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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. James, I almost wish you hadn't posted that photo...now all we need is a link to UFO's, and the people who dismiss conspiracy theorists as "nutcases" might have something to chew on... :D (Mark Knight)

    Hi Mark,

    Unfortunately, we can definitely cover the link to UFO's with Fred Lee Crisman and Gordon Novel. The mind can only boggle. :up

    I guess the scarier thought here is pondering the time when Elvis visited Nixon and offered his services as a narc. I believe Nixon made him an honorary member of the DEA or something equally as idiotic. The fact the Elvis was high during his White House visit only adds to the absurdity. And they say conspiracy theorists are nutcases. 'The Edge Of Reality' has taken on a whole new meaning for me. :D

    Im pretty sure that the guy on the right is one of the"faces" in Dealy Plazza (Stephen Turner)


    I think that must have been an Elvis look-a-like. I believe at the time, Elvis was preoccupied with Ann Margret. B)


  2. What is the deal with Eugenio Martinez and Virgilio Gonzalez? (Shanet Clark)

    Hi Shanet,

    Both of these guys are long time anti-Castro fighters and have been a part of the Agency's dirty tricks department since the early 1960's. Martinez (war name Musculito) was reknown for his boat piloting skills and went on over 300 missions into Cuba at the behest of the CIA.

    Gonzalez (war name Villo) was Felipe Vidal Santiago's driver and personal assistant in Cuba. He was a fierce fighter and known as an excellent shot. Martinez and Gonzalez were close friends with John Martino and Eddie Bayo.

    Both men were a part of Operation Tilt (Bayo-Pawley mission) and both men were arrested during the Watergate burglary. These guys have remained loyal to the CIA and took their lumps even when they were lied to.

    These days, Martinez has several business interests in South Florida including real estate and car dealerships while Gonzalez runs a mobile locksmith business.

    In the montage below, the top image is circa 1963. The mug shots are after their arrests for the Watergate burglary.


  3. Incidently, just for extra unrelated info, I was also surprised to see John and Yoko sitting in the viewing section several times, during the hearings. (Dixie Dea)

    Hi Dixie,

    I don't think Lennon was any fan of Nixon, to state the obvious. The song, 'Gimme Some Truth' is scathing toward government lies.


  4. For those of you looking for Japanese linguist John B. Hurt I have now identified him as John Beltram Hurt. Retired from the NSA in August 1963. Died at age 62 in 1966. (Jim Root)

    Good work, Jim.

    Do you know the cause of death? Interesting to note that Harrod Miller also died in 1966.


  5. Lynn Franklin wrote a book called "The Beverly Hills Murder File," which tells of the alleged and suppressed murder of Marilyn Monroe by former United States attorney general Robert Kennedy. (J. Raymond Carroll)

    Thanks, Ray. Interesting indeed.

    Does anyone have a reference regarding the suggestion that John Roselli visited Monroe on the 4th, the night before she died and that RFK was in Los Angeles for a secret meeting with Roselli? One would assume that if any such meeting was scheduled, it would be about the Castro assassination plots.

    John Roselli - Strategist, below.


  6. For once, James is wrong!

    It was not an LA Cop. It was a Bevery Hills police officer named Lynn (male) Franklin who stopped a dark Mercedes on Olympic Boulevard in Beverly Hills. Franklin immediately recognized Peter Lawford as the driver. He was amazed to see Attorney General Kennedy in the back seat. Seated in the back seat next to Kennedy was a man Franklin later identified as Dr. Ralph Greeson. Lawford told Franbklin he was driving Kennedy to the Beverly Hilton Hotel on an urgent matter. (Tim Gratz)

    Thanks, Tim.

    Tht puts RFK in Los Angeles when he was supposed to be in San Francisco. Interesting indeed.


  7. Tim, before you get too far along on this whole thing, I suggest you read Noguchi's book Coroner and Daryl Gates' book Chief. Both of them go into detail about the investigations into Monroe's death. Gates, while insisting it was a suicide, throws in the juicy tidbit that the LAPD had spies at LAX and that Bobby Kennedy was indeed in town on the night of MM's death. (Pat Speer)

    If I remember correctly, wasn't there an L.A. patrol cop who pulled over a speeding limo late at night near where Monroe lived? He claimed Peter Lawford was behind the wheel and Robert Kennedy was in the back. Kennedy was supposed to be in San Francisco.

