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Randy Downs

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  1. James, I would be very interested in your 'take'/opinion of Adams and what he says, especially in light of you having interviewed him. Would you consider him a credible source? Regards, Randy
  2. I have just seen this thread for the first time and read all the way through it. Just a few thoughts: DB writes, "It is inconceivable that had Operation 40 been an assassination unit, as Simkin claims, that either or both the Church Committee and the CIA's Inspector General's Inspector General's report would not have made some made mention of it." Mmmm, yes, it is truly inconceivable that an off-the-books black ops, would remain as such because nobody would 'fess up' to the Church Committee or the IG or anyone else for that matter. It was i believe, a CIA director (sorry, i forget which one) who blatantly told a Congressional committee that: yes, he would lie to them and yes, he had instructed his agents to also lie. I'm sure someone here can back me up on that. DB writes, "According to Simkin's website - and without identifying the source, although it is likely to have been Wheaton - Quintero is quoted as once saying: "If I were ever granted immunity, and compelled to testify about past actions, about Dallas and the Bay of Pigs, it would be the biggest scandal ever to rock the United States." Quintero categorically denied to me in informal luncheon conversations before his death that he had ever made such a statement." Let me get this straight: a man who proclaims to be in on the murder of a U.S. president (or have inside knowledge of), as well as the infamous Bay of Pigs (which broke i don't know how many laws) -it's possible that he lied? Inconceivable. DB writes, (about John) "The following response from Mel Ayton. I find him find to be much more credible as a serious historian than you and your website which are a font of both misinformation and disinformation regarding numerous people and things which I have documented for you but to which you pay no attention. Thus, i stick with my original description of you and your background." Seriously, i'm having elementary school-yard flashbacks here. DB writes, (about John) "As I noted before, I wouldn't be surprised if you got your training in the defamation of people from the KGB" HAHAHAHAHAHA. John, i always knew there was something about you, i just couldn't put my finger on it. To Don, and for the record: It is NOT anti-american to know the difference between right and wrong. To create and fund and supply both sides of a civil war -is wrong. CIA bringing drugs into the country, and creating huge epidemics in the population -that's wrong The systematic policy of genocide against the American Indians -including the use of biological warfare; is so far beyond wrong, it's evil. I was born and raised in this land, i was taught that we stood for something, that as a nation we had ideals and standards. And it breaks the hearts and shatters the dreams of my generation, to find out the sanctioned evil that goes on (the Vietnam POWs), much less the unsanctioned evil. Because we want our nation to stand for something, we want to see it achieve the potential that it has. As the saying goes: All that's required for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing. So don't you ever again, call any person "anti-american" simply for speaking out against evil. R.D.
  3. But, see, dude - nobody listened to Coroner Noguchi at the time. They tried to silence him. So we're all here today beatin' our gums about structuralism in naming, just waitin' for some connected, level-headed feller such as yourself to overcome all obstruction and obfuscation and get us an indictment. Then we'll all be in line to smooch your patootie, for sure! "Indictment"?? Are you high, funny guy? Nobody that's actually responsible for the deaths of JFK, RFK, MLK, will ever be held responsible or accountable. Laws cannot reach high enough to touch those with power to kill kings. Let us persevere to discover the truth in face of reality. Yet not be in denial of reality at the same time. R.D.
  4. Wow, this is surreal. A reason? I have law enforcement in my family; any cops on this board active or retired? What are the usual motives for murder, please? And in a murder investigation, how does one start, where do you begin? You follow the evidence. If the victim was John Q. Citizen -and not RFK- there's no way people would be sitting around discussing the origins and history of a person's name. You take the findings of the coroner, you follow the leads that develop from there. I can't decide if this is ridiculous or sad; but it is certainly surreal. R. Downs
  5. Yes, i would say Cesar is a person of interest. All due respect to recent sound tests and other efforts. But the best physical evidence that existed was confiscated, hidden, then destroyed by the LAPD. This is documented, we know this already. Now if Noguchi says the fatal shot behind RFK's ear was made no more than a few inches away, then the guy carrying a .22 and in position to fire at that close of a range -that's a person of interest. I mean, what are we quibbling about here? I think the man's lucky there was no house-cleaning, excuse me, i mean series of accidental deaths of witnesses, persons of interest, etc. in the aftermath. Regards, R.D.
