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B. A. Copeland

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  1. This is terrible....I'll never forget (listening to and learning from) seeing him when I was quite young. My heart goes out to his family and I cannot thank him enough for being a powerful and critical beacon for understanding the tragedy of 11/22/63.
  2. Aynesworth…..committed an utter and total disservice to not only the memory of JFK and Garrison directly, but to history itself.
  3. Invaluable as always Joe, thanks and thanks to Uncle Malcolm, Barto/DPUK.
  4. I think it is very relevant and important to note Stone’s more relatively recent thinking on Prouty and in particular Prouty’s beliefs about Lansdale: At best, this seems to be critical and in line with the evidence today. I’m certainly willing to be educated.
  5. Hey there Michael. I think, with all due respect, we should give Mr. Stone credit for continuing to study the material through the years. He stated unequivocally last year that he no longer puts any stock to Col. Prouty's Lansdale allegations. I came across this post sometime ago from Doug Campbell (of the Dallas Action Podcast): Now that above quotation is sourced from this video: https://youtu.be/-Rh7yrIOmY0 Timestamp for the quote is at about 00:44:43. It seems to me that Stone is acting in a good faith of sorts of what I think is a good quality to found in the research of many fields: keeping the mind open to new developments and being willing to welcome new ways of thinking about an old puzzle due to said new developments and evidence.
  6. Posting a relevant link related to the topic from Campbell’s show: #127~ March 4, 2018: "Distant Early Warnings: The Strange Tales Of Eugene Dinkin & David Christensen."
  7. A topic such as this is so long overdue. I should honestly post up my notes from my listening (literally tons of times) of Dale’a Show with Blunt. It is absolutely *required* reading and listening. I got the book right away even though it’s interesting because much of my notes are verbatim copies of Dale/Blunt’s words with time stamps (since it’s audio). I listen to all of Dale’s audios with blunt at least 3-5x a year. It never, ever gets dull. It’s also my source for the incredible Joan Higdon information from the HSCA. I’d kill to know what “explosive” information those 2 investigators learned. Either way, excellent review Jim and Blunt is just next level, period. Doug Campbell also did a relatively recent show with Alan Dale that is absolutely worth listening to and certainly relevant to this very topic and discussion: #179~ January 15, 2021: "Devils, Details, And Dialogue: A Conversation With Alan Dale, Of The Assassination Archives & Research Center."
  8. Mr. H what a fascinating, fascinating read. I knew exactly what I was getting into reading this and I've read it 3x so far. Taking notes and will post more questions in due time. the more I learn about Carlos "Batea" Hernandez, the more I am intrigued. I'm even more curious about Felix Rodriguez. Do we know or have any info regarding whereabouts of either men on 11/22/63? Whatever happened to Hernandez in later years after that tragic day? Thank you very much for your amazing work and research.
  9. Shall we add Henry Cabot Lodge as someone else who royally screwed JFK in Vietnam as well? Its sickening to read about his actions in the documentary record as well as Douglass' book in particular.
  10. @James DiEugenio@Larry Hancockgreat response by you both. Any idea if any research has been done on Morales’ whereabouts on that tragic evening?
  11. I believe that is the same dark skinned man that O’Sullivan (and others) photographically ID’ as Morales but we’re in error it seems? Personally he is unidentified. I don’t even know if research has been done to attempt to learn where Morales (or Robertson, etc) was on that terrible day but I’d definitely guess that, as the Cuban pilot implied, in my mind anyway, to Wayne January, that Bobby was hated more than JFK and at the minimum I’d say Morales disliked Bobby as much as he disliked Jack.
  12. I'd ask Doug Campbell or @Rob Clark David. He has a great deal of focus on Loran Hall and I wouldn't be surprised if he knew exactly where to locate the document. I mean hopefully someone here can provide you with a copy asap but certainly Campbell and @Rob Clark are worth asking.
  13. New show from Campbell. Figured this was a relevant place to post? #177 (RE-MIX!) December 1, 2020: "From The Bay Of Pigs To Dealey Plaza: Rip Robertson, Operation TILT, And The JFK Hit."
  14. Oh for sure. Certainly all criticism encouraged and welcome in my book. I should also (and more accurately) state that Rob seems to consistently rely on evidence from the documentary record more than he does not and calls speculation what it is when it is indeed so.
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