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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. For J. Logan the bullet hole in the windshield is a product of Evalea Glanges fantasy... this reasoning is rabulistic quibble... Parkland Hospital 22.11.1963, 1.26 p.m quote Crenshaw "Trauma Room One", p. 80 When I (Crenshaw) walked into the hall, Evalea Glanges, a medical student, was standing by the nurses station. She told me a most peculiar story. While we had been working on President Kennedy, she was outside in the emergency parking lot. Standing beside the President`s Limousine, she pointed out to another medical student that there was a bullet hole in the windshield." Close Quote.
  2. Within the emergency parking lot, prior to the washing of the limo(sic) and the rebuilding of the limo-top, the limo was driven from one spot to another. Maybe Ms Glanges saw the whole at the first spot, not the (guarded) one shown in the picture? KK
  3. Parkland Hospital 22.11.1963, 1.26 p.m quote Crenshaw "Trauma Room One", p. 80 When I (Crenshaw) walked into the hall, Evalea Glanges, a medical student, was standing by the nurses station. She told me a most peculiar story. While we had been working on President Kennedy, she was outside in the emergency parking lot. Standing beside the President`s Limousine, she pointed out to another medical student that there was a bullet hole in the windshield." Close Quote. Now, Mr. Logan: Evalea Glanges a xxxx, Crenshaw M.D a xxxx too? Conspirators? Forgers of "the whole in the windshield?" KK
  4. Except that the late Mr. Greer was born in Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK, so it might be more accurate to refer to him as a native Britisher. I always thought, Greer brought the limo to a halt to give the SS-men of the follow-up car the opportunity to get onto the Lincoln-Limo, and protect JFK with their body's...but the SS-men didn't move...following an order by Emory Roberts..."Don't move!" To me Greer did the right thing, while Roberts order, and behavior is more than questionable... KK
  5. A poor attempt to convince (whom? not me) that the Zappi Film is authentic...Stolley was just the legman of the main guy in that incident: C.D.Jackson, the master of psychological warfare under Eisenhower, buddy of the Dulles brothers, Clare and Henry Luce, McCloy and last but not least Bedell Smith. Jackson defined in 1951: "...the three big ingredients in psychological warfare are: 1. money, 2.no holds barred and 3. no question asked." Can you imagine such a guy, Zapruder film in hand, saying: This is an important piece of history. I can't alter it. I can't betray the american public...? LOL KK
  6. Except that the late Mr. Greer was born in Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK, so it might be more accurate to refer to him as a native Britisher. I always thought, Greer brought the limo to a halt to give the SS-men of the follow-up car the opportunity to get onto the Lincoln-Limo, and protect JFK with their body's...but the SS-men didn't move...following an order by Emory Roberts..."Don't move!" To me Greer did the right thing, while Roberts order, and behavior is more than questionable... KK
  7. Any head shot from behind hitting the back of the head would have destroyed the cerebellum. But the cerebellum was intact at Parkland... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpBDuSJeH14
  8. Why this second head shot thing? Nobody needs a second head shot to prove, that the Zappi film is a fake, and that there were several shooters at the plaza on that day. One head shot from the fence- a incident, supported by the observation of dozens of eye-witnesses - that is enough to prove the conspiracy. Plus the contradictory observation of the head wounds by the Parkland, and the Bethesda staff. Again: who needs a second-head-shot-theorie? Talking about such a thing is, IMO, Love's Labour's Lost. BTW: Crenshaw M.D said, the cerebellum -visible in the gaping exit wound at the occipital bone- was intact, a fact, which excluded any head shot from behind. KK PS: I enjoy this Intra-CTer discussions. They are much more fruitful, revealing and spirited, than those stupid, and boring LN vs CT drivel...