  6. I heard Colin Powell say something will happen on the 21st or 22nd. I heard Bush make a vague statement (though, that's his forte) about an event happening within 8 days of the new presidency. Has anyone heard any other remarks of this nature? Regards, Randy
  7. Evan, Aye these are 2 separate programs, is what i was trying to point out.
  8. Thank you for the links. "Zero" was shown after the discussion forum. This is all i know of the symposium: "Thierry Meyssan reports from Moscow that he and other leading international 9/11 truth experts have completed taping a television debate which will be telecast on the first national program of Russian state television this coming Friday, September 12. This no-holds barred, free-wheeling debate, featuring strongly divergent opinions about what really happened on and about September 11, 2001 , will be shown in conjunction with the documentary film Zero, produced and directed by Chiesa and Franco Fracassi of Telemaco Productions in Rome . Russians are thus about to receive an unprecedented evening of 9/11 truth. The telecast will go out in the middle of prime time. Among the participants, General Leonid Ivashov was the commander of the Russian armed forces on September 11, 2001 , and has been a leading critic of the US official version. Among almost a dozen Russian participants in the debate that will be televised Friday evening in Moscow, one of the most compelling speakers was a Russian cosmonaut who observed the 9/11 events from his post on the International Space Station in earth orbit. This cosmonaut recounts in the telecast that, as he watched the immense plume of smoke spread from New York out over the Atlantic , he took a large number of photos and films which were sent automatically to both Houston and Moscow . “We have been studying these images very, very, carefully,” commented the cosmonaut pointedly, “and we have seen some highly interesting things.”" I (personally) always think it sounds hinky when someone says "we have seen highly interesting things" and then mentions not a one. If you have something to say, say it; but don't act coy and then leave me with no way to follow-up or find out what you're talking about. Also, this is the only time i've ever heard about a cosmonaut and photographs. Randy
  9. Thanks. Anyone know a proper name/title for it, so i can keep track of it?
  10. Salut, I just read an article about a debate on Russian state tv, which took place on the 12th of Sept. Sort of like the round table "9/11 American Intellectuals Speak Out" that aired awhile ago. Does anyone know if we can see this (in the U.S.)? Is it now online somewhere? Anything? Regards, Randy
  11. Greetings, I just read that before he died, Bobby had written "an unpublished book" about his brother's murder, called "The Enemy Within". Can anyone verify this? Has this book ever been published? Has anyone read this manuscript and can discuss what he wrote? Regards, Randy
  12. "Word to the wise before mouthing off like a fool," Len, you should stand in front of mirror and say that. Randy
  13. Peter, I appreciate the response. And aye, i knew that. People can only get you angry if you take them seriously, you know what i mean? I had a dear flatmate who is a philosopher, and i'm a poet -oh my, the discussions we would have i thought my head would explode. Rather, i learned debate and logic and deduction (and philosophy tricks)....from the school of hard knocks, as it were. Regards, Randy
  14. I think Len's general attitude is obnoxious and rude, i think he was toward me in his post of: May 25 2008, 12:00 AM, where i was talking about a documentary. I didn't say anything to deserve that, and i addressed that in my follow-up post. It's an attitude i've seen displayed toward others in many, many other posts -without being provoked first. Stephen, i should lay off the personal insults?? "It seems you have difficulty comprehending what you read..." - Len "...seen/heard Jason Dumbass saying twice..." - Len "I’m not at all surprised that you are shooting off your mouth once again without having your facts straight. “I'm curious, is that a natural talent or” ‘did your parents raise you to accuse people of lying without bothering to check if you had your facts straight?’ “I'm just curious.” - Len. Who is quoting me at the end, and can't even do it accurately despite it being right there on the screen. Besides, i'm showing a genuine interest in his upbringing and personality in order to get to know him better, how is that insulting? But hey, if i'm the bad guy, okay. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa, Randy
  15. My understanding is that Alex Jones had made the statements about the FDNY. See the following. http://wtc7lies.googlepages.com/alexjonesv...ndlarrysilverst Please note that Alex Jones' statements about the FDNY are documented here and in other quarters, Len didn't invent them. Also 'Loose Change' has been debunked in some fairly respectable venues and is considered to be one of the more flawed and easily debunked of the conspiracy theory presentations. This isn't just opinion. Have you seen Screw Loose Change and the myriad of sites which have challenged Loose Change? Any fair and objective dialogue should include both sides of an issue. Id like to know how Len's presentation of this information is obnoxious and rude? Well, the statement is "Alex Jones AND the producers of Loose Change"; i know little of the former so i addressed the latter. Define "debunk". Because there are lots of people claiming to have debunked lots of things: 'cell phones possible from an airliner' -debunked; 'cell phone calls impossible from an airliner' -debunked. How many times has Time magazine claimed to "debunk" the 'JFK conspiracies'? I don't know how many issues i've seen claim that. People claim to 'debunk' the existence of God. It seems obvious to me, that when someone claims to have "debunked" an idea; what that really means is they're opposed to the idea and then try to persuade you to their point of view. And yes, i've read a lot of this. I would rather hear from someone with an open mind, without an agenda, who can back up what they say. I'm not getting involved: Loose Change was right or not!! I mean, talk about losing sight of the bigger picture. Oh, and "Screw Loose Change"? Now there's someone who sounds like an open mind and no agenda. Randy
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