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Bernice Moore

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Posts posted by Bernice Moore


    Police arrested Mooney and another woman, Patsy Slope, when, inside a parked car, the two engaged in fisticuffs over the love of some guy. A few hours later, they found Mooney's corpse hanging inside her holding cell. She had apparently used her slacks as a rope.

    The FBI’s official investigation into her death based it’s finding of suicide on an affidavit provided by William Goode, a guy claiming to be a friend of Mooney’s. He said she had attempted suicide on a couple of occasions before the fatal night.


    last below domingo benavides and helen markham


    So how else can it be said. The apollo astronauts say the photos are as taken by them on the moon. White claims..wrongly I might add...they are all faked.

    White is saying they are not telling the truth. You can't have it both ways....

    BTW, please point out the WORD xxxx in Burtons post.


    Just so we are clear on this, Jack: you claim the images were not taken on the Moon.

    The astronauts who conducted those lunar missions say you are wrong.

    So you are saying that the astronauts, who say they have walked on the Moon and took the photographs - which you claim are faked - on the Moon, are lying.

    That is your position, isn't it? There is no grey area here; it's one or the other.

  3. Retired history professor writing third book

    Originally published June 02, 2010

    Frederick, MD News Post.com

    By Brian Englar

    News-Post Staff

    Gerald McKnight is a retired Hood College professor and JFK assassination expert. McKnight is working on his third book.

    For retired Hood College history professor Gerald McKnight, much of the early part of his life conditioned him to question American policy and challenge the officially recognized versions of events.

    Growing up in a rough Philadelphia neighborhood during the 1940s, many of his friends were avowed leftists, exposing him to a range of alternative political views.

    Then came his service in the Korean War, where he was assigned the grim task of removing bodies from the battlefield after massive Chinese assaults.

    “That was eye-opening for a 20-year-old,” McKnight said. “I think what it said to me in a sense was, ‘what is the history of this and how did we get involved with this?’ “

    McKnight said these experiences helped steer him away from his plan to go into veterinary medicine and into the field of history. However, it was not until he arrived in Frederick in the mid-1970s as a part-time professor at Hood that he found what would be his life’s work: attempting to call into question the official story of the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and other political figures of the 1960s.

    While at Hood, he worked with Virginia Lewis, history department chairwoman at the time as well as a JFK enthusiast, and met Frederick resident and assassination researcher Paul [Harold] Weisberg. He and Lewis decided to put together a class about the political assassinations of the 1960s, which McKnight continues to teach.

    McKnight said the college provided a supportive environment where he could pursue his research without fear.

    “It was encouraged,” McKnight said. “I wasn’t regarded as the village idiot or as someone who needed counseling.”

    McKnight has since written two books, based largely on documents obtained by Weisberg and himself. “The Last Crusade: Martin Luther King Jr., the FBI and the Poor People’s Campaign” was published in 1998 and documents the bureau’s campaign of harassment against King and its efforts to thwart a planned march on Washington by impoverished Americans. He had to sue the Justice Department for the documents used in the book, receiving word his Freedom of Information Act requests would be granted the day before the case was set to go to trial.

    “Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why” was published in 2005 and details many of the inner workings of the commission in an attempt to show its findings were based on a preordained conclusion reached by top officials almost immediately after the assassination.

    He is working on a new book about the Kennedy assassination he said will highlight evidence drawn from recently obtained documents. He said its scope will be more expansive than “Breach of Trust,” dealing with many aspects of the case, including what he said is documented proof that the government used threats of deportation to get Marina Oswald to cooperate with its investigation, as well as evidence Oswald’s defection to the Soviet Union may have been part of an Office of Naval Intelligence program to insert sleeper agents.

    While McKnight hopes his work will make a difference in informing the nation’s understanding of the assassination, he thinks the upcoming 50th anniversary of the event is likely to spark a massive media campaign in support of the official story.

    “I think there is a movement on to close off this issue once and for all,” McKnight said, “… to say that publishers and newspapers should treat this business of an alternative explanation for Dallas as some sort of mental disease that undermines the republic itself.”



  5. BILL THIS MAY BE OF INTEREST TO YoU...??Many of the theories that are bandied about say that [Oswald] was an agent of the FBI or the CIA...but I say he was an agent of the ONI...Office of Naval Intelligence...Since the Marine Corps is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Navy, and since his Marine Corps discharge was handled by the Navy, there's no way that you can have this discharge, and his conduct---before, during and after---unless the ONI started it."



    George Michael Evica on a seemingly "prophetic" move by Naval Intelligence in regards to Oswald's discharge status.

    (1 min 36 sec) George Michael Evica on a seemingly "prophetic" move by Naval Intelligence in regards to Oswald's discharge status.

    (1 min 36 sec) George Michael Evica on a seemingly "prophetic" move by Naval Intelligence in regards to Oswald's discharge status.

    (1 min 36 sec)

  6. BILL THESE MAY BE OF INTEREST TO YoU...??Many of the theories that are bandied about say that [Oswald] was an agent of the FBI or the CIA...but I say he was an agent of the ONI...Office of Naval Intelligence...Since the Marine Corps is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Navy, and since his Marine Corps discharge was handled by the Navy, there's no way that you can have this discharge, and his conduct---before, during and after---unless the ONI started it."


    1 min 36 sec) George Michael Evica on a seemingly "prophetic" move by Naval Intelligence in regards to Oswald's discharge status.





  9. Date : 01/05/99

    Page : 1





    RECORD NUMBER 104-10438-10154









    DATE 05/19/64

    PAGES 9






    DATE OF LAST REVIEW 11/25/98


    COMMENTS JFK-RH06 :Fll5 1998 .11 .25 .08 :18 :14 :873129 : THIS DOCUMENT






    TnFNTIFl~-~'L' _ _



    FOR: Mr. J. J_e w Ri aklu



    General Counsel

    xre~i3snt' ~ Ccuaxaisaa ion on tae

    Assasatu'Aion of pmaident iCeanady

    SUB37ECT : Allagattons of Pfc . Eugene n . !3MIN,

    Array, Relative to =issaasinatlon_

    Plot Against Pros Uent xennf,Y ni

    is }.,I a V v t v C, C "ti N1 . SS C ,ti.