  9. Thx for the info, Bernice. Harvey was CIA Chief of Station in Rome at that time. His predecessor was Karamessines (Boss of Georg Joannides who was deeply involved in the handling of the patsy Oswald). Karamessines left Rome in the fall of 1962 pronto after the killing of Italian Oilman Enrico Mattei(who once helped the CIA to install the Shah in 1953), who was about to make his own oil contracts with Iran, with the placet of the Kennedy administration, but against the will of the "Seven sisters". But I can imagine, that the conspirators put Harvey on an emergency flight to Dallas, after the Dallas Police caught Oswald, one of the "kids" of his "false defector program". There are three hits, that make me believe, the trauma room two intruder could have been Harvey: -He knew Oswald from the beginning. Oswald was 0one of his babies. -The way the intruder was carrying his gun...back pocket, visible...(source: E.H.Hunt in an Y-Tube Interview) -Harvey looked like Oliver Hardy... Your posts prove: there WAS a call from Washington, it was NOT Johnson, but the caller claimed to be the president. And: the caller knew, there was a man in trauma room two, who was supervising Oswalds last minutes, authorizing that man (Harvey?) to record a death bed confession, or some other statement. The keyword, I think, is control, control of Oswalds behavior, until he took his terminal breath... KK
  10. Quote Trauma room one, by Charles A. Crenshaw M.D. p. 132 (Time 24.11.1963. Place, Trauma room two, where Crenshaw and others were trying to save Oswalds live.) »I looked up, an took a deep breath. When I did, I spotted a large man across the room, whom I didn’t recognized. HE RESEMLED OLIVER HARDY IN A SCRUB SUIT WITH NO MASK. MOST ARLARMING THERE WAS A PISTOL HANGING FROM HIS BACK POCKET AND IF IT HAD FALLEN TO THE FLOOR IT COULD HAVE DISCHARGED AND KILLED SOMEONE. I never knew how he got into the operating room and who gave him the scrub suit.(...) (Oswald) was fighting for his live, while a pistol packed intruder looked on. I didn’t know what to think, except that we had to get a cap and mask to the son of a bitch before he contaminated the entire room whit bacteria. (…) ...I wanted to throw out his ass of the operating room, but I was afraid that he would shoot me...I handed him the cap and the mask. He put it on without comment.« Close quote I know only one CIA-man who had to do with the false defector project including Oswald carrying his pistols in his back pockets all the time, even in the White House, and resembling Oliver Hardy: William King Harvey. A strange incident followed where Crenshaw(in an office near the operating room) got a call from a man, who claimed to be Lyndon Johnson (around noon CST). A nurse tapped Crenshaw on the shoulder, and asked him if he would take this call.) (BTW: It would not to be too hard to find out, if this was the real Johnson or an imposter, by looking at the White House Telephone logs. Was there such a call? Or was Johnson in a conference, around 13.15 EST, on November 24.11.1963, when this strange phone call occurred?) Quote, TRO, Crenshaw: »This is Dr. Crenshaw, may I help you?« »This is President Lyndon B. Johnson. Dr. Crenshaw, how is the accused assassin?« »Mr. President, he’s holding his own at the moment.« »Would you mind talking a message to the operating surgeon?« »Dr. Shires is very busy right now, but I will convey your message.« »Dr. Crenshaw, I want a dead bed confession from the accuse assassin. There is a man in the operating room, who will take the statement. I will expect full cooperation in this matter.« »Yes, Sir«, I replied, and the telephone went dead. Close Quote Back in trauma room two, Crenshaw told Shires: Quote TRO: »President Johnson would like for us to allow the man over there to get a statement from our patient.« Shires glanced at »Oliver Hardy« (William King Harvey, supervising the death of one of his »babies«?), shook his head in disbelieve and returned his attention to the operation. (…) Only moments later, 12.37 p.m, ( CST ) Oswalds heart began to fail. (…) Dr. Shires put his hand under Oswald's diaphragm to detect hart activity(...) he shook his head and told Dr. Perry, that Oswalds rhythmic cardiac activity had stopped. I walked over to our visitor with the gun and remarked: »Ther wont be any deathbed confession today.« (…) Oliver Hardy dissappeard, and I never saw him again. Close quote By me:
  11. Does anyone else here remember watching the arrival of the hearse at Bethesda on live TV? Unattended? Proof of an empty casket? (Jackie K. Was already in the Bethesda main-building...) Proof of an empty hearse? Where did they unload it? Did they reload the casket, or body into that black hearse which arrived at the back of the building, at the morgue, half an hour before? Anybody know the reason of that delay? (Of the grey navy hearse, obviously shown on TV...) Quite confusing...not the so called "pre-autopsy", there was one, for sure...but the remaining question is: where they switch the hearse, and the caskets...it is hard to believe for me, that they put it on a heli, at Andrews air-force base, while Jackie and RFK were driving in a decoy-hearse... KK
  12. My suggestion would be: Try to go up to the 7th floor of the SBDB, and take some pictures through the windows over there down to elm-street. I am convinced, that the only floor, where a standing shooter can be seen as described by Brennan and the Rowlands, is the seventh floor: because of the larger windows, and the higher window boards. If it is forbidden, ask the authorities, why... Thx KK
  13. Well here they are, the Three Musketeers of a dead duck: Baker, Lamson, and Colby. But were is D ' Artangnan, aka Wild Billy Boy Milla??
