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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. https://twitter.com/i/status/1654656155883380736 . @RobertKennedyJr : CIA 'Definitely Involved' in JFK's Assassination "They were definitely involved in the murder and the 60-year cover-up," he declared. "They're still not releasing the papers that legally they have to release." "For anybody who has doubts about that, I would recommend a book by Jim Douglass called "JFK and The Unspeakable." Because I think he's done a better job than anybody else at kind of assembling and distilling all of the millions and millions of documents that have been released over the past 50 years. And these revelations are released incrementally, and so nobody really takes notice of them. But when you put them all together, the story is very clear."
  2. Quote, RFJ jr. on Twitter 10 minutes ago Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr Fox fires @TuckerCarlson five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers. Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless. For many years, Tucker has had the nation's biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN. Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma. Close quote
  3. Meanwhile on the filth-front: The NYT joins the MSM trying to create a shitstorm for RFK jr. Quote, Twitter, 5h hours ago: Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr For the record, I never compared the government’s Covid mandates to the Holocaust as the @nytimes falsely reported this week. Listen to my Lincoln Memorial speech and verify for yourself that I mentioned Ann Frank in an entirely different context. I was warning against the alarming totalitarian potential of AI + surveillance technologies. Close quote Yeah... And his uncle JFK never wrote PROFILES IN COURAGE as Drew Pearson (falsely) claimed almost 70 years ago. The Kennedys are always facing a phalanx of f...king li...ars. As I said several weeks earlier: The most exciting presidential elections are ahead. The war of nerves has begun ... have my popcorn ready.
  4. Tucker at 5min03sec, quote: "We can't even say for certain who killed the president of the United States, because after 60 years the Biden-administration is hiding thousands of pages of classified documents from the Kennedy-assassination ..." That's good. Never stop talking about it ...
  5. The list gets longer. RFK jr. Tucker Carlson, Ron Paul: "JFK was murdered by the CIA, our own government ..." I guess in the next two years we can add other big shots to that list -- that will burry the "lone nut" fairy tale once and forever. (IMO That topic will become hot in the 2024 presidential election.)
  6. Kennedys vs CIA: RFK jr, summary starts at 53 min in the video. He says that feud started with Jospeph Kennedy ... RFK jr is initiating an open debate about the US politics of the last 75 years which nobody can put back in the bottle.
  7. The "worst possible president" (acc. to the Daily Beast. To me he is the best president for the US) has a clear opinion regarding crypto and the sabotage of crypto by the Biden administration. Quote: "They" are out to turn piece for piece of your personal islands of freedom into an intrument of controll.
  8. The MSM Orks are already at him. quote: Bill Rice Jr.'s Newsletter Close quote
  9. You forget one thing: this new alien-lifeform called internet ...
  10. I understand that Trump is not the darling of the deep state or the Dems in power which are nothing but a deep state front. RFK jr. IMO means "end of deep state" or at least cut down deep state activities to an absolute minimum. I can imagine a Trump/Kennedy ticket, which would require a swich by Kennedy from donk to phant. ( It is impossible the other way around) Why not ... it is all about to get rid of all those cold war dinos hindering the progress of the US and the world ... one thing is for sure: Another "win" of the US deep state (over Trump and Kennedy for example) would drag the world into the darkness for another 75 years ...
  11. @Jim DiEugenio RFK jr about the germ-obsessed superbug creators in the US Military Industrial Complex working hand in hand with China. Quote, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI is IMO worth a (selectiv) read ...
  12. From JFK facts April 5th 2023 The CIA’s Sinister 'Transparency Plan' for JFK Files "Having blown the statutory deadline written into the JFK Records Act four times in six years, the CIA and other federal agencies are now seeking to eliminate the deadline altogether. Here’s how the bureaucratic sleight of hand works."
  13. Quote RFK jr / Twitter: "The Fed just announced it will introduce its “FedNow” Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in July. CBDCs grease the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny. While cash transactions are anonymous, a #CBDC will allow the government to surveil all our private financial affairs. The central bank will have the power to enforce dollar limits on our transactions restricting where you can send money, where you can spend it, and when money expires. A CBDC tied to digital ID and social credit score will allow the government to freeze your assets or limit your spending to approved vendors if you fail to comply with arbitrary diktats, i.e. vaccine mandates. The Fed will initially limit its CBDC to interbank transactions but we should not be blind to the obvious danger that this is the first step in banning and seizing bitcoin as the Treasury did with gold 90 years ago today in 1933. Watch as governments, which never let a good crisis go to waste, use Covid-19 and the banking crisis to usher in a new wave of CBDCs as a safe haven from germ-laden paper currencies or as protection against bank runs." Close quote
  14. The 2024 US presidential election will be the most exciting ever. Involving a Kennedy for the fourth time. RFK jr starts where his uncle and his father were stopped by bullets ... IMO there are too many fires in 2024 to put out for "Permanent Washington" and it's deep state zombies. In the course of this upheaval there is IMO a good chance that the true circumstances of the JFKA will also come to light. Article of Jeffrey A. Tucker, EPOCH TIMES. Article Jeffry A. Tucker THE EPOCH TIMES, March 6th 2023 Quote: Close quote
  15. I would rather like to know more about the deep friendship between Daniel Ellsberg and his mentor Edward Lansdale which lasted till Landsdale died. They both attended the funeral of their mutual friend John Paul Vann AFTER Ellsberg had is outing with the Pentagon papers. Quote THE ROAD NOT TAKEN, by Max Boot This is months AFTER Ellsberg started to pose as hero of the left and critic of the Vietnam war Ellsberg was never and is not a genuine whistleblower. If he were he would be in Moscow, like Ed Snowden ... or in jail like Julian Assange. An Hersh? --- I am not sure if he is deliberately spreading bu*lsh*t info (paid by the word) and therefore an "insider" --- or if he is a genuine Bu*lsh*t-artist ... and therefore just another useful idiot in the ongoing "Operation Chaos" of the Washington big shots. Lansdale, Conein, Ellsberg, Hersh, Howard Hunt knew each other well and were part the "cult of intelligence" And there were cults within that cult. IMO
  16. From the moment they knew that they could put Oswald in that 6th floor window they had to alter Kennedy's body and the Zapruder-film accordingly. ...
  17. With JFK not shot there would have been no Vietnam war. With JFK junior in the White House , there would have been no second Iraq war. With Trump in a second terme, there would have been no Ukraine-war and with RFK jr there will be no Ukraine war no more. This proxy war sh*t has got to stop. If I were a US citizen I d know whom to give my vote. -- this article endorsed by RFK jr, on Twitter IMO gives some clues where he would stand regarding his foreign policy: In line with his murdered father and murdered uncle.
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