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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. I listened to Ian Punnett interview Saint John Hunt on coasttocoastam on Saturday night. Saint John inherited his father’s excellent command of the English language and was precise in what he talked about. Saint John said that he had received from his father in January 2004 by U.S. mail an unsolicited tape recording, four-and-one-half minutes of which were played on the radio show Saturday night, and which is scheduled to be played again tonight on coastocoastam. In the tape recording Hunt named CIA officer Cord Meyer as the principal ringleader of the group that assassinated JFK. Mary Meyer, Cord Meyer’s ex-wife and mistress of JFK, was the victim of a mysterious killing one year after JFK was assassinated. Howard Hunt said that as a result of JFK’s adulterous affair with Cord Meyer’s then wife, Cord was ripe for the opportunity to assassinate JFK upon being approached by LBJ, whom Hunt in the tape identified as being at the top of the conspiracy pyramid. Saint John named one Cuban-American who was a member of the conspiracy and who is still alive, indicating that he had talked with this individual about the JFK assassination In the tape Hunt referred to himself as a “benchwarmer” in the assassination conspiracy. Because Hunt was precise in his use of the English language, Ian Punnett in the radio interview focused on the word and asked Saint John if this meant that Hunt was privy to the plot but kept in reserve in case his unique abilities were needed. Saint John agreed that this was a proper description of what a “benchwarmer” is and that might well describe his father’s role in the affair. However, the information provided by Hunt in his tape recording contradicts in its entirety the sworn affidavit that he provided to the Rockefeller Commission in 1974 as printed verbatim on pages 128-129 of his recently published book, “American Spy.” Still, he might have been confident that no one with direct knowledge would dare dispute him in 1974, making him feel safe in filing a sworn affidavit at that time. I have established email communication with Saint John, offering to provide him with the information that I have tying LBJ to the murder. He has responded that he remembers my name well, as his father, my Watergate legal client, talked about me on many occasions. I find it ironic that if what Howard Hunt maintains is true, that I considered him a close friend n the early 1970's while never divining of his knowledge of LBJ’s role in the Kennedy assassination, and that some dozen years later, through my representation of Billie Sol Estes, I was provided additional information linking LBJ to the killing, which I have previously disclosed in this Forum. _____________________________________ Mr. Caddy, Thanks for your input on this. One of the things that really struck me while listening to the tape recording on the radio Saturday night was the fact that Hunt said, in so many words, "Frank (Sturgis) told me that Cord Meyer had told him that LBJ had instructed/asked/encouraged Meyer to enlarge/expand "the operation" (to assassinate JFK). So, if Hunt's 2004 self-recorded "deathbed testimony" is true, the assassination was already "in the works" when LBJ approached Meyer. Hmm.... Interesting! Any insight you might have on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, --Thomas _____________________________________
  2. Hi Ronnie,

    Keep up the good work!


  3. ________________________ Ron, You want it in twenty words, or less? --Thomas P.S. It was very interesting. You can go to http://www.saintjohnhunt.com if you want to........ ________________________ ____________ Bump-a-ruskie ___________
  4. ________________________________ Agreed.... ________________________________
  5. ________________________________ Taking into consideration the horizontal angle and vertical declination of JFK's head at the time of the fatal shot (as shown in Z-313 and Moorman's photo, etc), and taking into consideration the medical evidence (as put forth in GRODEN'S DVD "JFK: THE CASE FOR CONSPIRACY," etc), I can't imagine that the front to back shot that apparently entered the front of JFK's skull on the right side of his head near the hairline at Z-313 and which laid open the the large whitish "flap" of JFK's skull so visible to us on the Z-film and which, according to the Parkland doctors and nurses and technicians, blew out a baseball-sized exit-wound hole in the (right-rear) occipital-parietal part of his skull actually came from behind the North Grassy Knoll fence, be it standing on Duncan's 6-foot ladder 12.25 or 16.222 or 20.0104 or 30.11255 or 34.31843893 feet from "The Corner," simply because a shot from "there" would be too high up and way too much from the side, according to the medical evidence. A nearly-simultaneous "hit" from the rear I can accept, but the medical and photographic evidence would seem to indicate that the first of the fatal shots came either from the west-south-west junction of the "south knoll" with the overpass (as Tosh Plumlee indicated), the overpass itself, the "sewer drain," or the mysterious Mr. Greer.... Comments please? John Dolva? Lee Forman? "Ashmolean" Gray? Robin Unger? Bernice? Eugene? Jack "Go Froggies!" White? Anyone? Anyone 'tall? --Thomas P.S. Dunkin an' perfesser Skul, eat all-- I a-nows I'z plum stupud butt I want's yous to nose I ain't sayin' they warn't no shootrists standin' 16.83927 feet behind that there fince and a-standin' on your's six feet laddar. I just a-sayin' that tey wuz pizz-pore shots an dunn a-misted... ______________________ Edited and a-bump-a-row-kneed..... ______________________
  6. _____________________ Regarding your wonderful post #97, Great work, Eugene! Unfortunately not "blown up" enough to be able to answer your question regarding possible bad guy in the Dal-Tex window..... Regardless, great work and greatly appreciated! --Thomas _____________________ bump
  7. _____________________ Regarding your wonderful post #97, Great work, Eugene! Unfortunately not "blown up" enough to be able to answer your question regarding possible bad guy in the Dal-Tex window..... Regardless, great work and greatly appreciated! --Thomas _____________________
