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Karl Kinaski

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Posts posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. @Hargrove:

    Oswald Project or not: Robert Oswald, his wife Vada, their little kid, Lee Harvey Oswald and the mother of Lee and Robert Marguerite Oswald where living  about eight kilometers apart in Fort Worth from 19th Nov. to Dec 22. 1958 and in close contact which each other, especially after Marguerites accident  on Nov. 5th 1958. It's all in Robert Oswalds 1967 book: "LEE, Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by his brother."  





  2. This  is, what Robert Oswald has to say on the evening of Nov. 25.11.1963 when
    interviewed by SS Agent Howard at SIX FLAGS HOTEL  
    It was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald  who Robert Lee Oswald  saw in September 1959 (they
    were rabbit hunting together for  last time), and it was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald he
    picked up at Love Field/Dallas at June 14th 1962 ... and Lee harvey Oswald was acc. to his
    brother ... THE BOY I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN ... 

    But Armstrong knew better: Lee left his brother in September 1959, he claims, and some Lee- impostor
    HARVEY came back in 1962 ... of course ...LOL


      Quote HARVEY AND LEE 
    It was Lee Oswald who visited Robert (Oswald his brother)and Vada in September ...
      September 1959  
    Armstrong writes on page 249 of H&L () 
    On page 395 of H&L Armstrong he writes: 
    June 14  Ar rival  in Fort  Worth 
    On June 14 at 7 30 pm Robert Oswald picked up Marina,  HARVEY (not Roberts brother),
    and June at Love Field in  Dallas. 

     That is the Armstrong-Hargrove phantasie.

    An that is, what Robert Lee Oswald has to say on the evening of Nov. 25.11.1963 when
    interviewed by SS Agent Howard at SIX FLAGS HOTEL  )


    Question, by J.M Howard US Secret Service: During this time (when Robert last saw his
    younger brother, September 1959 and the day he picked up his younger brother at Dallas
    Love Field nearly three years later) ... during this time did you notice any change in him as
    you remembered him before he went to Russia? 
    Answer, Robert Lee Oswald: No, Sir I did not. HE APPEARED TO ME AT THAT TIME TO BE

    Question, SS agent Howard: Did he (LHO  ever mention to you(after LHOs return to the
    US  that he was distress or upset about anything that had happened to him to the point
    where he might become violent?
    Answer Robert Lee Oswald: No, Sir, I did not. AND I RESTATE MY FEELINGS AT THE TIME

     It was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald  who Robert Lee Oswald  saw in September 1959 (they
    were rabbit hunting together for the  last time), and it was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald he
    picked up at Love Field/Dallas at June 14th 1962 ... and Lee Harvey Oswald was acc. to his
    brother ... THE BOY I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN ... 

    But Armstrong and Hargrove  knew better: Lee left his brother in September 1959 and some other person, a Lee-Impostor
    came back in 1962 ... of course ... "well, yeah, that's just like your opinion, man .. "

  3. Shushkevich is saying that Oswald spoke already Russian when he came to Minsk and his task was to improve his Russian-speaking-skills. He never said he didn't like Oswald(what Armstrong claimed in HARVEY AND LEE) or Oswald was unwilling to learn Russian. He never said Oswald didn't speak any Russian at all like Ana Ziger 40 years after the events in Minsk. 

    Just read the Shushkevich Interview about his experience with Oswald and his Russian skills.


  4.   Armstrong made a mistake because he claims something, witch is in direct contradiction with the eyewitness account of Robert Oswald which he provided in his book of 1967: LEE, PORTRAIT OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD BY HIS BROTHER. 

    It is not some point of mine. Robert Oswald proves Armstrong wrong. If you choose to believe Armstrong over Robert Oswald regarding the month of Nov 19th to Dec 22 1958 when Lee Harvey Oswald was in Fort Worth ... than good luck. 









    @Sandy Larson.  Just read Robert Oswald's book C 1967 "Lee, Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by his brother."  Otherwise it makes no sense to discuss Armstrongs blunders.


    @Hargrove: If Robert Oswald was part of the Oswald project, why he claimed in his book, that he, his wife Vada and his brother Lee where all in contact with each other from 19th to Dec 22. 1958, while you and Armstrong claim, there was no contact, because the woman living at Bristol Road was a woman unknown to Robert, Lee and Vada. Which is BS ... 

     Robert Oswald in his 1967 book, "Lee, portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by his brother" tells us:

    -- Lee came to Fort Worth stays with his mother (3006 Bristol Road)
    -- Lee spent most of the time with Robert and Vada and their little child. (at Davenport Street)
    -- Robert, Vada and Lee knew about the Dec 5th 1958  accident of their mother the day it happened.
    -- After the accident Marguerite where Lee stayed often called Vada just to talk ... 
    All of them: Lee, Robert Vada and Marguerite were in rather close contact after Dec 5th 1963.
    -- Marguerite Oswald was in fact their mother and Lee stayed with her in the month of his leave from the military in 1958.
    -- Therefore it was NOT some other Marguerite to which the Oswald brothers had no contact between November 19th and Dec 22th 1958, because. like Armstrong claims, this woman at Bristol Road WAS NOT THEIR MOTHER ... she was. 

