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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. “There’s three things to remember: claim everything, explain nothing, deny everything,” recalled Prescott Bush as to how politics was explained to him by Clare Booth Luce, congresswoman and wife of fellow Bonesman and magazine magnate, Henry Luce. --------------------- Clare Booth Luce was a radical anti Castro supporter and a friend of David Atlee Phillips. Henry Luce's Time Life bought the Zapruder film to keep it away from the public for over a decade. Needless to say, without this surpression of probably the most convincing evidence for a frontal shot, the Warren Commission could never have sold its conclusion to the american public. Wim BTW: I have no doubt that Prescott and George knew Phillips well, but I have no evidence to support that, other than sharing friends.
  2. John, Let us not nitpick about how I formulated things. I am the first one to admit that I could have phrased it better. Contrary to what you suggest, there is a flood of evidence to come to the firm conclusion that Bush HAD TO be privy to the plot. He is connected to almost every player, up to Oswald best friend in Dallas, George Demohrenschildt, about which relation he LIED. Up to this day, he is intimate with people some of whom were on Dealey Plaza and protecting them, getting them off the hook all the time, like Luis Posada Carrilles, Felix Rodriguez, Orlando Bosch, Guillermo Novo and other cubans who were members of Operation 40 and/or participated in the Bay of Pigs, which Bush financed, according to several credible sources. It can be shown convincingly that Bush lied and surpressed information about his CIA past and his whereabouts on 11/22/1963. Bush WAS CIA well before 11/22/1963. He LIES about it. In addition he was in the middle of the Texan oil magnates, like H.L. Hunt, John Mecom, Clint Murchison, Jack Crighton, Jean deMenil (of Schlumberger and Permindex). He and his father were on a first name basis with the Dulles brothers, Ted Shackley (chief of JM/Wave) Nixon and many more players who are the usual suspects in the Kennedy assassination and Watergate. Nixon was his father's man, who had just lost to Kennedy. Moreover he commanded the CIA at a time that Congress was probing into these matters again. Thereafter, he is at the helm of other blackops, like the October surprise and Iran-Contra, in which many of the exact same players participate again, as Barry Seal, Rodriguez, Rafael Quintero and Posada Carrilles. You could actually say he has grown into an arrogance of power. It doesn't even matter anymore that it's obvious. After all he is protected by the mainstream media, who refuse to educate the public on his misdeeds, not to speak about the proven NAZI connection of his father and his Harriman buddies. Wim
  3. All, I am increasingly amazed that this angle has been so underemphasized in the research community. Why is that? Is it fear to speak out? Or is it simply that the evidence on the Bush connection is unknown? Or is there another reason I overlook? From the preponderance of circumstancial evidence, I am confident to state that George HW Bush was a major force in the plot to kill JFK and the subsequent disinfo campaign and cover up. That doesn't mean it can be proven beyond doubt, but it certainly has convinced me of his guilt by association. Wim
  4. Larry, You have said that Tosh was in jail at the time he says he was flying Johnny Roselli around. Can you please show us the documents or information you base this on? Wim
  5. John, I had seen the alledged gun long ago on Sam McClung's website, but I find it far from conclusive. To me it may as well be shadows. Frankly, "Badgeman" is much more persuasive to me . And isn't that silencer on the end of the barrel? I thought many witnesses heard a loud bang from the grassy knoll? Mary Woodward mentioned an "ear shattering noise" coming from behind her. Wim
  6. I believe there is something to the French Connection. I don't think they actually delivered the gunman, but I think they may have been asked to. I base that believ on this document that was sent to James Files: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/NSA.htm The organized crime members that are being talked about in this letter are almost certainly members of the Corsican mob in Marseille. Wim