    1 . Refsrence is roads to paragraph 4 of your memoraa-

    du=, dated February 12, 1964, requestLag that the Cossnmissioa

    be furnished copies oaf disseminations relative to the

    ajasassinatlon o¬ President Xennedy that were sent to the Secret


    Lnnaedlately after the assassination the GVii tatlaa to

    Geneva, SwItaerLand. reported allegathms esxacarniag a plot to

    asaassi.uate President Ksenn+ady that were made by ~4c . rugane

    B. DIFMIN, U. S. Army, serial number RA-76710?9Z . on 6 and

    7 November 1963. -in Geneva while absent without leave from

    his unit In Metz, France. St. v a"bla detaUs of this charger,

    together with information on its exploitation by Alex des Foatainas,

    a Time-Life stringer in Geneva, were dtsesmlaated as OUT

    Telatype message No. 85770, on 7-9 November 1963. Thin dis-

    svrainatiou was sent to the White House, Department o¬ State and

    Federal Bureau o¬ Investigation with a copy to the r:eeret Service.

    3. Since the Geneva Station cooperated with the U. S.

    a 4 :, .

    ililtitary?ttache la assemlngng information on thlS af+sir mad tbe

    1,1111tary Attaches reported through his channels, the Coramisgioa

    rn,,xy have already received inform-tion of Pfc.. DIMUN's allegations.

    o w

    A- 1 T,

    .. .

    i . .

    .. . F1''iD

    'IUeu;,O QP STUl ao ddoo OTT.rals aog


    -. lj~, sagtung


    .~ . etT3 FaZTIT~S aaS

    WASHINGTON, D .C . 2050

    MEMORANDUM FOR : Mr . J . Lee Rankin

    General Counsel

    President's Commission on the

    Assassination of President Kennedy

    SUBJECT : Allegations of Pfc . Eugene B . DINKIN,

    U.S . Army, Relative to Assassination

    Plot Against President Kennedy

    1 . Reference is made to paragraph 2 of your memoran-

    dum, dated February 12, 1964, requesting that the Commission

    be furnished copies of disseminations relative to the

    assassination of President Kennedy that were sent to the Secret

    Service .

    2. Immediately after the assassination the

    Geneva, Switzerland, reported allegations concerninb a plot to

    assassinate President Kennedy that were made by Pfc . Eugene

    B . DINKIN, U. S. Army, serial number 11A-76710292, on _6 and

    7 November 1963, in Geneva while absent without leave from

    his unit in Metz, France . Available detail of this charge,

    were disseminated as OUT

    Teletype message No. 85770, on 29 November 1963 . This dis-

    semination was sent to the White House, Department of State and

    Federal Bureau of Investigation, with a copy to the Secret Service .

    3 . Since the cooperated with the U.S.

    Military Attache in assembling information on this affair, and the

    Military Attache reported throuhh his cl- : .nncls, the Comini :;sion

    may have already received information of Pfc . DINKI .%'s allegations


    By C . I . A .


    letter of Jan . 4,


    VIM by-.&-Date__5-_MA ;6 .

    4. Because sensitive sources and methods we=re involved,

    an appropriatc- sc.rn :;itivity indicator has been affixed to this

    mcinorancluin and its attachment.


    R ichard HeIrns

    Deputy Director for Plans

    Attachment - a/s



    BY C . I .

    4, 1971

    letter of Ja-n "


    VNL by-~ ~16ate_


    OUT Teletype No . 85770, dated 29 November 1963, filed at 1556

    hours to the White House, State Department and FBI, with copy

    to the Secret Service .

    1, Your attention is called to the following series of inci-

    dents which have produced a report alleging there was advance

    information on the assassination of the late President Kennedy .

    2 . On 4 November 1963, a U. S. Army Pfc. Eugene B .

    DINKIN, Serial number RA-76710292, about 24 years old, went

    absent without. leave from his unit, Headquarters Company, U.S.

    Army General Depot, Metz, France . He was scheduled for a

    psychiatric examination that same day. He apparently entered

    Switzerland using a false Army identification card with forged

    travel orders . _ _

    3 . On 6 and 7 November 1963 he appeared in the press room

    of United Nations Office in Geneva and told reporters he was being

    persecuted. He also wished to alert the world to the U.S. Govern

    ment "Propaganda Campaign" . Army reports show that he volun-

    tarily returned to his unit in Metz on or about 11 November 1963 .

    4. Around 26 November 1963, after President Kennedy had

    been assassinated, a Geneva journalist named Alex des Fontaines,

    stringer for Time-Life and correspondent for Radio Canada, was

    reported to be filing a story to the Paris office of Time-Life

    recounting Private DINKIN's visit to Geneva and quoting DINKIN

    as having said that "they" were plotting against President Kennedy

    and that "something" would happen in Texas . Des Fontaines had

    been prompted to do this by an unidentified female reporter who had

    recalled such statements by DINKIN ; des Fontaines thought he re-

    called he had heard DINKIN say something like that also and although

    he did not really believe that DIN-KIN had grounds for his statements

    when he made them, he filed the story just to be sure .

    5 . All aspects of this story were known, as reported above,

    by U. S . military authorities and have been reported by military

    attachc cable through military channels .



    By C . I . A .

    letter of Jan . 4, 1971

    NNL byLAN Date-5-MR- 1971

    t7LU l I,L / -


    PVASHINGTON, D .C. 20505

    MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr . J . Lee Rankin

    General Counsel

    President's Commission on the

    _ Assassination of President Kennedy

    SUBJECT : Allegations of Pfc. Eugene B . DINKIN,

    U.S . Army, Relative to Assassination

    Plot Against President Kennedy

    1 . Reference is made to paragraph 2 of your memoran-

    dum, dated February 12, 1964, requesting that the Commission

    be furnished copies of disseminations relative to the

    assassination of President Kennedy that were sent to the Secret

    Service .

