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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. The Granma article linked in John's original post has a few points which need some clarification. It is claimed that Herminio Diaz was a part of the Operation 40 formation during that 1960 to 1961 period. He didn't arrive in the United States until July of 1963.

    There is also a mention of the Guillermo Brothers and a seperate reference to Ignacio Novo Sampol. It should have read the Novo Sampol brothers and Guillermo Novo Sampol.

    Okay, I know, I am being anal. B)

    Donald Gregg, the CIA character mentioned is a very interesting individual and should seriously be looked at. (IMO) He probably deserves his own thread.

    Gregg below.


  2. James

    The Duluth Library contained exactly one piece on Tikander.  It was a political add when he was running in the Democratic Primary for Congress (8th District) in 1946.  It does give a brief bio of his work in Government that begins in 1935 (contract and Anti-Trust Lawyer).  By 1942 he is Special Assistant to the American Misister to Sweden and Chief of the OSS Mission to Sweden (till 1945).

    Gives his date of birth as 1904 at Biwabik, Minnesota (local area in St. Louis County).  I then did additional research at the County recorders office and ran into a local genealogist who led my search into an interesting area.

    Tikander worked under Calvin Bryce Hoover in the OSS.  Hoover was involved in US intelligence beginning in 1933 and remained with the CIA, etc. until the 1960's.

    Hoover was also part of the "Intelligence Group" and a special advisor to General Draper in Post War Germany.  It seems he was still involved in that area when McCloy and Max Taylor came on the scene.  It seems his paper, "Germany and European Economic Recovery" was the basis of the plans for the recovery of the German Economy.  Hoover went on to become a specialist on the Soviet Economy and had visited the Soviet Union many times beginning in the 1930's.

    Apparantyl Tikander was the real life character behind the book/film Counterfeit Spy.  Are you familiar with this story (I have not had time to look it up)?  Tikander was also officially honored by the Finnish Government for his service in the OSS during WWII.  (As a sidebar, a Majken V. Tikander, US Citizen, died at the US Consulate in Stockholm on August 12, 1999.  He was born in 1913 so he is not our Wilho)

    It seems that Tikander was the right man for the job in Sweden and Stella Polaris.  Are you familiar with the Carelian Finn movement in America?  The Finnish relief program called "Guard the Frontier" (circa 1939)?   The "Lotta Svard" organization?  Help Finland, Inc.?  All seem to be able to be connected through family or friends to Tikander.

    Of more interest to myself would be a group called the "Tyomies" and an organization known as the "(Virginia) Finnish Workingmen, Association.  These organizations were Socialist by nature which is of course of interest to my own theories.  It seems that Tikander (and family members) were involved in organizations that relocated and supported thousands of Finns that went to the Soviet Union in the 1920's and 1930's.  About one thousand of this group were exterminated during the Stalin purge of 1938.

    I have a lead on a Tikander researcher and another professor that is familiar with the history of the above named organizations.  Hope to hear from them soon.

    Once again I am interested in learning more of the connection to Harrod Miller.

    Jim Root

    Excellent stuff, Jim. Great work.

    There is a lot of information in your post in which to pursue. I have heard of several of the movements and people you mention but I do not have enough general knowledge of such to offer a comment. It seems I have a full weekend ahead of me. B)

    Speaking of the Finnish Workingmen Association, have you ever seen this image below? Do you know who these men are?

    I am still spinning my wheels regarding Miller but I will keep at it. Living in such a remote region, I have limited access to library and reference materials.

    Keep up the excellent work.


  3. James,

    According to Armstrong's two-Oswald theory as impressively set forth in Harvey and Lee, the double on the 6th floor was Lee Oswald. That could well be him in the photo. (Armstrong also thinks it was Lee Oswald looking out the window in the Dillard photo.) (Ron Ecker)

    Hi Ron,

    I have no problems with the 2 Oswald scenario (Harvey and Lee) as laid out by John Armstrong, right up until about the September 1963 period.

