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Trygve V. Jensen

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Everything posted by Trygve V. Jensen

  1. Thanks Bernice for the pics and links. The City of Dallas archives are not always easy to navigate within. Appreciate the affidavit from Dougherty. When reading his testimony from the WC,I dont know whether to laugh or cry. So according to his affidavit the shooting took place later than 12:45...and it also seems like he says that after his encounter with Piper,he once more went back up at the sixth floor to see these 'floor-laying-people'. Incredible
  2. Thanks for that, I have seen the site before. Not sure,seems like there are more photos now. Excellent.
  3. If any deserves the thanks for his/her work at making the information available at YouTube, its Gil. Fantastic work,keep it up. Thanks for linking to my channel. Due to many changing factors in my life, I have had no opportunity to follow up as good as I had hoped. I also got a warning that all my videos may be removed,as one already has, due to "infringing". Sorry for my not so splendid English.
  4. http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Top_News/2007...ation_gun/1113/
  5. Hi James, Do you have the numbering of that photograph? Original marking. The man does look quite tall yes. Does he look "official"? Trygve
  6. Resurrecting an old thread. There are so many threads concerning the Paines, and if it have been discussed further whether or not Mrs. Paine knew where Oswald was working,in a later thread, I would appreciate a point of direction towards it. I can't see how Mrs.Paine was telling the truth; if this is what transpired at November 1st in Hosty's interview with her: http://historymatters.com/archive/jfk/wc/w...eport_0231b.htm Did she know or not? Is she in her testimony referring to that incident with Hosty? That she copied the address,but didn't 'note' it in her mind.
  7. Here's a clip with Veciana talking about Bishop meeting Oswald. If of any interest. The clip is really about the claim that Phillips was Bishop. It is one short interview with Veciana, and another attempt at the end of the clip, but Veciana would not talk anymore. Is it not Bill O'Reilly commenting here too? The middle-late part about CIA and the HSCA.
  8. Couldn't send the list over pm. Here it is. YouTube_addresses.doc
  9. Hi, This clip is about George DeMohrenschildt, his death, and the claim that the security alarm went off just before DeMohrenschild was shot. An audio recorder was running. Mark Lane gives his recollections. Included is newsfootage with Bill O' Reilly, talking about the CIA,Oswald, and DeMohrenschildt. I have never lived in the US, never had an American TV-channel available for longer periods of time(apart from that just after 9/11, we suddenly had FOX News here in Norway, Northern Europe for over a year.), but still it is hard to not notice Bill O' Reilly. As said I know little about him, but it does seem like he has changed over the years.
  10. Hej Mark.

    Ursäkta mig förr et fruktansvärt sent svar, jag e så sjelden och ser på min profil. Takk igen förr din hjelp!

    Ha en trevlig dag.

  11. Hi John. Thanks for your message. This must be a world record in late reply. I am so seldom looking at my profile. Sorry. Keep up the good work! Some more videos are to be added to your political assassinations group at youtube.