    2 . Immediately after the assassination the CIA Station in

    Geneva, Switzerland, reported allegations concerning a plot to

    assassinate President Kennedy that were made by Pfc . Eugene

    B . DINKIN, U, S. Army, serial number RA-76710292, on 6 and

    7 November 1963, in Geneva while absent without leave from

    his unit in Metz, France . Available details of this charge,

    together with information on its exploitation by Alex des Fontaines,

    a Time-Life stringer in Geneva, Avere disseminated as OUT

    Teletype message No, 85770, on 29 November 1963. This dis-

    semination was sent to the White House, Department of State and

    Federal Bureau of Investigation, with a copy to the Secret Service.

    3. Since the Geneva Station cooperated with the U.S.

    Military Attache in assembling information on this affair, and the

    Military Attache reported through his channels, the Commission

    may have already received information of Pfc . DIN'KIN's allegations .


    r, DS

    SE~,4 S ;1't\'E SO l1 .CES AND



    C 0 C1 ~~U

    4. Because sensitive sources and methods were involved,

    an appropriate sensitivity indicator has been affixed to this

    memorandum and its attachment .

    Richard Helms

    Deputy Director for Plans

    Attachment - a/s

    ViHPN1 ;-;G "10 :ice

    CD,9 ~3

    OUT Teletype No. 85770, dated 29 November 1963, filed at 1556

    hours to the White House, State Department and FBI, with copy

    to the Secret Service .

    1 . Your attention is called to the following series of inci-

    dents which have produced a report alleging there was advance

    information on the assassination of the late President Kennedy.

    2 . On 4 November 1963, a U. S. Army Pfc. Eugene B .

    DINKIN,-Serial number RA-76710292, about 24 years old, went

    absent without leave from his unit, Headquarters Company, U.S.

    Army General Depot, Metz, France . He was scheduled for a

    psychiatric examination that same day. He apparently entered

    Switzerland using a false Army identification card with forged

    travel orders.

    3. On 6 and 7 November 1963 he appeared in the press room

    of United Nations Office in Geneva and told reporters he was being

    persecuted . He also wished to alert the world to the U.S. Govern

    ment "Propaganda Campaign" . Army reports show that he volun-

    tarily returned to his unit in Metz on or about 11 November 1963 .

    4. Around 26 November 1963, after President Kennedy had

    been assassinated, a Geneva journalist named Alex des Fontaines,

    stringer for Time-Life and correspondent for Radio Canada, was

    reported to be filing a story to the Paris office of Time-Life

    recounting Private DINKIN's visit to Geneva and quoting DINKIN

    as liaving said that "they" were plotting against President Kennedy

    and that "something" would happen in Texas . Des Fontaines had

    been prompted to do this by an unidentified female reporter who had

    recalled such statements by DINKIN; des Fontaines thought he re-

    called he had heard DINKIN say something like that also and although

    he did not really believe that DINKIN had grounds for his statements

    when he made them, he filed the story just to be sure .

    5 . All aspects of this story were known, as reported above,

    by U. S. military authorities and have been reported by military

    attache cable through military channels .

    V'1/-~' C t~QTSCZE

    SEt45 :TfVE 5c-117rES AND

    VETH0'D5 1N,"« " r~ c",

  10. FROM older thread .....DINKIN

    Lisa Pease in alt.conspiracy.jfk 1/8/97

    All 2 messages in topic - view as tree

    Lisa Pease Jan 8 1997, 12:00 am show options

    Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk

    From: lpe...@netcom.com (Lisa Pease) - Find messages by this author

    Date: 1997/01/08

    Subject: Pre-assassination Evidence

    Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse

    I went through the FBI's reels released in 1977 and found some interesting stuff on Dinkin. It would not surprise me if he'd "mad as a hatter" NOW, because he claimed to have been mentally tortured by the Army. Those of you who order our Nagell file (available by March from CTKA) will see that that's exactly what was done to Nagell, in spades. Anyway - this is from a 9 page FBI doc on the guy, dated 4/9/64. It's in report form and looks like this was what they gave the Warren Commission. Quote on: EUGENE B. DINKIN In December, 1963, it was reported that Beth Cox, who was residing in France with an American schoolmate, had a boyfriend named Howard C. Cowen stationed in Metz, France, with the United States Army.

    Betch Cox was informed one of Howard C. Cowen's acquaintances "translated or decoded the G.I. paper's headlines to read 'Kennedy will be assassinated Thanksgiving Day,' and later changed it to read the very day he died.' On March 4, 1964, Lieutenant Colonel W. L. Adams, Jr., Assistand Chief of Staff, G-2, furnished the following...: Captain Howard C. Cowen, assigned to the United States Army Depot at Metz, France, advised on February 18, 1964, that during the evening of November 22, 1963, he conversed with an acquaintance named Dennis De Witt. During the conversation, De Witt said that a friend of his, Eugene Dinkin, had predicted President Kennedy's assassination for November 22, 1963. According to De Witt, Dinkin had first predicted that the assassination would take place on November 28, 1963, but later reportedly changed the date to November 22, 1963.

    According to Colonel Adams, Captain Cowen reported the above conversation to officials of the 766th Army Intelligence Corps Detachment at Metz. A short time later, Captain Cowen also related his conversation to a girl friend named Beth Cox. ... Colonel Adams stated that Eugene B. Dinkin was the subject of a closed investigation by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, United States Army Communications Zone, Europe. [Lisa's note: I've also read allegations that he was NSA, detailed to Army in Europe.] He advised further that according to local Army records at Metz, France, on February 18, 1964, PFC Eugene B. Dinkin, RA 16710292, was reassigned to Walter Reed Hospital, Washington D.C., as a patient on December 3, 1963 and was ordered to proceed to that destination on or about December 4, 1963. [skipping typical diagnosis that the guy was schizophrenic, pyschotic, history of depression, delusions of persecution - the typical stuff when someone badly wants to discredit everything you say.]

    On April 1, 1964, Mr. Eugen B. Dinkin, ... advised Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he had been recently discharged from the United States Army after having been in detention for four months while undergoing psychiatric tests. Dinkin advised that while stationed in Europe with the United States Army in 1963, he had begun a review of several newspapers including the "Stars and Stripes" as an exercise in "pyschological sets". He explained that he had taken courses in psychology at college and was extremely interested in this subject matter. He advised that "psychological sets" was a term referring to a series of events, articles, et cetera which, when coupled together, set up or induce a certain frame of mind on the part of a person being exposed to this series.

