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John Dugan

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  1. finally, an upgrade. I think it looks great. More threads on the main page is nice. Everyone will grow to like it.
  2. dean, care to share a few of these amazing assassination photos you've acquired? In a new thread of course. You have anything from Dealey Plaza that might not be widely publicized?
  3. just a rule of thumb......never click on advertisements on a web page. I you are interested in a product that someone has an ad for on a website, google search it and find a real website for that product. That's the only way to be real safe. Spyware on your computer is bad news.
  4. Thats right. BUT, IF you are referencing the storm drain (sewer opening) on the north side down from the picket fence next to the underpass, then take into account that that would have been an "upward" shot from the drain and could not have been a kill shoot because the Limo was uphill from the storm drain and the shooter would have been at curbside or below... That is a sewer shooter is "Planted" information, a diversion as a cover story to throw investigators off the south knoll shooter above and on the south side of the underpass... as quoted by John Rosellie to prison inmates some years after the assassination and found in his book. Just before his death he used to laugh about how gullible people were to buy a story like that. So has this thread now drifted of into the "Storm Drain Shooter? the, "EXPERTS". It is laughable that a lot of people are so gullible when it comes to these far-fetched theories, such as the storm drain shooter.
  5. :lol: seems the same as always for me. I wish they would get rid of the Important Topics - Pinned, those could be condensed.
  6. the face of the bush is brighter than the side facing east. It's called perspective. and WHY WOULD THE ALTERATIONISTS WANT TO FIX THE HEDGES? Was there a shooter in there jack?
  7. BECAUSE IT'S NOT A BALL WITH STRIPE!! and if it WAS a ball with a stripe, what's it have to do with the shooting of JFK? Maybe it's some kind of CIA/Cuban device? Or is it a remote camera? or space-age tripod? Or is it (insert anything you can think of here)
  8. Tripods and remote cameras has to the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on this forum. Jack, you have some great ideas and have done some informative studies, but you sound insignificant when you conjure up these wild ideas as to how things went down on 11.22.63., with no proof or evidence of such. Some of these theories would be better suited for a science fiction novel.
  9. They are not PURPOSES. Each alteration or animation was done by a separate team for the sake of SPEED probably. They are MISTAKES, because of the lack of coordination. Therefore the films do not match in many details. Thanks for not fumferring. Jack But why would anything need to be altered in an area of away from where the assassination took place? A good question for which there is no documentable answer. We can only speculate. My THEORY is not yet formulated, but it involves genuine films taken by genuine spectators being altered to conform to some scenario, using FOOTAGE FROM REMOTE CONTROLLED CAMERAS. These minor films were not deemed critical, BUT HAD TO SHOW CERTAIN THINGS AND NOT SHOW CERTAIN THINGS. As a result the extant films are an amalgam of original footage, retouched footage, and fabricated footage. This is very similar to the Z film. However the Z film was fabricated with greater precision than the minor films, which were deemed less important. So far my theory is just in the work stage. It involves the aluminum van on Elm, which I think may have been the command center for the operation as well as the control center for remote cameras. Jack Jack, Do you have even one single witness who reported seeing any remote cameras in Dealey Plaza? Todd I'd like to know this as well.
  10. How is it possible, in 1963, to........ 1. account for all photos being taken 2. confiscate all photos and films .......and return them to their rightful owners with the changes made?
  11. They are not PURPOSES. Each alteration or animation was done by a separate team for the sake of SPEED probably. They are MISTAKES, because of the lack of coordination. Therefore the films do not match in many details. Thanks for not fumferring. Jack But why would anything need to be altered in an area of away from where the assassination took place?
  12. i'll try not to fumferr..... .....but for what reason/motive would the animators have for removing characters from the sidewalk on Houston? and I am not trying to disagree with the study (which is pretty good), just trying to understand the purpose of this alteration. Everything has a purpose. All these old films of the motorcade have strange things going on, it's 1963, the footage is of poor quality, so one should expect to see anomolies throughout.
  13. of all the photos of LHO that exist, do any of them resemble the "head" used in the backyard photos? If its actually his face, it had to have been lifted from somewhere. Maybe an old military photo? The study done on the actual dimensions of The Militant newspaper in the LHO's hand, compared to his height, is very interesting. But can the measurements of the paper be accurate, since they are at an angle? This angle should be taken into consideration, or was it? Jack, was this your study?
  14. I agree. visualists.........they see anything their imagination can come up with.
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