassinated too? I guess what ever faction was involved is anti-semitic, as Arabs are a Semitic people and they deserve justice by the system. Did you want to venture a guess as to what faction was involved in going around the justice system for this one? I don't know a thing of these incidences that you express interest. But, it would appear more of the same ole motives. It has been going on for 2,000 years down there---nothing new. Sooner or later it gets back to religion differences and the issues of the Essense, or the Talmud. In the nearer term the issues of Stuarts and Hanovers, or Jesuits vs Jesus. Even the Masons are involved as they were the prize of the Stuarts per the Templars, and the German Hanovers finially took the Throne and the Mason's original truths were masked. Religion and hidden truths are a big issue in this mess. Getting to these truths ends these big wars, solves the JFK hit, and sets the American People free of this oppression. It is bigger than just the JFK assassination. There was an interesting book called "The Second Messiah", which is largely about the Masons and the Stuart and Hanover battle for control of them. ===== http://www.amazon.com/Second-Messiah-Templars-Shroud-Freemasonry/dp/1862042489 Someone made an epic observation in reading this book: "History seems not so much a record of past events, more a catalogue of preferred beliefs expounded by people who have a vested interest." and another: " If you haven't read the Hiram Key, this is their formula [Nasorean=Essene=Christian] " ========= Some "Points of Order" for you to consider. When the FBI was onto Meyer Lansky, that was not considered anti-Zionist or anti anything, except perhaps anti-criminal, anti-drug, and anti-crime. The very same issue goes for looking at the suspected criminal activities of PERMINDEX, and persons like Louis Bloomfield and his Bronfman Drug Crime Syndicate in Montreal. When the subject is perhaps Dubai and some assassinations there of Arab Semitic persons, the issue is about criminal activities. It would be misleading to call looking into these crimes any other name other that seeking Justice via seeking the truth. The problem is this war for who controls drags the US into the middle of it. The US needs to stop being suckered. And the JFK assassination research needs to address the justice issue sans the pitiful name calling of anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist. IMHO, You really can't get to the central issues of the JFK hit with your bias. jp
  19. The Saga of the Norway shootings: Britons Involved----Manhunt in progress----almost sounds like a Gladio Project aimed at Islam. It is more than likely the Albert Pike project to forment a religion war: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/norway/8658664/Hunt-for-Britons-linked-to-Norway-killer-Anders-Behring-Breivik.html Hunt for Britons linked to Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik A hunt for possible British accomplices of the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is under way after it emerged that he began his deadly “crusade” after meeting other Right-wing extremists in London. ========== http://www.jta.org/news/article/2011/07/24/3088679/norway-killer-espoused-new-right-wing-pro-israel-philosophy Norway killer espoused right-wing philosophy By Toby Axelrod · July 24, 2011 BERLIN (JTA) -- The confessed perpetrator in the attack in Norway that killed at least 76 people espoused a right-wing philosophy against Islam that also purports to be pro-Zionist. ========== Interesting correlations: Malcom-X supports Palistine Arabs-----gets killed/ MLK supports Palistine --- gets killed/ JFK bans the bomb for Zionists---gets killed/ RFK wants justice for JFK---gets killed/ Abe Lincoln shuts down the Zionists Bankers---gets killed/ Now this Zionist British consort does a mass killing. =================== Looks like the Knights Templer---NWO version is back http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/9761756 European security officials said they were aware of increased Internet chatter from individuals claiming they belonged to the Knights Templar group that Breivik describes, in fantastical terms, in the manifesto. They said they were still investigating claims that Breivik, and other far-right individuals, attended a London meeting of the group in 2002. The two officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about the investigation. The use of an anglicized pseudonym could be explained by a passage in the manifesto describing the founding, in April 2002 in London, of a group he calls a new Knights Templar. The Knights Templar was a medieval order created to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land after the First Crusade in the 11th century. ============== The original or historical Templers ran to Scotland and this is the roots of the Scottish Rite 33rd Degrees version of the Masons, and the works of Albert Pike. London/UK is the roots of the main order for Masons. The Mason have always had a formal group called The Knights Templar. Looks like the ugly head of a new terrorist group is coming out. This one again linked to the UK and London via the Masons. ===============
