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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Denise is I think at least partly correct on this. I think it has been exaggerated. But there are several cases that I think are legitimately suspicious. DK is one of them. Another example is the Baron. Another example is David Ferrie. There are a few others. But not nearly as many as some of the most extreme writers make of it. The possibility that Pataky was with DK the night before, and that there was the presence of at least two drugs on her glass, maybe three--and this was covered up--merits suspicion. Plus the fact that as Lee Israel noted, there was no investigation by the police, that is they never brought everyone who saw her the night before into the station for inquiries?
  2. Getting back to the point at hand, Andrew Iler is one of the best authorities we have on the case. I am reposting his very interesting talk about what happened to the JFK Records Collection Act at the point everything was supposed to be declassified in 2017. https://thatsenoughouttayou.buzzsprout.com/2064141/14852884 The whole thing gradually went more and more haywire. And no matter what Trump says now, he backed out when he had the opportunity to act in accordance with the law. IMO, and I think in Andrew's, it will be a cold day in Hades when we see the last of the JFK documents.
  3. Oh give us a break with this Matt. If you have something substantive to reply with then do so. If you do not give two bits about what is in the documents then just stay out of it. If you think that that many documents are all IRS related I can sell you a bridge in Arizona. One of the problems with the documents, and any lawyer familiar with the case will confirm this, is that the directory for them is a joke. And this has been a big issue in the case. Because it is a violation of the law. In case you do not know, and evidently you do not, for every document withheld, there was supposed to be a clear description of what was in the document, and then a clear description of why it was necessary to keep it classified. The reasons for classification had to be really exceptional at the end. That is not what happened. BTW can you point to us where the Joannides files have been declassified? If so, Morley would love to read them. Especially that message from HQ with the rubric S.I. in the summer of 1963 that the CIA will not give up. Think that has something to do with the IRS? This is why I would never agree to having Matt as a monitor.
  4. That is a good question, and I wish Andrew would chime in on it. Here is my take. If RFK Jr. would try and declassify all the remaining records, he would be thwarted. Why? Because the ARRB law has been adulterated and replaced by a new mechanism, which gives the FBI and CIA a lot of leeway that the ARRB did not. This would lead to hearings before congress and probably a court case. If congress joined in the court case I think RFK Jr. would win.
  5. Nice one by William: "The Domino Theory turned out to be true in Vietnam-- people can now order Domino's Pizza in Ho Chi Minh City."
  6. The problem with this is simple: the CIA was not fighting communist dictatorships in these cases. As Jonathan Kwtiny notes in Endless Enemies, Lumumba was not a communist. He was elected in a free election to a constitutional government. Sukarno was not a communist. In fact, at the time of his death, Kennedy was trying to get better deals for Sukarno from the industries doing business in Indonesia. Allende was not a communist, he was a socialist, who again ran in and won an election. Its true he wanted to nationalize certain industries, but that was part of an elected program. So, this idea that somehow the CIA was fighting communism in these countries is simply false. What the CIA was doing was overthrowing governments that were duly elected and wanted to try and make improved lives for the citizenry. What the CIA did in those countries was disastrous in each case. Lumumba and Allende ended up being killed, and Sukarno placed under house arrest. Meanwhile, their followers were massacred. And in each case, fascist dictators took over.
  7. Dave: Thanks much for posting that document. Where is that from, Garrison, or the HSCA?
  8. William, To be specific, the CIA had studied setting up both a Manchurian Candidate to be an assassin, and one to be a fall guy. I think its in the Marks book. And he actually states there how long it would take to program either one. This is why Helms disposed of 14,000 pages of MK Ultra before he left. Cesar had to have been the main killer, for all the reasons stated by Roger above. Just remember what Wecht said about Noguchi's autopsy of RFK. It was one of the finest medico-legal reports he ever read.
  9. If you read my review, Sara tells us that the prime suspect in the case, Ron Pataky, passed away in 2022. This is what happens when you get a case that is first, kept oh so quiet, then covered up, and then just plain neglected. I mean if it were not for the JFK critics, would anyone have ever paid any attention to it at all? I doubt it.
