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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. LMAO! What a smart guy Putin is. 🤣 I guess that will "help" Kamala a lot ... Quote from X
  2. @ Varnell: I don't wish to live under a Christian Nationalist dictator, even if he promises to release the JFK files. How about Canada? Justin Castreau?
  3. I do not think that Comrade Kamala can stop this, except with bullets.
  5. It will be a Presidential Commission on assassinations and assassination attempts. Obviously.
  6. @Gerry Down. You are right technically. But what if Oswald was after Connally? Than Dallas was an attempt. 🙂
  7. Trump just announced a new commission on assassination attempts. ““In honor of Bobby, I am announcing tonight that upon election, I will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts. “They will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. And they will also conduct a rigorous review of the attack last month. But I tell you, I have never had more people ask me, ‘Please, sir, release the documents on the Kennedy assassination,’ and we're going to do that.”
  8. @Paul Rigby Re. Germanys de-industrialisation. Henry Morgenthaus wet dream is coming true.
  9. Greg vs Greg: Greg Smith, interviewed by BBC (immediately after the shooting), is a direct counter-witness to Greg Nicol saying the Beaver County Deputies left their sniper windows. (On the second floor of the building overlooking the roof of Bldg. Nr 6 where Crooks was assembling his rifle and crawling around for two minutes. Greg Smith says he was shouting to "Arm Sleeve Tatoo" Guy (whom Smith saw in an open 2nd floor window) behind the position of Crooks. (To direct his attention to Crooks on the roof. Arm Sleeve Guy (Nicol?) showed no reaction)) He (Smith) also identified Crooks's car by the Butler AgWay, near the White Van at Meridian and Lawrence. It looks like the FBI is trying to hide the location of Crooks's car is close association with the White Van. (With an arizona licence plate attributed to the now dissapeard Crooks doppelganger Yearick) Who is Greg Nicol? He is the guy who left Bldg. No 6 100 seconds after the shooting. Not a bit interested in the dying gunman (Crooks) bleeding to dead on the roof of that building. Greg Nicol is a Beaver County SWAT sniper who played a significant role in the events surrounding the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Nicol was positioned inside the AGR International complex during Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Unusual Connections Nicol’s wife Michel has previously worked for BioMarin Pharma, a company owned by George Soros. On the other hand, Greg Nicol ran a private security business between 2018-2022 and one of his biggest clients were Marathon Petroleum Corporation, which surprisingly is owned by BlackRock. Nicols wife was the first Med allowed to touch Crooks body nearly 20 minutes after Crooks was shot. Both appeared on that ABC piece: (painful to watch) ...
  10. The problem is that Deep State puppet Comrade Kamala is, she is not expressing her own thoughts—if she ever expresses any at all. Like Biden, she is a politician following a script given to her by the U.S. Parakratos. The same applies here in Europe with figures like Thierry Breton, Macron, Von der Leyen, etc. In the last four years, they have strictly followed the directives of U.S. foreign policy. (And sadly US "pandemic policies", except Sweden.) We have some Trump-like figures here: In Austria, it is Kickl; in Hungary, Orban; and in Slovakia, Fico, who they tried to kill in May. In France, it is Marine Le Pen. The so-called free world has long become a kind of Western Bloc and we in Europe don't like it. If Harris becomes president in November, the EU will scramble because of it's own citizens, and some of the countries of the old continent will leave the EU and join BRICS..." "@John Cotter, thanks for the Shiran info. The fact that Harris denied Shiran appeale for freedom says it all. Even RFK Jr., the victim's son, is saying that Shiran never hit his father with any bullet´... and thx for the clarification in the other thread: Yes. Cheatle did say she was told the number of casings found on the roof beside Crooks, but she can't name it."
  11. Apart from citing stupid polls. That is realy something: GATEWAY PUNDIT: That means: A man who's family was poliically destroyed by the Secret Team joins another man who was almost killed by the Secret Team in his effort to become your President. This is not Dems vs Reps. This is a brand new US approach to the world (Trump/Vance/Kennedy) vs the WDC "forever wars fraction" with their killers. IMO Kamala is nothing but face patched on that Stephen King Clown trampling the world since World War 2.
  12. Trump should be careful. The Secret Team is not used to losing. There is a new plot against his life building up. Now it is no "lone nut" now it is "the Mullahs, the Mullahs." You can read it everywhere. Whether it is "Mullahs" or another "lone nut": It is the Secret Team sent out to kill by the same forces who killed the Kennedys and King. IMO (and not only IMO) They will try to push the "magic button" again before Nov. 5th. Huff Post, quote:
  13. Two Oswalds, two Crooks. Oswald in two places at once. Crooks in two places at once. Oswald and Thornley. Crooks and Yearick. Fake timelines in Dallas, fake timelines in Butler. They operate with the same old tricks. And like Dallas, they will never be able to bury Butler.
  14. Yep. 100%. All other discussion is moot until that is addressed. Ear or not ear. To do proper metrics to determine where the shots came from and if they came from two sources you need the autopsy reports of Crooks and Compaeratore, as well as the medical files of the two injured bystanders. But wait a minute: Crooks' body was cremated after the Senate and House requested to see the body with their own eyes. The autopsy of Comperatore is not available. (If made at all.)The medical files of the two other victims are not available. Do determine if different types of bullets where fired or the same type but with different guns you need the shells and bullets. The are not availiable. Butler is within a big information vacuum -- The biggest one since Dallas '63 regarding bullets fired at a high-profile politician, autopsys and medical files. Your "ear discussion" is ridiculous. What you are trying to say? That nobody fired at Trump in Butler? LOL.
  15. With "American history scholars" you mean yourself, Gallaway, Allison, DeEugenio Zart- and Bulman? You can throw around five star reviews as you want we are all watching Comrade Harris' last "Waltz".
  16. To @DeEugenio, Niederhut, Allison, Bulman, Speer, Gallaway, Morrow etc. History is repeating itself, and it is astounding how you all are completely unable to comprehend the "IC UFO" that landed in Butler while fixating on the assassinations of the 1960s. Butler stinks the same way Dallas stank, yet you, who call yourselves historians or assassination researchers, are in a state of complete denial when it comes to what the "Secret Team" did in Butler. You may be well-informed about Dallas but I can't take you seriously anymore when it comes to things like comparative skills and recognizing the footprints of intelligence then and now. Destracting comments and lame jokes is all some you have regarding Butler. The chances of the Democratic presidential nominee in 2024 reaching the White House would naturally be much better with Trump in a coffin. But a slight movement of his head and perhaps a gust of wind, thwarted a sick plan of the kind that succeeded in Dallas. As of Friday this week the Republicans will have in line: Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and Robert Kennedy jr. You can't kill them all. The Harris-Waltz Clown-campain has a problem.
  17. Lotta emergency landings all of a sudden .., Quote EPOCHE times:
  18. At this point - (five weeks after the shooting) we can not even be sure if the guy on the roof was Crooks or Yearick. Crooks' body was cremated and Yearick dissapeared. Five shells were counted near the the dead body and 20 minutes later they LEOs were talking about eight shells. A week after the shooting former USSS chief Cheatle did not know the number of the shells on the roof. Wray did not know the differnce between shells and catridges. There was a gun sneaked out of the Bldg. No 6 and the roof was sterilized like the Kennedy limo. There is the anunanswered question of blood in the bathroom of Bldg. No 2. Nobody told us what police radio ment with: " second shooter on the loose ..." And contrary to Oswalds kin Crooks kin love the sound of silence. Citizen journalism will open this can of worms slowly. https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/maxwell-yearick/
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