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John Bevilaqua

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Everything posted by John Bevilaqua

  1. You are so lazy. You need more exercise. Get the book, go to the index and run your phingers down the list to the name Hargis, Billy James or Los Tacos which is unfortunately the way that Dick Russell spelled it phonetically. Las Enchiladas were not that dangerous apparently. Then go to the pages referenced there and read them. They type them up and post them. Eh Voila. Or go to Inside the League by Jon and Scott Anderson and look up Los Tecos. OK, Senor? By then you will be both better informed, a tad more intelligent and in much better shape for the battle ahead.
  2. And I knew you knew that, too. Just thought your memory was going again is all. Thanks for keeping this thread alive, it is a very important one to keep on page one. What did you think about that character Robert B. Snowden, suh? The Tennessee Colonel's son? Draper's biggest source of Cotton and the guy who hired George Lincoln Rockwell when no one else would. Quite the Confederate Royalty, no? And quite the anti Communist pro Fascist gentlemen, suh?
  3. Billy James Hargis and Los Tecos from WACL via Dick Russell I will cite and continue to cite the work of Dick Russell in TMWKTM... Billy James Hargis and Los Tecos from WACL via Dick Russell are the most obvious links... Charles Willoughby, Alex Rorke, Billy James Hargis, Edward Brainwashing Hunter and Sarah MacLendon from the Anti Communist Liaison Committee of Corresponsdence... And Dick Russell's reputation far exceeds yours which is sinking fast...
  4. Do you think anyone is going to fall for this lame response? Doubt it.
  5. Thanks, James, for this great submission. Very revealing. I would agree that the tagline "...who was a member of YAF and very active there." or "...who had been a constant companion of public figures well known to be influential in Right Wing activities and publications." should in fact be part of a discussion and articles about persons who qualify for this distinction. But does that mean we are editorializing about their motivations? And is that part of the verboten list of rules on this Forum? I would think that accusing someone of making libelous or slanderous statements should also be forbidden when the level of legal knowledge on this forum is patently weak. The concept that saying someone is supporting or promulgating a right wing position or coming "from the Right" is a libelous/slanderous statement in and of itself is on its face preposterous. And someone who calls themselves a lawyer actually made that statement. Take that back and apologize, she said. Chatty Kathy is not from the Right. Well in fact if Chatty Kathy is promulgating Right Wing writers or repeating Right Wing themes, and she is, relative to my position, to the Right of Center, then she is coming from the Right. She may not even know that she is parroting Right Wing themes or supporting Right Wingers who were dedicated and vitriolic McCarthyites like Otepka for instance but after performing a public service and fixing the record on Otepka one would expect thanks for pointing out the obvious. I also think that to quote or to be associated with writers or speakers who use coded Right Wing phraseology which is anti-Semitic, racist or otherwise subrosa and discriminatory is patently ridiculous. And yes it COULD be that it is naivete, raw ignorance or just plain enthusiasm to find someone who agrees with you on anything and can advance YOUR thesis, even though their thesis originates from the Right and dovetails with yours. It could also be a case of being a celebrity groupie because it makes you feel better to get an audience with someone who is a Full Professor and a real author regardless of his usage of coded anti-Semitic words his history as a dedicated right winger. Is it possible to have their "celebrity status" rub off on you and your theories? I have seen many attempts of this type over the years. And what is the difference between "celebrity statics" and "celebrity status" anyway, can someone explain? Maybe "celebrity statics" is only obtained by close contact or close proximity to someone with "celebrity status"? I can't say for sure. And does removal of some "celebrity statics" from one person necessarily diminish the amout of "celebrity status" remaining with that person? Can it all be rubbed off and can it be replenished? Or can it be reduced to nothing? Or is it like the number of "eggs in the ovum"? That's it all gone, your account is depleted. Just wondering. Just because you believe that, let's say, the Star Bellied Sneeches did in JFK and so does a McCarthyite, should you ignore the fact that this person was and still is a McCarthyite and should you put on Rose colored glasses and ignore or minimize their minor political transgressions and history just to be able to cite them and puff up your thesis about the Star Bellied Sneeches? That is hypocrisy beyond the pale. And just because you find nothing but phrases like this in the dominant historical record, should you believe them and accept them on face value? That is exactly how Hiss was framed and exactly how Otepka was "exonerated" but only by the Right. It is sort of Orwellian TruthSpeak at its worst. If this type of garbage is written often enough, and you read it often enough, a tear will come to your eye and you will jump to his defense... "Otepka is an American Patriot and an American hero." "Otepka was finally exonerated and given a position of higher status after JFK was dead." "Otepka was not a McCarthyite, he just provided lists to McCarthy for consideration and he complained vigorously that McCarthy was overdoing it in some cases." "Otepka's first line of defenders included Robert J. Morris, his lawyer, Senator Strom Thurmond from SC, Rep James B. Utt, head of the California right wing contingent of the John Birch Society. And that is a short list of Patriotic God-fearing family men." "Richard Gill from The American Security Council wrote an entire book which was made into a not ready for prime time film starring the trio above and it was called The Ordeal of Otto Otepka. (sniff, sniff) Does THAT bring a tear to your eye.?" So you see whether the drumbeat of propaganda is directed towards framing Alger Hiss, or exonerating Otto Otepka or scapegoating JFK's killers, the result is the same. It gets into the historical record, it drowns out most info which is contrary to the truth or obfuscates it beyond the pale, and voila, Revisionist History has been accomplished. And your mind has been washed of the Truth and replaced with their version of Facts. Because short term memory is the first to be wiped out, before it is written to brain disk. And after a while... the world will come to believe that Hiss was guilty, that Otepka was innocent and that Right Wing Extremists had NOTHING to do with the JFK hit. OK, next Century, let's start all over again. And then Chatty Kathy will be left mumbling to herself... Well, I thought I was a left winger. I didn't even know how bad Otto Otepka was with McCarthyism. It NEVER occurred to me that Otepka and Frances Knight were a tag team and served as Oswald's Travel Agents. Wow, how did you figure that out? Can I get some "celebrity statics" from hanging with you, dude? You mean to say they somehow brainwashed me into writing a puff piece and defending that S.O.B. Otepka. But Prouty said he was OK. And Gibson said he was a great American Hero. And Otepka stood up for Willis Carto, another great American Patriot... Huh, he wasn't either? Oh God what a fool I was. But how can they brainwash me? I am too smart for that... Guess not. See: Right Woos Left by Chip Berlet in your internet browser today about The Liberty Lobby and the Institute for Historical or Hysterical Revisionism which is sometimes known as the Institute for Historical Review. IHR owned by that great American Patriot Willis Carto... Oh never mind. Can anyone find a copy of the Condon article from The Nation around 12/63 near the end of the month? Thanks. ---------------- John, I agree that Webster Tarpley has to be read very cautiously. In my opinion THESE DAYS he mixes seven parts accurate historical analysis, with one part dangerously vague generalization, that might be ACCURATELY labeled "conspiracy theory". This is usually the ratio of the best well-posners er poisoners, but I still think there is much to learn in his 9/11 book.. There is someone I think needs to be read even more carefully and sceptically than Tarpley: Chip Berlet. I have found him one of the least convincing and most prolific of the foundation-funded left gatekeepers. I know this accusation that isn't original. I have read his arguments and find them mostly middle class namecalling tailor made for the professional academic-- like yellow police tape warning associate professors of bad career moves. If you are basing your labeling of someone as "right" or left based on this kind of strategic disinformation--likely practived by both Tarpley and Berlet-- then it would seem to be J'accusing on thin ice. I only quoted Tarpley once in my entire lifetime and now regret bringing up this whole Prouty issue FWIW. And the fact that Berlet was close with Kram Diaz makes him totally suspect IMHO. Diaz used ghost writers for his Dallas speech and was drummed out of the JFK Community for that reason. And Berlet wants to drive a stake through the heart of the Far Right but lacks the guts or the courage to do it using political assassination conspiracy theories. Wait, I take that back. Maybe he is more like Guyatt, what with the yellow journalism for a buck and all that stuff. If Berlet ever killed The Far Reich he would be out on the street with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Now I get it. Stoke the fires, pump the pen, cash the checks. Berlet is just a left wing version of Guyatt? Could be. Nice work if you can get it. One of these days I will tell you how The Liberty Lobby was done in by a "dirty tricks" campaign I suggested in an offhand manner and it was not meant to be run against The Liberty Lobby specifically. But it worked. They were flat broke and busted within 18 months that's how good the idea was in fact.
