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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. I was checking out the wonderful photograph that Lee Forman secured which shows some of the crowd crossing the grassy area of Dealey Plaza about 2 minutes after the shooting.

    I am wondering if the two gentlemen on the right in the comparison below are the same individuals who were positioned at the corner of Main and Houston?


  2. Thanks for posting that, John.

    I was interested to read where Hunt set up a paramilitary force called 'American Volunteer Group' to be used in death squad type tactics against political opponents.

    This is curious because William Pawley founded a force also called 'American Volunteer Group' ultimately becoming known as the Flying Tigers.

    One of the main players here was Claire Lee Chennault who was behind the Civil Air Transport (CAT). Also interesting to note is that Paul Helliwell set up the 'Sea Supply Corporation' in 1949 in Miami with a main office in Bangkok. Sea Supply was an alleged cover for Chennault's (CAT) which was allegedly moving the opium around and out of South East Asia.

    It should be noted that Helliwell was CIA paymaster for the Bay of Pigs as well as other off the books operations. Helliwell also headed the Republican Party in Florida which brought him into contact with Bebe Rebozo. Mmm.

    So, why would Hunt set up a group called "American Volunteer Group'? Coincidence I guess. There was also a rumor that Nelson Bunker Hunt actually met Lee Harvey Oswald. If true, that must be a coincidence as well.

    I am wondering if the Eddie Bayo, William Pawley run mission (Operation Tilt - signed off by David Morales) fits in here anywhere?

    The image below shows some of the Flying Tigers' pilots.



  3. If there's a military coup d'etat going down, and it's my neck on the line (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs), I'm going to be there making decisions. I'm not going to sit somewhere in a meeting with some visitors from West Germany or listen to a pet goat story.

    If Taylor was there, he was there to decide on the spot if there was going to be a smooth transition of power ("The Constitution works!") or martial law in America.

    "The Constitution worked."

    That's how I see it for now.


    I agree with you, Ron.

    I have no problems with any level of the planning being present in Dealey Plaza. This was the President of the United States being assassinated on home soil and with that, I would think it was all hands on deck. Let's get the job done first and go from there.

    As the old saying goes, "We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are."


  4. Hi, James

    Is it not possible that a powerful political ideological and extremely

    influencing 'well dug in group' with the aim of seising the powers of

    government, including president Johnson et.al. after removing Kennedy

    and ever since in total control of all foriegn and domestic policies of

    the U.S. and the UN.? (Harry Dean)

    Hi Harry,

    The simple answer to that is yes, it is possible.

    Nice to see you posting again. Having someone like yourself who was involved in the political milieu of the time offering their thoughts to the forum is valuable indeed.



  5. Hi Chris,

    I think that to try and assign any one particular group as responsible for the assassination will just run one around in circles trying to make things fit. I also submit that the murder and the cover-up were two different things.

    IMO, individuals who had affiliations with different groups were behind it. Primarily the killing was personal with political opportunism playing a solid part.

    Grand conspiracies don't make a whole lot of sense as keeping a handle on it would be nigh on impossible. The fact that the plotters have gotten away with this for 40 plus years says to me that the foundation of the plan was simple and containable.



  6. According to Rosselli's biography a man associated with Trafficante's gang admitted to two separate individuals his involvement in the Rosselli murder.

    If I recall correctly his name was Sam Cagnina.  It is also my understanding that this gentleman is currently serving a lengthy (if not life) sentence in a Florida prison.  Possibly this might be another line of inquiry.  Perhaps Dade County could tell Cagnina and Schweihs whoever talks first takes a pass but the other we will do our best to electrocute in our notoriously unreliable electric chair (assuming that both were participants in the murder).

    Or perhaps arrangements could be made to get Cagnina out of jail and into a federal witness protection program if he testifies against Schweihs.

    If either or both of these gentlemen were involved in the Rosselli murder, he or they may very well have information relating to the JFK assassination as well.

