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John Bevilaqua

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Everything posted by John Bevilaqua

  1. Yes, John. And thanks for the reminder. I have more unfinished projects than a bankrupt builder. He was an IRS agent who I think recruited Ruby very early in Ruby's life. I think Ruby much later deliberately became an ineffective informant. As a result of that, a $40,000 debt to the IRS was manufactured to pull him back into line. In the lead up to the assassination, his phone calls were not the only thing on the rise. So were his meetings with IRS to negotiate his way out of that mess. Then suddenly he started acting like he was not only debt-free, but also talking about buying another club and moving to more expensive digs. Other minor hoods with far less IRS debt than Ruby ended up either in jail or having all their property sold from under them. I will get back to it, now that you've nudged me, but want to first finish a piece on a COINTELPRO operative I think was the actual person sitting next to Albert Osborne on that bus ride south. A slow grind in between making ends meet. You might want to review what Lee Forman reminded me about regarding Richard Case Nagell when he wrote about the importance of El Paso as a gateway into and out of the country used by Nazis and Fascists without proper paperwork or credentials. I found evidence that a Dr. Wolfgang Ebell from El Paso, Texas went to jail for a long time (1942?) for being the conduit used by Vonsiatsky to get his gathered espionage into Mexico for transfer via fishing boats out to German U-boats sitting off the coast of Mexico. Look up Rev. Kurt Molzahn as well who was also part of the Sedition and Espionage trials Vonsiatsky's buddies were involved with during WW II. See: The Russian Fascists by John Stephan at books.google.com or http://www.abebooks.com Here is a posting I made recently about some of these characters... and how it all fits together... JFK: The Final Solution I have to review Nagell's comments about El Paso, too. But if even Nagell knew about Vonsiatsky's buddies like James Wheeler Hill and Baron Charles(?) Wrangel, you know they must be important....because Dick Russell wanted to know more about them. And Nagell knew about the Nazi Connection into Mexico and a whole lot of other things... Dick Russell was very skeptical about all these White Russians I pulled out of the woodwork or out from under the rocks they lived under. And now Dick Russell is convinced about all the MK/ULTRA connections, too. Hard guy to convince but he is coming along...
  2. Oh, I get it now. Sounds like you still have not accepted the fact that Sarah McClendon's friends and compatriots were actually BEHIND the assassination of JFK and they were also behind the very early efforts to cover-up the assassination of JFK and to deflect the attention from the far right wing extremists like The John Birch Society and The Liberty Lobby? Wow! They were obviously behind JFK's (and later Clinton's) character assassinations so why not the actual assassination. Why did Sarah McClendon join up with Charles Willoughby and Billy James Hargis plus Edward "Brainwashing" Hunter and Alex Rorke on the Anti-Communist Liaison - Committee of Correspondence? There were only four people there and she was one of them. She was Mata Hari and a silver tongued little old lady who knows how to charm, and defuse and then pounce. She fooled you big time. Why did she get all rumbled and twisted when I started writing about her little Nazi buddies like Willoughby and Morris? Ever think of that? You think that Dick Russell's confidential informant fingered Adolph Tscheppe-Weidenbach (Charles Willoughby) incorrectly or dishonestly when he said? EVEN THE PATRIOTS CAN NOT TAKE THE LAW INTO THEIR OWN HANDS... You think that all the research into Charles Willoughby by myself and many others was all for naught, like the person who wrote The History of the Korean War volumes I and II? Professor Bruce Cumings from Northwestern. He makes a convincing case that Willoughby and H. L. Hunt agitated for The Korean War then created a deliberately staged incident looking like an incursion of North Vietnamese troops into South Korea. They were wearing fake North Korean uniforms, apparently manufactured by someone in the textiles and military uniform industry (hint, hint) and then they somehow later profited immensely in Soybean Futures because they had cornered the market BEFORE the start of The Korean War... just before. Sounds like the same thing Draper did with the Viet Nam war and Rockwell Standard does it not? And Dick Russell asked me if Willoughby ever worked for H. L. Hunt and I told him that after being sacked he helped H. L. Hunt find oil drilling properties in Mozambique using their Soybean futures profits and that is how Hunt was enriched. And I bet you think that the insertion of Gen. Douglas MacArthur into the movie version of ManCand and not the novel version was just an accident, too, right? Well think again dude. Who was Benjamin K. Arthur supposed to be then? Dick Benjamin? Benjamin Franklin? MacArthur's father-in-law was named Benjamin I think. So you think you know better than Prof. Bruce Cumings, know more than Russell's unamed informant on Willoughby, Richard Condon John Roy Carlson ("Under Cover" and "The Plotters") and Nagell all put together? Dude, I guess Mrs. Kelly must have raised a genius then. Lee Forman reminded me that Nagell indicated that the El Paso connections involved some very serious Nazi connections and Dick Russell SPECIFICALLY asked me who James Wheeler-Hill and Baron Charles Wrangel actually were. They were close fiends and associates of both Vonsiatsky and Willoughby for decades and they were ex-Czarists, White Russians and pro-Nazis who were in league with Wm. F. Buckley's buddies, The Coudert Brothers, the German American Bund, William Dudley Pelley and his protege Rev. Gerald L K Smith from The Silver Shirts. And Pelley ran The Ashville Conference that led up to The Plot to Seize the White House ( written by Jules Archer) after FDR was elected which also involved J.P. Morgan and Draper, too. Are you taking notes? Is this sinking in for anyone? Nagell fingered James Wheeler-Hill and Baron Charles Wrangel, do you not believe him? As for the Birchers, even Jack Ruby, said that the same people behind the Impeach Earl Warren campaigns, who held important positions of power in Dallas were behind the JFK murder. And that if you get me out of Dallas and back to Washington, I can talk but not here. And that would include, Robert Morris and... and... Charles Willoughby and Edwin Walker and Larrie Schmidt and that whole Deutsch National Zeitung crowd with Gerhard Frey who called up Walker after the fact of JFK's deaths. Frey's buddies were people like Theodor Oberlander, Yaroslaw Stetsko from ABN and OUN, who all knew Spas T. Raikin from ABN where Willoughby was also prominent. How about the Wanted For Treason Poster... the whole nine yards... you know the drill. Frey was at WACCFL in 1958 with E. Howard Hunt, and all of Frey's friends ended up at WACL when Ray S. Cline and Draper's Roger Pearson were heading up that little Nazi entourage. Are you even smarter and more perspicacious about the JFK hit than Jack Ruby was? Seriously? For real, dude? I just can't believe that. Megalomania rears its ugly head. Even megalomaniacs can suffer from delusions of grandeur. In my case , it ain't bragging if you can do it. And you even put me in touch with that Eugenicist Nathaniel Weyl... and you linked the NSA building into... Draper's Rockwell International, right? And then your unique and very valuable information about Collins Radio... was published and then they were purchased by Rockwell International. Dude, you were so close... so close... yet so far away. Get back on track, put it all together before it is too late. The handwriting is on the wall... Join Dick Russell, Richard Case Nagell, Jack Ruby, Richard Condon and even Joseph Milteer ("The Patriots are in the clear on this..."), Bruce Cumings and others who have all figured it out from FIRST HAND sources. Name a half-dozen (give or take) people, sharing a unified conspiracy theory, who knew more than these people did about the JFK hit. Richard Case Nagell, Richard Giesbrecht, John Roy Carlson, Jack Ruby, Mae Brussell, Richard Condon, Joseph Milteer & yours truly Name them. If you had to put your money on a half-dozen people who would you choose to listen to and to trust and to believe? When people say: "If there was a conspiracy then someone would have heard about it and talked." Well there was and they did.... But they had to rub elbows with the plotters, the shooters, the planners, the wheel-turners, the string-pullers, etc. Not just armchair quarterbacks writing blogs and speculating or hypothecating in their spare time. REAL WITNESSES. As for me I go with these guys... Later, dude.
  3. That is brilliant, Bill, just a brilliant piece of work, dude. So pithy, so logical, so concise, so wrong.... This forum has been infiltrated by fanatical idiots. B "Dude" K And this is coming from someone who let Sarah McClendon and Gordon Hall get the best of him? And someone who can not even decide which version of the Sarah McClendon story to tell any more? I listend to her stories for hours... and she got nothing from me, she couldn't get past John Judge and myself if she was a hot looking babe... ...or is it she infiltrated us then I told the beatch to take a hike...after I figured out what she was doing. Mrs. Kelly didden raise no fools... Which story is it today, dude? Your nose is growing...
  4. Frederic René Coudert Jr. (May 7, 1898 - May 21, 1972); born, died in New York City) was a Representative from New York. Coudert attended Browning and Morristown Schools in New York City, then graduated from Columbia University in 1918 and from its law school in 1922. He served as a first Lieutenant in the 105th United States Infantry, 27th Division, with overseas service, in 1917 and 1918. In 1923, Coudert was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in New York City. He served as the assistant United States attorney for the southern district of New York in 1924 and 1925. Politics Coudert was unsuccessful as a Republican candidate for district attorney of New York County in 1929, but was a delegate to the Republican State conventions from 1930 to 1948 and the Republican National Conventions from 1936 to 1948. He was a member of the State Senate from 1939 to 1946 and was elected as a Republican to the Eightieth and to the five succeeding United States Congresses (January 3, 1947 - January 3, 1959; was not a candidate for the 86th Congress). He continued his practice of law in New York City, and was also a member of the State Commission on Governmental Operations of New York City from 1959 to 1961. Coudert was the campaign manager for William F. Buckley, Jr. during his unsuccessful run for Mayor of New York City and he also hired a young attorney by the name of Robert J. Morris to help ferret out suspected Communists in the New York City School System in 1940 and 1941. Morris later went on to be the General Counsel on the Senate Subcommitte used by Senator Joseph A. McCarthy during the heyday of McCarthyism and was later credited by Whittaker Chambers with accomplishing most of what Senator McCarthy was incorrectly credited with in Morris' New York Times Obituary. Coudert was considered to be one of the early originators of the Red Scare tactics used successfully by Robert J. Morris during the McCarthy era and by Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith during the Hollywood Blacklist campaigns shortly after World War II. Coudert proposed very radical, almost paranoid-delusional solutions to what he perceived to be justifiably serious concerns about what Communist-inspired high school teachers or College professors could accomplish by preaching Communist dogma: “Now if your dog had rabies you wouldn’t clap him into jail after he had bitten a number of persons—you’d put a bullet into his head, if you had that kind of iron in your blood. It is going to require brutal treatment to handle these teachers….” -- Frederic R. Coudert, NY Republican Senator (New York Times, June 3, 1941) The Coudert Brothers law firm was considered to be the first truly International Law Firm ever created. Their Paris, France office was their liaison into the Russian Czarist expatriate community and they helped many emigres come into the United States including George deMohrenschildt, who later welcomed the Oswalds (Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald) into the expatriate former Czarists in the White Russian community of Dallas petroleum geologists who had been exiled from Communist Russia after the Russian Revolution. They also hired Boris Brasol, another former Czarist and an anti-Semite, who was an expert in Russian law. Brasol helped Coudert translate "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" from Russian anti-Semitic and anti-Communist forgeries into English and published them and later distributed them through Henry Ford via the Dearborn Independent. Other clients of the Coudert Brothers included the would be "Tsar" Anastase Vonsiatsky who later was convicted for violation of The Espionage Act of 1917 and served 5 years in the Springfield, Missouri Federal Penitentiary between 1942-1945. Brasol's leader was Adrian Arcand, the notorious Canadian Nazi sympathizer, who was described by John Carlson in Undercover (1943) as "The Canadian Fuhrer" in his non-fiction New York Times best seller for 1943. Arcand made a speech at a German American Bund rally in New York City in 1937 also attended by both Anastase Vonsiatsky, James Wheeler-Hill and Boris Brasol where they were roundly booed and jeered. Arcand, an import leader in the pro-Nazi movement in Canada, was later arrested and jailed for his pro-Nazi hate related activities, inspiring the concept of "Leaderless Resistance" used so successfully later by Major Ulius Amoss of the OSS and later by Louis Beam and others in the American radical right wing extremist movements. One of Coudert's best clients, Anastase Vonsiatsky was featured in "The Russian Fascists - Tragedy and Farce in Exile" by Prof. John J. Stephan published by Harper, Row (1979). Vonsiatsky's headquarters were in Harbin, Manchuria (then Manchuoko during the Japanese occupation) from the 1920's until the 1950's. Vonsiatsky's Russian and Japanese associates in Manchuria helped to train the Kamikaze pilots at the end of World War II with programmed conditioning using Manchurian Candidate styled training. Many of Coudert's exiled clients also lived in Harbin, Manchuria at one time, which had over 100,000 exiled former Czarist supporters living out their diaspora there including George deMohrenschildt, whose wife Jeanne was actually born there. George deMohrenschildt and many other former Czarist pro-Fascists including Vonsiatsky, Boris Brasol and Adrian Arcand were assisted by The Coudert Brothers law firm in gaining entrance to the United States or Canada from their Paris, France or Baku offices which contained the largest petroleum reserves in the world and were once owned by the Czarists before the Russian Revolution. The Coudert Brothers operated what was referred to as the White Russian version of Nazi Ratlines for decades. Coudert Brothers also represented Lukoil, the Russian National Oil Company when it went public proving that their attitude about Communism could be easily swayed by financial incentives. By 1959 Richard Condon in the novel and the movie version of The Manchurian Candidate included references to: William F. Buckley, Jr., Anastase Vonsiatsky, Rev. Gerald L K Smith, Adrian Arcand, Robert J. Morris and Gen. Douglas MacArthur all of whom interacted with the Coudert Brothers law firm in New York or Paris at one time or another in their controversial careers.
  5. I don't like citing "South Florida based" self-proclaimed experts on the JFK assassination especially when they can not even get the basic facts about a planned Miami motorcade for JFK correct but this info should be shared regardless. When this unnamed person asked some Cuban anti-Castro exiles to tell him about the person they knew as Maurice Bishop they replied that his first name was not even spelled "M-A-U-R-I-C-E" and he asked them how he spelled it. They wrote it out as either: M-O-R-R-I-S or M-O-R-R-I-S-S but in their heavily accented English they pronounced it like: "MORE-EESE" which is EXACTLY how ESL Cubans would pronounce M-O-R-R-I-S or M-O-R-R-I-S-S, so the jury might still me out on this. This MORE-EESE knew Joseph A. Milteer as well as Gerald Hemming and Antonio Veciana and Charles Willoughby and Alex Rorke and Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt and a bunch of other people in the New York nexus of suspects and of course he could have been just a glorified wannabe who used the name Morris Bishop because he heard others use it, too. But this misspelling issue was confirmed and repeated by another exile, too, so it has some element of believability and credibility. He knew Frederic Coudert of the Coudert Brothers Law Firm, and tons of former Czarists like Vonsiatsky (deM's boss), George deM himself and Canadian nazis like Brasol and Arcand plus he worked for McCarthy and McCarran and Coudert as well. And Greg Parker plus James Richards did a 3-part posting on him a couple years ago. Just a thought.
