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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. The closest guy to Morales was Sforza. Sforza and Morales were behind the killing of many Tupamaro Guerrillas in Uruguay; they were the guys to get the job done and they were ruthlessly effective.

    Tom Clines is the guy who knows all about Sforza.


  2. In an article published in Granma in January, 2006, the journalists Reinaldo Taladrid and Lazaro Baredo argued that “Another of Bush’s recruits for the Bay of Pigs invasion, Rafael Quintero, who was also part of this underworld of organizations and conspiracies against Cuba, stated: If I was to tell what I know about Dallas and the Bay of Pigs, it would be the greatest scandal that has ever rocked the nation." (10) (John Simkin)

    I have no doubt that Quintero is right. His intimate connections to Manuel Artime and especially to Tony Izquierdo I believe would reveal aspects that would help join the dots of the assassination.

    Another name never mentioned when it comes to the anti-Castro Cuban aspect of covert activity is Frank Montiel. Like Quintero, he could do some serious nation rocking as well.


    The attachment below shows Manuel Artime on the left and Rafael Quintero on the right.


  3. Good stuff, Ron. Fascinating indeed.

    I've been trying to get a better quality version of this image below for some time but without luck. JFK and Jackie, LBJ and Lady Bird, John McCormack and wife, Earl Warren and wife.

    At the back we have Gen. Chester Clifton, Godfrey McHugh and Capt. Tazewell Shepard Jr.

    Clifton, McHugh and Shepard were the presidential aides who presented the bronze bust of the late president to Jackie.


  4. Scott,

    Do you put any credence to Frank 'The German' Schweihs being one of the men who whacked Richard Cain?


    I'm not familiar enough with Scweihs's activities in the OUtift to know for certain. But from what I've read, he was a capable enforcer.

    Thanks, Scott.

    Schweihs was indeed a capable enforcer. It has been theorized by some learned folk that The German was responsible or had a hand in the murders of Tony Spilotro and his brother, Richard Cain, Allen Dorfman, Charles Nicoletti and John Roselli.

    About a year ago he was indicted with Joey Lombardo and both men went on the run. I believe a little while back, Lombardo was captured but Schweihs was still in the wind. If anyone has any updates there it would be greatly appreciated.

    The attachment below shows one of the last photographs taken of Richard Cain.



  5. Sidebar on Jack Crichton: As President of the Dallas A&M Club, he gave four year scholarships at Texas A&M University to slain officer J.D. Tippit's sons, Curtis and Allen.

    Crichton and his wife Marilyn below.

    Ilya Mamantov probably deserves his own thread as well. He was the Collin County Chairman in George Bush's campaign for the U.S. Senate. Independent geologist and Professor of Russian at Southern Methodist University. He came to the U.S. in 1949 and became a citizen in 1955. A bit of trivia; he was the nephew of composer Serge Rachmaninov.



  6. It might also be worth pointing out that Stockdale was responsible for introducing the first anti-Ku Klux Klan legislation in a southern state.

    True but that was in the late 1940s while a member of the Florida State House of Representatives. I doubt if that was a factor in his death in 1963. The KKK were always anti-Catholic. Do you know if Stockdale was a Catholic?

    I don't think it was a factor in his death either but background doesn't hurt. Stockdale was also responsible for getting women on juries. That may have been a factor. Just kidding... :ph34r:

    I don't know if he was a Catholic or not.


  7. On pages 43/44 of Fabian Escalante's CIA Covert Operations 1959-1962: The Cuba Project (2004), he claims that in 1960 Richard Nixon recruited an "important group of businessmen headed by George Bush (Snr.) and Jack Crichton, both Texas oilmen, to gather the necessary funds for the operation". He is talking about Operation 40, the group that Warren Hinckle and William Turner described in Deadly Secrets, as the “assassins-for-hire” organization.

    Jack Crichton is an interesting character. He was the commanding officer of the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment. Crichton also went up against John Connolly in the Governor race of 1964. He was very critical of both Connolly and LBJ calling for them to make public the findings in the Billie Sol Estes investigation. George Bush backed up Crichton's calls and both men went on the political attack.

    Crichton's resume also included that he was Chairman of the Dallas Civil Defense Intelligence Committee. In early 1961, he was behind a program called 'Know Your Enemy' - a phase of defense in the Cold War. This focused on Communists and their perceived purpose to destroy the American way of life.


    The man on the right below is Jack Crichton. The guy on the left is Robert D. Offer.