    Even linking the Rosselli murder to Trafficante, as most suspect, would be another little piece of the puzzle in place.


    I don't believe Sam Cagnina aka 'The Fat Man' was involved in the Roselli hit but then he may have heard whispers, especially since he worked for Victor Acosta.

    BTW, 'The Fat Man' was a cop for a short time down in your neck of the woods. Maybe the KWPD would be worth speaking to?


  7. Robert Maheu is still alive. If you got the chance of meeting him, what questions would you ask?


    I guess I would like to ask him if he believed that one of the reasons for the Watergate break-in was to retrive information concerning illegal loans made by Howard Hughes to Nixon via Bebe Rebozo? If so, was he the original leak for the information?

    Second, if no to the above, did he leak information where plumbers like Sturgis and Hunt believed that a secret memorandum from the Castro government existed and was in the hands of the Democratic National Committee - a memorandum containing a list of Agency abuses including the assassination attempts on Castro that Maheu was behind or promoted - and also information that suggested the assassination of JFK was indeed 'blowback'?


  8. Hi Ron,

    I guess if these guys were going to be in Dallas they would have organized cover stories. I also don't think being visible would have been part of the plan but if one or all three of the Tramps were involved, he may have felt it was needed to make an appearance as an assurance that everything was under control.

    If this is Taylor however, that does shed a new light on things. I do hope Jim Root sees this and offers a comment.


  9. Taylor looks like he's imitating Lansdale with that stooped right shoulder. Or does conspiracy just do that to you?


    Funny you should mention that, Ron.

    I had always felt that the guy in the Tramps photo (supposedly Lansdale) actually looked somewhat like Max Taylor. I never posted anything regarding that given the strong support that Fletcher Prouty had/has in the research community with his ID of Lansdale. Basically I was afraid of being laughed at.

    I can't get anything to attach at the moment so I will send you a comparison privately.


  10. I've got Max Taylor and Curt LeMay. Can anyone ID the others? (Greg Wagner)

    Hi Greg,

    Yep, Taylor front left, LeMay front right. I believe that is Gen. Earle Wheeler behind Taylor and Adm. David McDonald behind LeMay. At the back on the left could be Gen. John McConnell but I'm not 100% on that one.



  11. If you catch it, perhaps you could let us know if it's worth a look. :) (Greg Wagner)

    Hi Greg,

    It was a tad disappointing to say the least. The program was angled to mainly discredit Jim Garrison and the witnesses. There was no real study of conspiracy evidence only that Shaw couldn't be connected to it, if in fact any existed.

    As I thought, lots of conspiracy critics offered their opinion, even John McAdams has a moment. Oliver Stone's 'JFK' copped some serious criticism as being a dangerous tool in which young people are misguided in believing Clay Shaw was the bad guy in all of this.

    One positive aspect was the terrific historical footage and interesting photographs of Clay Shaw as a young man.


  12. Hemming told me there was a German shooter on the sixth floor of the TSBD (shooting from the west window).

    Schweihs was known as Frank "The German" Schweihs.

    Hmmm?  Probably just happenstance.


    If the Feds ever get their hands on Schweihs, I am praying that they ask him where he was on November 22, 1963. I am not holding my breath though.

    Two things have become very clear over the years. One, Schweihs was very good at killing and two, he could keep his mouth shut.

    This guy was not a member of the Mob as such but someone who was contracted as a killer. You can bet your last dollar that William Harvey knew all about him.


  13. Query to James (and anyone else who wants to comment):

    Any possibility of a prosecutor making a deal with Schweihs for his co-operation in solving the Rosselli case?  And who knows what else he might know if he was associated with Giancana in 1963!


    I guess the first thing is that the authorities get their hands on Schweihs. The interesting thing about this guy is that he wasn't associated with the crime families as such but as a gun for hire. I get the feeling his motives were purely mercenary so I believe, yes, under the right circumstances he may just talk.