    He stated that this method of implanting an idea was much in use by the "Madison Avenue" advertising people who attempted to influence one who was exposed to these "psychological sets" to "buy" the product being advertised, whether this product was physical or an idea. [subliminal seduction is another term for it. Such was in use here in early TV, then banned. But who checks, right?] Dinkin stated that while so reviewing the newspapers for "psychological sets", he discovered that "Stars and Stripes", as well as certain unidentified Hearst newspapers, were carrying a series of "psychological sets" which he believed were deliberately maneuvered to set up a subconscious belief on the part of one reading these papers to the effect that President John F. Kennedy was "soft on communism" or "perhaps a communist sympathizer". [Contrast that with today's line that he was a hardline Cold Warrior, ala Chris Matthews et al.]

    Further study of these newspapers and the "psychological sets" contained therein made it evident to Mr. Dinkin that a conspiracy was in the making by the "military" of the United Stated, perhaps combined with an "ultra-right economic group", to make the people of the United States believe that President Kennedy was, in fact, a communist sympathizer and further, that this same group planned to assassinate the President and thus was preparing these "pyschological sets" to pave the way for this assassination to the point where the average citizen might well feel that "President Kennedy was sympathetic to communism and should have been killed."

    In addition, Dinkin believed the "pyschological sets" were adjusted to present a subliminal predisposition to the effect that a "communist" would assassinate President Kennedy. Dinkin advised that he discussed his theories with certain individuals stationed with him in the Army, but had declined to furnish this information to persons of authority in the United States Army since he believed that the plot against President Kennedy was being set in motion by high ranking members of the military. He said that in October, 1963, his research into the "pyschological sets" appearing in "Stars and Stripes" had led him to the conclusion that the assassination of President Kennedy would occur on or about November 28, 1963.

    He stated that his research had not, in fact, reflected a certain date, but that he believed the assassination would take place on or about a religious or semi-religious occasion which he felt would be picked by the group behind this plot in order that the murder itself would become even more reprehensible to the average citizen because of the religious connotations. Since he believed that the plot consisted in part of throwing blame for the assassination onto "radical left-wing" or "communist" suspects, he stated that the religious tie-in would lead the average citizen to accept more readily the theory that a "communist" committed the crime since "they were an aetheist group anyway." Dinkin advised that he had been in trouble with the officers of his military group, the 599th Ordnance Group stationed in Germany, due to his refusal to purchase United States savings bonds.

    He stated that he was against the enforced purchase of these bonds because of his political convictions which made him believe that the United States should not spend 52 per cent of its income for materials of war, part of which would be financed by any enforced purchases made by him. He stated that he had been outspoken in his views concerning these bond purchases, and that he and others who felt that the compulsory purchase of bonds was an infringement on their civil rights, had been denied "passes" as a result of their stand. [He sounds totally sane to me!!]

    As a result of his opposition to the bond purchases, according to Dinkin, he was removed from his position in the code section and transferred to an Army Depot at Metz, France. On October 25, 1963, Dinkin went to the United States Embassy at Luxembourg where, he stated, he attempted for several hours to see a Mr. Cunningham, the Charge d'Affaires at the Embassy. He stated that he sent word to Mr. Cunningham by phone. He said that Cunningham refused to see him in person or to review the newspapers and research papers which Dinkin said were evidence proving his theory of the impending assassination. Dinkin advised that he spent approximately two hours with the United States Marine Corps guard at the Luxembourg Embassy and had generally set forth his theories to this individual, whose name he did not know.

    Following this incident, Dinkin was notified by his superiors that he was to undergo psychiatric evaluation on November 5, 1963. Due to this pending development, Dinkin said he went absent without leave to Geneva, Switzerland where he attempted to present his theory to the editor of the "Geneva Diplomat", a newspaper published in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition to this editor, Dinkin spoke to a Mr. Dewhirst, a "Newsweek" reporter based at Geneva. Dewhirst would not listen to Dinkin's theories.

    While in Switzerland, Dinking attempted to contact officials of "Time-Life" publication and succeeded in speaking to the secretary, name unknown, of this organization in Zurich. According to Dinkin, all of his efforts in Luxembourg and Switzerland were made to present to appropriate officials his warning of the impending assassintion of President Kennedy. He stated that he did not attempt to see these people in connection with his personal dissatisfaction with the program of the United States Army as regards to bond purchases. When he was unable to accomplish his purpose in Switzerland, Dinkin advised that he then returned to Germany where he gave himself up to the custody of the military authorities. Dinkin advised that he first became aware of this "plot" to assassinated President Kennedy in September, 1963.

    At first, he did not have enough facts, as taken from the newspapers, to support his theory, but as of October 16, 1963, he felt that his research into the "psychological sets" had substantiated his theory. As of October 16, 1963, he wrote a registered letter to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy [let's get the review board to look for THAT] in which letter he set forth his theory that President Kennedy would be assassinated, adding that he believed that this assassination would occur on or about November 28, 1963. He stated that he signed this letter with his own name and requested that he be interviewed by a representative of the Justice Department. He said that on the envelope, he placed the return address name of PFC Deniis De Witt, an Army friend. He said he did this to preclude anyone from intercepting this letter since he felt that Army authorities might well be censoring his mail [again, sounds very logical, very sane.] He stated that he never received any answer to this letter, nor was he ever contacted by any representative of the Justice Deparetment prior to this interview with Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    Dinkin advised that the following individuals would have knowledge of his theory and predictions, having been informed of these predictions by Dinkin prior to November 22, 1963:

    PFC Dennis De Witt

    United States ARmy


    PFC Larry Pullen

    United States Army Headquarters Company


    Seargeant Walter Reynolds

    Headquarters Company, WSAGD


    Dr. Afar (phonetic), a civilian psychology teacher employed by the

    United States Army at Metz, France;

    R. THomas

    ...Switzerland. Thomas is an Indian student attending the University at

    Fribourg with whom Dinkins discussed his theories immediately prior to

    his return from Switzerland to France.