    (Larsen: Not my claims but Robert Oswalds ...)

     Sandy Larsen and Hargrove: Do your homework and read the book. Otherwise it makes not much sense to discuss this particular Armstrong blunder regarding Oswalds stay in Fort Worth Nov 19. to Dec 22. 1958. 





    I fear that Armstrong never read Robert Oswald's 1967 book about his brother. (The book title is LEE, A PORTRAIT OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD. )

    Otherwise Armstrong would not have committed the following blunder on page 208/209 of his book HARVEY AND LEE , which alone is a death blow to the crazy premise of his book of two Oswalds and two Marguerites. Armstrong says, quote: 

    Robert Oswald had been living at 7313 Davenport in Fort Worth since April23, 1957, yet there is no indication that "Marguerite" ever contacted Robert to inform him of her  "accident"  nor did she receive a visit, fi nancial aid, assistance, or any  help from 
    Robert.  Nor is there  any  indication  that  Lee Oswald  ever  visited  the  short,  dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" imposter at any  time during his military leaves. In fact, there no indication that either  Robert or Lee helped  "Marguerite"  in any  way  follow­ ing  her  "accident,"  either  fi nancially,  by  escorting  her to  a doctor's  offi ce,  filling  out 
    worker's compensation claims, etc. QUESTION: Why should Lee or Robert  Oswald visit or help  the short , dumpy, heavy­
    set  "Margueri te  Oswald. P"  This woman was not their mother."

    Close quote

    All of the abhove Armstrong claims are false. 

     This is, what Robert Robert Oswald wrote in 1967 about the month, when Lee was in Forth Worth from Nov 19th 1958 to December 22 1958. 

    He (Lee) came to Fort Worth by bus, as I remember it. He stayed 
    with Mother at her apartment, (at Bristol Street) but he spent a lot of time with us at our house, 7313 Davenport Street. We went out to the 
    farm at least twice and did a little hunting for squirrels and 
    rabbits with our .22 rifles. 
    Close Quote

    We (Robert Oswald, Vada his wife and his brother Lee who was with them most of the time) did know, that she(mother)had been shopping in the Fair store, but only because Vada had been shopping in the store one day saw her at the candy counter. Then, the day of the accident (5. Dec 1958 Lee Oswald was still in Fort Worth, stayed with Marguerite but was most of the time with his brother Robert, his wife and the little child) she(Marguerite Oswald) telephoned us to say that she was disabled and could not continue working. After that (December 5th 1958) she called Vada often, just to talk, but she never called me at the office. 
    Close quote

    While Armstrong claims, quote H&L: 
    Why should Lee or Robert  Oswald visit or help  the short , dumpy, heavy­ set  "Marguerite  Oswald. P"  This woman was not their mother."
    close quote

    Robert Oswald told us that:

    -- Lee came to Fort Worth stays with his mother (3006 Bristol Road)
    -- Lee spent most of the time with Robert and Vada and their little child. (at Davenport Street)
    -- Robert, Vada and Lee knew about the Dec 5th 1958  accident of their mother the day it happened.
    -- After the accident Marguerite where Lee stayed often called Vada just to talk ... 
    All of them: Lee, Robert Vada and Marguerite were in rather close contact after Dec 5th 1963.
    -- Marguerite Oswald was in fact their mother and Lee stayed with her in the month of his leave from the military.
    -- Therefore it was NOT some other Marguerite to which the Oswald brothers had no contact between November 19th and Dec 22th 1958, because, like Armstrong claims, this woman at Bristol ROAD WAS NOT THEIR MOTHER ... she was. She was. 

    -- That's how the two artificial Marguerite Oswalds of Armstrong became one person again, when you read the Robert Oswald account of Lee Harvey Oswald's month in Fort Worth in 1958. 

    This alone is a death blow to Armstrong crazy theorie of two Oswalds and two Marguerites ... there was just one. Robert Oswald told us so. 

  7. @Jim Hargrove said:




    A new article by John Armstrong shows how the FBI altered DPD dispatch records to change the time of the shooting of J.D. Tippit from 1:10 PM to 1:16 PM, giving Oswald just enough time to walk nearly a mile from his rooming house to 10th & Patton.



    Good point ... except that neither Harvey nor Lee shot Tippit ... and Lee-Harvey either 😉


    Seems Pat Speers Waterloo here ... regarding the nature of the head wound ... there are a lot of other areas where I agree with him completely ... 

