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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. I think the folks at blackvault are also tireless in their sorting the documents making many of them searchable. It is terrible that files are unsorted, unnecessarily redacted, unorganized and unsearchable...
  2. Was my posting of a link to ROKC against the ToS? If I've violated said terms, my apologies.
  3. Campbell has a new audio concerning Santiago/Anti-Castro Miami personnel in Dallas: "Verifiably Documented: The Gunboat Cowboys In Dallas."
  4. Great critical thinking by Greg Parker & Co. found here (theater arrest, Tippit shooting, etc):
  5. I think we may have enough reason to believe that Jr. didn't buy the Warren Commission. He even had an article in George magazine with Oliver Stone literally speaking about the subject of assassination conspiracies throughout history and that magazine also touched on Yitzhak Rabin's assassination and how the alleged assassin was set up by the Mossad. I think those are all profound elements to have in one's own publication that is be seen as a something of an indirect (or direct possibly?) message to others interested in the subject matter: JFK Jr. was no idiot and I'd wager he believed that LHO did not shoot his father. Thanks for sharing that article in any case Cory. Very interesting read.
  6. http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2019/07/rolf-mowatt-larssen-and-jake-esterline.html Interestingly enough, Doug Campbell dedicated an entire show on this topic as well. He tried to reach out to Kelly (a few years ago) but unfortunately to no avail as Kelly never (or wasn't able?) responded. He also attempted to reach out to Mowatt-Larsen for the audio as well to no avail. Hope you're in good health Mr K. Doug’s show and thoughts on this conference that Burleigh reported on can be found here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/150-april-5-2019-jaccuse-a-new-suspected I think it goes without saying that this is interesting to say the least. I can't help (as Doug couldn't) but wonder what sources Larssen was able to survey that led to his personal conclusion of Esterline's involvement.
  7. Well the debate/analysis will surely end on sites such as this if they're shut down. Any debate or analysis that currently ongoing should continue.
  8. Speaking of MC, I had a blast last night listening to the Boris & Anna Tarasoff's audio testimony to the HSCA. Its included in the big batch of .wav files. I think the others are terribly quality audio of Nosenko maybe? Anna's Obit. https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/chula-vista-ca/anna-tarasoff-8062510
  9. I've heard of the SE Asia sniper being flown in before. I can't remember if it was you Evan or someone else. That seems like a nice lead to follow up on personally.
  10. I do think there are still questions to be asked. So it seems that, based on scientific evidence, that we can rule out commercial flights from Rome to Dallas. Theres also still the "Oliver Hardy" claim made by the late Dr. Crenshaw.
  11. Audio from Doug Campbell concerning this alleged flight Karl: I might also mention that it has been mentioned that Michele Metta's book also makes mention of this same flight but I have not read the book or been able to check the source for it.
  12. New Doug Campbell audio concerning Harvey (and the famous "flight to Dallas"): #154~ June 21, 2019: A. "Eliminating The Impossible". B. "Propaganda Machine: The CIA & The Warren Report."
  13. This is just crushing.....thank you Bart for posting his videos recently. I've enjoyed the hell out of them. I am floored by his simple approach using absolutely nothing but evidence and common sense. I've also enjoyed his article on the DPD/Westbrook a while back.
  14. I believe he actually espouses and elaborates it in his updated "Oswald & The CIA" (2008 ed.) with the newest updated chapter on Mexico City. I think Blunt and Dale deal with Bruce Solei (?), Bagley, Nosenko and others well in a couple of his shows with Blunt as a guest. Personally, after all I've been able to listen to, read and study to an extent, I too cannot believe Nosenko was treated as a genuine defector. We also have proof that Solei was pushing Nosenko as genuine in the Spring of 1964 which, as Blunt says, almost made Bagley "fall out of his chair" because for Bagley, that would've been way too early to be pushing such a position....its strange as all hell but I'm still learning I guess. I just wish the Russians would release all about LHO....audio/video (perhaps from the bugged hotel room back in '59), etc. If what Newman has shown about Nosenko is factual then I'm not at all surprised by his being a false defector. If what he reports is accurate then......there it is. Nosenko is a fake sent to disrupt US Counter Intelligence. I mean I don't have ultimate judgement on it (when can one really when dealing with intel organizations?) but I lean towards Nosenko being a false defector. I would probably take Bagley's side inasmuch as Nosenko not being a genuine defector as well and we may have good reason to believe that. It almost does seem as though the Agency abandoned logic to clear Nosenko....I mean if you accept the guy it prevents all hell from breaking loose. Same with Oswald. Deny him and you're free. Accept him and its over. Imagine the agencies tied to him that would've probably been destroyed: ONI, CIA, FBI, Customs/INS....thats insane. How much loss just to accept that he was witting/unwitting asset.....but then again how much relief by either his death and absolute disassociation with him. That is probably one of the most fascinating aspects of it all...
  15. Now why in the absolute and living world would anyone care to burn his body to questions arising (and concerning) "...something on that body"?! There might be so much in that statement of Warren's that its shocking. What would cause him to be so concerned about anything "on that body" so much that you'd essentially want to eliminate the body or proof of something on it?? This is just absolutely insane unless I'm truly missing something.
  16. We don't really know how many times he was hit (without debate) because he had probably the worst autopsy (and sadly, criminal investigations) in the history of mankind which is absolutely pathetic and inexcusable. How about we ask that one military man who literally said he was in charge of the autopsy that night? Wouldn't that be something.
  17. Just for the record Larry, instead of tossing that term around casually, how would you go about it? (no sarcasm *ever* intended with you :)!
  18. Doug Campbell's Show (The Dallas Action) with Owen Band: #153~ May 30, 2019: " 'Bernardo De Torres Was My Friend': Cocaine And Cuban Exiles In Miami", With Special Guest Owen Band. Haven't listened yet but definitely can't wait. Thanks Doug for the audio.
  19. I mean....wouldn't putting such a quote in a popular paper be something of a bad decision? Essentially threatening RFK's life as well? I mean if you believe it was a conspiracy and those responsible were powerful enough to place guns between RFK and the WH, I'm not even sure I'd want such a statement quoted in a paper. If this is all legit...then wow.
  20. My pleasure Jim. No idea who interviewed her and as for a transcript, I am not sure either. This is based on one of Dale’s great shows with Blunt. Blunt stated that her interview may turn up in the 2017 release. He did not say who interviewed her but that there were notes taken of her interview.
  21. Apparently Jim, she worked with the Church Committee, yeah. She was involved with indexing?, according to Blunt (anyone who has heard this audio a million times such as myself please correct me if I’m wrong). I also believe Blunt says that she was brought to the attention of the Committee thanks to Jim Lesar so maybe he would have more info on her. She gave testimony to the ARRB but we only have notes that refer to said testimony so far.
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