  7. James said: I believe Duran was present in Dealey Plaza during the assassination. I don't believe he was a part of the conspiracy but present due to chatter in the lead-up. Another unknown crony of De Torres' I believe was also present. ----------------------------- Then it would not be so far fetched that Veciana was there too? Wim
  8. Pamela, I think you give too much credit to the "elite" and too little to "the community". I do believe they can decide for themselves, however they seem a little shy to speak their mind, negatively or positively. I share your dissapointment in that. Wim
  9. Madeleine Brown? I don't think she had any inkling that JFK was going to be assassinated if it is true that LBJ told her that those Kennedys would never embarrass him again. Wim
  10. Uwe, will answer soon, but need to screen my response first with others. Wim
  11. Is anyone able to provide evidence that Frank Sturgis was connected to the Secret Army Organisation? Larry, James? Or anyone else? This might be tough, as the word "secret" is in it. I'm hoping for an insider to come forward. Wim
  12. To Nic: It might be best to take an assigment on people who can still be talked to: Orlando Bosch Cesar Diosdado Luis Posada Felix Rodriguez Antonia Veciana Would you ring their doorbells? Wim
  13. Jim, The question was not: Who had advance knowledge that JFK was going to be in Dallas? (that would be half of the american population) but Who had advance knowledge that JFK was going to be assassinated in Dallas? Wim
  14. Good to see Al and Tosh still going along so well. Apparently Al does not disagree with me on every witness I support. Maybe the fact that Tosh is able to post here, makes a hell of a difference. Wim
  15. Denis, Do you by any chance know where exactly Shanyfelt felt the retouching was done on those photographs? Is his original affidavit available somewhere? Wim
  16. Who is June Cobb? Any connection to Lloyd Cobb? Wim
  17. We do indeed have copies of the Anna tape, but these are copies of copies, bad quality. Debra has the original, best quality. Uwe, As I said before, there is a need for you to distinguish between Judyth's story about her experiences in 1963 with Lee Harvey Oswald and what she may have said about her current situation and Debra's treatment of her. Some of it may have been speculation and she may heve been jumping to conclusions. However, I dare to say that Debra's treatment has at least been dubious. It seems you have now chosen to join Debra in her attacks and denouncements of Judyth. You say "time will tell" if Judyth is telling the truth, yet it doesn't stop you from insinuating that she is not. I mean "love affair stunt" is a very negative valuation on your part. Let us assume that Judyth is telling the truth, then I think it is fair to say that she has shown courage to come forward with this information, and that she has done JFK research and the truth a tremendous favour. Indeed time will tell whether your and Debra's treatment have been obstructive and counterproductive. I have said this before: A forum administrator, running a website dedicated to uncover the truth about JFK's assassination, has a responsibity and needs to be extra careful in venting opinions about witnesses with inside information, the more so because these witnesses may reveal information at personal risk. That is not to say that Debra can't have an opinion, but if she wishes to express it, then at least she should be able to argument it. I have had private and non private exchanges with Debra, and must say that she has not given any backup whatsoever for her attacks on Judyth story. Only vague allegations that backup exists, but she cannot reveal it for various unspecified reasons. Whether she likes Judyth is a different issue, has nothing to do with Judyth's account of 1963, but I continue to believe that 's a big part of Debra's motivation. I know that some people here do not like to see heated exhanges and fights, but I can't imagine that it is deemed fair for you and Debra to denounce what may be an important witness, without any backup, and not expect any countering? Is it allright for you and Debra to discredit Judyth and then label the counters as flame wars or not allow others to react? For contrary to Debra , I CAN backup accusations that she has been less than truthfull about Judyth. Moreover, Uwe, I can't imagine how you can reasonably maintain that Judyth