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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. LOL Regardless, what if the JFK assassination was a Soviet job, and all of the conspiracy theories and books and movies and scholarly panels and websites it spawned led to more and more distrust of our own government and institutions, and then along came Rush, and Breitbart, and Roger Ailes, and Alex Jones, and the next thing you know .... "Boom goes the dynamite!" What a long and uncertain game that would have been. We should have a thread showing how events in the cover-up, plus the general "tone" of the assassination and cover-up, point right back to the perps in the US. We've done this from post to post, but not really on a grander scale. Stuff like Len Osanic's "50 Reasons" videos was a step toward it.
  2. BBC documentary on the Z-film, featuring Richard Stolley of Time-Life: One of the commenters on the YouTube page raises a good point: Why was Zapruder allowed by police to leave Dealey Plaza with the film, and given time to (allegedly) get it processed himself?
  3. At about Z225, where Kennedy and Connally both react to the bullet through the windshield (Kennedy wounded), Kellerman is looking off to the crowd on the right side of the limo, not at the windshield.. Altgens 6 shows kellerman looking slightly to center left, as he's in mid-turn to look over his left shoulder at Kennedy. I would like to think Kellerman saw the windshield hole at the moment Altgens 6 captured him, but that may be wishful thinking. We can't really see Greer until the limo is nearer to Zapruder.
  4. I'm of the belief and judgment that Zapruder shows that the throat wound bullet came through the front of the windshield, tearing past Connally's left side (so close that you can see him swat at the bullet as if it were a bee) before striking JFK. If you look at Altgens 6, where JFK is already suffering the throat wound and beginning his slump - Jackie is at that point touching his left hand - you can see that his head is rapidly slipping out of view through the windshield, and may be further obscured by the limo top's crossbar as the limo descends the slope of Elm Street. So I'm thinking that the frontal head shot at Z313 is fired from over the top of the windshield and crossbar, or at any rate not through the windshield. Could the south knoll shooter have been crouching for the first shot, and standing for the second? Are the two shots from different shooters?
  5. Tippit, from witness accounts, was agitated at the Tip-Top Record Store, and when pulling over the Andrews car. Under the tensions and dangers of the day he might reasonably have lost his shyness. Why not draw his gun? If he wanted someone to get in and put on the uniform, or to give him info on Oswald's whereabouts - well, it was period custom for cops to pull iron on their own authority. No supervisor would call him on it, that day of all days. Why get out of the car at all? What if he was drawn on first, and made to get out of the car? Not drawing his gun leaves a lot of possibilities open. Another possibility is that he knew the persons(s) he was dealing with, and was convinced that he could get what he wanted out of them without going so far as to draw on them. And then there's the Westbrook-Croy scenario.
  6. A useful question, I hope. Why didn't Tippit draw his gun when exiting the car? We have no accounts saying that he did. If his revolver had been found out of its holster...we might not have more certainty but we'd certainly have more to discuss. Less cynically - drawing his gun in caution might have saved Tippit's life. So, if he's not accosting someone, or some pair, with gun drawn, why is he getting out of his car? Did he think his badge and height/size alone would be intimidating, on the day of an assassination?
  7. I've seen it apart from the Gratz article, in GPH's own words, FWIW. I believe GPH claimed that this shooter hit Connally. GPH also attached a joke about this guy being paid poorly because he was a bad shot (!) Who knows with GPH. I'll try to find the quotation.