    I think the man in the cropped Murray image above was one of the Oswald impersonators specifically employed to help with the frame, not Lee.

    This subject is probably better suited as a thread on its own.



  4. Hi James:

    Yes this is from Hughes...But not within two minutes.....

    He ran from the TSBD area, and down through the plaza, and then up into the parking lot area, where the people were gathering....he was taking film...as he went...

    He then came back down into the park area, where he took this photo, as well as others....So perhaps within 10 minutes, or so... It could be something holding the window up..?? (Bernice Moore)

    Hi Bernice,

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    I scanned the Hughes film and it appears that the object is there one frame and then seems to disappear.



  5. I think I may have who Rip Robertson's friend is - John Adrian O'Hare aka Colonel William Bishop.

    The comparison below is not going to convince anyone but it's all I have at the moment. A friend of mine has a good front on photograph of O'Hare and I have to say the resemblance to our man in Dealey Plaza is remarkable.

    That aside, O'Hare does makes sense. He was connected to Military Intelligence and was well associated with prominent Cuban exiles like Veciana and Masferrer. He also knew Leopoldo and Angel.

    In Dick Russell's 'The Man Who Knew Too Much', Bishop/O'Hare claimed he was waiting at the Trade Mart for Kennedy's arrival when he heard about the shooting. He then proceeded to Parkland hospital. I guess he isn't going to say that he was in Dealey Plaza standing next to Rip Robertson.

    Anyway, more food for thought.


  6. I think this image below is from the Hughes film but I may be wrong. If I am, hopefully someone will correct me.

    I was wondering what that object is protruding from the window (circled)?

    If this image does come from the Hughes film then I would imagine that it is no longer than 2 minutes after the shooting.

    Any corrections, comments or impressions would be appreciated.


  7. Thanks, Steve. Interesting post indeed.

    And John, that was me who posted Jack Lawrence's email addresses but apparently they are not working anymore. Anyone who wants to do research on Lawrence can find him at The Abney Street Church of God in West Virginia where he works as a Pastor.

    I have his phone number so if anyone is interested in contacting him, email me privately and I will pass it on.

    From my point of view, my attempts at communication has revealed that Lawrence is a difficult and objectionable man. This is purely my opinion.


  8. John,

    Personally, I think Brad Ayers has a lot to offer. The fact that he mixed with the likes of Morales and Robertson puts him amongst the action where his first hand information has to be valuable indeed.

    This paragraph below is from a preliminary draft review of the manuscript. Intriguing stuff to say the least.


  9. James

    Thanks for the picture.  Do you know who the man on the right of Walker is (on the left when looking at the picture).  His uniform seems different.

    This group (474th) was also tasked with transporting the Nazi loot recovered from Merker's Mine near the end of the war.  This was an interesting mission that required alot of secrecy and the involvement of some top level civil administrators from both the military and the State Department.

    I will fill you in on what I find in Duluth.

    Jim Root

    Hi Jim,

    I would put money on the guy to Walker's right being Crown Prince Olav.

    I am looking forward to seeing what you turn up in Duluth.

    Good luck.


  10. Are these the two guys walking by the EMMETT HUDSON position as the crowd gathered on the curb? (Shanet Clark)

    Hi Shanet,

    I am not sure which two guys you refer to, but I am suspicious of these two suits I have cropped from a Jim Murray image (below). This action was about 9 minutes after the shooting. Might this be Robertson and friend?

    In the background glancing their way is (IMO) the Oswald double who was positioned on the 6th floor of the TSBD.



  11. I hope to be in the Duluth area in the next few days. Any pointers on what I may want to look for in the Wilho Tilander collection in the Duluth Library? (Jim Root)

    Hi Jim,

    The library apparently has a collection of newspaper clippings related to Tikander. I guess the idea would be to gather them all and see what connections can be made. Unfortunately I don't know any details of the material the library maintains.