  20. Speaking of PERMINDEX and "Louis Mortimer Bloomfield" and Masons, like "33rd Degree George Mandel", there comes an example of some new extremes. Bloomfield and "Orde Wingate" were peas in a pod in making Israel. Now, it turns out that a Mason in Norway seems to have gone on a rampage and killed a lot of Norway Youths for opting to boycott Israel. This is a recent history aside note linked to JFK assassination engineer Bloomfield and some of the extremes Masons can do over what appears to be Israel factors. It is interesting that the Masonic Dress Apron for this person is that for a Lodge "Worshipful Master", making him highly placed in Masons. Leaves little doubt that a similar situation would boil over to kill JFK, as this one Mason fella killed nearing a 100 people. ========= http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/gilad-atzmon-was-the-massacre-in-norway-a-reaction-to-bds.html I learned last night from an Israeli online journal, that two days before the Utoya Island massacre, AUF’s (Labour Party's youth movement) leader Eskil Pedersen gave an interview to the Dagbladet, Norway's second largest tabloid newspaper, in which he unveiled what he thinks of Israel. In the course of the interview, Pedersen stated that he “believes the time has come for more drastic measures against Israel, and (that he) wants the Foreign Minister to impose an economic boycott against the country.” Pederson went on to say, “The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expect Israel to comply, they do not. We in Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side.” ================ http://www.moneyteachers.org/Israel+Norway+Shooter.html Since its establishment in the late 19th century, the party steadily increased in support until it became the largest party in Norway in 1927 – a position it has held ever since." (Source) As the dominant political party they have a huge influence on foreign policy. The youth that were killed had just decided to boycott Israel: "two days before the Utoya Island massacre, AUF’s (Labour Party's youth movement) leader Eskil Pedersen gave an interview to the Dagbladet, Norway's second largest tabloid newspaper, in which he unveiled what he thinks of Israel. In the course of the interview, Pedersen stated that he “believes the time has come for more drastic measures against Israel, and (that he) wants the Foreign Minister to impose an economic boycott against the country.” Pederson went on to say, “The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expect Israel to comply, they do not. We in Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side.” The AUF Labour Party Youth Movement have been devoted promoters of the Israel Boycott campaign, The Dagbladet newspaper reporting that “The AUF has long been a supporter of an international boycott of Israel, but the decision at the last congress, demands that Norway imposes a unilateral economic embargo on the country and it must be stricter than before.” “I acknowledge that this is a drastic measure”, stated Pedersen, “but I think it gives a clear indication that we are tired of Israel's behaviour, quite simply”. (Source) =========== http://mantiqaltayr.wordpress.com/2011/07/24/their-blood-is-not-just-on-breiviks-hands/ So, in order to promote “inter-ethnic understanding” you send kids to Israel? You send them to one of the most racist places on the planet? “But Mantiq” (I can hear it now) “these kids are sent to the ‘Yemin Orde Youth Village’ which is for poor children with no place to go except to Palestine to be used as excuses in the future to steal more Arab land. Oh, and also Mantiq, the place is subsidized by the US taxpayer. Isn’t that cool.?” Sigh: I wonder if the American kids Cummings is sending to this “youth village” will learn that it is named after General Orde Wingate, a Christian Zionist fanatic who trained Haganah terrorists in Palestine in th 1930′s. Wingate also hated Arabs, I guess he would have made a fine Congressman. “In June 1938 the new British commander, Gen. Haining, gave his permission to create the Special Night Squads, armed groups formed of British and Haganah volunteers. The