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Accogli Claudio

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  1. Tom, the information about Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods coincides with information that the late Gerry Hemming emailed to me a few years back. Hemming told me that, to discover where Oswald's pistol and rifle actually came from, I needed to forget about Klein's and Seaport Traders, and instead concentrate on a single source in Montreal. Since Hemming could be a bit of a BS'er--not unlike Mr.Von Pein--I nevr knew whether he was giving me good information or sending me out on a false trail. BUT if Hemming was correct--as opposed to the "could have" and "might have" and "must have" speculation of Larry Dunkel--it would certainly explain why certain documents sought by Jim DiEugenio and Gil Jesus haven't surfaced: it would be because they never existed to begin with. Of course, if Oswald DID obtain both firearms from Empire, it wouldn't necessarily rule him out as being the assassin of the two people he's accused of killing. It would only confirm that the Warren Commission and the FBI were liars...something the majority of Americans already suspect. maybe this can help...... http://jfklancer.com/carcano_twin.html
  2. A interesting detail thank to Francesca work on Shaw in Uk during the WWII. As reported from a man she "interviewed", Shaw was stationed in Taunton: it is the same place of birth of Sir Roger Hollis. the head of MI5. Can someone provides more info on the activity around Taunton in WWII?
  3. Gratz Gratz.... dont joke with me. I WROTE: YOU CANT READ AN ARTICLE WRITTEN BY AN ANSA JOURNALIST IF YOU'RE NOT A CUSTOMER. -it's clear or not?- I just summarized the "lead" of the article.... anyway, what you have posted is quite similar to the content of the article. and yes, ANSA stands for Agenzia Nazionale della Stampa Associata, the 4th press agency in the WORLD..... after Reuters Afp and Bloomberg. What is curios is that a man interested in international and national politics like you dont know the ABC of the press-world. Of the whole story of this Bolden I found interesting the gun cited.... extreme right or extreme left are problems I have not to face. In Italy the Jfk case is an historical matter, people is not involved in electoral campaigns or in an instrumental use of the murder to "search for votes". ciao,
  4. aahahah, TIM Gratz, you took "a tree in the eye". I did not leave out nothing, just summarized the "new" coming from Ansa, my Agency (infact I left the original title). As you should konw, this is an agency that sells news to papers, tv and so on. So, to read the whole story in real time you should have to be a customer of Ansa, and you are not.... The new was coming from our collegues in Washington. anyway, noted the story was not new, Simkin made a thread here were you can find any details.... Try again, next time you'll be more lucky
  5. "IMO, the conspirators, in "good conscience," picked Harvey to be the patsy because he was really born in Russia. Maybe his real name was Alek Hidell". Well, forsure this opinion is better than the other you post, a shoot from a pen ( ) Anyway, it is obvious LHO did not shoot. You dont need neutron, military tests and more to prove it. LHO is supposed to have covered his trace using the aka Hidell to buy the Carcano by mail. Let's "fly" on the fact he "left" proofs - photo - of the Carcano in his hand. Let's assume after the shoots he was running at home to destroy these pictures after the killing... o no, he went to see a film in a cinema..... ok, let's fly also on this point . But, who can believe that a man killing the president of the Us brings in his portrait a card with the name Hidell/the proof that links him to the murder rifle? Or you want to "fly" also on this? The only possibility, if you want to believe LHO shooted, is that the Hidell-card was a pass-partout.... or something a killer can use to escape. And this is something Moscow could not provide. cheers. ca
  6. http://www.lastoriasiamonoi.rai.it/pop/sch...480.aspx?id=415 Special on italian tv and sat on monday 26. Title is: Jfk, a case still open (literal translation: unresolved)
  7. USA: JFK DOVEVA ESSERE UCCISO A CHICAGO, EX AGENTE SCORTA PRIMO NERO NEL SECRET SERVICE ACCUSA, COPERTURE SU DUE CUBANI 3 weeks before Dallas, Jfk had to be killed in Chicago. The revelation comes from Abraham Bolden, an ex SS agent, now in his 72, first coloured man in the guard of president Kennedy. The police arrested Thomas Vallee, a right exstrmist found with a M1 gun and 3000 bullets.....
  8. I think it is quite easy to understand to whom mr. Evica was referring to. Don't think theres a paper, and not sure this affidavit - if exists - could be open. Mr. Evica kept the secret clearly to "cover" and save the incolumity/life of "these" people, their sons and so on. Back on the question, I repeat... mr. Evica put togheter some points having documentation avaliable from the two committees cited, or with a close font, very close font, (in)to the committees. Unf. the work was not cover by Jfk act, so theres no documentation of the two committies at Nara, Jfk section. Peter.. (the other post) with "involved" I meant Dodd "had something to do with" the assassination, if Evica theory is right. Forsure, he knew LHO was not a patsy...
  9. Ok, write another. Today i'll be a xxxxx. Evica is not the only one to have talked of this, but was the first (We are all mortal? or in the 3rd Decade?). The documentation should be the one referred to the House UnAmerican Activities Committee and Senate's Juvenile Delinquency subcommittee, hope there are archives in the Us. They conducted private investigations also on some interesting groups... FPCC? I founded documentation that proves another point of Evica, and others, the link to Cuba weapons smugglin and to Interarmco. So, why not to believe to the rest? The only point that make me doubt a little, is the fact Dodd was irish origin, democrat, catholic. And he was fired in the middle 60's... some strange happening for a man allegedly involved in the Jfk assassination, or not?