    I imagine the elderly woman would have been very interesting. Good work.

    BTW, in case you don't have it, this image below shows the officers of the 99th Battalion (Seperate) and the 474th Infantry Regiment. General Walker is the one in the front row second from the right.


  12. Bear in mind that the conspirators seemed to have various potential patsies lined up, for use as appropriate. Castro, Oswald as lone nut, anti-Castro Cubans, Jack Lawrence, take your pick. It's entirely possible that there was a French assassin or two on the patsy list, and that the document about Soutre's deportation was a fabrication to make him a suspect. This may not seem likely, since it leaves unexplained the obvious question of why he was deported and not detained for investigation. But then the government hasn't bothered to explain that anyway, one reason possibly being that the story was made up. Anyway I look forward to what Larry has to say.



    I guess there is the possibility that Souetre was in Dallas for another reason. He might have been there to meet with General Walker. De Gaulle's visit to Latin America was coming up and Souetre may have been wanting to utilize Walker's network of contacts in that part of the world for another assassination attempt.

    I believe Souetre was involved in the one earlier in Europe in which De Gaulle escaped through a hail of bullets.


  13. I don't find such a passage in the book. I wonder if you're thinking of the source who told Fonzi that "Carlos" posed as a photographer in DP, and had photos in a bank vault. (Ron Ecker)

    This of course being Bernardo De Torres.

    As to Raul Diaz, could this be Raul Diaz Arguelles? Diaz rose to the ranks of Brigadier General before he was killed in Angola in December 1975. He was close to Castro during the revolution and in those early days of Fidel's power, Diaz was mixed up with intelligence activities.


  14. Hi Ryan,

    It is curious that most of these guys who were the more serious of the militant exiles, were given their 'served with notice not to depart' orders in the March and June 1963 period.

    And you are right, Bayo's mission was in June of 1963 and even though it was supposedly to secure some Russian officers, it has been alleged that this was a Castro assassinatiom attempt. All the more interesting given that Rip Robertson was along for the ride.

    So I guess the question is, how does the Bayo mission fit in with this policy of ordering militant Cubans to sit on their hands, and the supposed olive branch between Washington and Havana?

    I guess I am just trying to get a sense of what was being directed from the White House, what was being ordered out of Langley and whether or not JM/WAVE in Miami was listening.


  15. James, have you ever identified the man with Rip Robertson? Is it possibly Gordon Campbell, David Morales’ long-term assistant? I have never been able to find a photograph of Campbell. However, in Deadly Secrets (Warren Hinckle and William Turner) Campbell was described in 1962 as being a “tall man with close-cropped silvering hair and a military bearing”. At this time Campbell was in charge of the marine branch at JM/WAVE and therefore was in charge of raids on Cuba.

    Campbell is rumoured to have been with David Morales in the Ambassador Hotel on the night that Robert Kennedy was murdered.

    Hi John,

    I originally thought the guy with Robertson was Tracy Barnes but I have gone somewhat cold on that idea. I don't think it is Campbell either. I managed to scrounge a small grainy image of him which I am unable to scan at the moment but it doesn't look like our guy in Dealey Plaza.

    One guy I would like to secure an image of is Tony Sforza who worked closely with Morales.

    As a point of interest and as food for thought, our mystery man does bear some similarity to Edwin Wilson who David Morales and Rip Robertson knew very well.



  16. Thanks Jack and Ron.

    These guys are moving towards the grassy knoll area and not the TSBD so if we do indeed have Rip Robertson and friend here, that speaks volumes about a shooter positioned behind the fence. I'm sure his exposed location would have been of some concern to the plotters and our friends are on their way to make sure everything was okay.

    I find it curious that none of the extant photographs snapped on the knoll and behind the fence after the shooting show these men. If it wasn't for Lee Forman securing the main image we would not even have this tantalizing morsel.


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