Jewish Agency helped pay salaries and other costs of the Haganah personnel. “Wingate trained, commanded and accompanied them in their patrols. The units frequently ambushed Arab saboteurs who attacked oil pipelines of the Iraq Petroleum Company, raiding border villages the attackers had used as bases. In these raids Wingate’s men sometimes imposed severe collective punishmentson the village inhabitants that were criticized by Zionist leaders as well as Wingate’s British superiors. Wingate disliked Arabs, once shouting at Hagana fighters after a June 1938 attack on a village on the border between Mandatory Palestine and Lebanon, “I think you are all totally ignorant in your Ramat Yochanan [the training base for the Hagana] since you do not even know the elementary use of bayonets when attacking dirty Arabs: how can you put your left foot in front?”[nb 1] But the brutal tactics proved effective in quelling the uprising, and Wingate was awarded the DSO in 1938.” But I guess since they’ll all be there on Mt. Carmel which is where the Baha’i headquarters is and overlooking Haifa which was ethnically cleansed by Israel it’s all perfectly okay. “Based on declassified Israeli documents, the Israeli historian Benny Morris concluded that the Jewish civilian population (especially Haifa’s Jewish mayor Shabtai Levy) was at peace with their Palestinian neighbors, but the Haganah and the IZL leadership had a different agenda to ethnically cleanse the city from its Palestinian Arab population. ” Yeah, the Haganah, the outfit whose members Orde Wingate trained, got rid of the majority of the city’s Arab population. “Out of the 61,000 Palestinian Arabs who used to call Haifa home, only 3,566 Palestinians were allowed to stay. The remaining population were in constant fear on their lives and properties, and many of them witnessed the looting of their homes and possessions by the Zionists.” ========== http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/23/norway-notes/ “The attack in Oslo also came 65 years to the very day after the Israeli Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem”…Eileen Fleming Remembering my manners and putting aside cheap journalism for humanity, the staff at Veterans Today offers its condolences and best to the families of the dead and the people of Norway. Every life is precious. ============
  21. In these "Bloomfield Documents" from "I have some Secrets for You", it is interesting that the name "Leonard Cohn" pops up, and with that lots of the tobacco company associations, which then associates back to Beer to some extent. http://somesecretsforyou.blogspot.com/
  22. So, the looking at the Name George Mandel gets even more interesting, when one checks the other names present at this Paris Peace Conference meeting. Not only does one find a Rothschild in hiding, one finds a notorious Sassoon name, and a Columbia University person named Beer. Beer made his fortunes in tobacco importing and he is hanging out with the name Sassoon that took over China with Opium methods, then followed by tobacco exploitation. ========== http://watch.pair.co...-babylon-3.html And according to Eric Samuelson, Jeroboam Rothschild represented France in the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 under a Gentile surname. Also located in Paris was the Prieuré de Sion. “Beer was the American expert on colonial questions at the Peace Conference in Paris. With Lord Eustace Percy, he drew up the plan for the History of the Peace Conference which was carried out by Harold Temperley. The British Round Table group served at the conference as advisers to Prime Minister David Lloyd George. [The real behind- the-scene experts at the Paris conference included M. (Georges) Mandel (real name Jereboam Rothschild) (France), Phillip Sassoon (1888-1939) (England) and Bernard Baruch (U.S.).] Beer was named head of the Mandate Department of the League of Nations as soon as it was established.” (Mystery Man: George Louis Beer) =================== But there is more----Beer started the CFR. http://watch.pair.com/beer.html MYSTERY MAN: GEORGE LOUIS BEER George Louis Beer (d. 1920)--Historian, Columbia University. Beer was the historian of the British colonial system before 1765.(1) The chief expert on colonial questions on Colonel House's "Inquiry," which was studying plans for the peace settlements. Regional Specialist for Colonial Problems. U.S. Round Table Member from about 1912 (the first member who was not a British subject).