    Dinkin advised that on his return to the custody of the United States

    Army in November 1963, he was held in detention. While in detention, he

    stated he was contacted by a white male who identified himself verbally

    as a representative of the Defense Department. This individual asked

    Dinkin for the location of the newspapers which Dinkin had compiled as

    proof of the theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. This

    individual stated that he desired to obtain these proofs and would

    furnish Dinkin a receipt for the papers. Dinkin advised that he

    instructed this individual as to where the papers were located at the

    base, at which point this man left. Dinkin advised that on his release

    from detention, he discovered that all of his papers and notes were

    missing and presumed that the individual mentioned above had taken them.

    He never received any receipt for his papers.

    Mr. Dinkin advised that he had undergone numerous psychiatric tests at

    Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. He stated that he was aware

    that the Army psychiatrist had declared him to be "psychotic" and a

    "paranotic". He said that several of the tests given him were familiar to

    him from his studies in psychology at the University of Chicago. Because

    of his familiarity with these tests, and his background knowledge as to

    what the test answers should be, he believed it impossible that the

    results of these tests could have shown him to be "psychotic" and

    "paranotic". He stated that if he had desired, he could have "faked" the

    answer to prove he was sane even if he were, in fact, mentally disturbed.

    Mr. Dinkin stated he believed that the psychiatric evaluation given him

    by the Army psychiatrist was, in fact, an attempt on their part to cover

    up the military plot which he had attempted to expose.

    Dinkin advised that during his detention at Walter Reed Army Hospital,

    arrangements had been made through his family for him to be given a

    psychiatric test by a private psychiatrist chosen by his family.

    He stated when these arrangements were finally made, he had declined the

    services of this private physician. Dinkin explained that he had reached

    a point where his only desire was to be released from custody and

    discharged from the Army. He sated that in order to do this, he had felt

    it necessary to "go along" with the examining Army psychiatrist and

    pretend that he had, in fact, been suffering from delusions but was now

    cured. He was afraid that should an outside psychiatrist examine him and

    be told by Dinkin the facts as set forth herein, that this psychiatrist

    would probably believe Dinkin to be mentally disturbed, and this would

    result in further detention for Dinkin.

    Mr. Dinkin stated that he was well aware that his theory and the facts surrounding his attempts to

    bring this theory to the proper authorities was extremely "wild" and could be construed by a person untrained in psychology to be "crazy". Despite this, Mr. Dinkin advised he was still of the belief that there

    had been, in fact, a plot perpetrated by a "military group" in the United States and aided and abetted by newspaper personnel working with this military group, which plot had to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


    Lee Forman in the Education Forum 12/2/05

    Dinkins story, which we've probably all seen before - but I had forgotten that last piece.



    Russell presented the story of Private Eugene B. Dinkin, who had been trained as a army cryptographic code operator, which in effect made him a small part of the National Security Agency. In early 1962, he had been assigned to the 529th Ordnance Company in France, where he was awarded the requisite security clearances. When Dinkin became upset during his duties, he was given a psychiatric evaluation, and his security clearance was removed. In late October of 1963, Dinkin mailed a letter to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, warning him that an attempt would be made to kill President Kennedy during the latter part of November. In the letter he revealed, that blame would be cast on a Communist, while he claimed that the conspiracy involved elements of the military, especially far right elements of the same. An FBI report of April 3, 1964 acknowledged Dinkin's warning, but made no mention of attempts made to rectify the situation. Hearing via the grape vine that he was about to be locked up as a psychotic, Private Dinkin went AWOL and tried to warn media in Switzerland and Germany without success. He also made an attempt to warn the U.S. Embassy in Bonn but was advised to return to his place of military assignment. Defeated, he returned, and was immediately "hospitalized" at Landstuhl General Hospital in a closed psychiatric ward until Kennedy had been killed, whereupon he was flown to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington D.C. There he was given therapy to help him deal with his unfortunate condition of "schizo-assassination prognostication syndrome," a decease [sic] one would normally associate only with the former Soviet Union. He was made to understand, that if his condition did not improve, he would undergo electric shock treatment, whereupon his condition dramatically "improved." He was released from Walter Reed Hospital and the U.S. Army on a medical discharge. During the trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans, Garrison found out that Dinkin's duty had been to decipher telegraphic traffic originating with the French OAS, which was extremely close to factions of the CIA at the time. One surmises, that Dinkin caught his unfortunate decease while dealing with communications between the two venerable organizations.

    Steve Thomas



  11. The Strange Tale of Eugene Dinkins

    by Robert Mitchell

    The amazing facts contained in the following F.B.l. document, which we are reprinting in full, are true. Dinkin's story has been verified through the existence of cablegrams between the C.l.A.'s Geneva and Washington offices both before and after the Kennedy assassination. Careful examination of those cablegrams, as well as other documents, reveal that the C.I.A. actively tried to coverup the fact that prior to November 22, 1963, PFC Dinkin was attempting to reveal the existence of a plot to assassinate Kennedy. The cablegrams also reveal that efforts were made to silence Dinkin and suppress the story.

    Following the assassination, published reports revealed that someone had advance information of the assassination and the Warren Commission requested to be furnished documents relative to the allegation.

    In a secret memo to J. Lee Rankin, Chief Council of the Warren Commission, C.I.A. Deputy Director Richard Helms states "Immediately AFTER the assassination (our

    source in) Geneva, Switzerland reported allegations concerning a plot to assassinate President Kennedy were made by PFC Eugene Dinkin, U.S. Army, on 6 and 7

    November 1963." But Helms appeared to be withholding the fact that the Agency had knowledge of Dinkin's allegations prior to the assassination.

    One of the cablegrams, titled "IN CABLE No. 56631," dated November 7 1963, reported on Dinkin's background and allegations of a plot. At the end of the cable, Geneva asked: "DIRECTOR: Advise any action desired. will continue to monitor developments via army attache, F.B.l, Geneva contacts, but will not become involved visavis Swiss unless so directed." Thus the C.I. A.. and others in the intelligence community had full knowledge of Dinkin's assertions prior to the assassination.