    I always thought that the the small entry wound at the right temple and the gaping wound in the lower back of the head confirming a shot from the front were enlarged and transformed into one wound which included the top of the head at Bethesda to obfuscate the the shot from the front and to make the lone nut fairy tale possible. (And David Von Pein happy.)

  9. Quote:

    "Brian Edwards, co-author of Beyond the Fence Line: The Eyewitness Account of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy, speaks at the Allen Public Library.
    In 2017, Edwards testified as an expert witness for the defense in a two-day mock trial of Lee Harvey Oswald at the South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas. In 2020, he was a consultant and appeared in Oliver Stone’s 4-hour documentary, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, in which he discussed the weapons allegedly used by Lee Oswald.

    His latest book, Admitted Assassin will be published later this month.

    From 1986 to 1996, Mr. Edwards served with the Lawrence Police Department’s elite counter-assault team. In 1998, Edwards earned a master’s degree in criminal justice from Washburn University and served as an adjunct instructor in the department until 2005."


    Close quote

  10.  My two cents: If the man/agent in scrubs (resembling Oliver Hardy/Bill Harvey)standing in the operating room while the docs worked on Oswald had been indeed Bill Harvey then Johnson would hardly been given the true account of Oswald "deathbed confession" had Oswald regained consciousness.


    BTW Why was Johnson talking about a "deathbed confession"? Oswald was still alive then and nobody knew at that time (around 13 pm WDC/ 14h pm Dallas), if he would make it. 

  11. Such a call from LBJ to Parkland and Crenshaw is possible, quote from  

    The Kennedy Assassination and the Transfer of Power,
    November 1963–January 1964, Volume One
    NOVEMBER 22–30,  1963
    Max Holland
    David Shreve
    Ashley Havard High
    Associate Editors



    President Johnson heard the news (that LHO was shot)  from Secretary of State Dean Rusk at 12:45  p.m. (11.45 am Dallas time)  just before he was scheduled to meet Mrs. Kennedy and Attorney  General  Robert  Kennedy  in  the  Blue  Room  of the  White House. He exclaimed to the Attorney General that the Justice Department  had  to  get  directly  involved,  but  the  shocking  news  could  not eclipse Robert Kennedy’s grief.

    Subsequently, around 1:00  p.m. , (12:00 pm in Dallas) Johnson departed briefly to make a telephone call ordering the FBI and Secret Service into action. 1  (1.  Footnote: This call was not recorded, but Johnson referred to it in his conversation with Joseph Alsop, 25 November.)  

    Further steps had to wait until later in the afternoon, because Johnson’s presence at the ceremony to be held in the Capitol’s rotunda was obligatory.

    And quote JFK HAS BEEN SHOT, by Dr. Crenshaw ... Crenshaw went back to the operating room, after the strange call ...




    “You won’t believe who I just talked to,” I said to Dr. Shires.
    He looked at me with a “what’s next” expression.
    “President Johnson would like for us to allow that man over there to get a
    statement from our patient.”
    Shires  glanced  at  “Oliver  Hardy,”  shook  his  head  in  disbelief,  and
    returned  his  attention  to  the  operation.  I  wish  that  I  could  have  taken  a
    picture  of  him  as  he  stood  there,  covered  in  blood.  It  would  have  been
    worth an entire library of words in expressing our efforts to save Oswald.
    Under  the  best  circumstances,  it  would  have  been  days  before  Oswald
    could have spoken lucidly to anyone. It was ironic. We had a patient on the
    table  under  oxygen  anesthesia,  bleeding  to  death  from  a  bullet  that  had
    penetrated almost every organ in his body, and the President of the United
    States wanted the intruder with the gun to conduct an interview. The fact
    that  a  stranger  was  in  the  operating  room  during  surgery,  something  that

    would  have  never  been  tolerated,  best  illustrates  the  hospital’s  state  of
    confusion at that time.
    Only  moments  later,  at  12:37  P . M., ( 1: 37 P. M. in Washington) almost  one  hour  into  the  operation,
    Oswald’s heart began to fail. Dr, Akin’s anesthesiology resident reported to
    the operating team that Oswald’s cardiac condition was weakening, and that
    his  pulse  rate  was  slowing.
     Electrical  impulses  on  the  cardioscope
    confirmed  the  sudden  development.  Dr.  Shires  placed  his  hand  under
    Oswald’s  diaphragm  to  detect  heart  activity.  As  everyone  looked  on  in
    silence, Dr. Shires shook his head and told Dr. Perry that Oswald’s rhythmic
    cardiac activity had stopped.









  12. Was President JFK Really Killed by the CIA


    - 1963 Cuba Daniel - Castro interview ...

    - 1961 Lemnitzer and Northwoods ... 

     - Bay of Bigs  ... "Kennedy later told friends that the Bay of Bigs was a trap ...