  6. Until you actually attend a COPA conference and listen to what people say about Prouty and listen to what HE SAYS about the Kennedys you will just not be convinced. And yes, Lou Wolf worked either for or with Schaap and Ray but how can anyone ignore the evidence about IHR, Willis Carto and Right Magazine or his Sons of Liberty or the Mel Mermestein case for that matter? How about Tim McVeigh and Liberty Lobby and that dude from Germany he called just before the OK bombing? Yellow journalism just for a buck or something else? "Colonel Prouty is like us on all the N**ger issues" Does that sound like a Nazi crackpot or what? I will also track down the other versions of the anti-Kennedy statement made by Prouty. When he was alive I did not post the full statement. Billy Kelly and John Judge help us out here.
  7. Charles, Nice piece of work dude. Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel? Don't hold back next time. And who is this Walker guy? Don't see his posts.
  8. According to Wikipedia and other internet sources, Political Research Associates/PRA (of which Publiceye.Org is the mouthpiece) is funded partly by the Ford Foundation, partly by Public Welfare Foundation and partly by individual sponsors and sales. Of the $700k annual funding required by PRA in 2002, $175,663. was apparently provided by the Ford Foundation alone. Adopting PRA's chief analyst and writer, Chip Berlet's, method of tainting by association - not to mention Mr. Belivaqua's likewise skills (see my post #17 at: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...15&start=15 - Political Conspiracies forum), one might very well point to the Ford Foundation's family tree noting that Edsel Ford, son of Henry Ford and that, in particular, Henry Ford is well known for his rabid anti-semitism and actively pro-Hitler. One might note that Edsel Ford (the son) was also pro Nazi and a serving board member of American I G - i.e., I G Farben, the front company of the Auslands Organization (Nazi foreign intelligence) and the manufacturers of Zyklon B, the gas used in Nazi gas chambers. Ford made a point of remembering Hitler's birthday by sending him 50,000 Reichmarks annually. Charles Higham's book TRADING WITH THE ENEMY provides considerably more detail about the Ford family and Ford Motor Company's pro-Hitler policy. Public Welfare Foundation was founded by millionaire Charles Edward Marsh, a life-long friend of LBJ. If one is going to be politically correct to such a manifest degree, and come over all zealot-like in attacking fascism, then at least an effort could be made to avoid such obvious pitfalls as financially benefiting(arguably surviving) from a foundation established by well-known Nazi believers and supporters. The irony of the foregoing is that the words "contradiction in terms" seem particularly fitting. A shrewd deflection, David. If a cash transfer is evidence of some sort of purchase being made, we have Otto Otepka having been "bought" by the John Birch Society, Colonel Prouty having been "bought" by the Institute for Historical Review, and Chip Berlet/PRA having been "bought" by the Ford Foundation. In an initial or superficial reading, we're encouraged to conclude "they're all the same" (for instance, there's no difference between the Ford Foundation, IHR, and the John Birch Society). Likewise, it's suggested that the Ford Foundation is irrevocably tainted by the beliefs and actions of its original founders. And so, since Berlet/PRA are supported by the Ford Foundation and proceed to "come over all zealot-like in attacking fascism," we're encouraged to conclude "it's all a sham" because the targets of Berlet/PRA's attacks are the very types of people and organizations the original founders would have found to their liking. This helps deflect attention away from whether or not the linked articles have merit in themselves (that is, whether the facts are correct and the conclusions drawn are valid). What the Fords did 50 years ago and what The Ford Foundation is doing today are 2 totally different things as our shrewd deflector Mr. Guyatt knows full well. They would not support PRA and Berlet if they did not agree with what PRA is producing as output. A cynic would say that The Foundation in an attempt at public reparations and mea culpas is actually going full tilt in the opposite direction in an attempt to reverse the harm done by the founding Fords. Has that ever occurred to Mr. Guyatt? And the efforts of the boycotts and tirades against Ford or IBM or even GM or even Pope Paul XII by Jewish special interest groups have been, ironically enough, very successful in getting The Foundation to channel money into the very coffers of PRA which Mr. Guyatt is now so vociferously objecting to. Go figure. And yet he still pulls that old BMW strategy. Bi*** and Moan and Whine until they cough up more dough to ease their guilty consciences and quiet these special interest groups and to satisfy their requests or demands. Some people are never satisfied. Maybe The Foundation should cough up more dough to PRA? Now back to the topic at hand. Are the Fletcher Prouty criticisms valid or not? I think they are. He is another opportunist who will say what you want in front of whatever group just to get an honorarium or make a buck. How is that different than what Mr. Guyatt is doing? Yellow journalism and acting as a professional BMW, just to make a living. Pretty lame. Very lame. Would Guyatt ever drive a BMW or a Ford? Not. Would he ever revisit the altered case against Pope Pius XII and admit he was brainwashed into becoming anti Pope or anti Pius? Not. What does that accomplish except to keep the lies going and the subscriptions flowing? Nothing. Read The Myth of Hitler's Pope by a Rabbi, and maybe, just maybe it will change your mind. Read Right Woos Left by a leftist and maybe you will wakeup to the threats from Noontide Press, Right Magazine and that entire Secret Team at Liberty Lobby. Or track down Lou Wolf near Washington, DC. He is both Jewish AND a leftist and a confirmed opponent of L. Fletcher Prouty and Mark Lane and Willis Carto. He knew all about the Mel Mermelstein case, and IHR and Liberty Lobby and Willis Carto. I stand by all my quotes from Prouty and Lane at the COPA conference. All of them. When the unadulterated tapes are found if they exist, they will show what was said. I just hope the Q and A sessions are on there verbatim as well. Mark Lane: Files, what files? There are no files? Me: THERE ARE NO FILES? WHERE HAVE WE HEARD THAT BEFORE THIS? Later.