  12. Yes, superb photo. Thanks for posting Robin. Trygve
  13. For those who have not seen it - The Mary Ferrell Foundation website has an excellent collection of photos from inside the TSBD. It's at http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php?...Depository_-_p1 Looking south: 'Sniper's nest', also south: The rifle:
  14. Mr. Specter: Will you describe the three pieces of metal which are contained within this vial, please? Mr. Frazier: The three pieces of metal are lead. They were weighed immediately upon recovery and were found to weigh nine-tenths of a grain, seven-tenths of a grain, and seven-tenths of a grain, respectively. Since that time small portions have been removed for spectrographic analysis and comparison with other bullets and bullet fragments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Specter: Mr. Frazier, is it possible for the fragments identified in Commission Exhibit 840 to have come from the whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399? Mr. Frazier: I would say that based on weight it would be highly improbable that that much weight could have come from the base of that bullet since its present weight is--its weight when I first received it was 158.6 grains. Mr. Specter: Referring now to 399. Mr. Frazier: Exhibit 399, and its original normal weight would be 160 to 161 grains, and those three metal fragments had a total of 2.1 grains as I recall--2.3 grains. So it is possible but not likely since there is only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing. 5 WH 66 -------------------------------------- Has not the bullet already left some of its weight inside the gun-barrel, just by exiting, creating friction of some kind? Even though they are listed as three fragments, and the photo at i.e. the Mary Ferrell website is marked "three small lead particles", there are only two visible. Obviously. The third one which is visible in the photo posted above, does seem to be shaped in somewhat another fashion than the other two.
  15. When I used the term 'eye-candy', I was referring more in general; i.e the term has been used to desribe the Costella version of the Z-film. I would be in error to generalize and state that all the footage in the Discovery channel production is 'eye-candy' and useless. That was not my intention,even though it seems that is what I managed to do. I do not know which processes were used by the Archangel to enhance the Muchmore film, and Gary Mack has informed me that the simple reason that the films are so clear in the Discovery productions, is that the orignal camera films were used. Transferred to tape under his supervision for The Sixth Floor Museum, and the films' owners.
  16. Thanks Bernice for the photos. Do you know who took the last one where the Towner's are seen from behind? The Towner film as shown on the documentary made by the Discovery Channel is much clearer than the Groden version. As several of the other films of the assassination are. They are clearer and of better quality, but are by some researchers regarded as what is called 'eye-candy', because of the many computer enhancing processes which were used. Also the fact that the footage used when 'enhancing', was too far from the original footage to begin with. I do not know exactly which processes were used in this case, but I think I remember Gary Mack said that the Discovery Channel was allowed access to some of the material at the museum. Tina Towner herself said that she stopped filming, as the president was not more in her view. But sometimes when wathcing the assassination films, many of the films seem to stop/start/cut/break/something exactly at the right(wrong) moment. And its frustrating. As Gary M. said in that production, something like 'many people don't realize how many photographers where there', and 'they all missed the crucial thing-which is the person in the window'.
  17. Thanks for your excellent work Chris. I have never been to Dealey Plaza, but is and was not Elm street always a one way street westwards? If it were a car emerging behind the fence in this sequence,it would be driving eastwards. If only all the footage Mr. Darnell took, were available. Bernice Moore posted excellent information from POTP I believe. Regarding his actions on the 22nd. In the topic 'Blood In Dealey Plaza' : http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9768
  18. No it's not just you. The site is inaccessible. I thought it might be a problem with my browser, but have now tried three different ones. No use.
  19. Yes, there certainly were. A bit less accessible witnesses though. Thanks Thomas, and thanks for the links.
  20. I agree that it is visible that JFK has been hit in the head. I also see the top of the scull disconnected, and flipped to the right side. Also the shape of the hair, and additionally the circular shape at the top/back.
  21. The channel was meant to be more extensive by now, but maybe a couple of the few clips so far viewable, could be interesting to some. - (excerpt from 'Murder Of JFK - A Revisionist's History')'Two Men In Dallas' - Mark Lane, Roger D. Craig. - (part1) - (part2) - (part3) - (part4) - (part5)
  22. As previously posted by Thomas Purvis. I apologize for diverting this excellent thread even further. Just wished to 'repost' this, for those who have not seen it yet. The Secret Service conducted a reenactment/survey, in the first days of December 1963. What actually made them use the ever confusing 'station points', escapes me. I got the impression though, that the data was conducted rather precisely. Anyhow, the picture shows where the Lincoln would have been at the time of 'the 3rd shot". As seen at the bottom of the photo, which by the way, is dated December 5th. Would this have been taken with the misplacing of the rifle-elevation? As in that the photo, do not accurately depict what the sniper would have seen through the scope? Anyway, I always found it troubling that their placement of the third shot, did not to me seem to be in accordance with Z313. I am not sure I recall the the exact stationing numbers, as I am sure Mr. Purvis do, but my memory tells me that their placement of the third shot, was actually approx. 25-35 feet further down the street, than Z313. Measuring from a point, Z313 was assigned 'stationing number' 4+65.3 , and 'the 3rd shot' would be at 4+96.0 As also mentioned here in this topic, several eye/earwitnesses - statements would indicate a shot after Z313. Amongst them J. Altgens, and Mr. Hudson across the street from Altgens.
  23. As videos seem to be in debate nowadays, as resources, and Pat Speer in my view has made a great contribution through his so far two parts segments of his video series, I would like to thank him for taking of his time to do so, even though I do not know him personally. It might be that not all fully agree 100% with his theories, nevertheless the facts, and his view of the events described, is well presented. Personally I took a great deal of interest, and in my view it is worth taking a look at. Both the head wound, and Specter. And yes, it would be nice to have all of the HSCA footage released, if supplementaries exists.
  24. And thank you again. The resemblance is so clear when one looks at the photos. They were obviously very close. He sounds like he was a likeable person in many ways.
  25. Thank you for clearing that up. I saw Powers had glasses on, in the picture of him which you posted, with him holding his camera. I just did not think it looked much like him in the Altgens photo, compared to the Stoughton photo of him, and his suit appeared dark to my eyes. But then again I was not able to locate SA Bennett (or any SA) behind him, so I wrongly assumed that he might be sitting in the rear right seat. Now that you have pointed out that SA Bennett is visible, I finally get that he is sitting in the jump seat, and it can not be any other than Powers. Maybe this is common knowledge to some, but was not to me. Thank you Bernice. "If the bullet that wounded the president was not the same bullet that wounded John Connally, and I testified that it wasn't, and John Connally testified that it wasn't, then there would have had to be more than one assassin." (May 13, 1976, interviewed on WGBH-TV, Boston) http://www.jfklancer.com/LNE/report35.html "...he carefully addresses Kennedy as "Mr. President," just as carefully avoids horning in on any serious matters of state. His invariable greeting for even the stuffiest White House visitor is "Hi, pal." As he rode through the streets of Paris in a motorcade after meeting Charles de Gaulle, Powers waved to the crowd and shouted: "Comment alley-voos, pal?" ("One of the Boys" Friday,Jul.20, 1962) http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...promoid=googlep
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