(2) When the British Round Table Group, about 1911, began to study the causes of the American Revolution, they wrote to Beer, and thus began a close and sympathetic relationship. The Group's attention was first attracted to Beer by a series of Anglophile studies on the British Empire in the eighteenth century which he published in the period after 1893. A Germanophobe as well as an Anglophile, he intended by writing, if we are to believe The Round Table, "to counteract the falsehoods about British Colonial policy to be found in the manuals used in American primary schools." He wrote the reports on the United States in The Round Table for many years, and his influence was clearly evident in Curtis's The Commonwealth of Nations. Beer served from 1915-18 as American correspondent for The Round Table. He gave a hint of the existence of the Milner Group in an article which he wrote for the Political Science Quarterly of June 1915 on Milner. Berr wrote: "He stands forth as the intellectual leader of the most progressive school of imperial thought throughout the Empire." Beer was one of the chief supporters of American intervention in the war against Germany in the period 1914-1917. In 1916, Lionel Curtis, a traveling delegate for The Round Table, met Beer in New York and proposed setting up an American group to participate in Round Table discussions. Despite his own hope of English-speaking union, Beer turned down the idea on the grounds that Americans had no business belonging to a movement to federate the British Empire. The secret-society used Beer to establish a mandate system for the territories taken from enemy powers as a result of the First World War. In The Anglo-American Establishment, Carroll Quigley wrote that the mandate "was first suggested by George Louis Beer in a report submitted to the United States Government on January 1, 1918, and by Lionel Curtis in an article called "Windows of Freedom" in The Round Table for December 1918. Beer was the American expert on colonial questions at the Peace Conference in Paris. With Lord Eustace Percy, he drew up the plan for the History of the Peace Conference which was carried out by Harold Temperley. The British Round Table group served at the conference as advisers to Prime Minister David Lloyd George. [The real behind- the-scene experts at the Paris conference included M. (Georges) Mandel (real name Jereboam Rothschild) (France), Phillip Sassoon (1888-1939) (England) and Bernard Baruch (U.S.).] Beer was named head of the Mandate Department of the League of Nations as soon as it was established. Beer was also one of the originators of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London and its American branch, The Council on Foreign Relations. Thomas W. Lamont, Isaiah Bowman, George Louis Beer and Whitney H. Shepardson approached Robert Cecil about planning a strategy for future joint ventures. They arranged for a party for fifty at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 30. 1919. At Paris the Royal Institute for International Affairs was created after WWI. The rather loosely organized group in the U.S. included George Louis Beer, Walter Lippman, Frank Aydetlotte, Whitney Shepardson, Thomas W. Lamont, Jerome D. Green, Erwin D. Canham (Christian Science Monitor) and others.(3) Beer's Round Table membership was revealed in the obituary published in The Round Table for September 1920. The American Historical Association offers the GEORGE LOUIS BEER PRIZE in recognition of outstanding historical writing in European international history since 1895. This $1,000 prize was established in accordance with the terms of a bequest by Beer to be awarded annually for the best work on any phase of European international history since the year 1895 that is submitted by a scholar who is a United States citizen. The phrase "European international history since the year 1895" may be understood to mean any study of international history since the year 1895 with a significant European dimension. The American Historical Association has given the George Louis Beer Prize for European international history since 1895.(4) William Cohen is currently the chair of the Beer prize.(5) Bernadotte E. Schmitt (RS 1905) (b. May 19, 1886) wrote The Coming of the War: 1914 published in 1930. It won the George Louis Beer Prize in 1930 and the Pulitzer in 1931.(6) Schmitt was with the University of Chicago (1925-1946).(7) Christine White, Associate Professor of European History (who received a Ph.D. at Cambridge, 1988) won the 1993 Beer Prize for British and American Commercial Relations with Soviet Russia, 1918-1924 (University of North Carolina Press, 1992).(8) Michael J. Hogan, chair of the Department of History at The Ohio State University, has also received the Beer Prize.