  9. E. Howard Hunt, Agent Who Organized Botched Watergate Break-In, Dies at 88 By TIM WEINER Published: January 24, 2007 E. Howard Hunt, a cold warrior for the Central Intelligence Agency who left the spy service in disillusionment, joined the Nixon White House as a secret agent and bungled the break-in at the Watergate that brought the president down in disgrace, died Tuesday in Miami. He was 88. Mike Lien/The New York Times E. Howard Hunt in 1973. His death, at North Shore Medical Center, was caused by pneumonia, said his wife, Laura. “This fellow Hunt,” President Richard M. Nixon muttered a few days after the June 1972 break-in, “he knows too damn much.” That was Howard Hunt’s burden: he was entrusted with too many secret missions. His career at the C.I.A. was destroyed by the disastrous invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, and his time as Nixon’s master of dirty tricks ended with his arrest in the Watergate case. He served 33 months in prison for burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping and emerged a broken man. “I am crushed by the failure of my government to protect me and my family as in the past it has always done for its clandestine agents,” Mr. Hunt told the Senate committee investigating the Watergate affair in 1973, when he faced a provisional prison sentence of 35 years. “I cannot escape feeling that the country I have served for my entire life and which directed me to carry out the Watergate entry is punishing me for doing the very things it trained and directed me to do.” He was a high-spirited 30-year-old novelist who aspired to wealth and power when he joined the C.I.A. in 1949. He set out to live the life he had imagined for himself, a glamorous career as a spy. But Mr. Hunt was never much of a spy. He did not conduct classic espionage operations in order to gather information. His field was political warfare: dirty tricks, sabotage and propaganda. When he left the C.I.A. in 1970 after a decidedly checkered career, he had become a world-weary cynic. Trading on the thin veneer of a reputation in the clandestine service, he won a job as a $100-a-day “security consultant” at the Nixon White House in 1971. In that role, he conducted break-ins and burglaries in the name of national security. He drew no distinction between orchestrating a black-bag job at a foreign embassy in Mexico City and wiretapping the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate complex. He recognized no lawful limit on presidential power, convinced that “when the president does it,” as Nixon once said, “that means it is not illegal.” Mr. Hunt and the nation found out otherwise. Mr. Hunt was intelligent, erudite, suave and loyal to his friends. But the record shows that he mishandled many of the tasks he received from the C.I.A. and the White House. He was “totally self-absorbed, totally amoral and a danger to himself and anybody around him,” Samuel F. Hart, a retired United States ambassador who first met him in Uruguay in the 1950s, said in a State Department oral history. “As far as I could tell, Howard went from one disaster to another,” Mr. Hart said, “until he hit Watergate.” Everette Howard Hunt Jr. was born in Hamburg, N.Y., on Oct. 9, 1918, the son of a lawyer and a classically trained pianist who played church organ. He graduated from Brown University in June 1940 and entered the United States Naval Academy as a midshipman in February 1941. He worked as a wartime intelligence officer in China, a postwar spokesman for the Marshall Plan in Paris and a screenwriter in Hollywood. Warner Brothers had just bought his fourth novel, “Bimini Run,” a thriller set in the Caribbean, when he joined the fledgling C.I.A. in April 1949. Mr. Hunt was immediately assigned to train C.I.A. recruits in political and psychological warfare, fields in which he was a rank amateur, like most of his colleagues. He moved to Mexico City, where he became chief of station in 1950. He brought along another rookie C.I.A. officer, William F. Buckley Jr., later a prominent conservative author and publisher, who became godfather and guardian to the four children of Mr. Hunt and his wife, the former Dorothy L. Wetzel. In 1954, Mr. Hunt helped plan the covert operation that overthrew the elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz. “What we wanted to do was to have a terror campaign,” Mr. Hunt said in a CNN documentary on the cold war, “to terrify Arbenz particularly, to terrify his troops.” Though the operation succeeded, it ushered in 40 years of military repression in Guatemala. By the time of the coup, Mr. Hunt had been removed from responsibility. He moved on to uneventful stints in Japan and Uruguay. Not until 1960 was Mr. Hunt involved in an operation that changed history. The C.I.A. had received orders from both President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his successor, President John F. Kennedy, to alter or abolish the revolutionary government of Fidel Castro in Cuba. Mr. Hunt’s assignment was to create a provisional Cuban government that would be ready to take power once the C.I.A.’s cadre of Cuban shock troops invaded the island. He fared no better than the paramilitary planners who had vowed to defeat Mr. Castro’s 60,000-man army with a 1,500-strong brigade. The careers of the American intelligence officers who planned and executed the Bay of Pigs debacle in April 1961 were damaged or destroyed, as was the C.I.A.’s reputation for derring-do. Mr. Hunt spent most of the 1960s carrying out desultory propaganda tasks at the agency, among them running news services and subsidizing books that fell stillborn from the press. He funneled his talent into writing paperback spy novels. His works followed a formula of sex and intrigue but offered flashes of insight. “We become lawless in a struggle for the rule of law — semi-outlaws who risk their lives to put down the savagery of others,” says the author’s alter ego, Peter Ward, in the novel “Hazardous Duty.” He retired from the C.I.A. in 1970 and secured a job with an agency-connected public relations firm in Washington. Then, a year later, came a call from the White House. A fellow Brown alumnus, Charles W. Colson, special counsel to President Nixon, hired Mr. Hunt to carry out acts of political warfare. Within weeks, Mr. Hunt was in charge of a subterranean department of dirty tricks. He went back to C.I.A. headquarters, requesting false identification, a red wig, a voice-altering device and a tiny camera. He then burglarized the Beverly Hills office of a psychiatrist treating Dr. Daniel J. Ellsberg, a former national-security aide who had leaked a copy of the Pentagon Papers, a classified history of the Vietnam War, to The New York Times. Mr. Hunt was looking for information to discredit Mr. Ellsberg. When the break-in became public knowledge two years later, the federal case against Mr. Ellsberg on charges of leaking classified information was dismissed. Mr. Hunt, in league with another recently retired C.I.A. officer and four Cuban Bay of Pigs veterans, then led a break-in at the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate complex to bug the telephone lines. The job was botched, and the team went in again to remove the taps. The burglars were arrested on the night of June 17, 1972. One had Mr. Hunt’s name and a White House telephone number in his address book, a classic failure of espionage tradecraft that proved the first thread of the web that ensnarled the president. The final blow that drove Nixon from office was one of the secret White House recordings he made — the “smoking gun” tape — in which he vowed to order the C.I.A. to shut down the federal investigation of the Watergate break-in on spurious national-security grounds. By the time Nixon resigned in August 1974, Mr. Hunt was a federal prisoner. His life was in ruins: his wife had been killed in a plane crash in 1972, his legal fees approached $1 million, he had suffered a stroke, and whatever illusions he once had that his government would protect him were shattered. Standing before the judge who imprisoned him, he said he was “alone, nearly friendless, ridiculed, disgraced, destroyed as a man.” Freed from prison just before his 60th birthday, Mr. Hunt moved to Miami, where he met and married his second wife, Laura, a schoolteacher, and started a second family. Besides his wife, he is survived by the two daughters and two sons from his first marriage: Lisa Hunt of Las Vegas, Kevan Hunt Spence of Pioneer, Calif., Howard St. John Hunt of Eureka, Calif., and David Hunt of Los Angeles; two children from his second marriage, Austin and Hollis, both of Miami; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Mr. Hunt’s last book, “American Spy: My Secret History in the C.I.A., Watergate and Beyond,” written with Greg Aunapu, is to be published on March 16 with a foreword by his old friend William F. Buckley Jr. Late in life, he said he had no regrets, beyond the Bay of Pigs.