  10. No thank needed mr. Drago. The fact is that here somebody do not realise - or do not want to do it - the web communication is a different way of debating. One should always read a post 10 times before answer, or presume to have understood it in a way to furnish a utile reply. On another hand, one should try to summarize as possible the posts, not to offer trolls 1000000 ways to go into the debate. Stop here: I wrote 5-6 post this nite, do not want to pass for a xxxxx ..
  11. Grande Francesca! E' un sacco di tempo! Come va tutto ok? Ti ho scritto ma no response il video - tradotto - viene proiettato il 18 novembre in Usa! Back on Victor De Mario. Can't answer to your questions: are the same I am (was) facing. The whole document is too much censored. Forsure, a Uk or Us researcher should - at least- fill a Foia to know why. I cant: in this case Foia is not applicable for an italian researcher. What I found - now I am working on other subjects, and have to leave the Jfk case - is something not "in topic". The fact is Mrs H says: identical to Clay Shaw, not just a collaborator. On http://aad.archives.gov/aad/record-detail....amp;rid=5400264 (archives for military personnell) found this doc... that NOW is not anymore reachable from the link (!) Anyway, it is about a certain DE VICTOR MARIO H., allegedly a spanish or portuguese origin surname: Field Title Value Meaning ARMY SERIAL NUMBER 35033423 35033423 NAME DE#VICTOR#MARIO#H####### DE#VICTOR#MARIO#H####### RESIDENCE: STATE 53 OHIO RESIDENCE: COUNTY 049 FRANKLIN PLACE OF ENLISTMENT 5340 FT HAYES COLUMBUS OHIO DATE OF ENLISTMENT DAY 03 03 DATE OF ENLISTMENT MONTH 06 06 DATE OF ENLISTMENT YEAR 41 41 GRADE: ALPHA DESIGNATION PVT# Private GRADE: CODE 8 Private BRANCH: ALPHA DESIGNATION BI# Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA BRANCH: CODE 00 Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA FIELD USE AS DESIRED # # TERM OF ENLISTMENT 0 Undefined Code LONGEVITY ### ### SOURCE OF ARMY PERSONNEL 0 Civil Life NATIVITY 53 OHIO YEAR OF BIRTH 18 18 RACE AND CITIZENSHIP 1 White, citizen EDUCATION 4 4 years of high school CIVILIAN OCCUPATION 043 Decorators and window dressers MARITAL STATUS 6 Single, without dependents COMPONENT OF THE ARMY 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men) CARD NUMBER # # BOX NUMBER 0884 0884 FILM REEL NUMBER 3.306 3.306 As you can read, born in 1918, residence Ohio, decorator and window dresser, single, enlisted in 1941. So nothing to do with Shaw. Your work on Shaw is still on the DPUK site? ciao, fatti sentire! ca
  12. Miller, just a question: why do you bold your posts? on the web is something like.. screaming. it makes me this effect. well, anyway I prefer a short bolded instead of 10000 words copied from a website I can easily navigate by myself....
  13. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...381&hl=ansa That's the first topic on the Terni tests I reported for Ansa (and some others just "paste and copy" for their agencies). Well, here mr. Drago said to know me - the author of the report - then asked for my "younger sister". Actually, he did not asked for her number when I entered the forum --- and it is not because I have no sister, but a brother with kung fu/karate skills In the same post, mr. Ecker said the report of Terni was a "ridicolous attempt" by the Italian Army not to link the Carcano to the killing (exactly the opposite done in Terni ). One can write papers on "Ars Eloquentia", and also demonstrate these approachs are "xxxxx intended". But this is false! It seems to me just a "way to approach things"... do not think mr. Drago or Mr. Ecker wanted to false the report making personal divagations and attacks... Put here my experience, hope to peace these annoying posts one has to write sometime (I posted a similar thread few weeks ago). And yes.... in the last weeks is more difficult to navigate the forum than before.
  14. my condolences to his family. I had and have a great respect in the work of Evica. Hope his family and friends will create a Foundation to manage his papers, documentations and notes. Hope mr. Drago can pass to them the message. And take the occasion to ask a pardon for any time I doubted: it was just my approach to things, always tought Evica had a great courage. ca
  15. Again... also if Peter's post gives more details and "facts" to debate.... there is the similar error: fascist group. Vincenzo Vinciguerra and Carlo Digilio are two different things, one a fascist the other an agent. In details, Digiglio father's was recuited by Oss during WWII while he was in service in the Army.This man gave very important informantions on Greece and Creta. Vinciguerra has nothing to do with Bologna: he's in prison since 1979. He is involved in the killing of 3 carabinieri in Peteano. He cant be consider a primary source. Back on the fasctis, nazi connections that on this forum is something pathological. One of the man well informed of Gladio in Italy was http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paolo_Emilio_Taviani Paolo Emilio Taviani. Democristian, he was several times minister of Defense and minister of the Interior. He had a resistance medal, and was an high member of the CLN (Comitato liberazione Nazionale). As commander of the resistance in the Genova area, was the only one with an entire german battalion that surrender in front of the resistance forces. He was one of the few to know and manage the secret of Gladio.
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