  6. That is brilliant, Bill, just a brilliant piece of work, dude. So pithy, so logical, so concise, so wrong....
  7. Harry, the real reason was much, much bigger than the pissants from FPCC. Oswald was trained by MK/ULTRA as a kill-on-demand programmed assassin. Why do you think that George deMohrenschildt and his wife were from Harbin, Manchuria the home of The Manchurian Candidate where the Kamikaze Pilots were trained at the end of WW-II? Why George deMohrenschildt was Oswald's handler, dude. Why was Robert Morris identified as working on Mind Control programs during the 1940's by Greg Parker and James Richards? Why did Richard Condon list out a dozen persons who were active in Mind Control for either the CIA, The Pioneer Fund or the ONI? Ever hear of Dr. Hans Eysenck? Look him up. Worked on MK/ULTRA and he worked for The Pioneer Fund and Wickliffe Draper and that is how the technology got away from the CIA and into Draper's hands. How do you think Corporal Schrand was shot through the armpit from the side and into his heart unless he had his hands clasped behind his neck? And there was no damage to Schrand's arm either. So whether Oswald fired any shots or not and whether it happened under programmed conditioning or not, the fact remains that he WAS trained by MK/ULTRA and that caused a massive voluntary AND involuntary cover-up by all parties involved for National Security. Why, I could not have come up with a better scheme myself now that I think about it. Well done old chaps. Pip, pip cheerio. Check and Mate. The FPCC? Fuhgetta Boud-It! Pissants in the wind. Much bigger than that.
  8. Man, do you even realize what you are saying? You just contradicted yourself within 8 hours flat. How the heck does that look? You got taken in by her, hook, line and sinker didn't you? And you even messed up the color coding and quotes on your first message about McClendon. Did she infiltrate C.O.P.A. or not? I say she did and you are afraid to admit it. NOW do you realize how sneaky and slimey those McCarthyites really are and what they are actually capable of? Gordon Hall and Sarah McClendon and even Grace Hoag are all cut from the same cloth. Little old men and women in tennis shoes ready to stab you in the back at the drop of a hat. And you still feel the same way about Harry Angular, too? He shoud have been helping with research INTO the John Birch Society not AWAY from it? And as for John McAdams, from his very first web posting I could see where he was going. Admittedly he could have snuck into C.O.P.A. under an assumed name, I can understand that. Wow, you could use a rest, Bill. And thanks for getting her into C.O.P.A., she got all our names and got into all of our lines of research, too. Even that guy from HighTimes Magazine was her butler and assistant for the entire C.O.P.A. session. HighTimes? He wrote for a pothead magazine and he never heard of her either. Wow! He worked for Steve Hagen, their Editor, who doubled as the photographer, too. And he was a pretty smart guy, too. Man those little old ladies in tennis shoes are good! And until I did a search on Gordon Hall on the web he had me almost fooled, too. I should have figured something was up when Sarah requested to meet me right after she pulled into C.O.P.A. I was so flattered probably that I welcomed her and even paid for her lunch, too. I knew little of her Anti-Communist Liaison - Committee of Correspondence either. Obviously. And I remember hearing her voice during White House Press conferences for decades. For decades and yet she changed so much that I would never have recognized her in a million years. That gravelly, gruff voice. Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President! And all the while she was a little McCarthyite beatch too. No wonder JFK never liked to call on her... She was looking out for Willoughby and her boys long after they were dead. NOW do you understand why they all must be tracked down and exposed and defeated? NOW do you understand why I am doing this research? Because no one else can or will. Just too complex. Too intertwined and too important. Join me if you wish, you helped me out with finding Nathaniel Weyl and I got him to confess to 2 felonies related to Operation Red Cross. And he admitted that Senator Barry Goldwater was behind it all, too. Encouraging someone to enter Cuba's territorial waters to commit a felony in order to get elected? Damn! Those guys would do just about anything to replace JFK would they not? And then they did! "In Your Heart You Know He's Right!" OR "In Your Guts You Know He's Nuts!" Let me give you a news flash pal, in the last 3 or 4 days, in various posts, you have insulted in no particular order Gaeton Fonzi Gordon Winslow COPA Because of Winslow and Fonzi I lost a $25,000+ guaranteed book deal, dude. And because of Winslow's stupidity he painted a target on my back and sent Frank Sturgis looking for me, so mind you're own damn business. And I am just trying to warn people out there about some people on COPA are only there to frustrate, divert and deflect the investigation from the correct suspects because apparently you have not a clue and have yet to realize that on your own. Like Sarah McClendon, Gordon Hall, Fletcher Prouty and many others. This may just be some sort of Facebook blogging exercise for you because THAT is where childish Flaming goes on. When I rip into someone it is because they deserve it and because it is to warn you of what has been going on and what is going on with these discussion groups. You think this is like Trivial Pursuit don't you? Or some parlor game like Monopoly, right? Guess again buddy. Your posts are useless to the solution. And your naivete is just astounding. You think we just have to worry about the CIA and the FBI? Well guess again bucko. Our worst enemies come from the radical right because those morons actually killed JFK in case you have yet to figure it all out which I believe is the case. So if you want Marquis of Queensbury rules, go watch The Ultimate Fighter, ok? McClendon, Hall and Prouty are the face of the deliberate opposition and if you haven't figured it out yet, you never will. You were getting close and then you let those idiots stick their noses into progress and blow snots all over you. Hope you enjoyed it.
  9. Greg, Somehow I totally missed these postings about Robert J. Morris and his Timeline. He has been under my microscope since about 1995 and Richard Condon had him figured out as early as 1958. Did you see my recent posting on the Rapp-Coudert Committee where he worked? Nice piece of work. JB
  10. The Rapp-Coudert investigations and the subsequent Board of Higher Education trials lead to the dismissal, non-reappointment or resignation of over fifty faculty and staff at CCNY-the largest political purge of a faculty in the history of the US. CCNY loses many outstanding teachers; most never work in academia again. The purge ends when the US enters World War II as an ally of the Soviet Union in the fight against fascism. The techniques pioneered by the Rapp-Coudert Committee -- private interrogations, followed by public hearings for those individuals named by the committee's "friendly" witnesses -- become the model for the McCarthy investigations of the 1950s. “The reign of terror that this investigation unleashed in the city colleges is part of the history of the early 1940s in New York. It has well been described as a dress rehearsal for the McCarthyism of the 1950’s on the national scene.” --Abraham Edel, The Struggle for Academic Democracy, 1990 The main focus of the Rapp-Coudert Committee becomes City College, the largest and most famous of the city’s public colleges. harrygottlieb William Canning, an instructor in the history department appears before the committee and names over fifty staff and faculty at CCNY as CP members. CCNY has at least three informers, including Oscar Zeichner, a history instructor and Annettte Sherman Gottsegen, a clerk. In this illustration, William Canning is depicted as a puppet being manipulated by an evil giant, and is encouraged from the sidelines by the Ku Klux Klan, bankers, and a college administrator. friendlywitness Annette Sherman Gottsegen testifies against John Kenneth Ackley, the CCNY registrar. harrynoblewright Acting City College President Harry Noble Wright assists the Rapp-Coudert Committee in its investigation of City College faculty and staff by submitting a list of potential CCNY informers. headline President Wright suspends eleven CCNY professors and staff members for allegedly giving false testimony to the Rapp-Coudert Committee when they deny Communist Party membership during hearings. rcccnyfaculty Suspended CCNY professors attend a peace strike in Lewisohn Stadium on April 23, 1941, one day after their suspensions. Seated left to right are David Cohen, librarian; Samuel Margolies, librarian; Walter Neff, psychology; Saul Bernstein, biology; John Kenneth Ackley, registrar; and Morris Cohen, chemistry instructor. Standing, left to right are Louis Balamuth, physics ; Jesse Mintus, registrar’s office; and Sidney Eisenberger, chemistry. trialbhe John Kenneth Ackley, CCNY Registrar, is first to be formally tried by the NYC Board of Higher Education’s trial committee. Individuals named by two witnesses before Rapp-Coudlert as CP members are either terminated by Acting President Wright, resign under pressure, or are dismissed after trials. louislozowick “Wright is Wrong." http://books.google.com/books?id=2Za8lifq1...um=10#PPA236,M1 http://books.google.com/books?id=VZ3dsdWRz...snum=7#PPA53,M1 Immediately following the furor over Bertrand Russell and during a period of heightened anti-communism, state legislators in Albany decide to create a joint legislative committee, the Rapp-Coudert Committee (1940-42) to examine the extent of “subversive activities” in the state’s schools and colleges. The Rapp-Coudert Committee holds private hearings from September 1940 through December 1941. More than five-hundred public college faculty, staff, teachers and students are subpoenaed and interrogated about a wide range of political activities, including Communist party membership. People called before the committee are encouraged to reveal the names of colleagues who also participated in such activities. The Committee believes that democratic reforms achieved by the College Teachers Union can be used by the Communist party to “capture” CCNY and eventually to impose “democratization” at the Board of Higher Education. “Now if your dog had rabies you wouldn’t clap him into jail after he had bitten a number of persons—you’d put a bullet into his head, if you had that kind of iron in your blood. It is going to require brutal treatment to handle these teachers….” -- Frederic Coudert, NY Republican Senator (New York Times, June 3, 1941) Egleson The first act of the Rapp-Coudert Committee is to subpoena the membership lists, financial reports, and minutes of meetings from the New York Teachers Union and the College Teachers Union. subpena A subpoena is issued to the College Teachers Union on January 27, 1941. Mervin Jules Students, mainly members of the American Student Union, are subpoenaed to appear at private hearings of the Rapp-Coudert Committee. They are told to disclose their political activities, name other students, and report on their professors. Students are not allowed to have either their parents or a lawyer present at these hearings. William Gropper College faculty and staff as well as public school teachers are subpoenaed to appear at private hearings of the committee; they, too, are denied the right to legal counsel. If two informers accuse an individual of Communist party membership, that individual is called to testify in public hearings. Appointment Denied: The Inquisition of Bertrand Russell Thom Weidlich. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1999, 223 pp. Reviewed by Stephen Leberstein In February 1940 The City College of New York offered the preeminent British philosopher Bertrand Russell a position as professor in its philosophy department. City College, the proverbial "Harvard of the Proletariat," was then a hard-pressed municipal college whose fame stemmed more from the ferment and accomplishments of its burgeoning student body than from its faculty or administration. City could not boast of many faculty members of Russell’s stature, or notoriety, in 1940. The college’s facilities were as inadequate as its faculty for a day-session student body that had exploded by two-and-a-half times in the preceding decade. Supplies were hard to come by, much of the teaching was done by part-time "tutors" getting by on Depression wages, and administrators were notable for treating the students as "unwashed masses." In City’s entering class of 1938, fewer than a quarter of the students’ parents had been born in the United States, and 80 percent of the student body was thought by one critic to be "of Jewish background." The students were the restive proletariat of their time, and their teachers, many of them fairly recent alumni of the college, were not far removed from that condition. To have someone like Russell teach at City would have been extraordinary. Russell’s appointment became the bête noire of an assortment of enemies, most of them on the political right. Churchmen, embittered Tammany Hall politicians, the Hearst press, and others waged a holy war to defend the morals of New York youth from the lascivious, deviant, radical foreigner. The battle took on aspects of a comic opera. Mrs. Jean Kay, the wife of a Brooklyn dentist, sued the college’s governing body, the city’s board of higher education, to stop the appointment on the grounds that Russell urged his students to break laws against premarital sex, that he was morally unfit for the job, and that he had not passed a civil service exam. Her daughter Gloria, she argued, might suffer from his influence if she enrolled as a student at City. Although women were not eligible for admission to City in 1940, and Gloria had not applied, Judge John McGeehan rushed the case to trial, ignoring procedural motions. The case was often front-page news while Byzantine political machinations were at work in the dark recesses of City Hall, in the cathedral offices of the Catholic cardinal and the Episcopal bishop of New York, and in Wall Street law firms. Within eight months, the offer to Russell was withdrawn and the City’s youth were saved. Thom Weidlich’s book explores this episode in the history of New York, and of academic freedom, relying on a wealth of archival material and some personal interviews with surviving participants. A journalist, Weidlich set out to rescue the case from oblivion as a "scoop," as he aptly titles his introductory chapter. Weidlich’s interest in his scoop, however, seems almost antiquarian when he concludes that the "event had little long-term repercussions." Instead, he sees it as a story about morals and also as one with moral: that "revealed religion and democracy don’t mix." While this volume puts the Russell case before us again, and greatly contributes to our understanding of how this broadside attack on public higher education and academic freedom happened, it misses the broader political context in which it unfolded. Hounded for his pacifism and afraid for his children’s safety when war threatened, Russell took refuge in the United States at the University of Chicago in 1938. Russell thought Chicago "beastly" as a city and university president Robert Hutchins a neo-Thomist. At the end of the year, he left for the University of California, Los Angeles, but he needed to earn more money than UCLA paid him to support his three young children. When City College offered him a post with the then-princely salary of $6,000 a year, Russell accepted. News of Russell’s coming to City College caught the attention of William Manning, the Episcopal bishop of New York, who had long vilified Russell as immoral and unpatriotic (Manning himself was British). Manning began the attack on Russell, calling on all the churches In his bishopric to rouse their parishioners in opposition. The Hearst press quickly took up the case, possibly because Russell had offended Hearst by giving up the column he wrote for him and, perhaps worse, by turning down an invitation to San Simeon, Hearst’s California castle. Then came the Tammany Hall politicians thirsting for revenge at the administration of New York mayor Fiorella LaGuardia, whose reforms had cost them influence and jobs, including the presidencies of the two largest municipal colleges, City and Hunter. Finally, Francis Spellman, who had recently become the archbishop of New York and cardinal, joined the fray. At times, the Russell affair was comical because of the hyperbole of the press or the bumbling of the Tammany judge who rode roughshod over the law to convict Russell of unfitness to teach in the public colleges. But the story is also tragic, because it shows how fragile was the defense of academic freedom and how vulnerable public colleges were to political reactions. In depriving Russell of his teaching post, his enemies also clearly chilled the climate for the kind of untrammeled inquiry that academic freedom is meant to protect and deprived City College students of his teaching (although not Gloria Kay, who never finished high school). Russell’s offer of a post at City College resulted directly from the reform of the municipal colleges championed by the New York College Teachers Union, which in 1938 succeeded in making tenure statutory and in putting control over hiring and curriculum in faculty hands for the first time. After LaGuardia won the mayoralty in 1933, he began replacing Tammany appointees to the board of higher education, and by 1938 the board had begun to serve as a buffer to protect the municipal colleges from political interference (for how brief a moment no one could then foresee). The role of faculty governance in the Russell case, and how it emerged, is a development not fully explored in this volume. The Russell case soon reached the New York legislature, where state senator John Dunnigan of New York City denounced it as an example of the "ungodly and un-American ways" of those in charge of New York’s schools, and pressed the legislature to authorize an investigation. In response, the legislature resolved to condemn the Russell appointment, after which Dunnigan introduced another resolution calling for a "sweeping investigation" of the public schools. Dunnigan explained to the New York Times that many "prominent educators" had been forced to retire "for the reason that their philosophy has not been in accord with the Godless, materialistic theories of those now governing the New York school system." The legislature voted to authorize the investigation under the auspices of the Assembly Committee on School Finance and Administration chaired by assemblyman Herbert Rapp, with a special subcommittee on subversion in New York City headed by state senator Frederic Coudert. The Rapp-Coudert Committee helped pioneer the repressive techniques that Joseph McCarthy later made famous. The problem, as Coudert saw it, was a "liberal" permissiveness, a tolerance for the subversive ideas of faculty and governing boards. In the absence of laws proscribing "subversives," the faculty had to be persuaded to police itself and the board persuaded to fire those who were identified as dangerous. Within a year, the Rapp-Coudert Committee elicited the denunciation of over eight hundred public school teachers and college faculty members, pressured the board of higher education to adopt new rules compelling its employees to testify before legislative committees or face summary dismissal, and succeeded in having over fifty faculty and staff (not to mention many more public school employees) fired on charges that they belonged to the Communist Party and had refused to name names for the investigating committee. The Russell case was hardly an isolated affair without long-term repercussions, as Weidlich sees it. Seen in this larger context of the attack on public higher education, the Russell case raises two significant questions that Weidlich does not address. Weidlich blames the mixture of religion and democracy for denying Russell his City College post, but it was not the "public at large," as the author argues, that condemned Russell, but rather powerful interests in politics, the press, the churches, and elsewhere that shaped public opinion. Why was it so important to these interests to trammel public higher (and lower) education? Was it a growing working class, a largely immigrant student population enrolled in the public colleges, political radicalism among students and faculty threatened by the Depression, fascism, and war, or a progressive teachers’ union? All of these factors might have made control of the public colleges a crucial issue in this period. The second question raised by the Russell case but not addressed by Weidlich is why the public colleges were so vulnerable to attack, and why such natural defenders of academicfreedom as the AAUP failed to stave off the attacks. The AAUP’s general secretary, Ralph Himstead, for example, asked the chair of the board of higher education to "keep in mind the implications of the factor of academic freedom which is apparently involved in this situation." Himstead telegraphed LaGuardia in March 1940, pleading with him to intervene in the case: This message is to express the hope that you will use your influence to make sure that in consid-ering protests members of the Board of Higher Education will be guided by the principles of freedom of thought and inquiry which in democratic countries are regarded as essential to scholarship and to [the] welfare of higher education. Himstead wrote to the mayor again in April, this time urging him to use his influence to persuade the board to appeal Judge McGeehan’s decision to try the case. In the same month, the AAUP’s governing Council unanimously adopted a resolution urging the same course of action on the mayor. All these efforts were to no avail. When we seek to understand why the defenders of academic freedom were ineffective, some factors suggest themselves: the weakening of the political Left in the period of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, the mounting attack on labor, and the opportunism of reformist liberals such as LaGuardia in striking the Russell "line" from the city’s budget, or the board chair in succumbing to the pressure of the Rapp-Coudert Committee. Instead of exploring these larger questions, Weidlich turns the Russell case into an epistemological issue about the nature of truth. He leaves academic and political issues to other scholars. But, in the meantime, he has rendered a valuable service by rescuing the Bertrand Russell case from an ill-deserved oblivion, and has powerfully suggested its relevance to our present situation, especially in public higher education. Stephen Leberstein teaches history at the City College Center for Worker Education and is a member of the AAUP’s Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure.