  14. At one point Holt claims ( in his interview days before he died in 1997), that he put some false SS-IDs (fabricated by him and his forgery team for the "event" in Dallas) into a Ford pickup behind the fence. There was in fact a ford-pickup there in the afternoon of Nov 22. 1963
  15. I am convinced there was a grassy knoll shooter, but his name wasn't James Files. Her is a very informative new site on the whole story, despite the Dankbaar-bashing: http://www.jamesfilesfraud.com/dankbaarvsbartell Point 8 is very convincing that Files is a xxxx. Quote: STATEMENT 8 And Files also claims that just before shooting Kennedy he took off the scope so he could use it to look around at the people in the area. Then put the scope back on the gun to fire the fatal shot that killed Kennedy. THE TRUTH: Dankbaar and Files love to tell anyone who will listen, that James Files is a military/mob weapons expert and assassin. But even a gun novice knows that after calibrating a gun with a scope you do not take the scope off the weapon before a hunt, shooting competition or shooting the President of the United States, to "look around". Close quote. Hahahahaha----Here is Files "de-calibrating" his gun minutes prior to the shooting... KK
  16. That could be an explanation. Jerry: I am always surprised how guys like you, which such an clear intellect, can be victims of that stupid Lone Nut cover-story. In case of Gary Mack everybody smells his intellectual dishonesty, and I believe he is doing what he is doing for money...(he is the best paid LNter in the US , I believe) Whats your motive for promoting this fairy tale, fabricated by some psyop. specialists half a century ago, postmarked by the FBI within 14 days after the murder, and gentled by the WC? "Higher duty"? http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/style_em...fault/ph34r.gif KK
  17. Maybe your right. But I got another one. Something is rotten, either with the z-fame in question or the Cancellar-pic. I can smell the hand of the forger. Same two pics, another odd thing. Karl, I was hoping your post might be some kind of hip, post modern irony, but it seems as though you're serious. Why would you think that photographs taken at different times would show exactly the same people in exactly the same positions? Altgens has had time to cross the street, walk up the incline toward the pergola, turn around and walk back down past the Newmans. Why isn't there time for someone to step behind the truck? Jerry In the Cancellare-pic, the man is sitting on the truck-bed. The Z-Frame shows a blanket on the very same truck bed. The only explanation(in the case the Z-Frame is not forged)is: the man was under the blanket during the shooting, removed the blanket pronto after the shots were fired, and than came out of his cranny...strange behavior, if true. LOL All I say is this: nobody needs special photographic knowledge, to figure out, that the crappy-zappy film is the most tortured piece of film in history! (And the most expensive film too! Do you think, the US-Government would pay 18 mio for a Z-film-Version everybody can watch at Y-tube? I am not that naiv. The Original is out there, but not in the reach of ordinary people. Note: Einsteins brain was "unlocatable" for 50 years...) KK Karl, A better copy of Cancellare shows that the man is standing behind the pickup with his hands resting on the rail. A better view of Zapruder shows that the "blanket" is actually the sidewalk behind the pickup truck. That's why the "blanket" disappears behind the front of the large truck. Best to you, Jerry Maybe your are right. But I got another one. Something is rotten either with the cancellar-pic, or the Z-frame in question. KK
  18. Karl, I was hoping your post might be some kind of hip, post modern irony, but it seems as though you're serious. Why would you think that photographs taken at different times would show exactly the same people in exactly the same positions? Altgens has had time to cross the street, walk up the incline toward the pergola, turn around and walk back down past the Newmans. Why isn't there time for someone to step behind the truck? Jerry In the Cancellare-pic, the man is sitting on the truck-bed. The Z-Frame shows a blanket on the very same truck bed. The only explanation(in the case the Z-Frame is not forged)is: the man was under the blanket during the shooting, removed the blanket pronto after the shots were fired, and than came out of his cranny...strange behavior, if true. LOL All I say is this: nobody needs special photographic knowledge, to figure out, that the crappy-zappy film is the most tortured piece of film in history! (And the most expensive film too! Do you think, the US-Government would pay 18 mio for a Z-film-Version everybody can watch at Y-tube? I am not that naiv. The Original is out there, but not in the reach of ordinary people. Note: Einsteins brain was "unlocatable" for 50 years...) KK
