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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Another uppercut for Barb! Uh, I like this fight! Great entertainment! KK
  2. Jack. The game with identities is well known in that never ending murder case. There were 4 to 6 Oswalds, (the Bolton-Ford Ossi, N.O, the Lincoln-Mercury Ossi, Dallas, the Odio-Ossi, Dallas, the firering ranch Ossi, Dallas, the mexico-city Ossi etc...), at last two JVBers, the Haslam-JVB, and the real one, and maybe there where two moms of Ossi. Jim and Judyth just say this, and I agree: there was no Oswald-CLONE, which is, as far as I understand, the main-idea of the Armstrong book...according to Prouty the CIA started to create an Oswald 201 file in Dec 1960. One purpose of such a file is to create parallel résumés of one person. It is flashy that the first documented incident with a false Oswald occurred just a month later in Oswalds Hometown N.O., on 20.1.1961, the day JFK was sworn into office. I do not believe, there was any need or intention to play the game of identities prior. To me the Oswald-Clone theorie is worthless. I am happy with the well documented appearances of Oswald-copycats. (Some of them looked completely different!...mexico city Ossi... ) Since I am not familiar with the Armstrong book: did Armstrong explain, why there was a need to create an Oswald-Clone well back in the fifties, when Ike was president, and nobody on earth knew who would be the next man in the O-Office? PS The final proof of the JVBs Story, to me, was, when Haslam realized, in 2000 I think, that his monkey-virus story fit 100 percent with Judyths story. Note: they never met before, (except this strange incident with that false Judyth!)and they came out with their storys independently. KK
  3. perhaps Don this is really showing how really duh he is...if not for acting he would not be a success nor have his money...if he does not know by now at his age,within his generation he has chosen to live with blindfolderss on... i do not think any should hold out any hope for him, as he lives in his own cocoon and really does not comprehend what has and is going on in the real world...too much money can do that...i do believe...b Hanks: "I am a distant relevant of Abe Lincoln, Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln, Lincoln was shot in the Ford theater, and they fired a shot at Ford too!!!!, and me I am a distant relevant of Lincoln, therefore..."
  4. Bingo, Martin. It's not the sunlight, it is no head wound, it's Jackies Hand...bad day for Mr Know it all Lamson... KK
  5. Hi. New at this forum you should know, that some members will nail you down about every little detail. It's a drastic treatment. It's frustrating. Maybe you ll end up like King Lear. But it all is for the benefit of the truth. ;-) KK
  6. To establish peace---let's call it Ole Abes schmalz-grub KK
  7. Sounds like a whistling in the dark... KK
  8. "I thought Greer brought the vehicle to a almost-halt, to let the SS-men of the follow up car get onto the Lincoln-Limo..." Source: Hargis in an interview...which I saw 10 years ago on TV...(quote analogous ) To me there is nothing suspicious about Greers slowing down. It is a natural reaction if you know the men to protect the president are not on your car, but on the car immediately behind you. KK
  9. Isn't it odd, that Gordon Novel, (a Garrison-suspect. Some CTers believe he is the Umbrella man), is Ramsey Clarks factotum for years? KK
  10. !Mr Logan acts like a witty used car salesman, trying to lure Martin Hinrichs into the Lone nut promise land, with the weapons of charm and courtesy...scnr... KK
  11. Sometimes the devil is right! I always thought, that Mr. Fetzer went to far with his claim, Chaney met the Curry car at DP. KK
  12. Thx for posting what I call Mystery Frames in a gif... Yeah. There a mistakes. But look, even the angle of the antenna of Hargis' motorcycle ( a slightly backward position) fits! (Compared to the Z-film) It makes no sense to me to be accurate in such little details, and then put in a lot of people, which are not visible in the Zappi film versions. Another unanswered question is: if the gif above shows a Re-enactment, was it made by Stone, or given to Stone, and just used by him? If so: given to him by whom, made by whom, and when, and for what reason? KK
  13. The image on the left is a re-creation from JFK the movie ! the pic on the left is put out of the movie "JFK", yes, but nobody knows anything about it's provenance. It is a frame of a short clip, as you know, that appears in JFK the movie... If this is a re-creation, then Robert Groden, Stones adviser at the set at DP had a bad day. KK There is another inaccuracy : the lamppost next to the the Newmans (right side), visible in Bond 4 is missing in the so called re-creation image...I can't believe that Stone/Groden made such stupid mistakes...
  14. The image on the left is a re-creation from JFK the movie ! the pic on the left is put out of the movie "JFK", yes, but nobody knows anything about it's provenance. It is a frame of a short clip, as you know, that appears in JFK the movie... If this is a re-creation, then Robert Groden, Stones adviser at the set at DP had a bad day. KK
  15. @Z-Film alteration. Reminder. While everybody can see the limo slowing down and accelerting in the Nix-film, no such thing occurs in the Zappi film.
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