  8. _____________________ Regarding your wonderful post #97, Great work, Eugene! Unfortunately not "blown up" enough to be able to answer your question regarding possible bad guy in the Dal-Tex window..... Regardless, great work and greatly appreciated! --Thomas _____________________
  9. ________________________ Ron, You want it in twenty words, or less? --Thomas P.S. It was very interesting. You can go to http://www.saintjohnhunt.com if you want to........ ________________________
  10. ________________________________ Taking into consideration the horizontal angle and vertical declination of JFK's head at the time of the fatal shot (as shown in Z-313 and Moorman's photo, etc), and taking into consideration the medical evidence as put forth in Groden's DVD "JFK: The Case For Conspiracy," I can't imagine that the front to back shot that laid open the whitish "flap" of JFK's skull so visible to us on the Z-film actually came from behind the North Grassy Knoll fence, whether it was hypothetically from 6.25327 or 15 or 20 or 30 or 34.3183625 feet from the "corner." A nearly simultaneous shot from there I can accept, but the medical evidence would seem to indicate that the first of the fatal shots came from the direction of either the south knoll, the overpass, or the storm drain.... Comments? --Thomas
  11. ["editing" by Thomas Graves]_____________________________ Too bad, isn't it, that Myra B. ran Mr. Plumlee off the Forum some time ago by accusing him, in so many words, of being part of the conspiracy.... Hopefully, "Tosh" will come back some day in spite of Ms B's loaded questions. --Thomas _____________________________
  12. _________________________ Thanks James, As you know, I value highly your observations and your theories. I totally understand the potential significance of the name "Bishop" in the context of the assassination, especially in view of the fact that it was used by several different very suspicious operatives.... Regardless, in comparing "The Sketch" to the photos of all the possible CIA dudes who might have been LHO's controller, I think that the definitive answer lies in the details. The details I'm referring to are the representations in the sketch of warts, wens, moles, splotches, freckles, and/or birthmarks which are clearly visible on the left side of the man's face in the sketch and which are also clearly visible in the photo of one David Atlee Phillips. So far, no one on The Forum has addressed this minor observation on my part. Of all the candidates I've seen so far (including Moore), the only one who has similar marks on the left side of his face is David Atlee Phillips.... Onward Ho! --Thomas __________________________ bump __________________________
  13. _________________________ Thanks James, As you know, I value quite highly your observations and your theories. I understand the significance of the name "Bishop" in the context of the assassination, and the fact that it was apparently used by several different operatives.... Regardless, in comparing "The Sketch" to the photos of all the possible CIA dudes who might have been LHO's controller, I think that the definitive answer lies in the details. The details I'm referring to are the representations in the sketch of warts, wens, moles, splotches, freckles, and/or birthmarks which are clearly visible on the left side of the man's face in the sketch which are also clearly visible in the photo of one David Atlee Phillips. So far, no one on The Forum has addressed this minor observation on my part (regarding the warts, wens, moles, splotches, freckles, and/or birthmarks)... Of all the candidates I've seen so far (including Moore), the only one who has similar marks on the left side of his face is David Atlee Phillips.... Onward Ho! --Thomas __________________________ bump __________________________
  14. _________________________ Thanks James, As you know, I value quite highly your observations, theories, and ruminations. I understand the importance of the name "Bishop" in the context of the assassination, and the fact that it was apparently used by several different operatives.... Regardless, in comparing "The Sketch" to the photos of all the possible CIA dudes who might have been LHO's controller, I think the definitive answer lies in the details. The details I'm referring to are the representations in the sketch of warts, wens, moles, splotches, freckles, and/or birthmarks which are clearly visible on the left side of the man's face in the sketch and which are also clearly visible in the photo of one David Atlee Phillips. So far, no one on The Forum has addressed this minor observation on my part (regarding the warts, wens, moles, freckles, and/or birthmarks)... Of all the candidates I've seen so far (including Moore), the only one who has similar marks on the left side of his face is David Atlee Phillips.... Onward Ho! --Thomas __________________________
  15. I had discovered there was a CIA agent in Dallas named J. Walton Moore. He had been there since the time of the Kennedy assassination and, in fact, was listed in the telephone book down through the years -- except during the period of the Jim Garrison investigation. On the chance that Moore might be Maurice Bishop, I asked a friend of mine, a reporter on a Dallas television station, to have a surreptitious photograph of Moore taken so I could show it to Veciana. (Moore, it turned out, did not look like Bishop. The Last Investigation pt2 The eyes are not a perfect match - neither is the hair in the way it is brushed back - however, this doesn't mean that the hair could have been changed. The remainder of the sketch is quite interesting. Something like a 50% overlay - I cut out the eyes. _____________________________ I (still) assert that Phillips was the man who was represented in the sketch. I base my conclusion not only on the strong facial and hair similarities between the two, but as well on fact that there are visible in the photo of Phillips several blotches and/or moles, on the left side of his face which are also shown in the sketch. Hmm.... How interesting! Obviously, the blotches or moles or whatever they were must have been very obvious and visible to Veciana, otherwise why would he have directed the artist to put them there? I mentioned this on another thread some time ago, where a larger, lighter and more-detailed "sketch" was posted, but no one addressed this particular issue of blotches and/or moles which I raised.... Why? Because it doesn't fit in with your particular paradigm?? LOL If that's the case, then how can you call yourself a "Researcher" with a capital "R?" Hmmm?........... Interesting, --Thomas ("Thread Killer") Graves _____________________________ P.S. I'm a-bumpin' it now and I'm a-gonna keep on a-bumpin' it 'till I get a rational. research-oriented response... James, Robin, Lee...? _____________________________