    Evidence abounds that the cables were weighted with subliminal suggestions, designed to give a predisposition to the notion that PFC Dinkin was mentally unstable. For example, cablegrams tend to be written in short, choppy sentences, often including abbreviations, omitting articles, and avoiding adjectives. However. when Dinkin is referred to, adjectives are freely added, intending to imply that Dinkin was a crackpot. "IN CABLE56631" dated November 16, 1963 refers to Dinkin's "Wild but amazing coincidence. . . " and states that Dinkin ". . . had given his wild story in Souisee"(Switzerland). Later, it states that a Time-Life stringer "...RECOLLECTED, OR THOUGHT SHE RECOLLECTED TALE TOLD BY SUBJ." This wording subtly throws a shadow of doubt on the corroborating reporter. Dinkin is further referred to as "unbalanced" on two separate occasions in this one, short cable.

    Evidence that the C.I.A. tried to suppress the story and keep it from coming to the attention of the Secret Service, also emerges. In early cable communications, pertinent facts are conspicuously absent, thus carefully suppressed. Coupled with evidence that the cables were weighted in an obvious attempt to discredit Dinkin indicates that the C. I. A. was trying to cover up the matter prior to the Kennedy assassination in an effort to silence the many who were attempting to expose the plot. But for the two journalists in Geneva. the story might never have surfaced.

    The shocking tale of what happened to Eugene Dinkin following his revelations has finally come to light. It includes frame up. false arrest and imprisonment, unlawful

    medical treatment and medical malpractice. Dinkin has also suffered libel and misrepresentation at the hands of the Government.

    Mr. Eugene B. Dinkin, 534 West Oakdale, Chicago. Illinois, advised that he had been recently discharged from the United States Army after having been in detention for four months while undergoing psychiatric tests. Dinkin advised that while stationed in Europe with the U.S. Army in 1963 he had begun a review of several newspapers including the Stars and Stripes as an exercise in "psychological sets." He explained that he had taken courses in psychology at college and was extremely interested in this subject matter. He advised that "psychological sets'' was a term referring to a series of events, articles, etc, which, when coupled

    together, set up or induce a certain frame of mind on the part of a person being exposed to the series. He stated that this method of implanting an idea was much in use by the "Madison Avenue" advertising people who attempted to influence one who was exposed to these "psychological sets" to "buy" the product being advertised, whether this produce was physical or an idea.

    Dinkin stated that while so reviewing the newspapers for "psychological sets" he discovered that Stars and Stripes, as well as certain unidentified Hearst newspapers, were carrying a series of "psychological sets" which he believed were deliberately maneuvered to set up a subconscious belief on the part of one reading these papers to the effect that President John F. Kennedy was "soft on communism" or "perhaps a communist sympathizer." Further study of these newspapers and the "psychological sets" contained therein made it evident to Mr. Dinkin that a conspiracy was in the making by the "military" of the United States, perhaps combined with an "ultra-right economic group," to make the people of the United States believe that President Kennedy was in fact a communist sympathizer and further that this same group planned to assassinate the President and thus was preparing these "psychological sets" to pave the way for this assassination to the point where the average citizen might well feel that "President Kennedy was sympathetic to communism and should have been killed." In addition Dinkin believed the "psychological sets" were adjusted to present a subliminal predisposition to the effect that a "communist" would assassinate President Kennedy.

    Dinkin advised that he discussed his theories with certain individuals stationed with him in the Army, but had declined to furnish this information to persons of authority in the United States Army since he believed that the plot against President Kennedy was being set in motion by high ranking members of the military. He said that in October 1963 his research had not, in fact, reflected a certain date but that he believed the assassination would take place on or about a religious or semi religious occasion which he felt would be picked by the group behind this plot in order that the murder itself would become even more reprehensible to the average citizen because of the religious connotations, since he believed that the plot consisted in part of throwing blame for the assassination onto "radical left-wing" or "communist" suspects, he stated that the religious tie-in would lead the average citizen to accept more readily the theory that a "communist" committed the crime since "they were an atheistic group anyway."

    Dinkins advised that he had been in trouble with the officers of his military group, the 599th Ordinance Group stationed in Germany, due to his refusal to purchase United States savings bonds. He stated that he was against the enforced purchase of these bonds because of his political convictions which made him believe that the United States should not spend 52 per cent of its income for material of war, part of which would be financed by any enforced purchases made by him. He stated that he had been outspoken in his views concerning these bond purchases, and that he and others who felt that compulsory purchase of bonds was an infringement on their civil rights, had been denied "passes" as a result of their stand.

    As a result of his opposition to the bond purchases. according to Dinkin, he was removed from his position in the code section and transferred to an Army Depot at

    Metz, France. On October 25, 1963. Dinkin went to the United States Embassy at Luxembourg where, he stated, he attempted for several hours so see a Mr. Cunningham, the Charge D'Affaires at the Embassy. He stated that he sent word to Mr. Cunningham that he had information concerning a plot to assassinate President Kennedy, and at one point spoke to Mr. Cunningham by phone. He said that Cunningham refused to see him in person or to review the newspapers and

    research papers which Dinkin said were evidence proving his theory of the impending assassination. Dinkin advised that he spent approximately two hours with the United States Marine Corps guard at the Luxembourg Embassy and had generally set forth his theories to this individual, whose name he did not know.

    Following this incident, Dinkin was notified by his superiors that he was to undergo psychiatric evaluation on November 5, 1963. Due to this pending development, Dinkin said he went absent without leave to Geneva Switzerland, where he attempted to present his theory to the editor of the "Geneva Diplomat," a newspaper published in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition to this editor, Dinkin spoke to a Mr. Dewhirst (phonetic), a Newsweek reporter based at Geneva. Dewhirst would not listen to Dinkin's theories. While in Switzerland, Dinkin attempted to contact officials of Time-Life publications and succeeded in speaking to the secretary, name unknown, of this organization in Zurich. According to Dinkin, all of his efforts in Luxembourg and Switzerland were made to present to appropriate officials his warning of the impending assassination of President Kennedy. He stated that he did not attempt to see these people in connection with his personal dissatisfaction with the program of the United States Army in regards to bond purchases.

    When he was unable to accomplish his purpose in Switzerland. Dinkin advised that he then returned to Germany where he gave himself up to the custody of the military authorities.