(9) 1999 Beer Committee Members also include: Diane Clemens Department of History, UC Berkeley, Istvan Deak, Department of History, Columbia University, Paul Kennedy, Department of History, Yale University and Anson Rabinbach, Department of History, Princeton University. OTHER BEERS: Nelly Beer (1886-1945) married Robert Philipe Rothschild (1880-1946). Samuel H. Beer was author of The Communist Manifesto. S.H. Beer, Rhodes Scholar (1932) (Michigan). No known relationships to Louis Beer.... 1. http://theaha.org/prizes/BEER.htm 2. . Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment 168 (1981). 3. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope 950 (1966). 4. http://chnm.gmu.edu/aha/info/awards.html 5. http://theaha.org/prizes/BEER.htm. 6. http://funnelweb.utcc.utk.edu/~mklein/alum1.html. 7. http://funnelweb.utcc.utk.edu/~mklein/alum1.html. 8. http://www3.la.psu.edu/histist/faculty/WHITE.HTM 9. http://www.cohums.ohio-state.edu/history/people/hogan.htm. The Pilgrim Society & English-Speaking Union The Belmont Brotherhood ================== http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Louis_Beer George Louis Beer (1872 – 1920) was an American historian. Born in Staten Island, New York, he achieved success in the tobacco business. He studied at Columbia University and lectured on European History there from 1893 to 1897. After retiring from business, he wrote three books on the British-American colonial period. In 1913 he was the first Loubat Prize recipient for The Origins of the British Colonial System, 1578-1660, one of those books. His work The English Speaking Peoples, was published in 1917. He stressed the successful workings of the commercial dimensions of the British Empire and was part of the "Imperial School" which emphasized the economic benefits and efficient administration of the Empire. He was American correspondent of the British Round Table Journal.[1] Beer served as colonial expert to President Wilson's American Commission of Inquiry during World War I[1] and attended the Paris Peace Conference as a member of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, for which he was chief of the Colonial Division in 1918-1919. He was also a member of the Mandates Commission of the League of Nations, and was appointed director of the Mandatory Section of the League's Secretariat in 1919. Contents [hide] 1 The George Louis Beer Prize 2 Bibliography 3 See also 4 References The George Louis Beer PrizeBeer left a bequest to establish a prize recognizing outstanding historical writing relating to European international history since 1895. American citizens or permanent residents are eligible, for books published in the year preceding the award. The George Louis Beer Prize has been awarded in most years since 1923.[2] BibliographyBritish Colonial Policy, 1754-65 (1907) Origins of the British Colonial System, 1578-1660 (1908) The Old Colonial System, 1660-1754 (1912) full text online. African Questions at the Paris Peace Conference (1923) See alsoHistoriography of the British Empire References1.^ a b George Louis Beer, Louis Herbert Gray (1923). "Editor's Preface". African Questions at the Paris Peace Conference. The Macmillan Company. 2.^ American Historical Association, accessed April 5, 2010 =================
  23. Right insighful "CTKA" write up on Malcom-X. Has all the usual suspects hiding in the shadows, "expecially" the corrupt Hoover suspects. New York and Malcom-X appeared to be very upsetting for Hoover and his banking buddies.
  24. The Battle for the Truth and the Light has indeed been a long journey for humankind, and it is not nearly over in America due to ignornace. So much ignorance, that Americans can't step up to defend a fallen Heros like JFK, MLK, and RFK. And thus, humankind in the US has pretty much been run over and enslaved due to extremely vapid intelligence on history of religions. Just like the Vatican has been invaded by those counter to the Christian and Essene religion, so has the American religious factions. The heart of the war for world power and control is religion and how one can be used to destroy the other. The power oscillates back and forth like a pendalun swings over that span of history. Often the keys to the City or Enlightenment for this war of Relgions lies in the studies of religion via the Masons and the insights of persons like "Albert Pike", who Wrote the "Morals and Dogma" for the Scottish Rite. Scotland is where the Knights Templer ran and reformed, and the Scottish Rite teaches a good bit of this old history that is kept secret from the masses of the US. To study these issues pulls back the final curtain of knowledge needed to solve just what faction was behind killing JFK and lots of others. If one studies the Masonic Scottish Rite to the 