  8. I’ve been at the far fringes of Arthur M. Young’s world, so let me mention what I see in my jaundiced imagination. Graduates Princeton in mathematics, but doesn’t pursue an academic career. Goes through a crisis period after graduating, deciding what to apply himself to other than mathematical research. Spends twelve years perfecting rotary flight on his father’s farm. Achieves the first successful design, then transfers at least one of the patents involved to Bell Aircraft, where he works for under seven years. Allegedly, the spectre of nuclear destruction causes him to turn his back on yet a second career – though it may again have been mere institutional dissatisfaction, as after Princeton. Young never speaks about the upgrading of conventional warfare’s destructiveness by the Bell helicopter. Drawing on a youthful period when he explored astrology, spirit mediumship, and once participated in a séance attempting to contact a UFO hovering over earth, Young takes the money from his one, decisive scientific trick and opens a Foundation for the Study of Consciousness in Philadelphia, with wife Ruth Forbes. He attempts to draw a process model of the universe to build a philosophy on. Having first toyed somewhat solipsistically with the helicopter as a “winged self” model of developing human consciousness, he settles on a model of universal development that traces only a quasi-scientific progress from light to matter, moored conservatively in Aristotle’s taxonomy and the hoary, religious Great Chain of Being model, so as not to be thought too weird and non-referential. The Foundation in Philadelphia mutates into the Institute for the Study of Consciousness at Berkeley. There, Young can apply variations of his process model to study of multiple disciplines: creative arts, political science, physics, and such. Now he’s an across-the-board genius, and from his classrooms can recommend likely candidates for sponsored study in the sciences, artificial intelligence, economics – assembling all manner of theory to justify stealing, killing, dominance. Ruth Forbes Paine Young now has the funding and intellectual connections to develop the International Peace Academy, another equivocating think-tank from which talent for other areas of endeavor may be drawn. The Academy is an offshoot of Forbes’ past involvement the anti-nuke World Federalist Movement, of whose sister organization, the United World Federalists, Cord and Mary Meyer were members. Is all the funding for this from the Youngs' personal capital and investment? From patents? I have, in my own process philosophy, spoken of the Kennedy assassination as an affair of couples, high and low: the Kennedys, the Oswalds, the Dulleses, the Paines, the De Mohrenschildts, and so on. But what of an affair of mothers? Do a highborn mother and her children help create the circumstances that enmesh in sorrow a lowborn mother and hers? It sounds like the blueprint for the Vietnam war to me. Though our taxonomy ought to include the mother of the Kennedy children, for completeness.
  9. Ruth Forbes Paine Young, Ruth Paine's mother, is interviewed in this documentary about her husband Arthur M. Young, designer of the Bell helicopter, gnostic philosopher, and UFO enthusiast. Forbes appears at about 15:57 and for a few minutes after.
  10. It's difficult to figure out what this site is up to. Seems to preach the Protestant Reformation in a way aligned with supra-Catholic organizations, similar to those true-faith priesthoods hovering around the assassination saga, staffed by guys who couldn't make it as actual Catholic priests. So I suspect that's why the unqualified support for debunking the Durie Malcolm thing. Whatever. There's some fun Sunday reading in these pages. Myself, whatever my respect for JFK as a politician and humanitarian, I wouldn't doubt his regard for his personal life was lax enough (or rebellious enough) that he allowed himself to elope with multiply-married Durie Malcolm...the Wallis Simpson of our saga.
  11. It's interesting that a site devoted to the conspiracy to conceal the true name of God, with side pages about the alchemy of nuclear warfare encompassing Sir William Crookes, Marie Curie and Allen Dulles, reprints the Clark Clifford debunking of the Durie Malcolm marriage verbatim and without comment. But the site is nominally arch-Catholic propaganda pitched at the level of Broshears and Ferrie, so... (No offense meant to Catholics by me.) http://www.reformation.org/churchill-and-hitlers-nuclear-arsenal.html Thanks for turning me on to this pleasant weirdness.
  12. If you search the old threads, supposedly Nestor "Tony" Izquierdo was given a statue in Miami's Little Habana for firing from the TSBD. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKizquierdo.htm Also German speaking assassin? See G. P. Hemming in Tim Gratz (!) article quoted same page, after Nestor's bio: "Hemming told us this week that, through a source in a Central American intelligence organization, he learned that a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository, spoke German and used a shoulder-mounted, carbine-firing Mauser equipped with a scope and a silencer. "This man fired not from the sniper’s nest on the southeast corner of the sixth floor of the book depository, but from the window on the west end of the sixth floor. Hemming cannot identify this German-speaking shooter by name."