  16. I had discovered there was a CIA agent in Dallas named J. Walton Moore. He had been there since the time of the Kennedy assassination and, in fact, was listed in the telephone book down through the years -- except during the period of the Jim Garrison investigation. On the chance that Moore might be Maurice Bishop, I asked a friend of mine, a reporter on a Dallas television station, to have a surreptitious photograph of Moore taken so I could show it to Veciana. (Moore, it turned out, did not look like Bishop. The Last Investigation pt2 The eyes are not a perfect match - neither is the hair in the way it is brushed back - however, this doesn't mean that the hair could have been changed. The remainder of the sketch is quite interesting. Something like a 50% overlay - I cut out the eyes. _____________________________ I (still) assert that Phillips was the man who was represented in the sketch. I base my conclusion not only on the strong facial and hair similarities between the two, but as well on fact that there are visible in the photo of Phillips several blotches and/or moles, on the left side of his face which are also shown in the sketch. Hmm.... How interesting....! Obviously, the blotches or moles or whatever they were must have been very obvious and visible to Veciana, otherwise why would he have directed the artist to put them there? I mentioned this on another thread a some time ago, where a larger, lighter, more-detailed "sketch" was posted, but no one addressed this particular issue of blotches and/or moles.... Why? Because it doesn't fit in with your particular paradigm?? Hmmm?........... Interesting, --Thomas ("Thread Killer") Graves _____________________________
  17. __________________________________ Robert, IMO, there is a very good reason why the shootdown of the U2 over Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis got more press than the reported disappearance of a U2 two days before the hit on JFK. At the time of the former, the world was on the edge of nuclear Armageddon and knew it... I was 12 years old in October of 1962 and I'll always remember one of my "middle school" teachers' bringing a radio to class at the beginning of the crisis and telling us how we were witnessing history in the making and also how incredibly critical the next few days would be to the survival of life on planet Earth. In that kind of environment, you practically jump out of your skin when somebody sneezes. Now given that, just imagine hearing during the crisis itself that a US airplane has just disappeared from radar screens over the "hot spot" itself.... Yowie Zowie!!! The horrible and tragic events of November 22, 1963 naturally diverted whatever (little?) attention the world, and we Americans in particular, had been paying to the disappearance of the U2 near Cuba on November 20. What's so mysterious or suspicious or devious about that? --Thomas __________________________________ Improved and bumped. __________________________________
  18. __________________________________ Stupid question: Do the two red marks in the street represent where the limo was at the time of the fatal shot(s)? If not, what? Thanks, --Thomas __________________________________
  19. __________________________________ Robert, IMO, there is a very good reason why the alleged shootdown of the U2 over Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis got more press than the reported disappearance of a U2 two days before the hit on JFK. At the time of the former, the world was on the edge of nuclear Armageddon and knew it... I was 12 years old in October of 1962 and I'll always remember one of my "middle school" teachers' bringing a radio to class at the beginning of the crisis and telling us how we were witnessing the making of history and also how incredibly critical the next few days would be to the survival of life on planet Earth. In that kind of environment, you practically jump out of your skin when somebody sneezes. Now given that, just imagine hearing during the crisis itself that a US airplane has just disappeared from radar screens over the "hot spot" itself.... Yowie Zowie!!! The horrible and tragic events of November 22, 1963 naturally diverted whatever (little?) attention the world, and we Americans in particular, had been paying to the disappearance of the U2 near Cuba on November 20, first reported in the press on November 21. What's so mysterious or suspicious or devious about that? --Thomas __________________________________
  20. ________________________________ Good one Gil. Thanks! --Thomas ________________________________
  21. ________________________ Donald, So, how many "heavyweight" conversations are you referring to in the post that you overheard up there in the TSBD sixth floor museum? If just one, then are you certain who it was between, or not? Just curious. Interesting story, regardless... Keep up the good work. --Thomas ________________________
  22. ___________________________ James, He looks like an upstanding citizen to me. LOL --Thomas ___________________________
  23. _________________________ Why? Because of "the-head-is-too-small-perspective wise to-have-been-about-six-feet-off-the-ground" argument? --Thomas _________________________
  24. _______________________________ Nope. (Very interesting document, though....) Good luck, --Thomas _______________________________
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