  10. Just got a chance to read the Rolling Stone article about E. Howard Hunt...and it confirms my previous observations that E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis had a history going back to the early 1960's in Miami which also confirms what Marita Lorenz had been saying for years as well. It is about time that the primary deflector and cover up artist, Gordon Whineslow, be exposed for what he is, an agent provocateur and a deceptive prevaricator. Plus that means that Marita's observations and Gaeton Fonzi's and mine about the role of Jack Ruby in Miami as a gun runner for the Cuban exiles is also very accurate. Which puts an accurate spin on the prevarications and adulterations doled out by our resident CREEP expert, Timmy Gratz about Ruby. Putting Ruby and Hunt and Sturgis present independently at a CIA safe house in Miami in Grapeland Heights, according to me, then later together at a meeting in a Dallas motel according to Lorenz just before the murder of JFK kind of seals the deal kemo sabe? Why else would Sturgis perform drive by threats and stare downs unless he feared the truth emmanating from either Lorenz or myself? Even Hunt's son thought one of the 3 tramps was his Dad. And his son confirmed that his Dad was NOT AT HOME when JFK was shot dead. Plus Hunt admits The Miami Plot to Kill JFK as well using David Morales, putting to rest the Whineslow garbage about No Miami Plot at all. No one I personally know ever placed Morales in Dallas however. Quod Est Demonstratum. Here is the Rolling Stone article citations... Later that week, E. Howard also gave Saint two sheets of paper that contained a fuller narrative. It starts out with LBJ again, connecting him to Cord Meyer, then goes on: "Cord Meyer discusses a plot with [David Atlee] Phillips who brings in Wm. Harvey and Antonio Veciana. He meets with Oswald in Mexico City. . . . Then Veciana meets w/ Frank Sturgis in Miami and enlists David Morales in anticipation of killing JFK there. But LBJ changes itinerary to Dallas, citing personal reasons." David Atlee Phillips, the CIA's Cuban operations chief in Miami at the time of JFK's death, knew E. Howard from the Guatemala-coup days. Veciana is a member of the Cuban exile community. Sturgis, like Saint's father, is supposed to have been one of the three tramps photographed in Dealey Plaza. Sturgis was also one of the Watergate plotters, and he is a man whom E. Howard, under oath, has repeatedly sworn to have not met until Watergate, so to Saint the mention of his name was big news. In the next few paragraphs, E. Howard goes on to describe the extent of his own involvement. It revolves around a meeting he claims he attended, in 1963, with Morales and Sturgis. It takes place in a Miami hotel room. Here's what happens: Morales leaves the room, at which point Sturgis makes reference to a "Big Event" and asks E. Howard, "Are you with us?" E. Howard asks Sturgis what he's talking about. Sturgis says, "Killing JFK." E. Howard, "incredulous," says to Sturgis, "You seem to have everything you need. Why do you need me?" In the handwritten narrative, Sturgis' response is unclear, though what E. Howard says to Sturgis next isn't: He says he won't "get involved in anything involving Bill Harvey, who is an alcoholic psycho." After that, the meeting ends. E. Howard goes back to his "normal" life and "like the rest of the country . . . is stunned by JFK's death and realizes how lucky he is not to have had a direct role." Yeah, right. Don't believe that for a second. Well Bill Harvey was perhaps part of The Miami Plot along with David Morales but they were both out of the picture by Dallas IMHO. And that also puts to rest the theory that Morales was a key man from start to finish, but I could be wrong about that. Mary Ferrell's informant said nothing about Morales in Dallas either. Unless someone else has somthing else to the contrary or a reliable informant to the contrary then the jury is still out on Morales in Dallas. Here is St. John Hunt on his father in Rolling Stone just in case anyone is having trouble with the concept of Hunt and Rockwell and Vonsiatsky hitting it off as early as the time frame betwee 1936-1940 when they were all students at Brown University... Hunt and Rockwell obtained undergraduate degrees and Vonsiatsky was enrolled as a special student there taking the equivalent of English as a Second Language according to Martha Mitchell the Brown Archivist from a few years back. He lived about 25 miles away in Putnam, CT and drove down Route 44 in a 1937 Pierce Arrow open limo dressed in full Nazi regalia according to John J. Stephan in The Russian Fascists to attend Brown football games and get rip roaring drunk. Guess that caused Hunt and Rockwell to notice him since he regularly tore down the goalposts after Brown University games. And both Hunt and Rockwell were at Brown during at least a portion of that timeframe. Back to Rolling Stone... Howard said, "Deaths? What deaths?" Like Saint says, he never felt guilt about anything: "He was a complete self-centered WASP who saw himself as this blue blood from upstate New York. 'I'm better than anybody because I'm white, Protestant and went to Brown, and since I'm in the CIA, I can do anything I want.' Jew, n**ger, Polack, Wop -- he used all those racial epithets. He was an elitist. He hated everybody." And as far as the Rockwell mentor Gerald L K Smith: "The Kennedys are nothing but whore mongering, whisky swigging fake Catholics, who want to take away this country from the White, Christian Patriots like you and me and hand it over on a silver platter to the N**gers, Kikes, Wops and Spics." Wow and Evica called this A Certain Arrogance? More like A Certain Impudence and Certain Master Race Supremacist to me.
  11. Here is St. John Hunt on his father in Rolling Stone just in case anyone is having trouble with the concept of Hunt and Rockwell hitting it off as early as the time frame betwee 1936-1940 at Brown University... E. Howard said, "Deaths? What deaths?" Like Saint says, he never felt guilt about anything: "He was a complete self-centered WASP who saw himself as this blue blood from upstate New York. 'I'm better than anybody because I'm white, Protestant and went to Brown, and since I'm in the CIA, I can do anything I want.' Jew, n**ger, Polack, Wop -- he used all those racial epithets. He was an elitist. He hated everybody." And as far as the Rockwell mentor Gerald L K Smith: "The Kennedys are nothing but whore mongering, whisky swigging fake Catholics, who want to take away this country from the White, Christian Patriots like you and me and hand it over on a silver platter to the N**gers, Kikes, Wops and Spics." Wow and Evica called this A Certain Arrogance? More like A Certain Impudence and Certain Master Race Supremacist to me.
  12. Here is St. John Hunt on his father in Rolling Stone just in case anyone is having trouble with the concept of Hunt and Rockwell hitting it off as early as the time frame betwee 1936-1940 at Brown University... E. Howard said, "Deaths? What deaths?" Like Saint says, he never felt guilt about anything: "He was a complete self-centered WASP who saw himself as this blue blood from upstate New York. 'I'm better than anybody because I'm white, Protestant and went to Brown, and since I'm in the CIA, I can do anything I want.' Jew, n**ger, Polack, Wop -- he used all those racial epithets. He was an elitist. He hated everybody." And as far as the Rockwell mentor Gerald L K Smith: "The Kennedys are nothing but whore mongering, whisky swigging fake Catholics, who want to take away this country from the White, Christian Patriots like you and me and hand it over on a silver platter to the N**gers, Kikes, Wops and Spics." Wow and Evica called this only A Certain Arrogance?
  13. The Tiers of the JFK Assassination Cabal: (if I had to focus on JFK: The Final Solution) 1) The Intel Brains: The so-called Suite 8F or The Georgetown CIA Crowd (Dulles, Cline, Wisner, Angleton) possessing a certain combination of Race Hygiene and Eugenical Master Race Arrogance with a distinct preference for Anglophile Policies with a Unitarian flavor a la George Michael Evica and his recent book: A Certain Arrogance. After all Wickliffe Draper was Mr. Unitarian in Hopedale and Mr. Mississippi within The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission and The James Eastland SISS crowds. 2) The Facilitators: The American Security Council and WACL crowds and Wickliffe Draper's Pioneer Fund clustered as The Richard Condon Manchurian Candidate Group called the Gang of Five: Anastase Vonsiatsky, Ray S. Cline, Jim Angleton, Robert Morris, and Charles Willoughby the last four of whom were also in The American Security Council as well. They were the cutout layer to protect the Georgetown CIA Master Race crowds. Vonsiatsky, Draper, Gerald L K Smith and The Canadian Anti Communist League crew (CACL) were also involved with The Winnipeg Airport Giesbrecht crowds via Cline and WACL. 3) The Perps: Robert Emmett Johnson, Mitchell Werbell III, Homer S. Echevarria, Col. Robert F. Baird and Rip Robertson along with the Brown University classmates trio: E. Howard Hunt, George Lincoln Rockwell and Anastase Vonsiatsky the first five were collectively known as Tommy's Boys by Mary Ferrell's informant (a deliberate cutout to make it look like a rogue operation). The shooters were first selected and trained by Col. Ulius L. Amoss from Baltimore using MKULTRA ManCand techniques in either Tsingtao, Harbin or Mukden where Cline was during WW II then they were taken over by Ray S. Cline in 1961 after Amoss died. Cline used some of these people to murder Archbishop Oscar Romero and Benito Aquino much later when he was head of WACL, as well killing many, many others and running Death Squads too. 4) The Money Layer: Wickliffe P. Draper of The Pioneer Fund and the Baltimore Intel Agency cutouts started first by Col. Ulius L. Amoss who ran over 3,000 Intel Agents at one time, via his Intelligence Services of Information which included his GramTrade Corporation and later yet another Metals Processing Company in Baltimore which was a cutout for the CIA which was later active during the Iran Contra money laundering operations as well according to a Bank of Maryland Trust Officer who went whistle blower during the Iran Contra investigations. These Baltimore operations were orginally based around Baltimore's H. L. Mencken and his American Mercury wherever it was located and published over the years but long after he had sold it. Mercury was referenced in The Giesbrecht Incident when it was in Wichita, KS and it ended up on West 57th Street in New York City near Draper's penthouse in Manhattan. Any questions?