  19. Quote G.Lamson And here the star "physicist" of the CT crowd can't understand basic physics nor the properties of light and shadow.... Close Quote Nobody need to know basic physics to find out that the Zappy-Film, as we know it, is a poor(and stupid) forgery. Here is just one stupid mistake, the forgers made: (Thx to J. White.) KK
  20. Quote Kai Bird: The Chairman. (s 121 Simon and Schuster) --McCloy was the consensus builder, the kind of man, who could chair a meeting of people of holding violently opposing views and emerge with a concrete list(...)of "what everyone seems to be saying"... -- no question in my mind who chaired the last WC- meeting: Quote (from M. Ferrell site) --18 Sep 1964 - The final Commission meeting was not transcribed, and only these minutes remain. The minutes, taken up with various motions related to the publication and delivery of the Report, fail to note that serious disagreements which erupted at that meeting. Senator Russell led a group of three Commissioners who wanted the Report to include a dissenting view regarding the single bullet theory, which is essential to the lone assassin conclusion. When Russell later learned that the meeting had not been transcribed, despite having an apparent recorder present, he was furious, later breaking off a long friendship with Lyndon Johnson.-- McCloy got a bankers- and a lawyers-soul...for him, I fear, historical events, were just a question of semantics... KK
  21. Well, McN. immediately sent Mac Bundy in his Secretary-Limo to the Withe House, where he took over the Oval Office. (source THE COLOR OF TRUTH by Kai Bird) But, yes, it's odd. At 2pm W.D.C. time, the SS in Dallas knew, that Kennedy was dead. The message provided to McNamra was, that sombody shot at the president. And hit him. I guess someone in the pentagon knew at that time, that the president, in fact, was dead. But nobody felt the necessity to inform McNamara, (and Taylor) that early. The secretary of defense and the JCS were sitting around for another 45 minutes! KK
  22. Vince Palamara provided the following Newsclip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OyI0P6WYIY of the Dr.Shaws (Connallys Doctor) press-conference, at 15h ? 22.11.1963 where he claims, that the bullet(in the LN wonderland known as the magic one), is still in the tigh of the Governor. That means, the bullet Tomlinson http://www.realhistoryarchives.com/collect...s/jfk/ce399.htm found on the strecher at 1 ' o clock that day, is another one. I am curious whom Dr. Shaw gave the real "Connally bullet" after he removed it, before Connally was put to the recovery room. KK
  23. @ K. Collins The face of the running "agent" on the south of elm, is obscured with a black shadow too. @ J. Withe: G. Mack told me, that those frames are hardly from a take by Oliver Stone, despite the fact, they appear in his movie JFK. The frames remain cryptic. Karl...what is the source of your mystery image? I have never seen it before. Jack It is a piece of film out of Stones JFK. It appears at 2h 35min 22sec. ( Length ca. 2 seconds.)And it doesn't look like a Stone "take.". Note: at the end of that particular piece of film, a man is stepping down the stairs in front of the fence, at the top right corner of the frames...away from the spot where the shots came from... KK
  24. @ K. Collins The face of the running "agent" on the south of elm, is obscured with a black shadow too. @ J. Withe: G. Mack told me, that those frames are hardly from a take by Oliver Stone, despite the fact, they appear in his movie JFK. The frames remain cryptic.
  25. No, it's no april fool hoax. The frames by themselfes are a hoax (or not?) and I wonder, that they appear in the Stone movie JFK! Note: the four Ladys, and this "agent" on the south side of elm street. What a difference to the well known Zapruder film versions. Otherwise, watch the bulge on the back of the jacket of the "dark complected man". The bulge is a detail proved true. Why so accurate here (bulge) and so inaccurate there ( five individuals opposite the umbrella man)? BTW Robert Groden was Stones adviser, I can't believe both man made such a "mistake". Are this frames from the Zapruder-film-Copy, that Bill Turner provided Stone, when he did the shooting of JFK? My question is: mystery frames: made by whom, and why? BTW The old lady in the silver-pinkish- dress, http://i30.tinypic.com/2uq11yv.jpg (south of elm, across the umbrella man, right upper corner of the frame))can be seen on this frame http://i40.tinypic.com/2wgr7ue.jpg -- but at a very different position! What about that frame? Is this a frame out of the (original)Hughes film? A hoax-frame too? One is for sure: the old lady in the pinkish-silver dress jumps from just across the traffic sign(mystery frames) several yards westwards! (Supposed Hughes frame). PS http://i40.tinypic.com/2wgr7ue.jpg On this (Hughes?) frame I can identify Moorman, Hill, Babuschka, Brehm and son, patrolman Smith running across the street, the three Newmanns, on of the "twin" ladys (sitting)...but what about the old lady in the silver-pinkish dress? And what about the suit man (agent?) with the hat watching in the direction of Smith?
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