    - 1962 Mansfield fact finding mission to Vietnam. Mansfield: "War in Vietnam would be a mistake."

    - Change of Vietnam policy after JFKA 

    - Khrushchev Kennedy letters ... 

    - Missile crisis Kennedy in danger to give in to the military plans to invade Cuba ... "Against my will."

    - JFK Speech June 10th 1963 ... 

    - JFK TV speech on the nuclear test ban agreement, July 25th 1963 ... 

    - NSAM 263

    - CIA Murder--Manual 

    -  Oswald arriving in the american embassy in Moscow (they got the year wrong.)

    - Snyder not asked a single question about Oswalds ties to U2 programm by the Warren Commission

    - Naggs Head agent training

    - Oswald  roommate Jim Botelho: "Oswald's whole communist thing was a total lie, a pretense ... I was sure that Oswald was on an intelligence Operation in russia."

    - Mohrenschild, James Walton Moore ..

    - Angleton ... ( was the head of the CIA's assassination program which he ran with army colonel Boris Bash? ... Bash was famous for "investigating" Oppenheimer ...)

    - HSCA interview of Ann Egerter 

    - Jim Wilcott: "Oswald was an CIA asset."

    - Richard Case Nagell (was told: Kill Oswald or convince him that he was being set up to become a patsy.) 1995 Death of Nagell when AARB contacted him ... 

    - Thomas Arthur Vallee ... the Chicago plot ...

    - Treatment of Abraham Bolden ...

    - 1995 All records of the Chicago plot destroyed ... 

    - The Oswald imposters

    - Witness Wayne January: Red bird incident Nov. 20. 1963 .. 

    - Rose Charmaine ... exhumation of her body wanted by Garrison but denied ..

    - Julia Ann Mercer ... her altered testimony 

    - Prouty: Sloppy protection in Dallas ... 

    - Roger Craig ...

    - Paine not owning a Rambler but a Chevy Bell Air ... (in fact, they had three to four cars ...)

    - Harper Fragment ... (he found it on 24th of November, not the 22th as claimed in the clip)

    - Tippit shooting (clip claims  shooting at 1.15min pm ... maybe it was at 1.06 pm ...)

    - Brewer: the two Oswalds, Boroughs, Postal ... Bernard J. Haire ...

    - Crenshaw, what he saw and how he was smeared by the MSM ... 

    - Bruce Pitzer

    - Caroline Arnold 

    One thing: The narrator said phon "Mohrenschlick" instead of "Mohrenschild"  ...  

    - Oswald Baker Truly encounter ... clip claims 1.5 min after the shooting ... could be 40 seconds after the shooting ...  

    - Ruby

    - Bugliosi's book HELTER SKELTER full of lies not only RECLAIMING HISTORY ... 

    - Dorothy Kilgallen ... 

    - Garrison: Ruby Mafia asset used by CIA ...

    - Grammer: Ruby was trying to foil his own assassination job ...

    Clip ends with a question:

    The question is: Are YOU now one of those people? (Conspiracy theorists.) 

  13. Quote from the book THE OSWALDS by Paul Gregory ( c 2023)about the "interrogation" of Marina in the THE SIX FLAGS motel. Paul Gregory describes the behavior of Marguerite Oswald.




    Eavesdropping  on  Marina’s  interrogations,  Marguerite  grew
    increasingly irritated by her answers that incriminated her “hero” son.
    She began to berate Marina: she didn’t know anything about Lee; his
    mother  knew  much  more.  She  claimed  that  Marina  was  being
    compelled to say that Lee was guilty of everything, and Mr. Gregory
    was  in  on  it.  According  to  Marguerite,  Marina  had  maintained  for
    three days this was not Lee’s rifle and that she planned to live with
    “her  Mama”  (Marguerite).  Marina  then  “turned  against  her
    Mama  .  .  .  Marina  has  been  changed  to  a  different  personality.”

    Kunkel,  Howard,  and  Mr.  Gregory—according  to  Marguerite—were
    manipulating Marina to implicate her son.



    I must say: The old lady wasn't that wrong. 

    Gregory sheds light on the state of the brainwashing of Marina Oswald, while she was in the SIX FLAGS MOTEL  surrounded by agents, quote:


    Marina  endured  the  questioning,  answering  as  best  she  could,
    heeding Pete’s advice that it was best to tell the truth. Although she
    answered most queries, she did not want to admit that she took the
    picture  of  Lee  dressed  in  black.  Nor  did  she  want  to  concede  she
    knew about Lee’s attempted shooting of General Edwin Walker on

    April 10, 1963.


    Fazit: Marina is saying: 

     I did not took the backyard picture.

    I had no knowledge of Lee shooting at Walker

    The rifle shown to me (on Saturday November 23th 1963) is not Lee's rifle ... 

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