  14. Ruby WAS a Gun Runner for anti-Castro Cuban exiles... you have just been caught in yet another distortion. Ruby's record as a gun runner for the anti-Castro Cuban exiles has been discussed by Gaeton Fonzi, Marita Lorenz, perhaps Bill Turner and at least one Interpen member. And I personally saw a person I firmly believe to have been Jack Ruby driving away from a Cuban exile safehouse in the driveway in Miami which had been frequented over the years by Frank Sturgis (remember him... Watergate and CIA?), E. Howard Hunt (another CIA dude), and several persons who spoke with what sounded to me like a distinct Cuban accent. I told Mary that he sure looked like Ruby and he was wearing a hat and a suit and tie while driving a car in 85 degree heat and that it was a Pepto Bismol pink Rambler station wagon. Mary said, "Yep that was Jack Ruby all right." And later Dick Bartholemew wrote a 200 page paper on that Pepto Bismol pink Rambler station wagon with a bit of my help in focusing on the make, model, color and year. What was the Real Estate sign in the front yard over the years of this 2 story duplex? Keyes Realty. Wasn't that the CIA cutout run by some more Watergate burglars? Can't recall just who. Bernard Barker maybe. Sounds like evidence of both CIA and Cuban exile associations to me. Nice try. Don't take my word for it go talk to Fonzi, Lorenz or Bill Turner like I did. Do you guys just read comic books and watch TV then do JFK research? The ONLY way to do JFK research is to pick up the phone or bang on the doors of REAL, LIVE people with "celebrity status" or insider information and ask them questions ear to ear or face to face. You all know my attitude about armchair researchers who use the channel changer as their main research tools. Just does not cut it. Uh-ah. Have any of you tried to get answers the old fashioned way. You have to EARN IT. Then perhaps someday you, too, can enjoy "celebrity statics" or "celebrity status" a higher calling. And then maybe someone like Mary Ferrell will introduce you to some of her "best informants" or another friend will discover the Nathaniel Weyl Eugenics connections to Draper and the Alger Hiss case and give you his phone number so you can get some answers. Or maybe you too could have called Robert J. Morris before his brain swelled up and he died. Or did you ever think of CALLING up Spas T. Raikin and quizzing him, too? Guess not. Or maybe Dick Russell will ask you about Baron Wrangel and James Wheeler Hill and you can tell him: "Why they were friends and associates of Vonsiatsky". They were White Russians, too. What other way is there to get answers and to put 2 and 2 together? Or maybe someone like George Michael Evica will start exploring a tangential lead where you first laid the groundwork like the Unitarian roots of Wickliffe Draper and come up with some really startling new information. Then again maybe not. But keep trying. This is not supposed to be like UTube or MySpace or even The History Channel but a forum for real research. How long does it take to attain "celebrity status"? 10 maybe 15 years if you are lucky and open minded and persistent and are following the right tracks and talking to the right people. Drop a dime and call someone. When they go to a JFK conference, network with them. Start with the printed historical record, formulate a theory then a thesis and send up a trial balloon. Talk to the neice of Andrij Melnyk and find out how to pronounce that darn name, you might be surprised what you discover. Talk to the right people or better yet, talk to the Right People, just listen to their vitriole their hyperbole their anger and their frustration. Looking for Hate in All the Right Places? Well then you are barking up the Right Tree. Good luck and Godspeed you all.
  15. Notice here that the article discusses a "Re-registration drive" and not a "petition signature challenge drive". The intent was to get AIP registered voters to voluntarily change the political party they had registered in not to challenge individual signatures on some ballot petition. Where did Gratz come up with that? They wanted to remove the AIP entirely as a party with enough registered voters to qualify as a Party so that Wallace would not even show up on the ballot. They obviously had already tried the other approach to challenge individual signatures. Why would Tim distort the truth and the facts in the article? I think I know the answer to that one? He distorts the facts of EVERYTHING he writes about, posts about or is involved with, that's why. He is what is known as an inveterate and pathological L***. And since that this L-word is verboten according to the EdForum rules, you have to fill in the blanks. L***, L*** pants on fire.
  16. In answer to your first rhetorical, no. I think I made that clear. As were many during the depression, Hiss was drawn to the potential of socialism or communism as a possible solution. In restrospect, it was not, but many well-intentioned people held out such hope, at least until the dark side of Stalinism became apparent. By 1948, the US was whooped into anti-Communist fervor, in part by some of the people you mention. In that atmosphere, the charges by Chambers seemed very sinister, perhaps more so than the reality of his relationship with Hiss. I understand why Hiss sought to minimize his relationship with Chambers. And the world situation became even more polarized during the Hiss trials. And I don't doubt that Weyl, Levine, Massing, Bentley, Chambers and others constituted a dangerous cadre of professional ex-commies who were very loose in their charges. All of this having been said, I believe Hiss lied when he initially said he did not recognize Chambers; and that is what constituted the legal charge of perjury. A person who knew Hiss well confirms that he was very sympathetic to communism in the 1930s. As to the substance of Chambers's charges that Hiss was an agent, the evidence is unclear. There are others named by Chambers who later suggested that Hiss was sympathetic to what they were doing; and there is a person in the Venona messages who MAY have been Hiss. But Hiss gets a presumption of innocence in the absence of proof. So I agree that the professional ex-communists were an untrustworthy bunch, and that Hiss got caught up in an era of such fervor, but his attempt to minimize his connection with Chambers cost him dearly. The point I failed to bring up was that the court of public opinion has had over 50 years to "impeach the credibility" of the witnesses regarding their attempts at framing Hiss as a witting tool of the Communist conspiracy. And in that effort, you might agree, we have succeeded immensely. THAT is the only concern I have, that in people's minds Hiss is still a dangerous Communist, they think he was somehow convicted of treason or of espionage or of violations of some unspeakable crimes, and we all know he was not. It is almost as if Hiss was used by the McCarthyites to justify all the restrictive laws they actually passed and wanted to pass later. Reminds me of using Iraq and WMD to pass The Patriot Acts. 1) Internal Security Act of 1950 2) Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 3) Communist Control Act of 1954 4) Espionage and Sabotage Act of 1954 5) The Immunity Act of 1954 The last four had been called The Hiss Laws...at one time or another but his threats of lawsuits for libel and slander soon made that effort subside and disappear. Would you agree that if the potential Hiss witnesses to a proceeding addressing treason or espionage charges could have been discredited as thoroughly as they are today, that Hiss would have been cleared on this basis alone? Because I certainly do. And is anyone thanking me for personally discrediting Weyl and catching him in a blatant self incrimination for 3 felony charges? When I asked him: "How do YOU like it?" He said nothing. "How do YOU like being railroaded and boxed into a corner where you have no other choice but to incriminate yourself and admit to several felonies? How do you think history will judge you NOW? Huh?" He said: "But I am an old man now. Why do you want to get back at me now?" "For everything you and your scum bag friends did to people like Hiss and my Father." And then he hung up.
  17. Very lame response. And it took a long time to even come up with ANY response. All the time you were logged into the system. Hmmmm.... very suspicious. (1) Where does it say that anyone was just planning: "...to pay someone to research names"? Can not see that. (2) Why is it that the person seen holding the checks was shot to death shortly after this controversy arose? (3) Why did it take you so long to come up with this feeble response? I saw your login name poking around the article twice without responding. Then I challenged you to chime in and it still took over 2.5 hours to reply? That is NOT like you. Did you have to first consult with someone else regarding what to say and how? Sounds very suspicious to me, it does.
  18. Who had alleged that Hatman could have been a shooter? Jack White or someone else? Does this mean that Hatman can Get Out of Jail Free, now? I am sure his wife and penniless kids will someday thank you forever. <grin> But seriously I would like to know who came up with this theory? Has anyone ever identified anyone's image allegedly seen though the trees behind the Grassy Knoll?
  19. Any CREEPs out there who can give us some inside info on this issue? Still waiting... still waiting... still waiting... Hey, he said, I resemble that!
