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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. I think it is time to give Ringlerrago the boot. He had his 15 minutes of fame. KK
  2. Yes - I miss Garys INPUT to understand fully your OUTPUT, David
  3. Why you expect reasonable men (and woman) to beat a dead horse? Men and woman who need no Oswald in that doorway to be convinced that he is innocent? (like your good friend Judyth Baker)l If I have three points on a sheet o paper I can draw a triangle by connecting them with a pen. I need no other, artificial proof, that the triangle is really there... KK BTW A pic in modern times is a handful of easy variable pixels. And pixel-research is a dangerous thing...and a pixel-historian is something like a funny person...
  4. Hope that thought is not old news: Pro Zappi-alteration-thought: Witnesses: There was a near halt of the limo and a delayed reaction (and halt) of the four motorcycles behind the limo. They motorcycles came very close to the rear pumper of the limo. Zappi film... Now: if you make the limo running by in constant speed (by alteration of the movie), such delayed halt (of the motorcycles)appears as sudden acceleration of the motorcycles...as if they were gaining speed and getting close to the rear-pumper. It is exact that fancy and unnatural perfomance, what one can observe in the altered Zappi film... KK
  5. edit, because of wrong claim Back to topic: Now we have: - A parking lot Rambler, and get the fence shooter into it...witness: Hoffman - A Elm street rambler and get (a running)Oswald into it: witness Craig - Huston Street rambler, and three to four hasty men get into it: witness Carr - Rambler Commerce/Rec. str. and get a suspicious man with horn rimmed glasses into it: witness Carr - Rambler Main/Rec.Street: visible on the Paschall film... How do you deal with it: I tend to see a pattern here...
  6. You are right, Duke. Carr saw the man get into a rambler at the corner record/commerce street...the Paschall film shows a rambler at the corner Record/main. Two possibilities here: the Record Str. Rambler drove south on Rec. Str. after the shooting...or: we have to deal with a fifth Rambler in the vicinity of the killing-zone... It is snowing Ramblers...I know for you all these Ramblers were hallucinations of witnesses... KK
  7. Duke The problems your are talking about were created by your government, and some of it' institutions back in the sixties, not by the witnesses. I know it is common practice in this never ending murder case, to make fools out of crucial witnesses who saw the fingerprints of a huge black-op at Dealy Plaza on 11 22 63: Carr, Hill, Bowers, Ed Hoffmann, Vic Adams, Brennan, etc. etc. The WC and the FBI started with this game, you, and I guess another 100 LN prayer-mills in the US, are trying to prolong this game. down to the present day. CTers, on the other hand, trying to dig for nuggets, in a confusion, rather created by the involved institutions, than the unfortunate witnesses, who were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Carr never saw the Paschal film in the sixties, and despite this fact, he testified, he saw man get into a Rambler at the very same spot, we can see such a car on that film...( And once again: Carr saw the other, the Huston street rambler incident AFTER he left the scaffold. He was on GROUND LEVEL, when he saw it...) KK PS I know JFK was murdered by the same forces, who killed the Diems, Hammarskjöld, Enrico Mattei, Lumumba, Aldo Moro, Olof Palme, banker Alfred Herrhausen and several other politicians, who were reluctant to play the apparatchik in a skillful created and restrictive system, called the cold war...
  8. Duke - may I remined you, that Carr, after get to the ground saw two ramblers: the huston street rambler, and a bit later by following a man with horn rimmed glasses, he saw that man get into the Record street rambler...
  9. Dukes point, that Carr could not have seen the Huston Street Rambler and the men getting into it, from the scaffold on which he was standing, is obsolete, because Carr told Garrison he saw that incident AFTER he had left the scaffold...he saw that incident from ground level... KK edit
  10. Duke Carr saw the Huston Rambler and the men get into it, AFTER he had left the scaffold... He then was following the horn-rimmed glasses man, (which he saw prior to the shooting in one of the TSBD windows) and saw him get into there Record Str. Rambler. The Record Street Rambler can be seen on the Paschall film. What you say is, in short, this: - Roger Craig: (elm Street Rambler witness)= xxxx -Ed Hoffmann (parking lot Rambler witness)= xxxx - R.R. Carr(Huston Street Rambler AND Record street Rambler witness) = xxxx -Mr. Roy Cooper(Elm street Rambler witness) = xxxx - Mr. marvin Robinson (Elm street Rambler witness)= xxxx Because, according to you, there were no Ramblers around during the shooting, and no men getting into it... LOL KK BTW Carr saw a man get into a Rambler on Record street. On the Paschall film everybody can see a Rambler standing at that exact spot: Record Street,. But Carr, according to you, was a xxxx...therefore the Paschall film lies... LOL
  11. Oh, what a surprise: Lone nut prayer mill Pauly: I missed you...your input of "common sense" is always a pleasure... SCNR
  12. IMO one can figure out the time of the firecracker explosion between the Queen Mary and Johnsons car, on the Zapruder film: it is, when at the south -side of elm, little Rosemarie Willis stops running and looks backwards. At that time, the Cabell car was still on Huston street. It is shortly before JFK is hit in the neck... Since Hargis (who smelled gunpowder too) was a good deal in front of that explosion , there must have been another source of gunpowder-smell. Maybe the Umbrella weapon? (Causing the gunpowder smell on JFKs clothes: "nose" witness Triage Nurse Bertha Lozano smelled gunpowder as JFK and Connally were wheeled past her at Parkland...that not necessarily implies that there was a firearm discharged in the limousine. That gunpowder matter could have come from the propelling charge of the little missile who caused the 3 t o 5 mm(sic) punctured wound in Kennedys neck... KK PS It was Jarman who testified, he thought the first Bum came from down below on the street to his left ...while he located the next two explosions he heard directly above him...