  11. “Now if your dog had rabies you wouldn’t clap him into jail after he had bitten a number of persons—you’d put a bullet into his head, if you had that kind of iron in your blood. It is going to require brutal treatment to handle these teachers….” -- Frederic Coudert, NY Republican Senator (New York Times, June 3, 1941) I had always known that Robert J. Morris, the "grandfather of McCarthyism" had cut his eye teeth on the Rapp-Coudert Committee (1941-1942) and I knew that Boris Brasol and Adrian Arcand (the Canadian Fascists and pro-Nazis) were involved with The Coudert Brothers Law Firm in New York City. And yes, before Anastase Vonsiatsky went to jail (1941 or 1942) he was also involved with Brasol, Arcand, the Bund and other ex-Czarists who were pushing The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion from the very early days. But did I ever link the possibility of The deMohrenchildts using Coudert Brothers law offices to come over here courtesy of the Paris, France office of The Coudert Brothers? No. Even though I knew that deMohrenschildt reported to Vonsiatsky according to Charles Higham in American Swastika. Did I ever know that William F. Buckley, Jr. asked Fred Coudert to run his campaign for Mayor of New York City in 1965. No way, Jose! Coudert's father had also run for Mayor of New York City at one time. I had references to Brasol, Coudert and Arcand, courtesty of John Roy Carlson in Under Cover and perhaps The Plotters, too, in my manuscript but could only speculate that Ron Gostick learned his craft from Brasol and Arcand in Canada. Now I am positive of that. Were they both alive in 1963 to cheer and clap and celebrate? Not sure. The Rapp-Coudert Committee was all about Robert J. Morris and the arch-Catholic anti-Communist Coudert brothers however but I could not help but cite the fact that Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate linked together almost ALL of these Coudert Committee hangers-on into the JFK Assassination 22 years later. No anagrams, just facts. Seems it was Boris Brasol who gave Ulius Amoss the idea about "Leaderless Resistance" adopted by Louis Beam and the radical right. Who invented McCarthyism in 1941? (1) Robert J. Morris (2) William F. Buckley, Jr. (3) Anastase Vonsiatsky (4) Dr. Revilo P. Oliver (Birch Society) (5) Arcand and Brasol the Canadian Nazis and ex-Czarists (6) Rev. Gerald L K Smith (7) Perhaps George deMohrenshcildt Man, that Richard Condon was good. And boy did he know his stuff. I hope that Greg Parker and Robert Howard can firm up their speculation that BOTH deMohrenschildts used Coudert Brothers' Paris office to get into the United States. George's brother was later convicted for being a Nazi Spy and George reported to Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate. And George was Lee Harvey Oswald's mind controller. (I can hear poor Bill Kelly moaning already.... Sorry, Bill. Moan away.) And even Richard Giesbrecht ran into a bunch of these characters or their philosophical progeny in Winnipeg, Canada on 2/13/1964. (1) "Tsar" Anastase Andrevitch Vonsiatsky (AAV) which is 11-22 by the way A=1 A=1 V=22 (2) Dr. Revilo P. Oliver (Birch Society) who made speeches about the trip to Canada (3) Arcand and Brasol the Canadian Nazis via their friends Gostick and Walsh and Eric D. Butler from Australia (4) Rev. Gerald L K Smith himself - that unprincipled ruffian (LOL) and xenophobe (5) Andrij Melnyk of OUN/M and Spas T. Raikin (ABN) who greeted the Oswalds (6) References were made to Wickliffe P. Draper and The American Mercury, too Man oh man oh man alive. Case Closed. But read on... and please add more.
  12. Please delete - duplicate accidentaly posting due to bad connection.
  13. Man, do you even realize what you are saying? You just contradicted yourself within 8 hours flat. How the heck does that look? You got taken in by her, hook, line and sinker didn't you? And you even messed up the color coding and quotes on your first message about McClendon. Did she infiltrate C.O.P.A. or not? I say she did and you are afraid to admit it. NOW do you realize how sneaky and slimey those McCarthyites really are and what they are actually capable of? Gordon Hall and Sarah McClendon and even Grace Hoag are all cut from the same cloth. Little old men and women in tennis shoes ready to stab you in the back at the drop of a hat. And you still feel the same way about Harry Angular, too? He shoud have been helping with research INTO the John Birch Society not AWAY from it? And as for John McAdams, from his very first web posting I could see where he was going. Admittedly he could have snuck into C.O.P.A. under an assumed name, I can understand that. Wow, you could use a rest, Bill. And thanks for getting her into C.O.P.A., she got all our names and got into all of our lines of research, too. Even that guy from HighTimes Magazine was her butler and assistant for the entire C.O.P.A. session. HighTimes? He wrote for a pothead magazine and he never heard of her either. Wow! He worked for Steve Hagen, their Editor, who doubled as the photographer, too. And he was a pretty smart guy, too. Man those little old ladies in tennis shoes are good! And until I did a search on Gordon Hall on the web he had me almost fooled, too. I should have figured something was up when Sarah requested to meet me right after she pulled into C.O.P.A. I was so flattered probably that I welcomed her and even paid for her lunch, too. I knew little of her Anti-Communist Liaison - Committee of Correspondence either. Obviously. And I remember hearing her voice during White House Press conferences for decades. For decades and yet she changed so much that I would never have recognized her in a million years. That gravelly, gruff voice. Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President! And all the while she was a little McCarthyite beatch too. No wonder JFK never liked to call on her... She was looking out for Willoughby and her boys long after they were dead. NOW do you understand why they all must be tracked down and exposed and defeated? NOW do you understand why I am doing this research? Because no one else can or will. Just too complex. Too intertwined and too important. Join me if you wish, you helped me out with finding Nathaniel Weyl and I got him to confess to 2 felonies related to Operation Red Cross. And he admitted that Senator Barry Goldwater was behind it all, too. Encouraging someone to enter Cuba's territorial waters to commit a felony in order to get elected? Damn! Those guys would do just about anything to replace JFK would they not? And then they did! "In Your Heart You Know He's Right!" OR "In Your Guts You Know He's Nuts!"
  14. Roger Pearson was a recipient of major funding from The Pioneer Fund and he later headed Draper's favorite commandos at The World Anti-Communist League just before it was turned over to Ray S. Cline during its most Fascist Period. Washington Post had an article titled something like: "Anti-Red League has ties to Fascists....." from perhpas 1986-88. Cline ran Robert Emmett Johnson as a programmed assassin for an extended period according to James Richards, Johnso killed Archbishop Romero in El Salvador while he was saying a Mass. Big hero. See Inside the League by Jon and Scott Anderson (1986) Devin, Adair Publishing for more on WACL. You are on to something here.
  15. Actually it was the Coudert Brothers law firm where Robert Morris cut his eye teeth on ferreting out Communists in the New York City School System around 1940-1941. Coudert Brothers were also involved with The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and Boris Brasol who later was the de facto leader of the Canadian contingents affiliated with Anastase Vonsiatsky and later the North American Regional WACL group in Winnipeg for the Winnipeg Airport Incident. I will get some more cites on Boris Brasol later, from American Swastika by Charles Higham I think it was. By the way Higham has Vonsiatsky running all the Nazi spies in North America which would have included old George deMohrenschildt whose wife Jeanne or Jean was BORN in Harbin, Manchuria where Vonsiatsky had his headquarters for decades. What was George's favorite pseudonym? Philip Harbin or I love Harbin. Vonsiatsky was THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE to become the Fuhrer of a re-conquered Czarist Russia with the help of Hitler. There is a book called The Secret War Against Russia where Rep. Claude Pepper of Florida attempts to document the Fascist efforts to defeat Communist Russia right after World War II which I have somewhere. It is there that Coudert Brothers, Boris Brasol and Robert Morris plus Vonsiatsky are placed together, I believe. You are really on to something here.... Tell me more....and I will do the same for you. Ah, yes, Paris where the Coudert Brothers the first true Intl Law Firm expanded... And many of the Czarist nobles were from Paris, right? The others went to Harbin, Manchuria where Vonsiatsky helped them eventually bring down the Iron Curtain.... 1853 - Frederic Rene Coudert founded Coudert Brothers in New York; later joined by two brothers, Charles (junior) and Louis Leonce; 1879 - opened law office in Paris, believed to be first international law practice. BINGO.... Looks like one of the Coudert's actually ran William F. Buckley's run at the Mayor of New York.... NO WONDER Condon put Buckley into Manchurian Candidate.... Man and God at Yale vs. God and Man at Yale. He got it backwards but the reference to Buckley was UNMISTAKEABLE. Here is where I found the cross-reference from Coudert to William F. Buckley, Jr. - BINGO BINGO BINGO http://politicalgraveyard.com/special/medal-of-freedom.html William Frank Buckley, Jr. (1925-2008) — also known as William F. Buckley, Jr. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y.; Stamford, Fairfield County, Conn. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., November 24, 1925. Son of William Frank Buckley, Sr. (1881-1958) and Aloise (Steiner) Buckley; brother of James Lane Buckley and Patricia Lee Buckley (who married Leo Brent Bozell); married 1950 to Patricia Alden Austin Taylor (1926-2007). Conservative. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; candidate for mayor of New York City, N.Y., 1965. Catholic. Irish and Swiss ancestry. Member, Skull and Bones. Leader of the conservative movement; founder and editor of National Review magazine; author and lecturer; host of television news show "Firing Line"; recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 18, 1991. Died, probably of diabetes and emphysema, in Stamford, Fairfield County, Conn., February 27, 2008. Burial location unknown. Cross-reference: Frederic R. Coudert, Jr. See also Buckley family of New York and Connecticut See also: Wikipedia article; NNDB dossier; Internet Movie Database profile. Books by William F. Buckley, Jr.: Getting It Right (2003); God and Man at Yale : The Superstitions of 'Academic Freedom' (1951); Spytime : The Undoing of James Jesus Angleton (2000); Nearer, My God : An Autobiography of Faith (1997); The Lexicon : A Cornucopia of Wonderful Words for the Inquisitive Word Lover (1998); Airborne : A Sentimental Journey (1984); In Search of Anti-Semitism (1992); Brothers No More (1995); Up From Liberalism (1959); The Committee and its critics : a calm review of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (1962); Elvis in the Morning (2001); Execution eve, and other contemporary ballads (1975); Four reforms : a guide for the seventies (1973); Gratitude : reflections on what we owe to our country (1990); Nuremberg : the reckoning (2002); Overdrive : a personal documentary (1983); United Nations Journal : A Delegate's Odyssey (1974); The unmaking of a mayor (1966); Ronald Reagan: An American Hero (2001) Fiction by William F. Buckley, Jr.: Stained Glass : A Blackford Oakes Novel (1978); Marco Polo, If You Can : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1981); Saving the Queen : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1976); See You Later, Alligator : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1985); Tucker's Last Stand : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1991); Mongoose, R.I.P. : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1990); A Very Private Plot : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1994); High Jinx : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1986); Who's on First : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1980); The Redhunter : a novel based on the life of Senator Joe McCarthy (1999) Books about William F. Buckley, Jr.: John B. Judis, William F. Buckley, Jr.: Patron Saint of the Conservatives Critical books about William F. Buckley, Jr.: David Miller, Chairman Bill: A Biography of William F. Buckley, Jr. COUDERT: See also Thomas Riggs, Jr.. Coudert, Frederic René (1832-1903) — also known as Frederic R. Coudert — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., March 1, 1832. Son of Charles Coudert; married to Elizabeth McCredy; grandfather of Frederic René Coudert, Jr.. Democrat. Lawyer; government director, 1885-88, and receiver, 1892-98, of Union Pacific Railroad; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1896. Catholic. French ancestry. Died, from heart and liver troubles, in Washington, D.C., December 20, 1903. Interment at Calvary Cemetery, Woodside, Queens, N.Y. See also Coudert-Tracy family of New York Coudert, Frederic René, Jr. (1898-1972) — also known as Frederic R. Coudert, Jr. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., May 7, 1898. Great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin Tracy; grandson of Frederic René Coudert; son of Frederic R. Coudert (c.1871-1955) and Alice T. (Wilmerding) Coudert; married 1923 to Mary K. Callery (sculptor; divorced 1931); married 1931 to Paula Murray. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; delegate to New York convention to ratify 21st amendment, 1933; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1956; member of New York state senate, 1939-46 (17th District 1939-44, 20th District 1945-46); U.S. Representative from New York 17th District, 1947-59; campaign chair for William F. Buckley, Jr.'s campaign for Mayor of New York City, 1965. Member, American Bar Association. Died, of congestive heart failure, in Presbyterian Hospital, Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., May 21, 1972. Interment at Memorial Cemetery, near Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N.Y. See also Coudert-Tracy family of New York See also: congressional biography; Wikipedia article; Find-A-Grave page. More on Brasol, Adrian Arcand, Robert Morris, William F. Buckley, Jr., Anastase Vonsiatsky and George de Mohrenschildt.... It should be spelled Coudert Brothers. Morris worked for them cutting his eye teeth by ferreting out Communists in the New York School System in the early 1940's. They had an office in Paris, France. Nice work. The Coudert's were French Catholics and one of the Couderts actually ran William F. Buckley's campaign for Mayor. Boris Brasol and Adrian Arcand are indirectly referenced by Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate just like William F. Buckley, Jr., Anastase Vonsiatsky, Dr. Revilo P. Oliver and Robert J. Morris are (7 times). The latter 2 were in the John Birch Society. Condon mentions: The Giant Juke Box Company of Arcana, Illinois...which is of course really The John Birch Society from Urbana, Illinois, where Dr. Revilo P. Oliver was a professor at the University of Illinois. Another possible reason for using "Arcana, Illinois" instead of "Urbana, Illinois" could very well have been to bring attention to Canada's well known Nazi leader: Adrian Arcand who was described again by John Roy Carlson in Under Cover as leader of the Canadian Fascist Party who had spoken at a New York German-American Bund rally in New York City in 1937. He was also referred to as "the Canadian Fuhrer" by John Roy Carlson.31 The similarity between "Arcana" and "Arcand" is readily apparent. Whether or not Ron Gostick cut his eye teeth under the watchful guidance of Arcand is unknown. Arcand apparently was the one who originated the "Roosevelt is Jewish" fabrication that was circulated by Gerald L K. Smith in the United States under the "Franklin Delano Rosenfeld" moniker. Carlson states that this originated in 32 "Key to the Mystery" which was distributed from Arcand's Canadian office. Boris Brasol, the notorious Ukrainian Fascist and close friend of Vonsiatsky's, was well acquainted with Adrian Arcand according to this Carlson quotation: "Yes, I've met Arcand," Brasol asserted, referring to the Canadian Nazi leader. "I'm sorry to see him in jail. What we should do from now on is to train leaders secretly, keep them in the background so that when they put us in concentration camps these leaders can keep up the movement."33 This is typical of Uliuss Amoss' Leaderless Resistance campaign which was adopted by Louis Beam and other leaders of the Radical Right in America. It appears that Amoss may have borrowed this concept from Adrian Arcand and Boris Brasol perhaps. Brasol also worked for Coudert Brothers when he was distributing The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic forgery translated by the Russian Czarists. The entire manuscript discussing these issues (over 100 pages) can be obtained at this URL: http://www.wordhyperlinks.com/ManCand/ManCand.asp Footnotes: <31> Under Cover by John Roy Carlson p. 33 <32> Under Cover by John Roy Carlson p. 201 <33> Under Cover by John Roy Carlson p. 207