    I'm sure this was mentioned in some documentary on Monroe's death.



  8. Hi Robin,

    Reality says that we won't be able to lock anything in regarding the comparison, but it sure would be nice to know why the HSCA were interested in this guy.

    Your observation about looking German is interesting. :D

    I don't believe those involved in the shooting (riflemen, spotters, radiomen, etc) made a mad dash to escape risking attention being drawn to them. I submit they calmly mingled with the crowd passing themselves off as Dealey Plaza spectators. DCM and UM being examples of that.

    Given that, I would not be surprised if those involved were incidentally photographed without anyone knowing who they were, Warren Commission and HSCA included.



  9. A few weeks ago, there was a discussion about the possibility that a guy wearing sunglasses and positioned in front of the TSBD may have been Jack Ruby. I believe we established that it wasn't Ruby but on the extreme left of that photograph was this man below (left side of the comparison).

    The man on the right was someone who the HSCA were interested in. I believe they put out a call to see if anyone knew who he was. I don't know why but I sure would like to.

    Re the comparison, there seems to be some difference in age but I don't know the date of the photograph on the right.

    Could this be the same guy and does anyone know why the HSCA were interested in him?


  10. Thanks, Ryan. That does help to put some perspective on things.

    If one watches the Zapruder film, we have that moment where JFK stops waving which some have suggested was the first shot. As no one seems to go into immediate protective mode and JFK goes back to waving to the crowd, it suggests that if this was a shot, it missed everything. If it made contact with the limo or the road or whatever, surely someone would have heard the impact especially those inside the vehicle. This does support the possibility of a shooter 'jumping the gun' causing the shot to go way high striking the curb near where Tague was standing.

    The crowd can be excused for thinking it was a car backfiring or whatever but the fact that none of the SS seemed to react, except for a couple of them who gazed back toward the corner of Elm and Houston, again suggests that the bullet didn't make contact with anything.

    I appreciate your thoughts. They are always appreciated.


  11. Hey Ryan,

    I am really curious about the missed shot. First question is, how could someone with rifle experience actually miss everything? If it did come from the Dal-Tex at a low trajectory, that is a very big miss. If it came from a higher floor, it is a massive miss, almost beyond belief.

    Could the strike on the curb which nicked Tague in reality have been a fragment from hitting something else first? Is that realistic?

    Is it possible that two teams were present in the Dal-Tex? One high, one low?

    At the end of the day, I am having a hard time getting my head around a missed shot.


  12. Thanks, Jim.

    I'm glad you have kept this thread alive. Miller for me is curious (and frustrating) for the fact that there is zip on him. If it wasn't for that photograph then he would never have come to our attention. And by being in that photograph he was obviously connected to what was going on.

    I'm sorry I don't have the answers, I just know that Miller was somehow involved.


  13. A man named Jose Bolanos called Marilyn Monroe at 9:30 a.m. on the night of her death.  He had come to LA to see Monroe and was calling from a bar in Santa Monica.  Anthony Sommers interviewed Bolanos in 1983.  Bolanos told Sommers that Marilyn told him "something shocking--something that will one day shock the world."  But he did not reveal what it was.  There is some reason to believe Monroe knew about the Mafia plots to kill Castro, but this could not be the shocking secret since those plots were well known by 1983.

    When Marilyn Monroe was in Mexico City she met Bolanos who was a screenwriter.  He was dark, lean and handsome, the epitome of a "Latin lover". He hung with leftists such as Luis Bunuel and Dalton Trumbo but apparently many left-wingers did not trust him.  According to Wolfe's book, Bolanos was also friendly with E. Howard Hunbt who made frequent trips to Mexico City.  As support for Bolanos' association with Hunt, the book footnotes the Dalton Trumbo papers at the UCLA Library.


    Here is Jose Bolanos with Marilyn who by the way, is looking particularly gorgeous.


  14. Hi James,

    Re the trajectories, when the Laser study was done, and is on video...Groden disagreed with them many times, there were many tough differences of opinion.....

    One laser study did pin point the Dal Tex second storey window as leading directly to the Tague hit......He also could not get them to do a Laser study to the fence, re the BDM.

    I will have to watch it again..but I do believe I recall this much....will check. (Bernice Moore)

    I believe you are correct, Bernice.