33rd Degree level one learns about just where the origin for the religion Divine right and fallen Angels issues come full circle. http://watch.pair.com/mystery-babylon-4.html THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN Since the designation Jew belongs exclusively to the tribe of Judah, only the tribe of Judah is Jewish. Other tribes of Israel who call themselves Jews are appropriating to themselves an ancient birthright which is not rightfully theirs, for the Messiah would descend through the tribe of Judah. Revelation 2:9-10 refers to the synagogue of Satan as them which say they are Jews, and are not. In His message to the church at Smyrna, Jesus spoke of this group as a synagogue, that was not Jewish: I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. ============ Arguments against a Jewish conspiracy usually include the following: The global bankers and the owners of transnational corporations who conspire to overthrow Western civilization and restructure society are not exclusively Jews but include Gentiles as well. Do we know this for a fact? If the dispersed Jews have been taking Gentile surnames for two millennia, as well as concealing their Jewish identity, who knows if power elites perceived to be Gentiles are not in reality crypto-Jews? To promote the idea of a Jewish conspiracy is anti-Semitic and defamatory of all Jews. This is hardly the case, for the conspiracy is primarily occultic and not all Jews are Cabalists, and even fewer are members of the High Cabal. Many Jews eschew the idolatrous paganism of the Cabalists, who have already demonstrated they will exterminate their Jewish brothers, who follow the Torah, to achieve their conspiratorial aims. In fact, Bible prophecy foretells the fate of the Jews---that two thirds will be destroyed, yet there will be a remnant, a third of Jewry, which is persecuted by the Antichrist system, but protected by God: And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. (Zech.13:8,9) The term anti-Semitism involves a number of fallacies, one of these being that all of the Semitic people are of Hebrew descent. It is a fact, however, that the Hebrews comprise only 10% of world Semites. Dr. Alfred Lilienthal observed that, In fact, it is the Zionists who have been anti-Semites starting from the holy land of Palestine and ending with a worldwide movement against Muslims and Arabs who form 90 percent of the Semites. Another misconception, fostered by failure to understand the history of Israel, is that the international Hebrew community is religiously and politically monolithic and that criticism of one faction within this community amounts to prejudice against all people of Hebrew descent. In fact, most theories of a Jewish conspiracy condemn all Jews and fail to take into account the schism that split ancient Israel, which was precipitated by the idolatry of the tribe of Dan. There is weighty evidence that tribe of Dan were the progenitors of the Merovingians. This evidence is presented in The Lost Tribe of Dan, which also explains why the tribe of Dan is still at war with the tribe of Judah. In brief, Samsons riddle to the Philistines is really a prophecy: Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. Judg.14:14 The riddle recalled an incident when Samson turned aside to see the carcase of the lion: and, behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase of the lion. And he took thereof in his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and mother, and he gave them, and they did eat... Samsons prophecy suggests that the tribe of Dan intends to destroy the tribe of Judah and inaugurate their own messiah who will rule a world kingdom from Israel, not Judah. From the carcass of the young lion (destruction of Judah) the tribe of Dan (symbolized by bees) will produce a Golden Age (symbolized by honey). Specifically, the Antichrist of the tribe of Dan would rule from the northern area which was occupied by Dan, namely Mount Sion, also called Mount Hermon (Deut.4:48) This Canaanite territory was chosen by Dan because it was the location of the sacred site, Mount Hermon. Located on the 33º latitude and longitude, Mount Hermon/Sion is where the Nephilim (fallen angels) descended per Genesis 6. This accounts for the bestial nature of the Antichrist and his ancient lineage. (See: Heeding Bible Prophecy: Mount Sion/Hermon) ========= And when you get to this level-----one sees a millenia old battle that killed JFK in 1963. One also discoveres that America really isn't free and is really enslaved by this gang of corrupt oligarchs. And that lots of information that is essential for a proper direction and freedom has been denied them.
