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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. I probably have to do so much reading on this. Being someone who also understands perspective in visual arts, dimension, etc. I have always had a few questions regarding what we see in the extant film and just questions in general. Some witnesses reported the vehicle coming close to (or) a stop. Perhaps I am just blind but this action doesn't seem to occur in the film as I observe it but again, could be me. As I look at the panning of the camera, there is no distinction of different planes. In other words is Zap. was panning, he is a human looking at objects, people, etc, on different planes and as he pans to the right, there should be (?) distinct shifting of those planes. So, as an example if I'm filming someone slowly walking between light posts (with gaps between them): or... or... I am terribly sorry if this causes a bit of motion sickness for the viewers but I am trying to understand why any parallax effects are absent from the film. Again, I am absolutely open to learning. I understand the 8mm camera Zap. used is relatively primitive, etc. So I am open to learning something new (or old lol). As I look at the film these stuck out to me. I mean if Zap. is panning from left to right, shouldn't the shadows of the bystanders in the lawn move as well? I mean it can be difficult to see but they don't seem to move at all but again, I could be absolutely wrong on this. I am not arguing for film alteration but I am trying to understand what it is that I observe (or don't lol). I do know some argument has been made about those light or lamp posts and I remember that striking me as well. I mean the posts should move independent of the bystanders or at a different speed. There is just no authentic "3D effect" in the reality that Zap. captured on film I guess is my point. Whatever the conclusion, be it alteration or not, the truth is preferred for me, above all else. Thanks for any help and tutelage in this matter.
  2. Hey there Jim, I basically wanted to contact you concerning this book I have recently seen: https://www.amazon.com/Road-Not-Taken-Lansdale-American/dp/B07892WGPB Any thoughts? I'm sure you, Len, Valentine and Newman among others would probably be interested in this work. I'm also fearful to read it for obvious reasons lol... * Back on topic for me! (even though this has a bit to do with Vietnam, but I apologize Jim!)
  3. Tommy you must consider Simpich's "Ernesto Miller" angle as well, who he mentions was a friend of the Duran family, as he used to borrow their car (please correct me if I'm wrong Bill!) and by saying the Russians were impersonating LHO, that clearly implicates them in the murder to some degree as well which, as Simpich also argues they wanted nothing to do with the mess that was ongoing in the plot. I also wouldn't say "the evil CIA" as the agency isn't necessarily evil but there were certainly bad apples who were involved in the JFK hit and this plot included a (theoretically) very sophisticated (and compartmentalized) operation in Mexico City of which we're still trying to uncover.
  4. My apologies for not catching the sarcasm lol.
  5. Hey Jimbo, could you clear out your PM inbox? I wanted to send you an important message :). Please and thanks bud!
  6. Morales is the closest we've gotten to an extremely high level CIA officer admitting their own role in the murder and you say "nothing"? While Professor Scott doesn't take Morales' admission as genuine or believe it was an admission, I certainly do. People unravel when they're intoxicated, even CIA people. I'd even love to hear what Bill Harvey grumbled on about that apparently had his Deputy a bit spooked. At the very least Morales should be considered a prime suspect.
  7. Not even the Mexico City phone calls? The FBI said it wasn't or did not sound like LHO, etc.
  8. Ahh thanks for clarification. I was wondering if that was what was meant. Now an actual, "official" "Right Wing Of The CIA" lol..? Well....I am not so sure about that...I'd have to agree with you there.
  9. Jim were they still active? I mean would it hurt to have their real names today? (no sarcasm intended)!). Simpich argues this to an extent today, concerning the Wiretap monitors (and whom I believe were *possibly* AMOTs if not also playing a role in those LHO impersonation phone calls) in Mexico City. He basically argues that we should know their identities or have access to their identities today. Knowing names helps to clarify the CIA's historical record. Example? Helps alot that we know who Stanley Zamka is or Bishop. Provides great context which I am sure you know all too well due to your expertise of course.