    Dinkin advised that he first became aware of this "plot" to assassinate President Kennedy in September 1963. At first, he did not have enough facts, as taken from the newspapers, to support his theory, but as of October 16 1963, he felt that his research into the "psychological sets" had substantiated his theory. As of October 16, 1963. he wrote a registered letter to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in which letter he set forth his theory that President Kennedy would be assassinated, adding that he believed that this assassination would occur on or about November 28, 1963. He stated that he signed this letter with his own name and requested he be interviewed by a representative of the Justice Department.

    He said that on the envelope, he placed the return address name of PFC Dennis De Witt an Army friend. He said he did this to preclude anyone from intercepting this letter since he felt that Army authorities might well be censoring his mail. He stated that he never received any answer to this letter, nor was he ever contacted by any representative of the Justice Department prior to his interview with agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    Dinkin advised that on his return to the custody of the United Sates Army in November 1963, he was held in detention. While in detention he stated he was contacted by a white male who identified himself verbally as a representative of the Defense Department. This individual asked Dinkin for the location of the newspapers which Dinkin had compiled as his proof of the theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. This individual stated that he desired to obtain these proofs and would furnish Dinkin a receipt for the papers. Dinkin advised that he instructed this individual as to where the papers were located at the base, at which point this man left. Dinkin advised that on his release from detention, he discovered that all of his papers and notes were missing and presumed that the individual mentioned above had taken them. He never received any receipt for his papers.

    Mr. Dinkin advised that he had undergone numerous psychiatric tests at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington. D.C. He stated that he was aware that the Army psychiatrist had declared him to be "psychotic" and a "paranotic." He said that several of the tests given him were familiar to him from his studies in psychology at the University of Chicago. Because of his familiarity with these tests, and his background knowledge as to what the test answers should be, he believed it impossible that the results of these tests could have shown him to be "psychotic" and "paranotic.'' He stated that: if he had desired he could have "faked" the answers to prove he was sane even if he were, in fact, mentally disturbed. Mr. Dinkin stated he believed that the psychiatric evaluation given him by the Army psychiatrist was in fact and attempt on their part to cover up the military plot which he had attempted to expose.

    Dinkin advised that during his detention at Walter Reed Army Hospital, arrangements had been made through his family for him to be given a psychiatric test by a private psychiatrist chosen by his family. He stated when these arrangements were finally made, he had declined the services at this private physician. Dinkin explained that he had reached a point where his only desire was to be released from custody and discharged from the Army. He stated that in order to do this, he had felt it necessary to "go along" with the examining Army psychiatrist and pretend that he had in fact been suffering from delusions but was now cured. He was afraid that if an outside psychiatrist should examine him and be told by Dinkin the facts as set forth herein, that this psychiatrist would probably believe Dinkin to be mentally disturbed and this would result in further detention. Mr. Dinkin stated that he was well aware that his theory and the facts surrounding his attempts to bring the theory to the proper authorities was extremely "wild" and could be construed by a person untrained in psychology to be "crazy." Despite this, Mr. Dinkin advised he was still of the belief that there had been, in fact, a plot plot perpetrated by a "military group" in the United States and aided and abetted by newspaper personnel working with this military group, which plot had to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    -YIPster Times, Jan/Feb. 1977


    Johnny Calvin Brewer never attended a police line-up. Furthermore, his affidavit was not taken until 6th December.

    Like you, I am mystified why he was not interviewed officially until then. So is he.

    Unlike you, however, I have implicit trust in what Brewer said and what he claims to have seen. I conducted a recorded interview of Brewer at his home in Austin on 25th November 1966 - possibly the first time he had been interviewed on this matter for many years.

    Brewer remembered Oswald as an awkward customer who had purchased a pair of shoes at the shop a few weeks prior to the assassination. If you study CE 2003 (page 285 of exhibit) at 24H 343, you will find them listed among the property seized from Oswald's rooming house by the DPD on 23rd November. They also appear as CE 147.

    Please see Chapter 8 of my book No Case To Answer (avaialble from Lancer after 15th of this month). This is a transcript of my interview with Brewer in which he talks about many of the events in this thread.

    IAN Johnny Calvin Brewer never attended a police line-up. Furthermore, his affidavit was not taken until 6th December.

    Like you, I am mystified why he was not interviewed officially until then. So is he.

    Unlike you, however, I have implicit trust in what Brewer said and what he claims to have seen. I conducted a recorded interview of Brewer at his home in Austin on 25th November 1966 - possibly the first time he had been interviewed on this matter for many years.

    Brewer remembered Oswald as an awkward customer who had purchased a pair of shoes at the shop a few weeks prior to the assassination. If you study CE 2003 (page 285 of exhibit) at 24H 343, you will find them listed among the property seized from Oswald's rooming house by the DPD on 23rd November. They also appear as CE 147.

    Please see Chapter 8 of my book No Case To Answer (avaialble from Lancer after 15th of this month). This is a transcript of my interview with Brewer in which he talks about many of the events in this thread.

    IAN Johnny Calvin Brewer never attended a police line-up. Furthermore, his affidavit was not taken until 6th December.

    Like you, I am mystified why he was not interviewed officially until then. So is he.

    Unlike you, however, I have implicit trust in what Brewer said and what he claims to have seen. I conducted a recorded interview of Brewer at his home in Austin on 25th November 1966 - possibly the first time he had been interviewed on this matter for many years.

    Brewer remembered Oswald as an awkward customer who had purchased a pair of shoes at the shop a few weeks prior to the assassination. If you study CE 2003 (page 285 of exhibit) at 24H 343, you will find them listed among the property seized from Oswald's rooming house by the DPD on 23rd November. They also appear as CE 147.

    Please see Chapter 8 of my book No Case To Answer (avaialble from Lancer after 15th of this month). This is a transcript of my interview with Brewer in which he talks about many of the events in this thread.


    Researchers should be made aware that Brewer should not have been at work that day. It was only because his assistant's young child was unwell that he was there at all. He had arranged to have the day off and his assistant would run the business. This was to allow him to play with his new toy - a brand new 1964 model Ford Galaxy CL500. Instead of enjoying his new car, he could only admire it from behind his shop counter and, in his own words to me: "feed nickels to it all day" as it remained at a parking meter outside the store.