  20. Col. Snowden and The 25th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, Suh! http://www.tngenweb.org/civilwar/csainf/csa25.html
  21. THIS TIME THE WORLD by George Lincoln Rockwell CHAPTER X. The catastrophe of my big meeting in the Mayflower seemed complete. I had put all I had into that final effort, including money and thought, time and work. And it had been just another session of talk, like all the rest, like almost everything else going on in the right-wing. But I reckoned without the hand of an inscrutable destiny which I have come to know and to trust. One of the men who had come to that last meeting in the Mayflower was Robert B. Snowden, an extremely wealthy plantation owner from Hughes, Arkansas. He had heard of me through my friend, Congressman Gwinn of New York and then had called me to say he was coming up from Memphis for the meeting. Part of my humiliation at the meeting had been Snowden's speech. He had used the occasion to tell the group of his own organization and his plan to do exactly what I was proposing, in a different way. He had, moreover, plenty of money of his own, plus many thousands of dollars at his disposal from other wealthy Americans. He had the active backing of many congressmen and influential people and his organization, unlike mine, was 'in business' and seemed to be a booming success. With all this, he very understandably preached that the support I was asking would be much better put into his organization which was called The Campaign for the 48 States. It made sense. In effect, he simply stole my meeting. But the fact that his proposals made sense was no consolation to me the next morning as I surveyed the wreckage of my political career. With no more money, no organization, paper or business, it was hard to figure a next move. Then the telephone rang. It was Snowden. "Can you come over to the Congressional Hotel?" he asked bluntly. "Sure," I said, having nothing to lose by talking to a millionaire. "When?" "Right now." "Be right over." I hung up the phone and scurried over to his suite in the hotel which was right next to the halls of Congress. He was in his BVD'S, drinking whiskey from a tumbler. He offered me some in his hearty, bluff manner and I accepted. I liked him. He was big, florid of fact, outspoken, even blunt, and he obviously 'knew the score', as it is termed among the loose mess of people called 'the movement'. There was no "die-hard" old lady about Snowden. "I liked your pitch," he growled. "You've got the stuff we need. I want to put you on the payroll. How about it?" I felt like a man in the electric chair being offered a reprieve. 'Would have probably agreed to go on the payroll of Nikita Khrushchev at that moment, with two hungry families waiting for me to bring home some bacon and one of them with a warrant and jail ready if I didn't bring home some bacon. But Snowden had seen me at my best, in plush surroundings and knew my record of accomplishments, so I tried to keep cool. "Doing what?" I asked. "And for how much?" "Helping me organize the Campaign, raising funds and writing scripts for TV films." "What's the payroll?" I repeated, trying to keep down my excitement at this offer of what appeared to be heaven plus a salary. Writing TV film-scripts sounded like the answer to my prayers! "Eight thousand." We gulped his bourbon and dickered. Several people came and went and he held court for them in his BVD'S. We liked each other. The job, of course, was my heart's desire, although I hid my wild elation over it for a decent period of time. We settled the details and it was agreed that I would stay right in my home in Virginia and write five half-hour TV shows to be filmed in promoting the five amendments to the Constitution which comprised the 'trick' of the Campaign for the 48 States in sneaking the government back from the usurpers. Snowden got dressed and we adjourned to the bar below, where we met a friend of mine, Bill Evans, who had been kicked out of the Navy, despite his being a senior lieutenant and a graduate of Annapolis, because he pointed out the gross treason going on in the Korean War when he was aboard a destroyer. Evans knew more about the 'movement' and the people -- which ones were phonies, etc. -- than anybody I knew at the time, and I thought he might be able to help in the Campaign. Snowden didn't think Evans would be of any help, but felt so expansive and generous that he loaned Evans $800 on the spot to get his wife and children back from overseas, where they had been stranded, now that Evans was down in his luck after his bout with the pinko bureaucrats of Washington. Showden's impulsive generosity I found attractive, but I was soon to learn another side of the man. I used my last funds to get set up properly in my home in Vienna to write and organize the TV films for him, as ordered. I Was to send him the scripts and layouts as they were completed. But before I could get started, I received a hurry-up call to report to a big meeting in New York, where I was to help Snowden and Gwinn raise funds at a luncheon. Upon my arrival, I found the Campaign had been able to gather some of the greatest names in U.S. industry at this sumptuous private dinner. Snowden and Gwinn both made little talks asking for $495 from each of the assembled capitalists -- the largest non-reportable contribution. The results of the plush atmosphere and the smooth pitch were excellent and I was very pleased to be part of the outfit -- for a few minutes. Then, as we parted for the day, Snowden suddenly informed me that he had hired a firm, which I later found was dominated by Jewish interests, to write the TV films and I was to move to Memphis to work in the office with him! This was an awful blow -- creatively, financially and family-wise. I would not write the films I was working so happily on. I would have to sustain the severe financial strain of giving up our pretty little Virginia home and moving over 1000 miles into the South. I would have to rip up my family's growing roots and inform my wife of the new hegira, and my wife was getting understandably sick, and tired of hegiras. We had already moved four times in two years. But I was on the payroll, and working in politics, which was my chosen career, so there was nothing to be said or done except to move. Thora and I, Ricky, Grampaw and Jeannie, the baby, piled into our Plymouth station wagon and we drove the long road to Memphis. On the way, I thought many hours about what might lie ahead and resolved to take out 'insurance' against any more of this total uprooting of my family. I tensed, with Snowden's sudden switch, the possibility that my political career, even on 'salary', might not be too secure. I resolved not to buy or rent a house or, apartment, but to get a big trailer. If there were to be any more sudden moves, I would be ready to hitch up and go. Snowden ran a miniature dictatorship in his Memphis office, ruling like a tyrant over his other assistant, Fred Rosenberg (German) and his secretary. It had been "Bob" and "Linc" before, but when I walked into the office, I was ordered summarily to address the boss as "Mr Snowden". This did not bother me too much. I do not mind the boss exercising his authority or dignity. In fact, I insist on this myself, but his next orders did bother me. Having come all the way down to Memphis, I found myself required to make out, by hand, little receipts for the $3.65 contributions which poured in from all over the U.S.A., thanks to the organization's slogan: "A Penny a Day." These receipts could have been printed and stamped, as they had been in my offices in two businesses. It seemed silly to pay a man $8,000 and have a thousand miles with his family in order to write out receipts eight hours a day. When he left for lunch, I asked my new associates about the foolish business. "He's just like that," they said. "He's showing you who's boss.' It did no good for me to emphasize that I was happy to acknowledge him boss, call him "Sir" and obey his orders without cavil. Day after day I reported to work with my sandwiches and sat for hours scribbling out those eternal little receipts. While I thus 'occupied' my talents, I watched Mr Snowden swashbuckling around the office, commanding the other two in his imperious manner. I tried very gentle and extremely diplomatic gambits in offering helpful suggestions, particularly as to methods of cutting out a great deal of inefficient and useless paperwork, such as the endless little receipts. This only made him angry, so I gave it up. Then one day he got the first scripts from his expensive New York deal. He read them with growing consternation. He did not let me look at them, but he showed them to Rosenberg, complaining bitterly about the deadness and stupidity of them. He wrote the firm, with whom he had an iron-bound contract, a nasty letter and received more lousy scripts. I had already carried out my resolution to buy a trailer and I went home to this rather palatial, if compact, home and sat up all night writing the script as I thought it should have been written. The next morning I silently handed my effort to Mr Snowden, who accepted it with equal silence and read it. He said nothing and went out to lunch. When he came back, he gruffly told me to get busy and write the scripts, so I put away my receipt book and returned to the work I could have been doing back home in Virginia, the work I was doing before he paid the other