has been making her story up about knowing LHO intimately. Please let us debate the evidence. What is it exactly that you or Debra deny of her story? Do you deny that she was a promising cancer researcher? Do you you deny that she was contacted and given assignments for her research by people connected to the CIA? Do you deny that she worked at the Reily Coffee Company at the exact same time Lee did? Do agree with Debra that "that is all she has"? Do you deny that Anna Lewis told the truth in her confirmations of seeing Lee and Judyth together, acting as lovers? Do you deny that Mac McCullough told the truth about seeing Lee and Judyth together? Do you deny that Ed Haslam told the truth about meeting a fake Judyth Vary Baker in the early seventies? Do you deny that her children and her sister told the truth about Judyth having told them of her affair with Lee Harvey Oswald decades before she went public? Where does Judyth's alledged fiction end and where does it start? What WOULD convince you that she knew Lee Harvey Oswald? For it seems you rather believe that Judyth engaged in a vast conspiracy to convince the public of a bogus story with the complicity of a number of people, and the help of a number of supporters, including me, what Debra and her allies call so graciously "Team Judyth". Wim (a proud member of "Team Judyth")
  18. Greetings from sunny Spain Who had advance knowledge that JFK was going to be assassinated in Dallas? Let's make a list of those people. I encourage anyone to add or remove names from this list. I believe it will show that this conspiracy was much larger than many of us assume, and that indeed, as Larry Hancock points out, many people have talked (and still are) and some have been silenced for speaking out. Let me start: Joseph Milteer Rose Cheramie Sergio Arcacha Smith David Ferrie Guy Banister David Atlee Phillips E. Howard Hunt Frank Sturgis Antonio Veciana Orlando Bosch Homer Echevarria Paulino Sierra Roscoe White J.D. Tippit Carlos Marcello Santo Trafficante Sam Giancana Tony Accardo Marshall Caifano Robert Maheu William Harvey Alton Ochsner Peter Licavoli Chauncey Holt Tosh Plumlee Sergio John Martino Charles Rogers Philip Twombly Joe Canty Leo Moceri Jim Braden Felix Alderisio Richard Cain James Files Charles Nicoletti Johnny Roselli Lyndon Johnson George Reynolds Judyth Baker Lee Harvey Oswald H.L. Hunt Clint Murchison Cliff Carter John McCloy Richard Nixon Allen Dulles George HW Bush Luis Posada Carrilles Guillermo Novo Ignacio Novo Jack Ruby Felix Rodriguez Charles Harrelson Charles Rogers (aka Carlos Montoya) Edward Lansdale Charles Cabell Desmond Fitzgerald David Morales Clay Shaw Lloyd Cobb J. Edgar Hoover
  19. James, did you grow your hair or is that an old picture? Wim
  20. Debra, you can just send the tapes to anyone you like of what is called "Team Judyth". None of us need to give you permission to "accept" the tapes, okay? Pick Howard, Martin, Pamela or me: Wim Dankbaar Ruysdaelweg 14 2051 EM Overveen Netherlands
  21. Hey, Please understand I am not suggesting anything sinister with it. I am just curious, as I have no explanation thusfar. Wim
  22. I saw the Files video a few years back and was not impressed with it --------------------------------------- Dawn, You might be more impressed with the last interview: http://www.trineday.com/Merchant2/merchant...ory_Code=DVD001 http://jfkmurdersolved.com/reviews.htm And by the way, I asked Richard some questions he didn't answer thusfar. I also asked him to debate the evidence and try to backup his claims that Files is "utter hogwash" and "fiction". I haven't seen him doing that either. I hope you didn't miss that. Wim
  23. Why do I get so many hits from these websites? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/webalizer/usage_200411.html (Scroll down to Referrers) 4 4789 2.60% http://venice.italy.hotels-advisor.com/ 5 4789 2.60% http://www.hotelsaficionado.com/ 6 4789 2.60% http://www.offshore-resources.net/ 7 4788 2.60% http://www.hispabanc.com/ 8 4788 2.60% http://www.offshore-resources.com/ 9 4788 2.60% http://www.offshore-resources.org/
  24. Hey Harry, What can you tell us about Chauncey Holt? Did you know him? Wim
  25. Hi Nic, I just read your favorite actress is Marilyn Monroe. Why's that? She died long before you were born. Do you have any opinion about her death? Wim
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