  25. And it gets a little deeper as to how long this battle for just who and what is Divine. One of the most valued of the Essene's keeping is the Book of Enoch, which tells of the Fallen Angels, and from that many suggest the issue of the right to Divine heritage and rule. Then the fall out begins as to who is Satan and who are the Angels. The roots of religion are truely sordid. And in digging around one can find why the Vatican and the "Mafia" (aka "The Family") are so entrenched together. JFK stepped right into the middle of this millenia old battle for power and control.: http://watch.pair.com/mystery-babylon-3.html The Merovingian dynasty were the masterminds behind the Renaissance: “René [d’Anjou] was the Angevin monarch who, at the time of the renaissance, single-handedly spearheaded a Hermetic revival in Europe. It was he who personally convinced Cosimo de Medici to translate many ancient texts such as the Corpus Hermeticum into various European tongues for the first time ever... The Angevins were primarily advocates of the Regia, or Royal Art, of hermeticism; a tradition which according to legend was passed down to man by a race of fallen angels.” Anjou (pronounced “an Jew”!) was a Jewish province in France. The term “Angevin” or “Angevine” is the name applied to two distinct medieval dynasties that originated from Anjou. Angevin/Angevine is also associated with angels, which may explain why this Jewish bloodline had more than just a passing interest in the writings of the Nephilim. The Angevins were a senior branch (angel + vine) of the Merovingian bloodline whose members viewed themselves as divine descendants of the fallen angels of Genesis 6. The Jesus-Mary Magdalene bloodline heresy is really the exoteric doctrine of the Merovingian race, and an occult blind for religious masses; the esoteric doctrine, known only to the initiated, is the descent of the Merovingian race from the fallen angels of Genesis 6. Which explains why the founder of the dynasty, King Merovee, is said to have been sired by mysterious sea beast, Pallas or i.e. the beast out of the sea, per Rev. 13:1. A book titled King John 1167-1216 by W. L. Warren, depicts the Angevins as literally having demonic ancestry: “The violent temper of the Angivins, their vicious reaction being thwarted, was almost pathological in its intensity... ‘From the Devil they came’, growled St. Bernard, ‘and to the Devil they will return.’ There were many who agreed with him. Popular gossip told of their descent from a devilish ancestress...” ================ The Prieuré de Sion is the secret society in Paris which oversees all other secret societies. It is the mysterious Illuminati, which had its origins in the Society of Ormus which was birthed in Alexandria, Egypt, whence it relocated to Calabria, Italy. (The terms Illuminati and Ormus both mean “illumined” or “enlightened.”) These were the Calabrian monks who, in 1070 AD, removed to Ardennes Forrest in France, and settled on the domains of Godfroi de Bouillon on land owned by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, founder of the Cistercians and author of the Rule of the Templars. A procession of “Illuminati” is discernible throughout history, from ancient Egypt, whence the apostate Jews (Therapeutae and Essenes) of Alexandria founded schools of Gnosticism. A recent PBS documentary about the infamous Medici family was titled “The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance.” According to the series, the Medici were the original Mafia which rose to power with all the finesse of Italian mobsters. “The Medici didn’t start out as the most powerful family in Italy. Other families were just as rich, and just as ambitious. But no one knew more about getting ahead - and staying ahead - than the Medici. They clawed their way to the top, sometimes through bribery, corruption and violence. Those who stood in their way could end up humiliated - or dead... Governing Florence like a medieval mafia, the power of the Medici stretched all the way to Rome, where even the papacy was something to be bought and sold. They were the Godfathers of the Renaissance. “The Medici created a lucrative partnership with another medieval power, the Catholic Church. In what had to be one of the most ingenious enterprises of all time, the Medici bank collected 10% of your earnings for the Church. If you couldn’t pay, you faced excommunication - a one-way ticket to hell. The Pope himself had a massive overdraft, and the Medici bank became the most profitable business in Europe. By 1434, half the bank’s revenue came from the ‘Rome branch’, which was in fact little more than a mobile bank that followed the Pope around the world. Papal connections gave the Medici bank immense power, soon everyone wanted an account with the Pope’s personal bank. On one occasion the nomination of a new bishop was ‘delayed’, until his father - a Cardinal - had repaid their debts to the Medici bank. And the Medici kept ahead of their banking rivals because of the invention of limited liability. Giovanni di Bicci had set up a franchise system, where regional branch managers shared a stake in the business. Giovanni also banned loans to princes and kings, who were notoriously bad investments. Consequentially, the Medici business remained in the black while its competitors lost fortunes.” (The Medici) ==============
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