outfit to do it, only to discover, as he should have known, that only a dedicated, informed and creative right-winger could write those scripts. It annoyed him, however, to have me sitting there above his immediate commands, so he told me to go home and write them -- a most welcome order. I pitched in and wrote the shows which, I understand were finally used although I never saw them, but not without his 'help'. His blue pencil had to insert itself into carefully-written bits of propaganda, like a wrecking bar, to sledge-hammer it around to his own tastes. In the middle of this, I was ordered by the Navy to take a couple of reserve squadrons from Anacostia, D.C. to Grosse Isle, Michigan, for a summer 'cruise' of two weeks' intensive flight training. I Was commanding officer of Fasron 661 at Anacostia, flying a weekend every month in Washington, and now I was appointed task force commander of the training group. Thus I had to leave Memphis, my family and Mr Snowden for two weeks to serve in the Navy. During this period of my absence, Mr Snowden offered to take my wife and children for a visit to his sumptuous plantation at Hughes, Arkansas, where he had a lake for swimming. It was on this cruise at Grosse Isle that I learned at last the full extent of the 'Jew-democratic' rot which has emasculated our fighting forces. My orders as task force commander were to take my own Fasron 661 and a scouting squadron attached to Grosse Isle Naval Air Station for two weeks of intensive drill and training to insure the combat-readiness of the officers and men. We were all drawing full duty pay and enjoying all the benefits of active service in the Navy, so it seemed to me that we owed the taxpayers of America everything we could do to insure the genuine battle-readiness of the squadrons, the officers and the men. One of the most elementary necessities in combat-readiness is discipline, and discipline, in turn, requires instant obedience and respect. This is the reason for most of the saluting, the honors, ceremonies, dignities and services accorded seniors by juniors in all effective military organizations. I made the terrible 'mistake' of trying to include this most necessary element in the training program. I ordered all juniors to salute all seniors once a day, and all commanding officers to be saluted every time they appeared, except under active working conditions or when flying, and so forth. This is no more than standard procedure aboard ship where decent discipline prevails. The result was that some of the officers and men complained to Anacostia, and I got chewed out thoroughly, almost receiving an unsatisfactory fitness report. I got a lecture on the new 'democracy' and the need to make 'pals' out of the troops, etc. It was hard to believe it was the same Navy I had been in when I was a catapult pilot on the old Omaha, sixteen years before. In those days, the Navy still maintained its aristocratic fighting traditions, even though some of the troops might have had their 'democratic' feelings hurt by not being 'pals' with their officers. In fact, every effort was made to create a gap between juniors and seniors. There was a greater gap then, between ensigns and junior lieutenants, than there is now, between ensigns and captains! Before we got 'democracy', even a junior naval officer was assigned his private mess boy, as the privilege of a gentleman whose profession was war. This was before the Jews had managed to spread the idea that every admiral and general should wash his dishes and his dog and that it is beneath the 'dignity' of a Negro to do these tasks for a man whose responsibilities may include the fate of nations. Rank really meant something in those days, and the other ensigns and I never thought of referring to a lieutenant, junior grade, as anything but "sir". There was even a 'head' or washroom for lieutenants and above, and once, when I was already one of the jg's, I got caught by a lieutenant using his sacred chamber between flights to save a long run up and down two ladders to my quarters in the 'black hold of Calcutta'. This dignitary of a higher world was not as popularity crazy as are today's officers, and very properly chewed me out in the saltiest tradition for thus intruding on the privacy of my betters. Even as few years back as 1941, American fighting men of all ranks could understand the simple fact that nobody can preserve the dignity of command and maintain the respect of large numbers of men when commanders and commanded all stand together in the most undignified of tasks in the most undignified of places, as they sometimes do now in the military establishments. An enlisted man or a junior officer with the right attitude and spirit does not feel himself degraded and humbled by saluting, honoring and granting privilege to a good officer. But many of today's officers have become obsessed with a desire to be popular, rather than good officers. Back in '41, I saluted my commanding officer every time I saw him and was damned proud to salute this fine, tough officer. I did not have the democratic 'privilege' of wee-weeing together with him, but I did have the privilege of following his leadership and of feeling real, solid, eighteen carat respect for an officer and a gentleman who would have unhesitatingly had me clapped in irons for any willful and flagrant failure to show such respect. Sure, we had tyrants and bullies when commanding officers had the real power they used to have, but sometimes we learned that the tyrants had a purpose in their roughness and it paid off in combat. More often than not, our commanding officers were outstanding leaders. Today, a C.O.' is sort of a businessman executive and school-teacher who is expected, above all things, to be 'popular' in the cheapest sort of way, and then to be a technical expert and paper-shuffler. If he tries to establish the proper conditions of dignity and respect for effective leadership, which always involve the elements of privilege and fear, in addition to popularity, he is promptly accused of not being 'democratic'. To add to this sour experience, my return from the two-week Navy cruise was the occasion for a new battle with Snowden, this time of a serious nature. He later settled the matter out of court and I agreed not to divulge the details of the affair, and thus cannot do so here. After that encounter, things in the office were worse than difficult. In the interest of the cause and my job, I tried to be extremely, even formally respectful and helpful, but my boss redoubled his arbitrary tyranny. I tried to tell him I had established good contacts with Russell Maguire at Mercury magazine, and other contacts which could get us good publicity, but Snowden scorned these offers and hired a man he admitted knowing was a pinko to do the publicity, one of the jobs for which I was hired. One morning I walked into the office to find Snowden there early. He asked me to look at a bill or something at his desk and, as I did, I could not help seeing a note reading "Fire Rockwell." I asked him what it was and he tried to hide it, but it was too late. We had it out, and I stamped out of the office, with him ordering me back to hear more, all the way to the elevator. Thankful that I had the foresight to get the trailer, I hurried home with the awful news for my wife, who was beginning to feel like a badminton bird. We bought an old '49 Cadillac and I hitched up that 44 foot giant -- bigger than a truck -- and piled the family inside the dwarfed car. Few combat flying experiences have been so 'hairy' as that first trip, hauling such a gigantic trailer, with a car full of wife and children. The thing swayed dangerously going down hills and there was one time when I saw a huge Greyhound bus roaring down a hill opposite as I roared down another hill toward the point at the bottom where the road narrowed to a tiny bridge over a creek! It was obvious that we would meet in the middle and the bridge was barely wide enough for both of us -- less than a foot to spare! I waved my arm frantically to the bus driver to stop, since I couldn't stop, but he kept on with the usual elephantine speed of a bus. My fingers gripping the steering wheel in a clutch of deathly, cold fear, we shwooshed past each other on that bridge in a hair-breadth escape that literally exhausted my wife and me. The kids thought it was fun, of course! We also had a fearful time getting around tight corners in towns and my wife often had to jump out of the car to guide me around, while flagging other cars down. On the way, our trailer hitch broke and we almost had a catastrophe as the trailer dropped with a horrible thud, but we managed to battle and struggle our way up to Washington, D.C., and finally pulled into the lovely park at Haine's Point, on an island in the middle of the Potomac -- with a gigantic sigh of relief! -INDEX-
  22. Destroy the Works of Man in Viet Nam... http://books.google.com/books?id=-1cfAJVCy...kxXAeE#PPA89,M1 This link shows how Robert B. Snowden II, an endorser of the John Birch Society and the person who employed neo Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell to help him run Committee for the 48 States also worked closely with Gen. Thomas A. Lane whose solution to the Viet Nam conflict was to use Nuclear Weapons in order to: "Destroy the works of man. I would destroy all the works of man in Viet Nam" Snowden was also a close crony of Wickliffe Draper from The Pioneer Fund...