  16. The Washington Decoded link to Bohning's article on The Education Forum, Spartacus and John Simkin in case it has not been posted as yet. http://www.washingtondecoded.com/site/2008/06/simkin.html
  17. Well my relationship with John Judge has never been better, thank you very much, you are over-exaggerting again as usual. Judge had in fact invited me to make that Willoughby presentation at COPA long after the Dallas conferences when we first talked, later defending me from Aguilar's dissenting vote, and then John later offered to do paid research for me at the Library of Congress or the ARRB after you sent me his email address. Then even later Judge thanked me for telling him all about Gordon Hall, the FBI snoop at COPA, during his presentation in Boston when Daniel Ellsberg presented which was the last time we even talked. Sounds like everything is hunky-dorey between us and always has been. He never said anything about wanting an apology for anything. Me thinks you doth protest too much. And since then I have received an offer for a possible book deal related to my topic of constant focus which is the reason for my... constant focus. Besides, you are almost ALWAYS the first person to be seen browsing my new posts even while they are being revised, aren't you? Be honest. And you stay on those pages for between 2-5 minutes at a minimum, right? So how tired could you be tired of reading about the South Florida Soldiers of Fortune and the adventures of Wickliffe Draper and The Manchurian Candidate and even my adventures? And you seem to be posting lately on Operation Valkyrie, Sturgis, Hunt and most recently even William Tucker and Draper... all of them my favorite topics. Seems like something has piqued your curiousity, right? Were you reading/posting about the OSS crews of Ulius Amoss and Carleton S. Coon (the original James Richards threads) and The American Mercury with Clendenin J. Ryan, Greyhound and Woolworth's which I have expounded upon lately as well? Seems a bit disingenuous to belittle these threads then jump aboard them right after reading them, too. Plus, the Rev. Gerald L K Smith information on Black Listing and HUAC and Cross-Currents is brand new as are the Pedro del Valle and Bonner Fellers enhancements. Did you know that I was the first person to identify Bonner Fellers as the source of deliberate security leaks about Monty's troop movements to Rommel in Northern Africa and then someone posted the fact that Hitler called him "our best source of information?" I planted the seed about Dr. Ossian Sweet which became a recent book. And I introduced Wickliffe Draper to the entire internet community well before The Bell Curve in 1994? And I discovered the Draper Mississippi connections, much to the amazement of Pulitzer Prize winning writer Doug Blackmon, 5 years before he did, when he accessed the MSC files? And I was the 2nd person in history to finger Sturgis, Hunt and later Hemming as being present at the CIA safehouse described by Hunt where the JFK plot was hatched, confirming the Marita Lorenz version of events despite constant opposition? And just recently I linked Rorke and Sturgis back to Willoughby via Sarah McClendon and Edward "Brainwashing" Hunter and their A/C Liaison - Committee of Correspondence.
  18. Memo to Bill Kelly and other open-minded researchers on this forum: By the way, Bill, you never answered my question about Sarah McClendon and how she managed to sneak onto the founding board of COPA? Did you and John Judge verify her credentials, her motivations and her previous sordid history as a McCarthyite and MacArthurite or not? Because, as you know, there is convincing evidence that ex-McCarthyites, the John Birch Society, and ex-MacArthurites were, in fact, behind the entire JFK hit using Lee Harvey Oswald, who had Manchurian Candidate training from Vonsiatsky and Draper as their "perfect patsy"? Even Richard Condon, in The Manchurian Candidate, fingered Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, EDWARD HUNTER and Major George Racey Jordan and Dick Russell's informant fingered Adolph Tscheppe-Weidenbach in The Man Who Knew Too Much. Why would a former MK/ULTRA programmed assassin and trainee make the "perfect patsy" or "hypnotized shooter" for an assassination you might well ask? Because it would force otherwise unwilling cover-up participants into becoming witting cover-up participants, and not just because of any "personal blackmail dirt" the McCarthyites had on them either though that card was played, I am sure, for some recalcitrant individuals. The cover-up was now necessary because of "National Security" to cover-up just how many times MK/ULTRA assassins had been used since the program began. How about them marbles? Did you know that you had rubbed elbows with real, live ex-McCarthyites, ex-MacArthurites, ex-John Birchers and YAFers and even that Barry Goldwater look-a-like at COPA gatherings who told me: "...that Prouty was like 'us' on the n***** issues"? He declined to identify whom he meant by "us". But I think I know now. Bill, this is not a reflection on you or John Judge by any means but I hope it is a revelation for both of you. Because if you both KNEW about all these characters and why they were on the Board of COPA and on the speaker's platform at COPA conferences and present at key organizational and planning meetings, then that is an another issue entirely. What say ye, Bill? Partially aware or partially duped? Be honest now. You might have been the victim of brainwashing, too. It could happen to the best of us. It happened to Oswald. Even Dick Russell's latest book had more than a dozen sections on MK/ULTRA. I think he finally came around and so can everyone else. Sarah McClendon was on the Anti-Communist Liaison - Comm of Correspondence with none other than Charles Willoughby, Alex Rorke, Rev. Billy James Hargis and EDWARD "Brainwashing" HUNTER who was also on Condon's list (see above) in CAPS. You were at that Washington, DC conference when McClendon was there, right? Little old lady confined to a wheelchair? I recall sitting down and having lunch with you one day and then the next day, McClendon and that writer from HighTimes both approached me and McClendon grilled me about Willoughby. It was only a few months after my 2 articles on Willoughby and she did not even bother to identify herself either or discuss her background. Did you know that she was a 1st class Mata Hari McCarthyite biatch for decades while covering the White House for McClendon News Services? Still think that Condon's list of perps was just a coinky-dink or that it was either fabricated or imagined? Boy, I hope not. Had you ever heard of Gordon Hall before he signed up for a COPA subscription? Was Hall involved with COPA as a leader? See Frank Donner: The Age of Surveillance where both Rev. Billy James Hargis and others lambasted Hall for being a snitch, a snoop and an informant for the FBI? Did Hall ever offer to organize your files at COPA? He did that for 2 MIT-based leftist orgs in the 1990's. Was McClendon allowed to participate in the inner circle of COPA? Did she have access to your membership lists and to the topics being addressed by COPA members or at COPA meetings? Did you know that Dr. Hairy Angular grew up in a John Birch Society family and that JBS meetings were held at his childhood home and that he was weaned on the literature of JBS, too? Or that he was allegedly head of a local YAF chapter while in college, as well? He was one of the head honchos at COPA, too, wasn't he? He tried to get me bumped off the speaker's platform as well as I recall, right, but John Judge stood up for me, correct? What do you make of all this information about McClendon, Hall, Prouty and Angular now and their relationships with COPA? Even people like Mark Lane from The Liberty Lobby and Leroy Fletcher Prouty were big-time COPA participants, right? And Condon even warned us about The Liberty Lobby as well, do you recall? Would you say your COPA group had been penetrated by blatant McCarthyites, MacArthurites and outright John Bircher and YAF fascists friendly with William F. Buckley, Jr. or not? Condon fingered Buckley, too. Are you now much more open-minded about the thesis that JFK was actually killed by these types of people who had so much blackmail on almost everyone in Congress that they had to just go along and get along? I hope so. Because it is painfully obvious to a lot of people. This thread is meant as additional confirming evidence that the Condon thesis was valid and very sound and that my thesis is the same. It is also meant to open the eyes of the doubting Thomases out there too. Maybe COPA and the whole JFK research community was a mini version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" where one day someone is the "expert on the level of the anti-Castro Cuban exile community's involvement in the JFK assassination" and the next day you find out, after 30 years, that his answer always was "the level of involvement is NONE...ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, ZIPPO" and that his wife was an anti-Castro activist. Turns out he was a "lone nut theorist all along" from day one. By the way, who do you think actually did it and who covered it up and why? Just curious. This is an open question for everyone else, too. Are you guys taking notes here? Do you see how much effort and analysis has to go into this process of separating the wheat from the chaff? The facts from the fiction? The folklore from the reality? The myth from the legend? The truth from the lies?
  19. Amazing piece of information, Bill. That character Astucia (a/k/a Ass-Toot-Cha") once pinned the JFK hit on the Mossad... and blew away his credibility for most JFK researchers but on this go-around he might actually have something. Good thing you forgot about his previous history on alt.conspiracy.jfk, or did you? By the way, you never answered my question about Sarah McClendon and how she managed to sneak onto the founding board of COPA? Did you and John Judge verify her credentials, her motivations and her previous sordid history as a McCarthyite and MacArthurite or not? Because, as you know, there is convincing evidence that ex-McCarthyites, ex-MacArthurites were, in fact, behind the entire JFK hit? Even Richard Condon, in The Manchurian Candidate, fingered MacArthur, Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, EDWARD HUNTER and Major George Racey Jordan and Dick Russell's informant fingered Adolph Tscheppe-Weidenbach in The Man Who Knew Too Much. McClendon was on the Anti-Communist Liaison - Comm of Correspondence with none other than Charles Willoughby, Alex Rorke, Rev. Billy James Hargis and EDWARD "Brainwashing" HUNTER who was also on Condon's list (see above) in CAPS. You were at that Washington, DC conference when McClendon was there, right? Little old lady confined to a wheelchair? I recall sitting down and having lunch with you one day and then the next day, McClendon and that writer from HighTimes both approached me and McClendon grilled me about Willoughby. It was only a few months after my 2 articles on Willoughby and she did not even bother to identify herself either or discuss her background. Did you know that she was a 1st class Mata Hari McCarthyite biatch for decades while covering the White House for McClendon News Services? Still think that Condon's list was just a coinky-dink? Had you ever heard of Gordon Hall before he signed up for a COPA subscription? Was Hall involved with COPA as a leader? See Frank Donner: The Age of Surveillance where both Rev. Billy James Hargis and others lambasted Hall for being a snitch, a snoop and an informant for the FBI? Did Hall ever offer to organize your files at COPA? He did that for 2 MIT-based leftist orgs in the 1990's. Was McClendon allowed to participate in the inner circle of COPA? Did she have access to your membership lists and to the topics being addressed by COPA members or at COPA meetings? Did you know that Dr. Hairy Angular grew up in a John Birch Society family and that JBS meetings were held at his childhood home and that he was weaned on the literature of JBS, too? Or that he was allegedly head of a local YAF chapter while in college, as well? He was one of the head honchos at COPA, too, wasn't he? He tried to get me bumped off the speaker's platform as well as I recall, right, but John Judge stood up for me, correct? What do you make of all this information about McClendon, Hall and Angular now and their relationships with COPA? Even people like Mark Lane from The Liberty Lobby and Leroy Fletcher Prouty were big-time COPA participants, right? And Condon even warned us about The Liberty Lobby as well? Would you say your group had been penetrated by blatant McCarthyites, MacArthurites and outright fascists or not? Are you now much more open-minded about the thesis that JFK was actually killed by these types of people who had so much blackmail on almost everyone in Congress that they had to just go along and get along? I hope so. Because it is painfully obvious to a lot of people.
  20. Nice catch. Guess that settles the issue about his CIA experience doesn't it. Looks like Don Bohning was wrong about that and John Simkin was right all along. Way to go John. Sturgis' address in 1976 was close to E. Howard Hunt as well. 2515 N.W. 122nd Street Miami, Florida 33167 North Miami Avenue which separates the NE and NW sections bisects Biscayne Park so do not sweat the issue of N.W. vs. N.E.
