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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Citizen journalism is slowly opening a can of worms.
  2. from the comments under the Martenson You tube Video provided by Paul Rigby. 11h ago
  3. There are already countermeasures taken by the other side to 'debunk' the two-shooter scenario. Without analyzing the audio recordings of the shooting, the following reasoning is rather worthless, unless Crooks fired two different rifles from two different locations. Posted 19.7. 2024 on X. And now, guess what? Written by:
  4. Credit: LeonardoBenavides on X @primersenor
  5. It now seems that embedded int he Trump security team was a Trump assassination team.
  6. Water Tower Crooks was shot over the right eye after he had abandoned his gun and was crawling back from the ridge. The man on the water tower (captured on video) was in an ideal position to take him out. If he wasn't there to take out Crooks, he was in an ideal position to coordinate the assassination attempt, which failed by half an inch. Guns There were ten distinct bangs that could be identified thanks to cell phone audios: three bangs, followed by a pause, then five bangs in rapid succession, which sounded very different (indicating a different gun), followed by one bang. Then a long pause of 10 to 20 seconds occurred during which Crooks was able to crawl back, and finally, there was a last single bang that sounded different from the first three and the subsequent five bangs. Martenson said that this was the shot that took out the then-unarmed Crooks. All the while, Crooks was on the roof of building number 9, seen by bystanders with his gun, crawling. A local sniper team in the adjacent two-story building (building number 13), which had some windows overlooking the roof where Crooks was for 20 minutes, did nothing. Here is the Martenson video with the audio analysis of the shots once again. Remember: it took 15 years before someone did the first audio analysis of the JFK assassination. Martenson and Co. came out with an audio analysis in days. I can't find any error in it, except that when you analyze bangs, you can identify different guns but not who shot at whom and why.
  7. The more they "explain" the mor questions arise. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/fbi-releases-questionable-timeline
  8. Quote from Fletcher Prouty, THE SECRET TEAM: The same is true for american leaders when they became an annoyance to the Power elite ... there were floating wishes in the air and strange promises ... Nuland's "Putin's hope is Trump. ()But Putin should be in for a surprise" and Bidens "Bullseye" remark come to my mind ...
  9. Just see the obvious: Why those two government snipers on the roof behind Trump were looking and aiming at the exact spot where Crooks would show up 20 minutes later? They were not interested in any other spot or roof, despite there are plenty of roofs around? Were they clairvoyants. If so, then they were sleepy clairvoyants, because when this two snipers SAW Crooks with his rifle aiming at Trump, they waited until Crooks pulled the trigger and then killed him. Ask not Kimberly Cheatle: Ask those two snipers. Ask them who told them to watch the exact spot where Crooks would show up 20 minutes later, that spot on the roof of building Nr. 9 of ARG International Inc. You know that spot: (32million views) He and others told police several times: Guy on roof with a rifle ... he is crawling ... police: Hu? Police were running around, playing the fool. This soap went on for 5 to 7 minutes ... Butler is a can of worms that is being opened up slowly by citizen journalism ...
  10. I am glad that Jim DeEugenio is telling us in advance what Kimberly Cheatle, good friend of Liz Chaney and her father (neocons BTW), will tell the world on Monday: We (the USSS, Homeland Security, local law enforcement) where that stupid. We didn't even sent a drone to watch the scene from above. That reminds me of the answer Will Fritz gave when asked why the Oswald interrogation was not taped. "We had no tape-recorder." To reduce Butler to a security breakdown is the Cover up Cheatle will use on Monday. No need to hear this half backed stuff an TNT and Black op radio. Just watch Cheatle on Monday. You do not need to be a Historian, Secret Service-Expert or JFKA researcher to realize there was something rotten in Butler ... Dr Peter McCullough is a sharp thinker and keen observer outside his profession ... Quote McCullough: The number of anomalies here is astounding ...
  11. You do not need to be a Historian, Secret Service-Expert or JFKA researcher to realize there was something rotten in Butler ... Dr Peter McCullough is a sharp thinker and keen observer outside his profession ... Quote McCullough: The number of anomalies here is astounding ...
  12. Foreknowledge? To bad Trump survived, eh? CHAT GPT: One day before l"lone nut" Crooks shot at Trump AUSTIN PRIVAT did exactly this with DJT shares on a large scale ... now they say: It was error.
  13. Said von Pein: No, I will stay on earth after all. This season is mental! 😇
  14. Said Varnell: Not so fast ... Kennedy was tricked on an anti Diem path, he tried to back off ... his contingency plan in case of a Saigon Coup included to pull out the Diem brothers by a commercial airliner. Victor Krulak was involved in that plan. When the Diems at last surrendered they called Lodge a Last time, which offered them to pull them out. The next thing Lodge did, he called Conein who was with the Coup- Generals to gave them the location of the Diem brothers. To pick them up. The Colon Church. Two motorcades headed to that church. The first picked up the brothers but was intercepted by second motorcade only 500 meters north of the Church. A member of that second motorcade, Major Nhung was ordered to kill the Diems on the spot. Three months lather during the Saigon January coup Nhung was detained and tortured to death. There is a very interesting detail to this: In Francis X. Winters book about Vetnam THE YEAR OF THE HARE, he wrote: Now you are free to make a guess: Who gave the death penalty to the Diem brothers? And was that person a "Necon to the bone?"
  15. @Niederhut: There are certain Elements in the USSS, FBI, Homeland Security etc. which are there to do very different things, from what this Agency's and Institutions are made for. Committing regicide for instance. @Varnell You are right. Nobody saw Oswald in that window. As I said earlier IMO: Brennan saw a standing shooter. To shoot in such position through a window in the TSTB is only possible when you are on the 7th floor of that building. The WC was brainwashing poor Brennan, he then claims the shooter was in the Oswald window. But guess what? Brennan never changed his statement that the shooter he saw was standing. Therefore the testimony of Brennan is a hybrid: Half brainwashing half what he really saw. -- A composite of something physical impossible.
  16. Said J DeEugenio: If Crooks was not framed or lured into this ... who gave him a free-roof- ticket, on buildings where a bunch a law enforcement folks were packed? Who cancelled all air surveillance at Butler? Drones are cheap and easy to handle. No drones at all ... but after the event you can watch on Y Tube dozens of drone videos of that aera. Another two cent: For hours an hours they said we could not identify Crooks. Hu? His fathers registered rifle was laying besides him! How stupid they think we are? Somebody wrote a script ... and I fear it was not John Cleese, because it is not funny. This whole thing bores me to the bone .. Could somebody stop the planet, I wanna get out.
  17. You don't have to be a JFKA researcher to realize that something was rotten in Butler ...
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