  23. Snowdens Considered Royalty in Memphis in both 1933 and 1959... They come from a fine tradition of Confederate Colonels, Suh! As did Wickliffe Preston Draper whose Preston roots came from Kentucky. See Confederate Yankees in King Camelots Court... http://www.carnivalmemphis.org/currentroyalty.htm Margaret Falls Horn Queen of Carnival Claude Chafin King of Carnival Kings Queens Presidents 1931 Frank Hoyt Gailor Elaine Patteson Everette R. Cook 1932 J. P. Norfleet Katherine Butler W. W. Robinson Sr. 1933 Robert B. Snowden Valerie Caughlin A. Arthur Halle 1934 Frank G. Barton Octavia Evans W. Neely Mallory 1935 Sidney W. Farnswoth W. Neely Mallory Mollie Darnell S. Toof Brown 1936 John Sneed Williams, Jr. Mary Ann Poston W. Groom Leftwich 1937 S. Richard Leatherman Frances Chapman R. Vance Norfleet 1938 Andrew Jackson Hayes Elizabeth Campbell George J. Eckert 1939 Chester Lowrance Elizabeth Farnsworth Russ Pritchard 1940 Claude C. Crawford Lida Willey Richard H. Bodine 1941 B. Lee Mallory, Jr. Nancy Donelson Robert H. Jordan 1946 R. Vance Norfleet Phoebe Cook W. H. Chandler, Jr. 1947 Hugo Dixon Betty Crump E. W. Hale, Jr. 1948 William Howard Stovall Barbara Hood Joe E. Davis 1949 Charles P. Oates Mimi Parker McKay Van Vleet 1950 Robert E. Lee Wilson, III Mary Letitia Gregg Leslie Stratton Jr. 1951 Edward W. Cook Elinor Turner Anne Buckner Potts William L. Quinlen, Jr. 1952 Lewis K. McKee Mary Budd Bodine Hugo Dixon 1953 William W. Robinson, Jr. Mary Abbay Joyner Charles C. Taylor 1954 W. Howard Willey, Jr. Julia Turner Donelson Clyde L. Patton 1955 Edward F. Creekmore, Jr. Sherrye Eileen Patton Julian B. Bondurant 1956 Oscar C. Carr, Jr. Clara Watson Mallory George C. Webb 1957 Berry B. Brooks Lila McGehee Wrape William C. Manley, Jr. 1958 Hugh H. Sprunt Irene Leatherman L. Palmer Brown, III 1959 George Wilson Humphreys Axson Evans Brown Robert Galloway Snowden 1960 Frank M. Norfleet Marie Louise Crump Frank Millington Crump 1961 Joe Rice Dockery Lida Willey Black Lovick Pierce Miles, Jr. 1962 Clyde Lee Patton Julia Ann Bondurant Charles L. Piplar 1963 Jack Thomas Shannon Molly Humphreys George W. Humphreys 1964 William Mann Campbell Marie Louise Crump J.Thurston Roach 1965 John Phillips, III Louise Day Oates Paul T. Gillespie 1966 Dunbar Abston, Jr. Florence Snowden Henry H. Haizlip, Jr. 1967 Joseph A. Crisler, III Blanche Crump Humphreys Jack Thomas Shannon 1968 Gaye Gillespie 1969 Thomas C. Farnsworth, Jr. Lee Willey S. Toof Brown, Jr. 1970 W. Neely Mallory, Jr. Patte Quinlen Donald Drinkard 1971 Frank G. Barton, Jr. Lucie May James S. Gilliland 1972 Giles A. Coors, Jr. Gwyn Rainer Shea Lester F. Gingold 1973 William B. Dunavant, Jr. Mary White Leatherman Fred W. James 1974 Ben H. Woodson Carroll Shannon Walter G. Wunderlich 1975 Ronald Terry Jennie Lowrance Frank G. Barton Jr. 1976 M. Carter Stovall Dorothy Dunavant Allen Morgan, Jr. 1977 Hallam Boyd, Jr. Daphne Boyle Albert H. Mallory III 1978 Goodloe Early Mimi Norfleet Fuller William M. Fondren 1979 Robert Smithwick, Jr. Mary Louise Self Joe M. Pipkin 1980 Richard A. Trippeer, Jr. Suzanne Elizabeth Hollis W. Wise Swepston Jones 1981 Owen B. Tabor Peggy Greer Carrott Ben H. Woodson 1982 John W. Barringer Merideth Davis Owen Samuel S. Rembert III 1983 B. Lee Mallory, III Nancy Carnegie McFadden Frank M. Crump III 1984 John C. Dobbs Suzette Marguerite Turner Richard A. Trippeer, Jr. 1985 Kemmons Wilson, Jr. Sophie Mignon Coors Taylor N. French 1986 Bruce B. Hopkins Catherine Hill Fulmer Chris W. Canale 1987 James H. Barton Margaaret Rowe Carrington Jones J. Stuart Collier, Jr. 1988 Marvin E. Bruce Minta Melissa Swepston Jones Donald F. Shuppe 1989 Eugene K. Cashman, Jr. Susanna Meade Shea Frank H. Colvett 1990 Jackson W. Moore Gladys Kimbrough Crain James P. Gates 1991 Charles F. Smith, Jr. Elizabeth Chappelle Tully B. Lane Carrick 1992 Jack Soden Carol Coleman Barton B. Lane Carrick 1993 Charles R. Brindell, Jr. Baylor Irene Ledbetter Bruce Thompson 1994 Oscar C. Carr, III Norma Carruthers Wilson Robert E. Loeb 1995 John D. Canale, III Leanne Price Wiener Richard H. Allen, Jr. 1996 James J. Keras, Jr. Sarah Genevieve Shy Lewis C. Williamson, Jr. 1997 Michael H. Thompson Catherine Mims Pettit Randall D. Noel 1998 Lewis C. Williamson, Jr. Neely Garrott Woodson Joseph L. Steffner 1999 David C. Sullivan Katherine McLean Wilson Bruce B. Hopkins 2000 Peyton Marion Burford Self Camilla Fisher Carr Giles A. Coors, III 2001 Mike Starnes Jennifer Sabiston Brindell Glenn Cofield 2002 Ralph Horn Lee Carruthers Sturdivant Bobby Leatherman 2003 Robert Edwin Loeb Elizabeth Alleen Wilson Claude Chafin 2004 John Robert Pitts Abbay Leatherman Brownlow Duncan F. Williams 2005 Phil Trenary Kendall Arney Patrick J. Danehy 2006 Giles A Coors III Katherine Conner Brindell Neely Mallory
  24. Picker Paucity and Robert Snowden's response... Monday, Sep. 21, 1936 Article from Time Magazine... Here is Robert Snowden later from Memphis, TN who hired George Lincoln Rockwell to help him run The Committee for 48 States in Memphis. Snowden was one of Wickliffe Draper's paid professional consultants and one of the world's resident experts on Cotton in 1936. He joined Draper in The American Coalition of Patriotic Societies and advised Draper on his Cotton Exporting business and his Textile Loom Equipment Business, The Draper Corp., as well. There is some evidence that Snowden also participated in the persecution and eventual public execution of Sacco and Vanzetti for having the audacity to organize labor unions and strikes against the Draper and Snowden conglomerates. "If the cotton picker ever comes, it will behoove us to do some serious thinking about the human consequences of these machines. I heard a man familiar with the South say recently that the first effects of the development of an efficient cotton picker might be the displacement of over half a million tenant families." In speaking thus last week at Tuskegee, Ala., Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace echoed the question which has sorely troubled the cotton-growing South ever since the equivocal demonstration of the Rust mechanical cotton picker fortnight ago: If the Rust machine is eventually a success, what will human cotton pickers do for work? Hardly were the words out of the Secretary's mouth when the antipodal question vexed cotton planters in the Mississippi Valley and all over the Southeast: What was this year's cotton crop going to do for human pickers? Though wages were the highest since 1929, field hands were scarce. Across the Mississippi from Memphis some 200 trucks were pulled up at the Arkansas end of the Harahan Bridge every morning while their drivers vainly sought pickers in the city. "Farmers are begging for pickers and they are offering them from $1 to $1.25 per 100 pounds picked," exclaimed Agricultural Committee Chairman Robert Snowden of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce appealing to the WPA to send men on relief to the fields. "The necessity of sending Tennessee relief workers to Arkansas is not made clear," retorted Tennessee WPAdministrator Harry S. Berry. "The relief clients at work on projects in the city of Memphis are not rural people and they probably could not pick over 60 to 70 pounds in a day of ten hours and would therefore receive not more than 7¢ per hour for their labor, and in addition they would have to travel 70 miles a day to and from their work. These jobs would not provide a subsistence wage." At Clarksdale, Miss, and elsewhere in the Mississippi Delta, however, WPA projects were suspended as police lent a hand in the familiar practice of benevolently shanghaiing the jobless to the cotton fields in picking time. Those who refused to go were arrested for vagrancy.
  25. Especially considering that Lincoln was also killed due to a conspiracy involving rogue elements in the Government and Military - complete with a lone nut. The message to Lincoln from Garrett was: "Leave our cotton pickers alone." The message to Kennedy from Draper was: "Leave my cotton spinners alone." Did you know that Lincoln's wife Mary Todd Lincoln married another Draper right after she recovered from the shock of losing her husband? Did you know that the Garrett from The Pioneer Fund was related to the Garrett who owned Garrett's Farm where John Wilkes Booth hid out after the Lincoln hit?
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