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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Thanks, Ron.

    The passage from Estes is interesting indeed. It does seem that LBJ was poison. He and his cronies like some dark shadow across the landscape.

    As to Wallace, the murder of Douglas Kinser could be seen as a crime of passion but the Henry Marshall affair is curious indeed. The ineptness displayed was staggering. Wallace was obviously an amatuer which makes one wonder why he was employed for such a task.



  2. It seems to me that there must have been a moment in Wallace's life when things turned 180 degrees. He was a prominent and active member of Woodrow Wilson High School, he was a campus leader at the University of Texas and seemingly a popular student.

    In a matter of a few short years though, he would be mixed up in murder and all variety of sordid carry on. If Wallace was recruited out of UT by Lyndon Johnson (or a Johnson associate), surely that was because Wallace would have been potentially seen as an effective campaign and or political aide; not as a hitman. Let's face it, as a mechanic, Wallace was less than proficient.

    The question is, at what point did things turn for him and why do we have this guy seemingly behind several murders?

    In the image below, that is a young Malcolm Wallace on the right.


  3. Very interesting James. Unless he has had plastic surgery this is not the same man in the pic in "Sixth Floor". What this book has is not a very good reprint but I will try to scan it and see it comes out. The noses are very different. Tho at a closer look the noses of Mexico City LHO pic and Geb also look different, so perhaps it's not Geb after all. YOu'd think after all these years someone would have come forward to id this pic!!! (Dawn Meredith)

    Hi Dawn,

    There are a few years between the 1938 image and the one I posted. I would be nice if we could get hold of a quality image of Geb (circa 1963) which we could then compare to the Mexico Oswald. If I remember correctly, wasn't Geb's father mixed up with one of the military's Intelligence services?

    As to our Mexico Oswald, it has been suggested that he is Mario Tauler Sague. I have been searching for a quality image of him as well. I dug up a grainy one which really doesn't help so I will keep looking.




    Is this the same Norton who now runs a fishing based business in Florida?


    You decide.


    Could very well be, Jack. Interesting comparison.



  4. Horace Busby and Malcolm Wallace were not just schoolmates at UT; they were campus leaders, leaders allied in the same sorts of causes. Busby was the editor of the “Daily Texan”, UT student newspaper, and a strong proponent of the liberal (for Texas in the 1940’s) President of UT, Doctor Homer Rainey. At the same time, Malcolm Wallace was Student Body President and an equally strong supporter of Doctor Rainey. (Larry Hancock)

    This image below shows a young Malcolm (Mac) Wallace and Molly O'Daniel. Molly was the daughter of Texas Governer W. Lee O'Daniel who was seriously opposed to Homer Rainey.

    John has some terrific information on O'Daniel in his Spartacus biography.




  5. Great photo. First time I have seen it. Who took it and how was it acquired? Are you certain it is Oswald? I thought Oswald was also balding in the rear part of his head.

    Hi Nick,

    It is a film frame. I believe it was taken from a home movie shot by some kid holidaying in New Orleans with his family. The History Channel featured it in a special titled, 'Caught On Tape'. They didn't show all of it however which was most annoying. Yes, it is Oswald and it wasn't much of a brawl with Bringuier at all. More arguing than anything.

    And, John, Bringuier did flip him the bird; an energetic one at that.


    Carlos Bringuier is selling his book Red Friday on ebay and I exchanged a couple of emails with him. Perhaps we should invite him to join the Forum.

    Good idea, Gary.

    He lives in Miami now, doesn't he?


  6. In September of 1956, J.D. Tippit and his partner Dale Hankins shot and killed Leonard Garland. Garland had worked for a short time at a Dallas auto dealer and was wanted by the FBI. He was also wanted for Grand Larceny in Las Vegas.

    Does anyone have any other background on Garland as I have not been able to unearth any?

    Any help would be appreciated.



  7. Great photo. First time I have seen it. Who took it and how was it acquired? Are you certain it is Oswald? I thought Oswald was also balding in the rear part of his head.

    Hi Nick,

    It is a film frame. I believe it was taken from a home movie shot by some kid holidaying in New Orleans with his family. The History Channel featured it in a special titled, 'Caught On Tape'. They didn't show all of it however which was most annoying. Yes, it is Oswald and it wasn't much of a brawl with Bringuier at all. More arguing than anything.

    And, John, Bringuier did flip him the bird; an energetic one at that.


  8. On December 26, 1958, Alan Robert Nye was arrested by Castro supporters, and charged with a planned, attempted assassination of Fidel Castro, utilizing a rifle with mounted scope, and a planned firing position from the window of a building. (Thomas H. Purvis)

  9. In 1997 Wilson went to Pepper with this evidence. Pepper had also obtained a confession from Lloyd Jowers that he had taken part in the assassination of MLK and helped set up James Earl Ray as a “patsy”. (John Simkin)


    I remember reading somewhere that the white Mustang was parked in front of a place called Jim's Grill and that Lloyd Jowers was the owner of the grill.

    Was this mentioned in Pepper's book?


  10. I believe that this information about the meeting at the Carousel Club originally came from Butler. It is possible that it was Butler who provided Dorothy Kilgallen with the information about the Jesse Curry's tapes. Butler also provided information to W. Penn Jones Jr. According to Jones, Butler told him that 50% of the Dallas Police Department were also members of the Ku Klux Klan. (John Simkin)

    It might be interesting to note, that in August of 1941, Butler received a 30 day suspension for punching a black youth while in custody.



  11. JOSEPH P. GRINNAN's name was found among ASHLAND BURCHWELL possessions in the car BURCHWELL was driving when BURCHWELL was arrested 14NOV62 and a large cache of arms and ammunition was found inside car (accordding to a memorandum for the FBI dated 14NOV62 by the Headquarters Department of the Army Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Summary information Region 2, 112th Intelligence NTC Group, Station "C," Commerce Street, Dallas, TX) J. GRINNAN was also a local coordinator for the "John Birch Society." When "Bircher" BURCHWELL was arrested 14NOV62 besides a large cache of arms and ammunition found inside car was also names, addresses, and phone number's of certain people (some of the persons info was coded), and BURCHWELL said he was "enroute to Mississippi to aid Governor Barnett's cause by lending support to former Major General Edwin A. Walker." (Don Roberdeau)

    For those interested in the Birchers.


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