    Schweihs was born in Germany so he was never going to be a 'made man' but his efficiency for killing was recognized by Organized Crime. Schweihs was detached and clinical about his work which may have brought him to the attention of shadowy government types. Speculation there but it is certainly food for thought.


  14. Sidebar: In the photo labelled 'Che Guevara and his band of guerrillas' amongst the montage above, the man on the far left is a very interesting character. His name is Leonardo Tamayo Nunez Urbano.

    In 1961, he was a part of the Cuban delegation at the Conference of Inter-American Social and Economic Council that met in Punta del Este.

    This was the Alianza para el Progreso, The Alliance for Progress, a United States assistance program for Latin America which began during the presidency of John Kennedy. It was formed primarily to counter the appeal of revolutionary politics with multilateral plans designed to relieve Latin America's social inequities. This included U.S. programs of military and police assistance to counter Communist subversion. I guess the Cuban delegation was there to heckle.

    Urbano later served with the Cuban military in Nicaragua where he was a part of seeing Somoza ousted. This was the same confrontation in which Tony Izquierdo was killed.

    Urbano below.


  15. After the assassination of JFK, Che Guevara had some interesting things to say. There was an interview conducted with him on November the 25th where he passed the following thoughts and comments.

    He believed the death of the American President would only bring more difficulties for the revolution. Che also said that Ruby's killing of Oswald was something right out of a Gangster film. He continued with the opinion that there were many dark and shadowy forces at play in Dallas.

    His most profound comment was that the peace of the world was now going to be threatened for many years to come.

    At the same time (Nov 25), Cuban television was saying that by killing Oswald, someone was probably erasing the clues about the true perpetrators of the assassination.

    Another Cuban TV report on November the 27th reported that, "all signs indicate that what is involved is a slaying prepared by the most brutal forces of the United States to be used as a spark capable of setting off anticommunist and bellicose hysteria. Comrade Castro's charges and world reaction have caused their initial plans to fail. Caught in a trap, they killed Oswald, silencing him forever. They feared a live Oswald and they cold-bloodedly eliminated him, using a gangster whom they now try to disguise as a patriot."



  16. James that information re Schweis is interesting indeed. 

    I agree with you that if there is anyone alive who was involved in the murder of Rosselli, should he talk, he could  add one more piece to the puzzle.

    Do you have any more information on Schweis' background?  Was he involved with any specific mafia organization?


    Schweihs is one of those guys who always seemed to slip through the cracks. He was considered one of the more proficient killers the Mob employed but he managed to keep in the background and to maintain a low profile - which of course added to his success.

    He was of German decent and associated himself with the Chicago crime families. He didn't have an exclusive allegence to one group but acted as the classic gun for hire. He was close to Giancana at the time of the assassination.


  17. In my humble opinion, anyone who is still alive and who had anything to do (even periphery) with the assassination is not going to talk. The existing system of media manipulation will dictate coverage while that unspoken threat to family members hangs like a dagger poised.

    Having said that, coming in via the back door to this might be an option. There are many examples of deaths post assassination that can be seen as suspicious. The reality is, someone must have ordered these murders and someone must have carried them out.

    I submit that one of the ghouls involved was Florida resident Frank 'The German' Schweihs who has been connected to the killing of Tony Spilotro and his brother. Schweihs also looks good for the murders of Richard Cain, Allen Dorfman, Charles Nicoletti and an involvement with the brutal slaying of John Roselli.

    Schweihs as of late April was on the run from the FBI who want to connect him to some Mob run rackets. If Schweihs can ever be questioned in relation to who ordered the hits on those Mob connected individuals linked to the Kennedy assassination and to where he himself was on the 22nd of November 1963, the thin end of the wedge may present itself. (Schweihs was 33 in 1963)

    Having said that, if the FBI ever get their hands on him, I seriously doubt they will focus questions in that direction - more's the pity. I live in hope though that Schweihs (if captured alive) may offer an insight to these killings.

    In my opinion of course.


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