  21. Already posted it on your original request page. Tucker performs a highly commendable "academic" treatment of Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund but even in my phone conversations with him, he is just totally unable to fathom the possibility that Draper also funded death, diabolical acts of violence and demonic acts of retribution and revenge against his real and imagined enemies. Academicians just can not stand the thought of violence, bloodshed or unpredictable characters. Tucker even takes a justifiable tangent on General Pedro del Valle from Puerto Rico but since he never even heard of The Shickshinny Knights of Malta he only documents when del Valle worked for ITT in South America, when he invited some friggen Nazi to The Naval Academy to give a speech, and when he lost his job at ITT for spouting his vitrolic anti-Semitic screeds. I asked him about del Valle's work with the likes of The Liberty Lobby, Sons of Liberty, etc. but once again he was totally unaware of any of that. Why and how del Valle got involved with Master Race Eugenics from the little island of Puerto Rico is beyond me but he did. He added del Valle to the ever lengthening list of Draper's psychotic, violent and murderous colleagues, however. The Shickshinny Knights of Malta was filled with arch-Conservative Catholic military men who liked to dress up in Napolean style hats with feathers in them, wearing long flowing robes tinted with gold specs and flakes, and black jackboots while wearing authentic medieval swords, and various medals and badges beneath their epaulets during their appointed rounds to protect Bishops and Archbiships from possible attacks from Communists. Ever see some of these guys at Catholic Cathedrals and functions? They apparently had to be age 75 or older and retired from the Military with at least a rank of Colonel or higher. The Schickshinny crowd added another requirement of hanging with unrepentant Nazis like Admiral Sir Barry Domville who lost his commission in the British Navy when he was caught spying for the Nazis. He still was allowed into The Shickshinny Knights of Malta though. Tucker also expounds on Earnest Sevier (Saviour) Cox and his treatise White America and scolds him soundly for publishing such an intolerably biased treatise. (Then he probably made him stay after school.) He may have been the first one to link up Cox's book with the financing from Wickliffe P. Draper which is to his credit. But I put Tucker's one sided pussy-footing treatment of Draper in the same category as John J. Stephan's total exoneraton and minimization of Anastase Vonsiatsky's violent and psychotic side. Vonsiatsky's favorite torture technique was to stab his victims in the thigh with ice picks until they talked. He also once machine gunned 500 unarmed Bolsheviks who were enemies of the Czar and was known to use brass knuckles against reporters who said nasty things about him in their newspapers. Nice guy. Now all of a sudden water-boarding looks like a surfing day at the beach doesn't it? Stephan subtitled his book "The Russian Fascists" as "Tragedy and Farce in Exile". Only Stephan's treatment of Vonsiatsky was both a Tragedy and a Farce. I was told that his father was thought to be Maximillian Stephan (a White Russian Nazi sympathizer who was Rev. Gerald L K Smith's lawyer in Michigan). THAT is how John J. Stephan found out about Vonsiatsky and Draper... through his father's best client and constant companion.
  22. Walker supposedly passed out John Birch literature to his troops and urged them to vote for strong "anti-Communist" political candidates. It was considered to be a violation of some sort of "political indoctrination" rules in the Army. This is all from memory right now. Part of the Gerhard Frey, Theodore Oberlander nexus of characters was none other than Yaroslaw Stetsko a turncoat Ukrainian who led The Nightingales in a Nazi Uniform against his native countrymen. Stetsko later showed up on the Anti-Bolshevik Nations Committees with Walker, Willoughby and... none other than Spas T. Raikin who greeted the Oswalds when they came back from Russia purportedly as part of his role with the "Traveler's Aid Society". Yeah, right. Both Stetsko and his wife, Slava Stetsko, were later part of the World Anti-Communist League and various Captive Nations organizations. Try spellings like Stetzko and Stetsko on Google to see what you can find. Yaroslaw, in Lvov, Ukraine, led the extinction of 6,000 Jews in that city's ghetto in maybe 1941 or 1942. I think Gerhard Frey was part of IntNelson Bunker Hunt's Intl Comm for the Defense of Christian Culture or a comparable org. Frey also attended E. Howard Hunt's World anti-Communist Conference for Freedom and Liberty in Mexico City in 1958 (WACCFL) as the delegate from the Ukraine. Bottom line is that Walker had more in common with unrepentant Nazis, racists, anti-Semites and leaders of Jewish pogroms than he did with Democracy or the American Military. You might want to reconsider your opinion of Walker after doing a little more digging. His resignation was more because of the fact that he "hung out with unrepentant Nazis" but all they could get him on was "political indoctrination" rules violations. Overall both Stetsko, Frey, Raikin and Walker were as thick as thieves with a large nexus of Fascists and Nazis who were later nvolved with the JFK plot. Hunt was as much a Nazi as any of them. I was a bit surprised to see you take the position of mollifying Walker's extremist anti-Democracy positions.
  23. Just ordered this book The JFK Conspiracy by Dan Miller after browsing it on Google Books... http://books.google.com/books?id=_RoGU7t03...snum=7#PPA22,M1 Self-published by iUniverse but Miller seems to be following the same trails and reaching roughly the same conclusions reached by myself, Richard Condon in Manchurian Candidate, Epstein and Forster in Report on The John Birch Society, and William Turner in Danger on the Right plus The Fish is Red as well as Old Nazis, The New Right and the Republican Party by Russ Bellant. Review it for yourself then decide if it it worth a read. Another great title is Not Without Honor - The History of Anti-Communism in America (1998) by Prof. Richard Gid Powers which I just received. This is another great book which documents how both Senator William Fulbright and Walter Reuther issued private memoranda to RFK after he requested them, documenting the activities of the Far Reich and suggesting ways to combat the efforts of those who were certifiably insane about their anti-communist fervor. http://books.google.com/books?id=N_LbUSH0N...J#PRA1-PA241,M1 Richard Powers make a very valid case that RFK's requests to Fulbright and Walter Reuther for these memoranda essentially declared war on those like Edwin A. Walker, J. Strom Thurmond, Robert J. Morris, William F. Buckley, Jr., Senator Barry Goldwater and others of their ilk. I enthusiastically concur. Powers also states that much evidence was gathered indicating that the Kennedys perhaps somewhat justifiably according to some, treated Communism like some "childhood personal bugaboo" instead of treating it like a death struggle between Democracy and Communism. He makes the point that Communism's response to the Cold Warrior nuclear Armageddon psychos actually created a sort of knee-jerk reaction and a "self fulfilling prophecy" response from the Rooskies followed by "See, I told you so from the Reichers" who just wanted to increase military spending, expand the Viet Nam War, bring down the Berlin Wall and breach both the 48th parallel in Korea and the Yalu River into China and impose the U.S. Military and their commandos and/or political supporters onto various foreign governments and their leaders whether they were democratically elected or not. See: Arbenz, Trujillo, Allende, etc. The Democrats favored drawing "Lines in the Sand" and negotiations while the Republicans especially their Far Reich Wing, much preferred "Blood in the Sand" and the imposition of violence and warfare instead. Over simplified but true. He documents the psywar battles between the right and the left as well... some of which were pretty hysterical. When Barry Goldwater's staff used this catch-phrase during his election campaign... "In Your Heart You Know He's Right" The Democrats fired back with: "In Your Guts You Know He's Nuts" Now my guess is more than half of you would prefer the first motto to the second and would count yourselves among the Goldwater supporters instead of the Goldwater denigrators but Powers even refers to the published results of the American Psychiatry Association poll of its members which concluded that Goldwater was essentially "clinically paranoid" and suffered from "extreme delusions of grandeur" and "a massive persecution complex". When you examine the lives of Robert Morris, James Angleton, Charles Willoughby and maybe even Ray S. Cline you can only conclude like Angleton's biographer Tom Mangold(?) did about him, that they were all "clinically paranoid" and suffered from "extreme delusions of grandeur" and harbored "massive persecution complexes". They shared the leadership of the American Security Council and violently opposed the National Security Council, which meant that the entire leadership of this ASC group were certifiable paranoids and total psychos. And Walker was right up there with them as well. Even Anastase Vonsiatsky, also in ManCand, who was committed to the "psycho ward" in the same Springfield, MO penetentiary as Walker was, following the Ole Miss Riots, was determined to share these same "paranoid" and "psychotic" characteristics. So, JFK's death was organized and executed by ultra-paranoid, demented mostly Catholic Cold Warriors who felt JFK had to die in order for them to carry out their "Holy Crusade" to defeat Communism. The irony is that Morris went to Fordham Law, Cline went to Georgetown Foreign Service School, basically turning them into Catholic Crusaders for the Mother Church and I think that Angleton and Willoughby might have been Catholics, too, sharing comparable feelings. Hey, I grew up Catholic and saw first hand what parochial schools followed by Georgetown, Notre Dame, Catholic University, Fordham, etc. can do to your mind and heart if you went there during the Cold War years. Even William F. Buckley, Jr. was about as far right extremist Catholic as you could ever find anywhere. See: "Man and God at Yale." and later worked for "The American Mercury" published by arch-Catholic crusader Clendenin F. Ryan. Draper was an arch conservative Unitarian but obviously shared their feelings. And good old Richard Condon had a bunch of these arch-Catholic Cold War extremists cited in Manchurian Candidate, too. Buckley, Cline, Morris, MacArthur, (Willoughby), Angleton, Bonner Fellers, the whole kit and caboodle. Condon never linked them to Catholicism but even Otto F. Otepka went to either Catholic University or Fordham or both and he was "Oswald's Travel Agent" as head of State Dept. Security in the Passport Office. See: "The Strange Ordeal of Otto Otepka." He leaked classified docuement relating to the clearance of Walt Rostow and got fired as a result. Otepka was a martyr and a cause celebre of The Reich for years and he eventually got rehired after Nixon got elected. I am planning on writing up a manuscript called "Killing Commies for Christ" soon. Most of them were professional anti-Semites as well. That is why they all gravitated to Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith, he was just like them in almost every way, except he was either Baptist or Protestant. Does anyone recall when this motto was popular back in the 1960's because I do? Hopefully the U.S. Gov has taken steps to prevent certifiably insane megalomaniacs and paranoids from ever attaining important offices in either the Army, the Navy, the Marines, the US Air Force or the CIA. Paranoid megalomaniacs still get elected to public offices, but what can you do about that anyway?
  24. Listen closely to Senator William Fulbright, author Richard Condon and President Eisenhower on the subject of JFKs Killers: When I first picked up a copy of The Manchurian Candidate almost 25 years ago, which was written by Richard Condon in the late 1950s, I had only the vaguest of notions that it might have been intended by him to be somehow predictive of the actual upcoming assassination plots pending against John F. Kennedy at that time, which did not even succeed until almost 5 years AFTER the book was first completed. Now that we are approaching the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of JFK and since Paramount Studios has remade the original movie based on Condon's book: The Manchurian Candidate, the time is quite ripe to revisit these topics and shed some light on both of these closely related mysteries. Professor Jerry Rose, wrote about the Orange County, California based plot against then Senator Kennedy called "The California Bombers" which was interruped shortly after Condon's book was published. See "The Fourth Decade" article published in the mid-1990's by Dr. Jerry Rose who was at that time a professor at Fredonia State College in Fredonia, New York. He cites just about the same list of like-minded kinsmen in that earlier assassination attempt against JFK. Kinsmen as Klansmen? As a result of my analysis of 'The Manchurian Candidate' (the novel and the first movie) I have been able to identify the person who was Condon's model for 'The Manchurian Candidate', Czar Anastase A. Vonsiatsky, 'The Count from Killingly' in Connecticut near Putnam and Thompson, who served 5 years in the Springfield, MO Federal Penitentiary after being convicted for violations of the Alien and Sedition Act of 1917 by former FBI agent and Nuremburg prosecutor, and the eventual Senator from Connecticut, Thomas J. Dodd. Check out the FBI website where Vonsiatsky is featured as one of their Top 25 cases of the 20th Century. Vonsiatsky is also featured in 'The Russian Fascists' (Little, Brown 1979) by Professor John Stephan who is related to Max Stephan, the attorney for Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith who headed up the Nazi Silver Shirts based in Asheville, NC during World War II long after the onset of that war. William Dudley Pelley was one of the other founders and he too, was tried and convicted for his acts of espionage and support for the Axis powers during World War II. These people who joined together to murder JFK, will someday be recognized as the biggest villains and some of the most despicable miscreants of the entire 20th Century. Suffice it to say that 'Czar' Anastase Vonsiatsky who had his anti-Soviet pro-Czarist headquarters in Harbin, Manchuria (known as Manchuoko under the Japanese occupation), was the biggest bastard of them all and perhaps the greatest unknown villain of the entire 20th Century along with Wickliffe Preston Draper who was from Hopedale, Massachusetts where he and his family originated the concept of 'The Company Town' which was emulated by the textile mill owners who depended on the Drapers to produce textile looming equipment from the late 1800's until 1967 when they sold their failing and doomed business to Rockwell-Standard, later Rockwell International for $100 million in Preferred Stock. Why did Rockwell bail out Wickliffe P. Draper when his company was nearly worthless? Let's see if you can figure it all out like I did. Draper and Vonsiatsky lived only about 20 miles apart for decades which is the rough distance between Hopedale, MA and Killingly, CT. Vonsiatsky was the penultimate 'White Russian' always trying to defeat the 'Red Russians' and bring down the Iron Curtain. Annie joined forces with Hitler to defeat the Communists and even dressed in a full Nazi uniform including a Swastika with a shaved skull, brown uniform and riding boots. He drove from Putnam, CT to Brown University in Providence, RI right down Route 44 in a 1936 Pierce-Arrow convertible dressed in full Nazi regalia to attend football games against Yale University. Vonsiatsky was a special student at Brown, studying English and was a classmate of both E. Howard Hunt of the CIA and another impressionable student at Brown named George Lincoln Rockwell, who later formed the American Nazi Party. Rockwell most certainly had to know E. Howard Hunt as well as Anastase Vonsiatsky and even William F. Buckley, Jr. who was the Godfather of E. Howard Hunt's children. Buckley is also mentioned in The Manchurian Candidate as "...that fascinating young man who wrote about Man and God at Yale" which is an exact quote from Richard Condon. Buckley wrote "Man and God at Yale" published by Henry Regnery Press. Henry Regnery's father, William Regnery, another cotton and textile millionaire, was another founder of The America First Committee along with Douglas Cady which sought to keep the U.S. out of the war against Germany. They even gave the legitimate Isolationists a bad name. In this article I will attempt to retrace the steps taken in the ensuing years which have resulted in the identification of about a dozen of the persons referred to in The Manchurian Candidate either via direct reference when Condon named them, or indirectly as a result of Condon’s references to organizations which they founded or headed, or somewhat more obliquely, by Condon’s construction of deliberate word plays and sometimes convoluted anagrams referring to them indirectly if they were still alive and considered potentially threatening or harmful to him at that time. I believe that Condon chose this method of coded messages and the use of cryptography because one of his main protagonists in the novel was none other than Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, who worked as a civilian Army cryptographer during World War II and was one of the founders of the John Birch Society. Oliver was not only a virulent racist and a Eugenicist in the mold of Wickliffe P. Draper, but he was also a staunch anti-Communist and McCarthy supporter, an anti-Semite and quite likely an avowed White Supremacist and a secret supporter and admirer of everything to do with Hitler and Nazism as well. Oliver’s list of Board Memberships included the “Patriotic anti-Communist and anti-Liberal” John Birch Society, the “White Supremacist” Church of the Creator and the “anti-Semitic” Institute for Historical Review. Dr. Oliver was an equal opportunity hater and a professional xenophobe. Many of the others cited in “The Manchurian Candidate” shared at least 3 and sometimes even more of Oliver’s xenophobic proclivities. The first two organizations mentioned by Condon in his novel which started me on this odyssey were called “Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Tomorrow” and “Defenders of American