    If my memory isn't failing me, this was the documentary about the KGB secret files or something similar hosted by Roger Moore.

    The laser tests were ridiculous because they were conducted according to the medical evidence and we all know how dubious a source that is. They would only consider shots from the rear which almost blew up in their faces because as you said, one went straight back to a low floor of the Dal-Tex. D'oh!

    They also did this idiotic test to see if the supposed shots by Oswald could be duplicated in under 6 seconds or whatever it was. Three stationary targets were laid out at intervals matching the supposed timing. The shooter fired from a flat trajectory and indeed made the shots.

    Ryan Crowe would have fallen off his chair laughing at the stupidity and invalidity of this moronic test. All it proved was how determined they were to back-up the official findings.

    My DVD of this program is currently employed as a coaster on our outdoor setting.


  15. This Jerry Buchanan account is very suspect, in my mind. In 1972, Bob Smith, an investigator for the private group "Committee to Investigate Assassinations," uncovered an FBI report from Frank Sturgis dated in late 1963, in which he stated that he engaged in a "fistfight" with Oswald in Miami. It sounds too similar, to me. Plus, Oswald was not known by any stretch of the chronology to be in Miami.

    Either way, look here and you'll find more.

    ETA: Sorry, I found out these incidents were the same. Either way, there is corroboration.

    Thank you, Gibson. The link was most helpful.


  16. Good Day James.... Thank You for providing that additional Dal-Tex photo looking southwestward down Elm.

    Quick triangulation shows that photo was captured from the Dal-Tex south face, 4th vertical column of windows eastward from the DT southwest corner (I estimate 4th or 5th floor).

    Your D.P.D. source sounds very interesting. Is there a chance of an interview and/or asking him to join us online?

    Hi Don,

    Yes, I agree, 4th or 5th floor.

    My source is indeed a member here at the Education Forum and very much enjoys the discussions . He was never a member of the DPD but did have a solid contact from their ranks. That contact (I don't know his identity) passed away several years ago.

    I know my friend won't be interviewed. I also know that when a certain individual passes away, he will allow me to post some interesting material.


  17. James, did your friend tell you when he bought these photos?  Before Life Magazine bought the rights for the backyard photos from Marina, someone had already sold a number of photos, including the backyard photo which made Life's cover, to the Detroit Free Press.  If your friend bought the photos in this same time frame, then maybe we can uncover who in the DPD was selling evidence, including the two missing negatives.


    I'm pretty sure he purchased the images in the late 1970's.


  18. James, it was immediately after the Interpen people were busted in Marathon on December 7th (or close to that date) that Hemming reports that LHO was seen in Miami in the presence of Howard and Hemming told LHO to get lost, believing him to be an infiltrator.

    I could be wrong but I believe the Oswald phone call to the radio station was in October of 1963 rather than late in 1962.  I think Hemming and Davis may have been back from their search for Rorke and Sullivan at that time.  But I could be wrong about the date.


    You are right about the December bust.

    As far as the radio show call in, Alan Courtney approached the FBI on the 27th of November saying that the incident was about a year before the assassination.

    Here is the report below. The Davey referred to is Howard K. Davis. If my memory serves me correctly, the other two guys present were Ed Collins and Steve Wilson but don't quote me on that.


  19. Hi Don,

    The photos I posted came from a private collector who likes to remain anonymous. He secured them from a contact in the DPD.

    I can only guess that the reason these images are not in the DPD archives is that this study contradicts the party line that Oswald was the lone gunman firing from the TSBD.

    This collector also has DPD photographs taken from the roof of the County Records building. I think is it safe to assume that some members of the DPD did not buy the official story.

    Here is another image taken from a high floor of the Dal Tex.


  20. Good stuff, Ron. Thanks for that.

    Let's hope Nathaniel Weyl reads this and offers a comment.

    The late 1962 time frame is interesting given that during this period we have the alleged phone call that Oswald made to Miami radio station WQAM during an interview Alan Courtney was conducting with Gerry Hemming. We also have John Martino saying that Oswald was in Miami handing out pro-Castro leaflets. And if my memory isn't failing me, isn't this the period when Oswald tried to hook up with the Interpen guys via Lawrence Howard but was sent packing?

    I believe the late 1962 period was too early for any real assassination plans to have formed so either LHO was really there or a concentrated effort from several sources was employed to support this story.

    Curious indeed.


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