  13. I think Putin's got Roy Cohn's head preserved in a cryogenic vessel in some freezing laboratory room in Novosibirsk. Every so often, on Putin's command, the techs administer a neuroelectric shock and Roy comes gaspingly alive to dispense advice on rhetoric and strategy. "It's OK," Roy howls, "I'm not sleeping. I've been taking it all in." Trump traded Putin this pouchy-eyed relic of his own rise in exchange for North Korean cooperation in the war rumors plaguing us today, so the lot of them could steal their peoples blind. That Hawaii thing? Pure Roy. "You know," Roy croaks amid the liquid nitrogen fumes, "It's not so bad as I thought, living in Russia. I'm just photographed less."
  14. Where are the voices that promised us democracy through the internet, and worldwide availability ? Where's Al Gore? Hillary Clinton? Where's everybody that praised Arab Spring internet connections, and condemned Chinese and other censorship? (These are rhetorical questions.)
  15. I suspect that both Golitsyn and Nosenko were false defectors sent to drive Angleton crazy and undermine CIA, because of what was known was known of Angleton's tendencies through Philby and other sources. It was a long game, and a hard one for Nosenko, but each man would have had a certain amount of confidence that they would not be long imprisoned or executed if they failed, because of US espionage policy.
  16. One wonders what a high-level mole could have accomplished at an intelligence headquarters first run for capital by Dulles, and then run for Dulles by Angleton, Helms, and the list of hard-nose stalwarts we're familiar with. Was Angleton's mole-hunt just a symptom of the fear that the era of the Duiles brothers in government and intelligence was slipping away?* What were Allen Dulles's known comments on Angleton's obsession? It may be useful to re-examine the levels of CIA officer that fell under suspicion in this era. How high-level were any of those? Looking at the damage done by later moles such as Aldrich Ames, which rolled up overseas networks and got foreign agents (not CIA officers) killed, one wonders if mole damage wasn't an issue of national security, but of Agency morale loss, money lost in checkbook espionage, and operational hours wasted. It's doubtful the human lives lost mattered: they had been given up at the get-go. Larry Hancock, any opinion here? --------- *For that matter, were the Kennedy assassination and the spectre of a Kennedy dynasty in the Executive a symptom of this fear? Was the whole family a threat to national security? Oh, wait - it threatened the Vietnam War.
  17. Maybe you should go look at the back threads I'm talking about, facepalm slinger. There was once considerable concern here about the odd appearance of Hill and Moorman in Zapruder. This does not mean I endorse the Some Like it Hot theory.
  18. Actually, if you look at some of the Dealey Plaza film stills this poster has up on his web pages, there are some unrelated weirdnesses that haven't been commented on. Such as the shot in which Moorman and Hill have somehow moved over to the other side of Charles Brehm and his son, and why Babushka lady is photographing from behind the Brehms when she has a lot of open space to work in on either side of them (as if she's using the Brehms as a shield). So there's something useful in checking out the proofs for some alternative theories. People might like to look back on past threads (some involving the departed Jack White) that explored whether Moorman was on the curb or in the street when she shot her picture, and why in Zapruder Jean Hill is wearing shoes much different from those she wears in other photographs.
  19. Was Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. Were getting revenge for Marilyn Monroe.
  20. OK. But if you Google Rosin and von Braun...that aliens hoax story is repeated on at least 20 different websites, over several Google pages.. So somebody's paying to get it out there. Does Rosin get a piece of that? https://www.bing.com/search?q=carole+Rosin+von+braun&src=IE-SearchBox&FORM=IENTTR&conversationid
  21. It was somewhere around the place where all eyes and guns were trained on Lansdale and his poodle that I smelled the heroism business. You're right about the outrageous enmity that the French ground command held for us, who were taking their war away from them. The higher-level politics involved is a study of its own.
  22. It has been observed that the most dangerous tendency in a biographer is to let his subject become his hero.
  23. Michael, how does this work? I get a 404 Not Found at the Krusch link, and "Not Found On This Server" for the individual books.
  24. OK - so anybody out there have any clues to Abe Greenbaum Number One?
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