  10. Well...correct me if I am wrong but as I read that I cannot help but to think of Cord Meyer Jr and Jim Angleton lol...they both saw the political world in different ways. One might even call one "leftist" and the other "right-wing" relative to one another. It could possibly exist in a figurative manner.
  11. Sandy what year is I've always wanted to know what year was this photo taken?
  12. I am not sure we have solid proof LHO ordered any rifle from Kline's but I digress. I guess I do understand your angle. Do you believe that LHO was most likely impersonated in any way and at any point in time before 11/22/1963?
  13. You do realize you are irrational in boxing all "CTers" in together yes? Why don't we stop the labels and go for a more scholarly or professional approach?. At best, you should have said "some of those that I've observed who believe there was a conspiracy" your label is absolutely insufficient David. At the end of the day there are many fantasies that those who believe LHO did it and that there were others buy into much fantasy unfortunately but not merely those who espouse conspiracy in the plot to kill JFK. As far as I am concerned, you guys are the absolute source on that encounter and I lean towards much of the official record not being concrete as once believed. DVP simply (and unfortunately) refuses to consider any possible scenario other than LHO acting alone/official narrative which is just sad when it comes to the quest for the truth but I digress and one thing that the Ed. Forum needs is certainly no more of that (digression from topic).
  14. Thats ok. I don't think the focus should be so strongly (or merely I should say) on the CIA. Its been that way for over 50 years. I'd like to see more NSA, Army Intelligence, etc. files personally.
  15. For the record, what is your explanation for Baker's lack of a 2nd floor lunchroom encounter in his first affidavit? He wrote it on the very day according to the record.
  16. Oh yeah...Win XP will dot hat to ya these days lol. Glad everything worked fine....at work ;).
  17. Hmm...mega doesn't pop up? I'll work on an alternative. Apologies. Not sure why it doesn't simply load up for you. As for the arguments for/against Armstrong's work, my intention was to provide another resource that, to my understanding, and whether or not Armstrong's conclusions follow from his premises, provides a wealth of information regarding LHO as far as the documentary records are concerned. I believe that even a work with a (for some or many) controversial/accepted/unaccepted thesis can be used a potentially good resource to learn much more.
  18. Are you sure it needs one? I thought I included the key with the link itself so that it wouldn't ask for one. Let me know if you can't access it. Looks like Krusch's site also hosts it. Big thanks to John for allowing the upload.
  19. Heh....sorry JimD :(....but you know, I find its always good to have both digital and physical copies!
  20. It is with pleasure (because of the difficulty locating and/or purchasing this work) that I offer this (with John's general permission and/or encouragement via Len Osanic's BlackOp Radio show #857, timestamp 1:15:46~1:16:28) to any and all who wish to further research but found this book extremely costly or difficult to find. Included within the link is the supplemental CD-ROM that was included with the actual book. A very special thanks to John Armstrong for his actually encouraging uploads and use of his book and to the original uploader years ago here at the Ed. Forum. Again, it is with general or impersonal permission from Armstrong himself that I post his work for download and research. Harvey & Lee PDF/Book Harvey & Lee CD-ROM Please let me know if you into any issues downloading and I will fix asap.
  21. Speaking of Morales (back on topic lol), has anyone reached out to any surviving member of his family in recent years? (I'm thinking within the 2000's but specifically, 2010-2017 say?)
  22. I can't tell you how much I look forward to you and Simpich to speak on that! I smell a book coauthored by you two...pronto! Thanks as always Larry for your insight into this case! I think its also interesting that it was, according to the record, Angleton and Harvey who met with Peter Wright concerning basically....well how to frame communists as well as assassination (which really did come in handy during the fall of '63 ironically enough...). I also mention that Jim D (Destiny Betrayed 2nd Ed.) mentioned that Angleton supervised an anti-communist(?) assassination team headed by Boris Pash? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Seems like Angleton and Harvey were much closer than we think. I could be wrong but it is interesting nonetheless.
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