Liberties”. Both of them had closely named counterparts in the nether world of Patriotic right wing extremist organizations active at that time and their founders and Board of Directors were predominantly members of “The John Birch Society”, “The Pioneer Fund”, “The Shickshinny Knights of Malta” and “The American Security Council”. It is from within these blatantly pro-Fascist and anti-Semitic groups that the plot to murder President John F. Kennedy was originated, propagated and consummated, in my honest opinion. I have even traced the final payback to the takeover of The Draper Company by Rockwell Standard on 3/22/67. The exact role played by H. Smith Richardson and the Foundation named for him is being further investigated at this time. Two of the persons named directly by Condon were described as “clerical fascists” and “Demagogues of the Depression” by several others. Reverend Gerald L. K. Smith and Rev. Charles E. Coughlin were both World War II isolationists from the “America First Committee” and considered to be seditionists and pro-fascists in some of their sermons and writings of the time. Others named directly included several right wing authors and commentators involved with either “The American Mercury” or “The Spotlight” of The Liberty Lobby, some of the most anti-Semitic and pro-Eugenics publications ever disseminated. They included George Sokolosky, David Laurence, Arnold Bennett and even Westbrook Pegler, whom Pat Buchanan once described as one of his father’s favorite commentators. It was from this humble list of organizations and publications and about half a dozen of the closely associated right wing extremists that I embarked on my investigative journey. Little did I expect that I would discover half a dozen more right wing extremist organizations which shared interlocking directorates with those persons identified by Richard Condon. It is from this list that I have compiled what I believe is Condon’s list of the most violent and virulent and vocal of all the anti-Kennedy demagogues from that time period which I refer to as “Condon’s Dirty Dozen”. Was Condon trying to warn us in the late 1950’s that these people were mobilizing resentment against then Senator Kennedy which would lead to assassination attempts against his life in the very near future? The first attempt involved Edgar Eugene Bradley and William Potter Gale in California in 1960 and the final one was in Dallas in 1963 which very likely involved some or most of the members of “Condon’s Dirty Dozen”. Richard Condon refers at least twice to a television program called: “Defenders of Our Liberty” upon which Senator John Yerkes Iselin, was scheduled to appear. (Iselin was the paradigm for eventual World Anti- Communist leader and MK/ULTRA operative Ray S. Cline by dint of a matching persona and by use of an anagram.) I knew that the head of the Dallas John Birch Society, Dr. Robert J. Morris, the close associate of Major General Charles Willoughby and Larrie Schmidt, who was Bernard Weissman’s contact for the “Wanted For Treason” poster in Dallas was head of an organization with a very similar sounding name. Or perhaps he edited a publication with a name just like the fictitious television program in The Manchurian Candidate. Sure enough, Eric G. Olson came up with a sample of the Quarterly Publication of “Defenders of American Liberties”, titled: “Our Liberties” which had as its “Editor” none other than Robert Morris and he used an address of: The Adolphus Tower, Dallas, Texas. The Adolphus Tower was probably just in the neighborhood of the Adolphus Hotel where the 1993 ASK conference (Assassination Symposium Kennedy) was actually held. The Publisher of Our Liberties was Defenders of American Liberties at P.O. Box #562 in Bensenville, Illinois the same address used by right wing extremist Dean Richards of Dean Richards, Inc. an employee of Fred Flick of the Flick-Reedy Corporation who advertised often in The John Birch Society’s American Opinion Magazine, as well as other right wing publications. Who was the founder of Defenders of American Liberties? Robert J. Morris. The President of DAL? J. Fred Schlafly. Fred Flick, who was not mentioned in The Manchurian Candidate, shows up later during his involvement with The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation from St. Louis and The St. Michael’s Abbey from Orange County California on their lay advisory board which also included Dr. Robert J. Morris, L. Brent Bozell, (William F. Buckley’s brother in law), Phyllis J. Schlafly, (J. Fred Schlafly’s wife), Patrick J. Frawley, Jr. (On the Boards of Schick Razor and Technicolor with Robert J. Morris) and General Thomas A. Lane. Buckley is only referred to obliquely in The Manchurian Candidate as “…that fascinating young man who wrote about man and God at Yale.” Buckley’s book was actually titled: “God and Man at Yale” for Henry Regnery Publishing Company in the early 1950’s. Henry’s father William Regnery was a cotton and textile millionaire and a founder of The America First Committee as well, along with Henry Smith Richardson who donated $100,000 to the American First Committee knowing its goal was to prevent America from entering the War against Hitler. His Smith Richardson Foundation eventually funded the MK/ULTRA experiments at Bridgewater State Hospital and elsewhere. From this select group associated with the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation originated four of the most important books ever written as far as the radical right is concerned: “No Wonder We Are Losing” and “Disarmament, Weapons of Conquest” by Robert J. Morris published by former CIA agent Lyle Munson’s Bookmailer Publishing and “The Gravediggers” and “Strike From Space“ written jointly by Phyllis Schlafly and Admiral Chester A. Ward for the right wing Pere Marquette Press in Alton, Illinois. These four books along with “Brainwashing” by Dr. Edward Hunter for Henry Regnery Press also mentioned in The Manchurian Candidate, laid the cornerstone and set the marching orders for all the Cold War arguments about the magnitude of the alleged “ICBM Missile Gap”, “Sputnik Satellite Gap” and “Mind Control Gap” between the United States and Russia. Brief Book Reviews about the Schlafly-Ward jointly written books by Helene Charmillon-Pohl from the University of Wisconsin are included for illustrative purposes. (Phyllis Schlafly With Rear Admiral Chester Charles Ward). Strike From Space: How the Russians May Destroy Us. New York: Devin-Adair Co., 1966 1965. 218 p. Bibliography: p. 205-216. OCLC no. 1627435. Playing footloose with mainstream historiography, Schlafly and Ward interpret Khrushchev’s dismissal as punishment for his betraying state secrets, Eisenhower’s Farewell message and his warnings against the military-industrial complex as directed to domestic Socialists and the Vietnam War as a Russian diversion. Subscribing to multiple conspiracy theories and to the notion that Communists from the all over the world speak in code (Aesopian language), the authors strike at their panoply of usual villains: McNamara, Rostow, the Pughwashers (named after a secret meeting held in Pugwash, Nova Scotia), Nitze, Fulbright and even Kennan the father of the containment doctrine. Bordering on the slanderous, this work attempts to convince the general public with highly emotionally charged language that the American government is determined to sell out to the Soviet Union rather than strengthen its military. (Phyllis Schlafly With Rear Admiral Chester Charles Ward). The Gravediggers. Alton, Ill.: Pere Marquette Press, 1964. 126 p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 119- 126). OCLC no. 644538. Seeking to arouse suspicion and distrust, Ward and Schlafly relentlessly accuse the Kennedy Administration of jeopardizing the country and practicing appeasement with the Soviet Union. Highly critical of the politics of deterrence, the authors suggest that the elite is either duped by the Russians or guilty of collusion: by agreeing first to a nuclear testing moratorium and then to a test ban treaty, the United States is falling prey to Russian psychological warfare. According to The Gravediggers, the only redemption possible is through the election of Goldwater, endowed with the MacArthurs heroic qualities. (Phyllis Schlafly With Rear Admiral Chester Charles Ward). The Betrayers. Alton, Ill.: Pere Marquette Press, 1968. 125 p. Bibliography: p. 121-125. OCLC no. 42847. Engaging in hyperbole and inflammatory rhetoric, Schlafly accused the government of not putting all its energy to winning the Vietnam War and of allowing the USSR to dominate in the arms race. Allegedly examining the issues of whether officials are fools, dupes or traitors, the author lunges in a rambling diatribe about both an increase in urban crime and the widespread employment of communist sympathizers. Not unlike the infamous McCarthy, she rails and rants against the whiz kids and the intellectuals and calls for their removal notably from the Defense Department for consistently kowtowing to Communist powers. Schlaflys program for the nation’s improvement include the restoration of morality, law and order, the winning of the Vietnam war, nuclear superiority and the election of Richard M. Nixon. While there is not sufficient space to develop this theme now, you should be made aware that the first cause celebre of the far right in the late 1940’s which attempted to make a case for a “Mind Control Gap” in order to fan the flames during the McCarthy era, was the Cardinal Mindszenty “brainwashing” incident in Communist Hungary. A few years later, this identical Cold War cadre from the Catholic ultra- Right returned shortly after Sputnik became a reality, to use that incident for their “Sputnik Missile Gap” arguments. They had been using the clout and the arguments of Hungarian Edward Teller, the father of the Atomic Bomb, as their cause celebre for their “ICBM Missile Gap” arguments and would continue to do so for 25 years or more until the Ronald Reagan Era ended with the fall of the Iron Curtain. The failure of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 also figured prominently in right wing rhetoric for several decades and of course, preceded the Sputnik crisis initiated in 1957 which was exacerbated when Yuri Gargarin later became the first human to orbit the Earth. These events with a common link to Hungary are only noted because of my ancestry as an Austro-Hungarian. Ah, yes, for those who tried to claim I am Italian and therefore pro-Mafia, guess again. These subjects were discussed constantly in my home, at the parochial school I attended and from the Church pulpit during my early formative childhood years. The concepts, discussions and goals of “Freedom Fighters” were constant and prevalent in South Florida during the 1950’s and 1960’s, whether it involved Hungarian Freedom Fighters, Polish Freedom Fighters or somewhat later the Cuban Freedom Fighters. All of them shared several common goals, preserving the Church against the advances of “Godless, atheistic Communism”, regaining a lost homeland from a foreign occupation force, restoring property, titles and valuables viewed as having been taken by the Communists, being reunited with aging family, childhood friends and compatriots caught behind the Iron Curtain, and destroying the menace that was perceived as a threat to the very practice of the Catholic Religion and the sovereignty and the safety of the haven in the United States. Other than this little list which included God, Family, Country and Property, Communism was considered just a benign alternative political system by the arch-Catholic right wing in the United States as evidenced by the John Birch Society. Yeah, right. Why the Catholic Church became convinced that an alliance with former Nazis or active ex-Nazis and otherwise unrepentant Nazis was the surest method of attaining their goals will remain a question for the ages. Was it a moral question of lesser evils or a more pragmatic decision based on some perceived reality? To what extents were they deluded or tricked into playing into the hands of these people is debated to this day. I personally believe that Psychological Warfare experts like James J. Angleton, William Donovan, Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner and Philip J. Corso could convince anyone about anything once they set their minds to it. Giovanni Battista Montini was, quite frankly, no match for either Angleton, Dulles or Corso. Condon refers to a group headed by “Fightin Frank” Bollinger (Bonner Fellers) involving John Yerkes Iselin (Ray S. Cline) called “Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Tomorrow”. It was an obvious reference to the real group called “Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice” (abbreviated: TMA) which was a McCarthyite support organization which worked tirelessly to prevent the censure of Senator McCarthy. The national chairman of TMA was Lieutenant General George E. Stratemeyer, who was also one of the national directors of “For America”, the Bonner Fellers directed organization. Stratemeyer was also on the original Board of Policy of The Liberty Lobby which often called for opposition to JFKs Foreign and Domestic Policies. Consider this overly optimistic quote from Cross-Currents by Epstein and Forster from the mid-1950’s about Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice (for McCarthy) on what they perceived to be a rather slow and ineffectual start to this blatant McCarthyite support organization: “Which is why the anxious efforts of Rear Admiral John G. Crommelin [soon to be the Presidential Candidate of the NSRP that Joseph A. Milteer was involved with in 1963] and Major George Racey Jordan [of Major Jordan’s Diaries and The Manchurian Candidate] to turn TMA’s mass following into a permanent national body are failing. ” “The big Madison Square Garden rally, held by TMA on November 29 (in 1955) was an obvious fizzle. Gerald L. K. Smith, Joseph P. Kamp (another notorious anti-Semite), and a generous representation of other ‘pros’ were sprinkled around the vast auditorium.” The term “pros” referred to professional anti-semites and professional pro-fascists as referenced elsewhere in Cross-Currents. Gerald L. K. Smith was mentioned by name in The Manchurian Candidate directly and Major George Racey Jordan was described obliquely by using an anagram implying that he was in fact a member of the Waffen SS of Adolph Hitler. Others associated with the real TMA included General Pedro A. del Valle of Shickshinny Knights of Malta fame, General George Van Horn Moseley the “man on the white horse” who was chosen as champion of the 1930’s coup d’etat attempt against FDR called the General Smedley A. Butler affair, which was documented by Jules Archer in “The Plot to Take the White House”. Other TMA dignitaries included John B. Trevor, Sr. of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies who was Wickliffe Draper’s crony on The Pioneer Fund and Louis D. Carroll who was active very early in both of these eventual Willis Carto organizations: the Constitution Party (begun around 1952) and the Congress of Freedom (which reached national prominence in 1955 but according to Dr. Revilo P. Oliver may actually have been started as early as 1951). Russ Bellant in Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party had this to say about John B. Trevor, Sr. of The Pioneer Fund and the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies and TMA: John Trevor, Sr. was a leader of a group, Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice, attempting to prevent the censure of Joe McCarthy. Its leadership represented a Whos Who of American anti- Semitism. At their 1954 rally for McCarthy, a female photographer taking pictures of the special guest section for magazine was physically assaulted amid shouts of Dirty Jew and Hang the communist bitch! The German-born American Generals Fellers and Wedemeyer as well as Robert Morris and Senator McCarthy were mentioned as Chronoscope guests during that period and both Fellers and McCarthy often appeared on Robert Morris’ Defenders of American Liberty program, cited directly by Richard Condon. Condon implied that John Yerkes Iselin’s attendance on that show was as a proxy for Ray S. Cline, “Johnny” is Rey S. Kline, who was eventually Deputy Director of the CIA and World Chairman of WACL during its most Fascist periods. Richard Condon REALLY KNEW what he was talking about beyond the shadow of a doubt. Of the four most popular radio commentators in the early 1950’s Westbrook Pegler, Fulton J. Lewis, Walter Winchell and Drew Pearson, Walter Winchell was closest to being a moderate. Pearson wrote courageous scathing exposés of McCarthy’s devious backroom dealings. Two of the most popular pulpit bullies in America, Pegler and Lewis, pandered to McCarthy, voluntarily slanted news stories for him and ignored unfavorable press reports to enhance the Senator’s public image. Another televised political discussion program, Longines Chronoscope, aired from 1950 to 1955 on stations with a CBS franchise. Chronoscope borrowed from the news magazine format. Interviewers or co-editors steered the conversation along, usually William Bradford Huie, publisher and editor of American Mercury Magazine; (mentioned at the Richard Giesbrecht Incident and mentioned in The Manchurian Candidate via direct naming of American Mercury writers like Arnold Bennett, George Sokolosky, David Laurence and Westbrook Pegler) Henry Hazlitt, a political economist and contributing editor of Newsweek, publisher of Freeman magazine; and Larry Lesueur, a reporter for CBS News.” Guests on CBS Chronoscope during the McCarthy Era included the following (CBS executives from that time: included both Frank Shakespeare and William Paley, both notable right wingers themselves.) Notable guests on Chronoscope from that period, who were described or mentioned in The Manchurian Candidate, included the following luminaries from the far right: 1) Brig. Gen. Bonner F. Fellers (October 3, 1951), strategist and psychological warfare expert. Mentioned in The Manchurian Candidate as Fighting Frank Bollinger and under his thinly veiled slightly renamed organization: Ten Million Americans Fighting “for Justice” instead of “for Tomorrow”. 2) Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer (June 18, 1952), national chairman, Citizens for Taft Committee, director of the U.S. Liberty Lobby, and Nazi operative. Wedemeyer was suspected of leaking U.S. war plans to the Germans early in World War II. 3) Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (R-WI) (June 25, 1952). (The entire novel, The Manchurian Candidate is about the reactionary McCarthy era and its aftermath for all intents and purposes. ) 4) Dr. Robert J. Morris (July 2, 1952:), special counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, otherwise known as the McCarran committee). Morris is the person named the most often in The Manchurian Candidate by far. At least a half dozen time. The Shickshinny Knight of Malta Order (SKOM), officially called The Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, has been headed by Col. Thourot Pichel in Shickshinny, Pennsylvania, although a few years ago the Order was torn by serious internal rifts between Pichel and the late Frank A. Capell, [Capell was reknowned as the “chief propaganda researcher” for Dr. Revilo P. Oliver a founding stockholder in the John Birch Society, one of the protagonists in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon. Oliver eventually appeared in front of The Warren Commission and was on the Board of The Church of the Creator.] How Richard Condon could have predicted this close association of Dr. Revilo P. Oliver with the JFK murder and the Warren Commission more than 5 years in the future appears to be a feat of magic until you listen to the tape recorded speeches of Dr. Oliver on his website shrine. The level of vitriol and hatred Oliver spewed against John F. Kennedy between 1960 and 1963 at these meetings of The Congress of Freedom and The National Indignation Committee should have been enough to place him high on the FBI and the Secret Service watch lists. But the FBI considered the John Birch Society as a harmless Patriotic organization, and did not see any reason to monitor them. Frank A. Capell was also a Contributing Editor of the John Birch Societys Review of the News and the founder of a survivalist right group called Zarepath-Horab near the Arkansas-Missouri border as well as the publisher of The Herald of Freedom from New Jersey. This SKOM Order achieved some notoriety a few years ago when it officially recognized the claims of controversial defector Michael Goleniewski to be Aleksei Romanoff, heir to the Russian Imperial House of Romanoff. [Anastase Vonsiatsky, Draper’s hired thug, union strikebreaker and mercenary worked for The Romanoff Caviar Company in America for several years and worked tirelessly to restore the Czarist Monarchy which he himself claimed as part of his controversial heritage. Vonsiatsky was also featured in “ The Manchurian Candidate” by Richard Condon as THE Manchurian Candidate himself. Vonsiatsky’s International Headquarters were located in Harbin, Manchuoko, Manchuria for decades before his prison term from 1942-46 for violating The Espionage Act of 1917.] The Romanoff dynasty case would be less interesting if the CIA’s MK/ ULTRA specialist James Angleton and Anastase Vonsiatsky who both also merited mention by Condon in The Manchurian Candidate, were not two of the principal supporters of Goleneiwski and some extremely rightwing members of the military intelligence community were not listed as members of SKOM in a document issued by the Order in 1970. The Order listed as members of its Military Affairs Committee, under the Chairmanship of General Douglas MacArthur’s displaced Korean War team that included these four right wing ultra-hawks: (1) Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd, (2) Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, Robert Morris’ constant compatriot (Willoughby was also part of Billy James Hargis’ Anti- Communist Liaison Committee of Correspondence along with General Bonner Fellers and Edward Hunter, the author of the term “Brainwashing”), (3) Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers (TMA and The Manchurian Candidate), and (4) Gen. Pedro A. del Valle (TMA and Defenders of the American Constitution), who according to Stuart Christies “Stefano delle Chiaie, Portrait of a Black Terrorist” (London: Anarchy Magazine, 1984), invited Italian neo-Nazi Guido Giannettini to the U.S. to conduct a seminar at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, where del Valle was Commander at the time. Both Foster & Epsteins Danger on the Right (New York: Random House, 1964) and Janson & Eismanns The Far Right (New York: McGraw Hill, 1963) called del Valle an anti-Semite. And Professor William F. Tucker while doing a book about Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund The Funding of Scientific Racism, found several references in the Pedro del Valle papers to del Valles anti-Semitism and racist beliefs. Pedro A. del Valle was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and considered himself part of some special Draper styled Master Race after he became a high ranking officer in the Marine Corps. Del Valle actually lost a job with Sosthenes Benes in South America with ITT after his controversial opinions on the topics of anti-Semitism and racism became obvious. Revealing insights into these Shickshinny Knights of Malta, Charles Willoughby and Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso were provided by Michael Cannon in this Usenet posting from July 8, 1997. It just further confirms the Nazi based alliances behind almost everyone involved with the leadership of these Shickshinny Knights including Charles Thourot- Pichel. Corso has a history of disturbing ties to racists, fascist sympathizers and nutball theories. He had worked with Reinhard Gehlen (formerly Hitlers chief intelligence officer) and the BND in trying to set up terrorist operations within Eastern Europe. Washington considered such schemes risky in the nuclear age, so the plug was pulled. Corso soon counted himself among that weirdo coterie of military intelligence staffers who considered the CIA soft on communism, and most likely heavily infiltrated by the KGB. Similar beliefs were held by Corsos ally, General Charles Willoughby, who had been Douglas MacArthurs intelligence chief. Theres a lot of published material on and by WIlloughby, and its all worth reading. In short, Willoughby was an anti- Semite, and an extremist who saw the world in conspiratorial terms. His politics leaned so far to the extreme Right that one can only wonder why he served on the Allied side during World War II. (MacArthur called him ‘My Little Fascist. ’) When Corso left military intelligence in 1963, he became a key aide to J. Strom Thurmond, who helped lead the pro-segregation crusades of the 1960s. But he did not sever his ties to Willoughby. Corso also became a leading member of a bizarre organization called the Shickshinny Knights of Malta. (After Napoleon attacked the island of Malta, the story goes, a number of knights migrated to Russia and joined the Czars inner guard; after the revolution, these staunch White Russians migrated to America – many going to Shickshinny, PA, hence the name. ) At the time Corso joined the exclusive sect, its leader was one Colonel Charles Thourot-Pichel who was an explicit, undeniable Nazi. During the Third Reich, he had begged Hitlers government for the job of representing Nazi political interests in the United States. He communicated directly with Ernst Hanfstangel, one of Hitler’s top aides. Willoughby had also joined the Shickshinny Knights at this time, and co-published with the organization a periodical called the ‘Foreign Intelligence Journal.’ This journal specialized in anti- Semitic theories and the kind of extremist enemy-within anti- Communist blather we associate with groups like the John Birch Society. Apparently, this rather odd group had become, in the early 1960s, something of a dumping-ground for military intelligence veterans who were so zealous they had come to consider the CIA hopelessly ‘pink. ’ “The darling of Corsos ‘Knight-ly’ friends was a very strange man named Michael Goliniewski, whose name pops up in most histories of the CIA ‘mole-hunts’ of the 1960s. Goliniewski was a high-ranking Polish intelligence officer who sympathized with ‘the West,’ and began feeding information to the CIA. Apparently, his info was rather good at first. The Soviets became suspicious of him, so he had to scuttle off to America quickly. It soon became apparent to the saner CIA analysts that Goliniewski was, to put the matter bluntly, out of his mind. He began to claim that he was no less a personage than Prince Alexei, the Czars son and rightful heir...! Goliniewski never persuasively explained how Alexei cured his internal bleeding, or the EXTERNAL bleeding he no doubt underwent at Ekaterinberg. Nor did he explain how the Prince somehow became a leader within the intelligence apparat of a Communist country. (Youd think Polish spooks would do a better background check...)” None of this mattered to Angleton or to the John Birchers who essentially certified his claims to being the rightful heir to the Russian Czarist Romanoff throne. This was in all likelihood done to appease Anastase Vonsiatsky who worked for the Romanoff Caviar Company and felt he needed some quasi-legitimate reason to encourage other White Russian expatriates to rally around him and his cause. It was almost as if raising Prince Alexei Romanoff from the dead would make him a Christ-like figure and spontaneously cause millions of dollars to flow into their coffers. It worked to an extent. “At any rate, Goliniewski (like other defectors) caused much mischief by telling dark tales of KGB penetration of both the American and British intelligence services and governments. His claims were baseless, but for a while they did much harm.” In fact James Angleton used Goliniewski as one of the major justifications for his Honetel 10 purge attempts within the CIA. Angleton, who also was considered by most well placed observers to be out of his mind as well was Goliniewski’s main and sometimes only supporter because it supported Angleton’s delusional claims from previous years. “As is usually the case in these realms, anyone in a Western governments service who espoused anything less than a full-scale attack on the Soviet Union (never mind the nuclear consequences) was damned as a Soviet ‘penetration agent.’” “The CIA soon learned not to take Goliniewski seriously. But his demented world-view fit right in with the ideas held by the Knights, Willoughby, Corso and company. So these ‘Knights’ became the chief propagandists for Goliniewski in the United States. Ive read a few of Goliniewskis latter-day screeds -- he used to publish a rag called ‘Double Eagle.’ It was filled with wild, quasi-fascistic conspiracy theories, which usually had to do with occult powers driving the inexorable Communist drive to world domination. A lot of what he wrote struck me as thinly-disguised anti-Semitism, making use of the usual euphemisms for powerful Jews (e.g., ‘the Dark Forces,’ the ‘International Bankers,’ and so on). And THIS was the man whose world- view was pushed heavily by the Shickshinny Knights -- Corsos group.” (as well as by the John Birchers and Angleton within the CIA. ) “Corso also was instrumental in pushing disinformation about the JFK assassination, labeling Oswald a tool of an alleged ‘KGB ring’ within the United States.” Of the three persons most responsible for promulgating this “deliberate disinformation” about Oswald, Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, Reverend Gerald L. K. Smith and Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, only Corso managed to elude Richard Condon’s direct or indirect identification in the late 1950’s. Senator Strom Thurmond was not so fortunate, however, being identified as Senator Thomas Jordan, as both the paradigm for Senator Jordan and an almost perfect anagram for the letters in Thomas Jordan. A remarkable feat to say the least on the part of Richard Condon. James Angleton was reported feeling out one of his comrades at the CIA regarding The Manchurian Candidate, by his biographer David Mangold who quotes this exchange between Angleton and Kisavalter inside a CIA elevator: Angleton: “You’ve got to see this new movie that just came out.” Kisavalter: “Which movie is that, Jim?” Angleton: “The Manchurian Candidate. It bears out my thinking.” Of the four Generals on the Military Affairs Committee of SKOM, only Marine Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd was American born and he is the only one of the four who is not a suspect in the murder of JFK. Stratemeyer on the Board of Policy of The Liberty Lobby and Wedemeyer, also German- born, have been listed by several authors and JFK researchers as having more in common with the Third Reich than with the welfare of the United States of America along with Fellers and Willoughby which would explain why they would pick an ex-Nazi like the former British Admiral, Sir Barry Domville to serve with them on SKOM as their Honorary Grand Admiral. Domville who had been jailed by the British during WW II as a Nazi agent, and was later listed as a Contributing Editor of Willis Cartos Western Destiny, in November 1965, when Dr. Roger Pearson, from Washington DC, was the Editor. Pearson was the British Fascist who was perhaps one of the largest beneficiaries of The Pioneer Fund grants and former leader of The World Anti-Communist League during its most blatantly pro-Fascist periods. There is no way that Dr. Roger Pearson’s influence and contributions to this nexus of groups surrounding the JFK Assassination can be overestimated. Pearson worked directly with James J. Angleton of the CIA at the H. Smith Richardson Foundation on MK/ULTRA related projects. Perhaps one of the biggest breakthroughs in conclusively identifying how the MK/ULTRA Research on Programmed Assassins could have been leaked from within the confines of the official CIA based H. Smith Richardson Foundation projects involving Dr. Hans J. Eysenck to the realm of the conspirators within The Pioneer Fund where Eysenck was the recipient of multiple Pioneer Fund grants comes from this quotation from “The Un-Americans” by Frank J. Donner (Ballantine Books, New York, 1961, p. 52). This volume is an excellent overview about the fascist influences within the membership of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) from the person who also wrote “The Age of Surveillance” a few years later, an indictment of both the McCarthy Era and the illegal FBI and CIA snooping and COINTELPRO operations in ensuing years. H. Smith Richardson made his millions with Richardson-Vicks the maker of Vicks Vapo Rub. I can still almost remember the precise smell of a jar of Vapo Rub sitting next to my bedside during periods of illness. The common linkage among HUAC, The Pioneer Fund, MK/ULTRA and Henry Smith Richardson himself was none other than Richard G. Arens, the Immigration control expert from the McCarthy Era who was a full-time paid consultant for Wickliffe Draper while he worked for both Draper Committees, the HUAC based Immigration Committee run by Rep. Francis E. Walter of Pennsylvania and the SISS based “Genetics” Committee which was really the Pioneer Fund “Eugenics” Committee of Senator James O. Eastland of Mississippi which had been named harmlessly to be more socially palatable and acceptable. This double-dipping eventually cost Arens his job with the House Committee and sent him into shrill yelling and screaming tirades against the reporters, like Ronald H. May, eventually responsible for his dismissal. Doubtless he remained on the Draper payroll and helped both Morris and Draper on their upcoming campaigns against the Liberals, the Communists and later against JFK directly. “Arens refused to tell (Ronald H.) May (Washington correspondent for the Madison Capital Times and the York, Pa Gazette) what work he did for the Draper project, except that it consisted of finding beneficiaries for research grants in the fields of ‘immigration and genetics.’ May also discovered that Draper made grants to ‘patriotic’ anti-Communist organizations and that Arens had given advice to other wealthy men (such as H. L. Hunt, the Texas oil man, and Smith Richardson, North Carolina pharmaceutical magnate) on grants of funds to patriotic organizations. ” H. L. Hunt made his original fortune in the Korean Soybeans Futures markets shortly after the outbreak of the Korean War. Professor Bruce Cumings in “The Origins of the Korean War” (Princeton University Press - 1994) directly attributed this incredible stroke of good fortune to inside information and advanced notification about the precise timing of the upcoming outbreak of war from none other than Major General Charles A. Willoughby, MacArthur’s Head of Intelligence during World War II and Korea. H. L. Hunt returned the favor a few years later by giving the recently sacked Willoughby with a high paying job with the then growing Hunt oil empire in Mozambique, looking for suitable oil lease locations. This close association with the Hunt family continued over the years until 1972 when Willoughby and Draper both finally died. The Associate Chief of International Intelligence for SKOM listed was Herman E. Kimsey, a high-ranking CIA operative who had worked with the Army CIC during the war. Kimsey was very close to Spas T. Raikin, who greeted the Oswalds as they got off the boat from Minsk, Russia. Raikin and Willoughby served together on the American Friends of The Anti-Bolshevik Block of Nations (ABN) along with the Urkainian fascist Yaroslaw Stetsko. Some still insist that Raikin’s role with the Oswalds was something unimportant or coincidental. Raikin knows a whole lot more than he ever admits. In my opinion, the majority of General Douglas MacArthur’s entire former Korean War team joined The Shickshinny Knights of Malta in order to retain their powerbase, their sphere of influence and their unified sense of purpose which was to defeat Communism once and for all despite the efforts of either Truman or Kennedy or Carter to thwart their violent, anti-Democracy and anti-Constitutional propensities much like the later efforts of the Iran-Contra crowd and the World Anti-Communist League. Professor William Tucker found General Pedro del Valle important enough to include in his recent book on the topic of Wickliffe Draper, The Pioneer Fund and The Funding of Scientific Racism. One of the coalitions official spokespersons who presented its resolutions to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs was General Pedro del Valle, a member of the Liberty Lobbys advisory board, who professed ‘the instinctive distrust which is natural in all Christians for all Jews, diluted or pure’; Jews ‘cannot also be good Americans,’ he wrote to a fellow officer, because ‘all Jews are hostile to the kind of America that anybody but a Jew desires.’ Del Valle was also a co-owner of the biweekly paper Common Sense, which claimed that Mao Zedong was a ‘front ... for New York Jews,’ and del Valle was considered a member of ‘our ... inner circle of top people’ by George Lincoln Rockwell, ‘Commander’ of the American Nazi Party, one of the faithful few who donated to Rockwells campaign to ‘nail the n and Jew LEADERS’ behind ‘Martin Luther Coon.’ The linkages among The John Birch Society of Robert Welch, The Pioneer Fund of Wickliffe Draper and The Liberty Lobby of Willis Carto were legion and are just now coming to the surface. For example when Carto announced a sixteen-man Advisory Board for his new Liberty Lobby operation, later to be renamed the Board of Policy, it included Judge Tom Brady (White Citizens Councils), Generals Pedro del Valle and George Stratemeyer, and W.L. Foster of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who was active in “We, the People” and “Congress of Freedom” (another Willis Carto organization where assassination plots against 200 American liberals were openly discussed at the annual meeting of The Congress of Freedom on April 4, 1963 in New Orleans attended by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver and Joseph A. Milteer of Senator J. Strom Thurmond’s National States Rights Party). Foster was also a financial supporter of veteran anti-semite Gerald L.K. Smith, who appeared by name in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon as well a financial supporter of Billy James Hargis of Tulsa, and his Anti-Communist Liaison Committee of Correspondence. Later in 1958, Colonel Eugene C. Pomeroy became Liberty Lobbys Washington Secretary, operating out of the offices of his own organization, “Defenders of the American Constitution” (later taken over by General Pedro Augusto del Valle). Richard Condon appears to have been one of the very few persons who recognized the native duplicity and outright propensity for violence and espionage emanating from these foreign-born pro-fascist Generals from the far right. For example you can read the relatively benign and perfunctory descriptions proffered by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, Cross-Currents (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1956). In reviewing the descriptions of some of the more powerful right-wing Generals involved with the Shickshinny Knights of Malta like Pedro del Valle, George Stratemeyer, and Bonner Fellers no where do we see the warnings or danger assessments as described by Condon. Only Russ Bellant, in Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party seems to have the benefit of hindsight in describing their possible threats. A number of figures named in Charles Thourot Pichels History of the Order of St. John were instrumental in setting up the Liberty Lobby of Willis A. Carto, the second publisher of White America by Earnest Sevier Cox. Edward von Rothkirch, a member of the SKOM Order, helped set up Truth-in-Press, a Liberty Lobby 501©3 tax exempt group. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer also part of American Security Council and The John Birch Society and the supra-isolationist pro-Fascist America First groups before and during World War II. Wedemeyer was born in Germany, attended the German War College and was a closet anti-Semite who maintained relationships with German Staff Generals during the war. Wedemeyer was suspected as the source of the leak of American War Plans to Senator Burton K. Wheeler which appeared in the Chicago Tribune. Bonner Fellers was featured in The Manchurian Candidate, by Richard Condon as early as 1958. It is significant that these foreign- born Generals were considered staunch allies of General Douglas A. MacArthur and Maj. Gen. Charles Willoughby (who was born in Heidelburg, Germany in 1892). Do not forget that the name General Douglas MacArthur does NOT even appear ONCE in the novel, The Manchurian Candidate, but by 1961, the movie rendition of the novel BEGINS with a closeup of an oil portrait of General of the Armies, Douglas MacArthur and later includes another picture of him in the troops barracks tent during a poker game. The movie ends when the Presidential Candidate, Benjamin K. Arthur, attends a rally in Madison Square Garden where he is supposed to be the target of an assassin using a high-powered rifle from a lighting booth high above the convention floor. What caused Richard Condon and John Frankheimer to make this editorial adjustment to the novel, by adding references to MacArthur, when the movie was being made? Why did they also include half-dozen references in the movie to the other President assassinated by the cotton plantation and textile mill interests from the Deep South, Abraham Lincoln when the novel, The Manchurian Candidate, has absolutely NO references to Abraham Lincoln that I was able to uncover? In the movie, I counted several Lincoln busts, a Lincoln picture and an Abraham Lincoln costume at a Halloween party worn by James Gregory. What other information has recently come to light that might support my contentions regarding the almost uncanny foreknowledge exhibited by Richard Condon in his novel as it relates to the then pending JFK assassination? Confirmation and corroboration has been provided by these 2 independent sources in recent months: From Dr. Revilo P. Oliver himself, even though he has been dead for several years. A friend suggested that I listen to the tape recorded speeches of Dr. Oliver himself on the Revilo P. Oliver shrine and website which I had been avoiding for a few years now. Reluctantly I did and was amazed to discover that Oliver mentions at least half of Richard Condon’s Dirty Dozen himself as being close friends and trusted associates of his including Judge Robert Morris, Major General Edwin Walker, Senator Strom Thurmond, Dr. Edward Hunter, General Bonner Fellers, Major George Racey Jordan, etc. From Jerry P. Shinley in a posting he made on the Usenet JFK Conspiracy region as follows under the title: Ed Scannell Butler’s INCA, William Kintner, the New Orleans Cold War Seminar and the Institute for American Strategy (IAS). The Fulbright Memorandum documents the Senators concern with a series of Cold War Strategy Seminars conducted jointly by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National War College, the Foreign Policy Research Institute, and the Institute of American Policy. Kintner was prominently involved in these activities. Another person involved was Frank R. Barnett, research director of the Richardson (now, Smith Richardson) Foundation and the Institute of American Strategy. The theme of these seminars was a push for cold war victory and a repudiation of doctrines of co-existence. Psychological warfare played a large part in the work of Kintner and Barnett. What Jerry Shinley was not aware of apparently, was that the primary funding source for the CIA’s MK/ULTRA program was in fact the H. Smith Richardson Foundation and that both the CIA’s James Angleton and Retired General Robert C. Richardson, III were heavily involved with this conduit along with The Pioneer Fund’s Roger Pearson according to Russ Bellant in Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party. That implies that the work Ed Butler did with Lee Harvey Oswald during the staged radio debates on WSDU in New Orleans had to have something to do with Butler’s links through INCA and into MK/ULTRA via James Angleton and The Pioneer Fund’s Dr. Hans J. Eysenck, an inveterate Nazi psychologist and Roger Pearson who worked with Angleton at the H. Smith Richardson Foundation projects. J. William Fulbright in his Fulbright Memorandum specifically warns us about the IAS and the FPRI just as Eisenhower did about the American Security Council and the Military Industrial Complex in his Farewell Address. That means that both Eisenhower and Fulbright can be added to Richard Condon as being some of the earliest and most accurate warning sources regarding the identity of the actual persons and organizations which eventually perpetrated the JFK Assassination. The leadership of The American Security Council included a coterie of persons with expertise in psychological warfare and Soviet counter-espionage. The only problem is that all of them showed evidence of private allegiances to the fascists or Nazis involved with the Third Reich instead of to the Democracy of the United States of America. The Big Four were: Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, Dr. Robert J. Morris, James J. Angleton and Ray S. Cline all of whom were well known to Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate. There were actually 4 references in The Manchurian Candidate to members or founders of YAF, The Young Americans for Freedom started by Larrie Schmidt a close ally of Robert J. Morris and Charles A. Willoughby in the Dallas John Birch Society. They were all linked to the Bernard Weismann, Wanted For Treason Poster circulated in Dallas on the weekend JFK died. They were Senator Strom Thurmond, William F. Buckley, Jr., Robert J. Morris and Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby. Richard Condon knew who was behind the murder of JFK. Others listed as part of the ASC in “Peace and Freedom through Cold War Victory” (ASC Press – 1964) include the following persons to give you some idea of the breadth of representation from the far right: Patrick J. Frawley, Jr. (Mindszenty Foundation), Jr., Dr. Edward Teller (Dr. Strangelove), Rear Admiral Chester Ward (Strike From Space), General Albert C. Wedemeyer, General Robert E. Wood (America First and Human Events), Henry Hazlitt (Newsweek and Chronoscope) who later shows up on the American Security Council Advisory Board, Marvin Liebman (McCarthyism and YAF), Dr. Stefan Possony (Hoover Inst of War and WACL), Spruille Braden (Birch Society) and John M. Fisher (ACPS and WACL). The information about the relationship of the H Smith Richardson Foundation and MK/ULTRA as well as to Iran-Contra was provided by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book: “The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush”: “Another Harriman/Bush friend, Eugene Stetson, was an assistant manager for Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers, Harrimans New York office. He organized the H. Smith Richardson Foundation. The foundation, in the late 1950s, participated in the MKULTRA, the CIAs domestic covert psychological warfare operation. The H. Smith Richardson Foundation helped to finance the testing of psychotropic drugs, including LSD, at Bridgewater State Hospital in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, the center of some of the most brutal MK-ULTRA experiments. ” It was these brutal MK/ULTRA experiments that led to the film “Titticut Follies” which was made in the late 1960’s. “During the Iran-Contra operations, the H. Smith Richardson Foundation was a private donors steering committee, working with the National Security Council to co-ordinate the Office of Public Diplomacy. This was an effort to propagandize in favor of and run cover for the Iran- Contra operations, and to coordinate published attacks on opponents of the program. The H. Smith Richardson Foundation also runs the Center for Creative Leadership at Langley to train leaders of the CIA, as well as another center near Greensboro, North Carolina, that trains CIA and Secret Service Agents. Almost everyone who achieves the military rank of general also gets this training. ” Here are the excerpts from Edward Spannaus’ article on IAS, FPRI, Ed Butler and the H Smith Richardson Foundation from the Executive Intelligence Review web site. It is perhaps the most important independent corroboration of the relationships among these most nefarious of organizations first warned about by President Eisenhower in 1958, then Condon in 1959 and lastly, Fulbright in 1961, all to no avail. “Six months into the new administration of President John F. Kennedy, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman J. William Fulbright (D- Ark.) was warning about the dangers of a revolt by right-wing military officers against the administration. Although Fulbright himself did not use the word ‘coup,’ others did including some who denied planning such a coup. ” Major General Edwin Walker was mentioned by Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate using his home address of “Turtle Creek Drive” where the alleged potshot shooting incident had occurred. Walker was also cited directly by none other than Jack Ruby in his sworn Warren Commission testimony as a suspect in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, along with other unnamed Dallas John Birch Society members which doubtlessly included Dr. Robert J. Morris and Major General Charles A. Willoughby as well who were the original founders of the Dallas John Birch Society cell and the most vociferous and prominent members of that group. “The backdrop to the July 1961 Fulbright Memorandum was the April 1961 firing of Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker, who had been indoctrinating his troops in Augsburg, Germany, with John Birch Society propaganda. But this was only the most notorious case of a much broader pattern of political activity by military officers, which prominently included military collaboration with the H. Smith Richardson Foundations Frank Barnett; the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) of Robert Strausz-Hupé, then attached to the University of Pennsylvania; and the Institute for American Strategy (IAS). (Later, in the 1970s and 80s, Richard Mellon Scaife picked up much of the funding for these operations, along with the Smith Richardson Foundation, and the Olin Foundation. )” Note: It was the Scaife and the Regnery interests which were behind the character assassination attempts on then President Bill Clinton during the 1990’s according to most verifiable accounts. “The Fulbright Memorandum was drafted in July 1961 as a personal communication between the Senate and the Secretary of Defense, who was Robert McNamara. Entitled ‘Propaganda Activities of Military Personnel Directed at the Public,’ the memorandum began by noting that a 1958 National Security Council directive had made it the policy of the United States ‘to make use of military personnel and facilities to arouse the public to the menace of the Cold War.’ Fulbright reported that private organizations were preparing material that was then distributed by the military, material which was contrary to the Presidents policies. He noted that the actual programs being carried out under the 1958 directive ‘made use of extremely radical right-wing speakers and/or materials, with the probable net result of condemning foreign and domestic policies of the administration in the public mind.’” “Fulbrights allusion to a military coup, came as follows: Perhaps it is farfetched to call forth the revolt of the French generals as an example of the ultimate danger. Nevertheless, military officers, French or American, have some common characteristics arising from their profession and there are numerous military fingers on the trigger throughout the world. While this danger may appear very remote, contrary to American tradition, and even American military tradition, so also is the long twilight struggle [referring to President Kennedys characterization of the Cold War as a conflict which may not be solved in our lifetime], and so also is the very existence of an American military program for educating the public. “Fulbright called for a review of the mission and operation of the National War College—as to whether it should operate under the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)—and also urged that the relationships among FPRI, IAS, the Richardson Foundation, the National War College, and the JCS, be reexamined from the standpoint of whether these relationships do not amount to official support for a viewpoint at variance with that of the administration. When Walker testified before the committee in April 1962, he began by asserting that our Armed Forces are paralyzed by our national policy of no-win and retreat from victory. I am a victim of this no-win policy, he stated. He said that civilian control of the military had been transformed into a commissar-like system of control. Our will to resist Communism is fast being sapped, he charged. I was a scapegoat for an unwritten policy of collaboration and collusion with the international communist conspiracy. “One final note: After the Congressional hearings in 1961-62 on military propaganda and Cold War education activities, and despite Barnetts grandiose plan, the seminars and related activities appear to have gone underground for a period of time. But in 1965, Lansdale, by now retired from the government, proposed a revival of the Cold War seminars. He was a principal author of a proposal to the American Security Council (of which he was then an official) to create a new forum, called the Freedom Studies Center, which was established on an estate near Culpepper, Virginia. (The property was still in the hands of the American Security Council until this year.) On the planning committee for the Freedom Studies Center was one Ed Butler, who only a couple of years earlier had been a key part of the operation in New Orleans to create a legend around Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy in the Kennedy assassination. ” “As we noted at the outset, the Fulbright Memorandum warned that the political activities being carried out by the military, and by private institutions such as FPRI and the Richardson Foundation under official military auspices, constituted a threat to President Kennedys programs and policies. To what extent Senator Fulbright was aware of the emergence of the threat to Kennedys life is not known—although it is confirmed that Fulbright warned President Kennedy not to go to Dallas a few weeks before Kennedys fateful trip. But, when taken in light of what we now know today—and the reemergence of a military coup threat today—Senator Fulbrights warnings from 1961 are indeed worth pondering. ” I would echo these sentiments precisely and request that the JFK assassination research community take much more seriously the combined warnings of President Eisenhower, Senator Fulbright and Richard Condon. It is highly probable that the Kamikaze Pilots at the end of World War II and the Suicide Pilots from 9/11 were subjected to the identical mind control conditioning programs developed as part of The Manchurian Candidate programs like MK/ULTRA, Operation Bluebird and other related operations. We have a right to know after all. Eventually private organizations like YAF, The Liberty Lobby and The John Birch Society should be made to divulge records related to their members who were vehemently, vociferously and violently opposed to John F. Kennedys policies and Kennedy himself. From among these groups the plot to kill John F. Kennedy was most assuredly germinated and then executed.
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