  8. One of the JFK conspirators named in the Torbitt document is Patrick Hoy, identified with Henry Crown as owners of "the controlling block in General Dynamics between 1960 and 1966." Also named is David Hoy, no detail given. (John Simkin quoting text)

    I have nothing on Patrick Hoy that can't be found on the Net but as far as David Hoy goes, there were two men by that name but I have no idea if any of them were connected to Patrick Hoy.

    There was a popular psychic at the time named David Hoy and then there was David Hoy the news director of station WIKY. This David Hoy was a close friend of Bill Crowe aka Bill DeMar who did a memory act at the Carousel Club. Hoy and Crowe actually attended the inauguration of JFK together.

    After JFK was murdered, Crowe contacted Hoy and told him that he had seen Oswald in the Carousel Club eight or nine times before the assassination.


    Patrick Hoy below.


  9. Thanks to everyone who has responded to this thread.

    Yes Greg, he did deny the statements and his dad weighed in saying that he was just a dumb kid trying to talk tough. I suspect that is exactly what McLarry was, someone easily manipulated.

    The research into the second patsy scenario is moving slowly but I think McLarry as a contender was abandoned much in the way the Oswald in Montreal set-up was. What is curious though is the possibility of secondary snipers near the Trade Mart.



  10. So not to divert the 'Michel Mertz' thread, I thought the exploration of whether or not Lee Oswald was in Montreal in the summer of 1963 might be worthwhile.

    An FBI file was generated regarding this as were several photographs showing members of the Committee for Non Violent Action. This image below is one of them. It should be noted that over the many years this question has been raised, the FBI have thwarted efforts to get the document and photographs released, or to release the names of those involved. Photocopies of the photographs and the document now appear on the BLOG mentioned in the 'Michel Mertz' thread.

    The CNVA did have an archive of photographs of this and other events they were associated with which were stored in a barn in rural Connecticut. The barn was burned down by Minutemen in 1967 destroying everything.

    It is my opinion that the 'Oswald in Montreal' episode was an infiltration operation and designed to help paint the picture of Oswald as a pro-Cuba supporter. I also do not think the Oswald in Montreal was the Oswald that was shot by Jack Ruby. I have no idea why this piece of the puzzle was not introduced into the final structure of the Oswald frame.

    The people in the photograph below include some interesting folk. On the left we have Bruce Henderson, Erica Enzer, (FNU) Seeling, Brad Lyttle, Fred Moore, unknown, unknown, unknown, Dennis Jamieson and Russell McLarry.

    McLarry was arrested in Dallas just after the assassination for making threats against the President. He was eventually no billed but his presence in Canada has not been fully explained.

    I also believe it was Erica Enza and McLarry who befriended the Oswald impersonator who quite possibly was Fred Moore. After the CNVA Ottawa-Washington-Guantanamo march, he moved to the Polaris Action Farm in Connecticut and married Suzi Williams. They had a baby, split and Moore moved to San Francisco. He married again and in 1997 while driving with his new family, was killed in a car crash.

    It is also interesting to note that in October of 1961, thirty marchers including thirteen Americans walked into Moscow. This was a peace march that began in San Francisco. Two of the organizers were CNVA members Brad Lyttle and Scott Herrick. This was a very active group back in the early 1960's.



  11. Interestingly, despite their close friendship, Thornberry is only mentioned once in Robert Caro's three volume biography of LBJ. The one reference is to Thornberry replacing Johnson in the House of Representatives in 1948. Nothing is said about the two men knowing each other. (John Simkin)

    That is strange. The Johnsons and the Thornberrys even took holidays together including a 1960 vacation to Mexico.

    This image below shows a grinning LBJ stepping from a White House elevator after just arriving back from Dallas. That is Thornberry behind him with Cliff Carter in the background.



  12. John,

    Let's not forget that in 1969, Fred Korth's daughter Verita, supposedly killed herself with a 20 gauge shotgun. Same sort of weapon involved with the Hale death and also the weapon of choice for George De Mohrenschildt.

    I think it is worth mentioning that as a mode of taking one's life, woman rarely resort to such violent measures. It would be interesting to get some statistics regarding that.



  13. I'm looking into the pre-Castro Cuban activities of French gangster Michel Mertz. I read somewhere that he may have been related to Paul Mondolini, another drug trafficker who was tight with Santo Trafficante Jr.

    Has anyone ever heard of this? Thanks.


    I remember reading in a mid 1960's 'True Magazine' that they were related but there was nothing to back it up. Interesting indeed.


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