  13. Yeah...if somebody could find this footage n( ABC, CBS, NBC, or some local channel) that would be a great find...i would support the statement of Mrs. Higgins....right? KK
  14. This firecracker hit the pavement between the Queen Mary and the Johnson-car...it caused some SS agents ( of the Queen Mary) to look backwards , while Kennedy was hit in the neck from the front...(Altgens 6)... KK
  15. Am I the only one, who is convinced that the first BUM was a firecracker thrown by a device, seen by Amos Euins, who described it as a "pipe", extending from the Oswald window? A Firecracker, used to distracted attention and as a starting signal for the real shooters? Quote WC testimony of Mrs Donald Baker Mr. Liebeler. As you went down Elm Street that you saw this thing hit the street--what did it look like when you saw it? Mrs. Baker. Well, as I said, I thought it was a firecracker. It looked just like you could see the sparks from it and I just thought it was a firecracker and I was thinking that there was somebody was fixing to get in a lot of trouble and we thought the kids or whoever threw it were down below or standing near the underpass or back up here by the sign. c.quote
  16. I suppose the US Television got always the right time. Note: Mrs Higgins said to researcher Ernest, the narrator on her telly said it is now 1.06 pm --- she was watching her own clock to check if it was OK and at that exact moment, the shots which killed Tippit rang out. KK
  17. Barry Ernest in his fine book not only destroys the "Ossi running down the stairs" myth of the WCR, he destroys the WCR timeline of the Tippit killing too. Oswald in court would have been acquitted by only calling these four witnesses: Mr and Mrs Higgins, Victora Adams and Sandra Styles... KK
  18. Benavides described a man other than Oswald as the killer. During his testimony before Attorney David W. Belin Benavides told Belin: "He looked like you." LOL
  19. Within four hours after the killing Helen Markham signed an affidavit for the Dallas Police in which she swore that it had occurred at approximately at 1.06. pm... quote Roger Craig WHEN THEY KILL A RESIDENT ...an unknown Dallas police officer came running up the stairs (of the TSBD, where Craig was) and advised Capt. Fritz that a Dallas policeman had been shot in the Oak Cliff area. I instinctively looked at my watch. The time was 1:06 p.m. A token force of uniformed officers was left to keep the sixth floor secure and Fritz, Day, Boone, Mooney, Weitzman and I left the building. The Higgins, the Wrights (who lived across the street of the Higgins) and the two ambulance drivers where never called on to testify by the Warren Commission! (Plus Aquilla Clemens: seven key witnesses where simply ignored by the W-Commission...) 1.06 pm...1.06 pm....1.06 pm... Acc. to Tippits death certificate he was declared death at 1.15 min.
  20. Location of the (1963) Home of the witnesses to the Tippit killing, Mr and Mrs Higgins:
  21. When researcher Barry Ernest was at the vicinity of the Tippit murder, to stop the time it took from Beckley to Patton, (back in the sixties?), the following occurred . Tippit was shot 13.06 on November the 22. 1963. Who could ask for anything more? KK
  22. If one wants to know everything about the worldwide emotional impact of the murder, DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT is a good read. A whole lot of interesting details... The "Oswald did it"parts are just like a foreign element. The ulcer of this otherwise well written book. Manchesters description of Kennedys last seconds make me believe: he never saw the Zapruder film. Or even frames of it. This are, once again, Manchasters words: quote "The First Lady(), leaned solicitously towards the president. His face was quizzical.() Now, in a gesture of infinite grace he raised his right hand, as though to brush back his tousled chestnut hair. But the motion faltered. The hand fell back limply. He had been reaching for the top of his head. But it wasn't there any more." c.quote Rank Nonsense ! KK
  23. Manchester never interviewed Father Oscar Huber?
  24. It`s German and the translation is: This picture was deleted, by the user himself, or the administrator, or the system---
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