  10. But I have to add here, if the stuff she says about Clay Shaw and a Nash Rambler station wagon registered in Dallas is true, that is a real shocker. I thought I knew everything there was to know about this guy. Somehow, I missed that. Whew. Imagine trying to explain that one.
  11. The actual jail term served before a parole on this charge was pointed out by Shane O'Sullivan. The average was about 16 years. Sirhan has now served over three times that. So there is no legal reason for him to be there that long.
  12. Yes Peter do not include that, accent the points we listed about his age, and his youth at the time and being a model prisoner.
  13. Well, that is one way to look at what has happened to the denuding of the JFK Act. And it just seems odd that both the Napolitano and Carlson stories would jibe to that degree. But with what Biden has done, I think it will be years before we ever find out what is in those files. Some "transparency plan".
  14. I totally agree Allen. If anything, I was being a little soft on her. Because of respect for what she did oh so many years ago on the case. The seven pages on MM are BS. And not only are there no footnotes, there is no index. It was likely self published.
  15. I never meant it as a political discussion. And you acknowledge that. I meant it as pointing out a major figure in the media and academia who has the guts to call the JFK murder what it was, the overthrow of the government. I think that was worthy of notice. And i still do. As I also noted elsewhere, Sachs did the same thing in a long interview he did with Carlson. In other words, he is getting even more exposure with this message. Somehow that is not good?
  16. Anyone who reads Jim Hougan's classic book Secret Agenda can see that the CIA role in Watergate was a deliberate and well hidden one. In fact, Senator Howard Baker, who became famous on the Ervin Committee, was shocked when he discovered how extensive it really was while serving on that committee. In Hougan's book, he meticulously describes the night of the final break in from multiple angles. No one had ever done that before. No objective person can read that and not come to the conclusion that there was purposeful sabotage at work. I mean please, you re-tape a door after its been detected and stripped? You tape doors on the wrong floors? Hunt does not secure the burglar's belongings, with his name and location at the White House in one of the notebooks? And he pays them in sequentially numbered hundred dollar bills? I mean please. George McGovern was not going to be a viable candidate after being savaged by Humphrey and the press in the primaries, and he was finished after the Eagleton Affair. The amazing thing about Watergate is how long it took to gain any traction. This did not occur until after the election. And what sunk Nixon was not the break in, but his cover up efforts e.g. the Smoking Gun tape. Morley's last book is about this duel between Nixon and Helms. As McCord said, if Helms goes--and he did--every tree in the forest will fall. And it did. One of the cleverest traps in modern political history.
  17. This one is in mid August. K and K shows how you can write, which according to Sirhan's lawyer, does make a difference. So take a few minutes, and try and do something which will at least attract attention to this case. Oswald and Ray are gone, Sirhan is not. https://www.kennedysandking.com/robert-f-kennedy-articles/the-sirhan-parole-hearing
  18. Attorney Mark Adamczyk weighs in on a controversy that the MSM will not touch. But the rightwing opinion makers will. Mark was one of the first and most important commentators on how Trump and Biden voided the JFK Act. Here, it gets amplified. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-trump-napolitano-carlson-connection-on-jfk
  19. By the woman who started the whole ruckus many years ago. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/incredible-life-and-mysterious-death-of-dorothy-kilgallen-1503
  20. Its because Bobby was going through the pantry. On his way to the media.
  21. More from Jeff Sachs, this time with Tucker Carlson. He has the Neocons nailed. And Joe, I can tell you from experience that Patrick Bet is a Trumpster, who somehow equates him with JFK.
  22. If you listen to the tapes from the Ambassador that night, really something. The common refrain is don't harm Sirhan, we don't want another Dallas. Jungian collective.
  23. Denise: As I said, I would not praise Dale M's reconstruction on any grounds as it has been effectively attacked too many times, e.g. by Harris, Speer and Mantik. Dale even asked to have Harris' critique removed from You Tube.
  24. A wonderful speech. The one he gave the night of the murder might have been even better.
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