    Man in the Balcony, Man in the Alley

    Johnny C. Brewer claimed that on the day of the assassination, he saw a man standing in the lobby of his shoe store at about 1:30 PM. He watched the man walk west on Jefferson and thought (Brewer says he is not positive) that he ducked into the Texas Theater. It was not until December 6th, two weeks after Harvey Oswald's arrest, that Brewer described the man he saw as wearing a brown shirt. He asked theater cashier Julia Postal if she had sold the man a ticket. Postal replied "she did not think so, but she had been listening to the radio and did not remember." She did remember, when testifying before the Warren Commission, that she sold 24 tickets that day.

    The Texas Theater has a main floor level and a balcony. Upon entering the theater from the "outside doors," there are stairs leading to the balcony on the right. Straight ahead are a second set of "inside doors" leading to the concession stand and the main floor. It is possible to go directly to the balcony, without being seen by people at the concession stand, by climbing the stairs to the right. Brewer walked through the first and second set of double doors to the concession stand. He asked Butch Burroughs, who operated the concession stand, if he had seen the man come in. Burroughs said that he had been busy and did not notice. Brewer checked the darkened balcony but did not see the man he had followed. Brewer and Burroughs then checked and made sure the exits had not been opened. Brewer then went back to the box office and told Julia Postal he thought the man was still in the theater and to call the police.

    Julia called the police. Police broadcasts at 1:45 PM reported "Have information a suspect just went into the Texas Theater . . . Supposed to be hiding in the balcony" (17H418). When the police arrived, they were told by a "young female," probably Julia Postal, that the man was in the balcony. The police who entered the front of the theater went to the balcony. They were questioning a young man when Officers Walker, McDonald and Hutson entered the rear of the theater. Hutson counted seven theater patrons on the main level. From the record, these seven would break down as follows:

    2 Two boys (half way down center section searched by Walker & McDonald while Hutson looked on)

    1 Oswald (3rd row from back-center section)

    1 Jack Davis (right rear section-Oswald first sat next to him)

    1 Unknown person (across the aisle from Davis-Oswald left his seat next to Davis and moved to a seat next to this person; Oswald then got up and walked into the theater lobby)

    1 George Applin (6 rows from back-center section)

    1 John Gibson (1st seat from the back on the far right side)

    Oswald bought popcorn at 1:15 PM, walked to the main floor and reportedly took a seat next to a pregnant woman. Minutes before police arrived, this woman disappeared into the balcony and was never seen again. She was not one of the seven patrons counted by Officer Hutson.

    Captain Westbrook and FBI Agent Barrett came into the theater from the rear entrance minutes later. Westbrook may have been looking for "Lee Harvey Oswald"-identified from the contents of the wallet he found at the scene of Tippit's murder.

    From police broadcasts, the police were looking for a suspect wearing a white shirt, white jacket, with dark brown or black hair, and hiding in the balcony. But their attention quickly focused on a man wearing a brown shirt with medium brown hair, on the main floor. When this man was approached by Officer McDonald, he allegedly hit McDonald and then tried to fire his .38 revolver. Several police officers and theater patrons heard the "snap" of a pistol trying to fire. A cartridge was later removed from the .38 and found to have an indentation on the primer. An FBI report described the firing pin as "bent." The man in the brown shirt, Harvey Oswald, was subdued by Officers Hawkins, Hutson, Walker, Carroll and Hill, and then handcuffed. Captain Westbrook ordered the officers to "get him out of here as fast as you can and don't let anybody see him." As he was taken out the front, Julia Postal heard an officer remark "We have our man on both counts." In an FBI report, we find the following:

    this was the first time that she [Postal] had heard of Tippit's death, and one of the officers identified the man they arrested by calling out his name, "Oswald".… (Emphasis added. FBI report 2/29/64 by Arthur E. Carter.)

    If the person who identified Oswald by name was Captain Westbrook, he could have obtained Oswald's name from identification-perhaps the Texas driver's license-in Lee Oswald's wallet found at the scene of the Tippit shooting. If someone other than Captain Westbrook identified Oswald by name, then someone in the Dallas Police had prior knowledge of Oswald. Identification of the policeman who made this statement might have aided in answering this question.

    Harvey Oswald, the man wearing the "brown shirt," who probably bought a ticket from Julia Postal, bought popcorn from Butch Burroughs at 1:15 PM, sat next to Jack Davis before the main feature began at 1:20 PM, sat next to another identified patron, and then sat next to a pregnant woman (who disappeared), was brought out the front entrance and placed in a police car. En route to City Hall, Oswald kept repeating "Why am I being arrested? I know I was carrying a gun, but why else am I being arrested?" In light of the above, it was a good question to pose.

    The police (Lt. Cunningham and Detective John B. Toney) did question a man in the balcony of the theater. Lt. Cunningham said "We were questioning a young man who was sitting on the stairs in the balcony when the manager told us the suspect was on the first floor." Detective Toney said "There was a young man sitting near the top of the stairs and we ascertained from manager on duty that this subject had been in the theater since about 12:05 PM." Notice that both Cunningham and Toney say they spoke to the "manager." Manager? We know from Postal's testimony that the owner of the theater, John Callahan, left for the day around 1:30 PM. The projectionist remained in the projection room during Oswald's arrest. Julia Postal remained outside at the box office. Burroughs was the only other theater employee and, according to his testimony, he "stayed at the door at the rear of the theater" (near the concession stand), "did not see any struggle" and then "remained at the concession stand" during Oswald's arrest. Burroughs never left the main level of the theater. Clearly, neither Postal, Burroughs, nor the projectionist (the only theater employees on duty) spoke to these officers either in the balcony or on the stairs in the balcony. Someone either identified himself as a theater "manager," or the officers mistook someone as the theater "manager," or these officers were lying about speaking to the "manager." The "manager" and the person whom they questioned in the balcony remain unidentified.

    Oddly, and inconsistently, the police homicide report of Tippit's murder reads "suspect was later arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater at 231 W. Jefferson." Detective Stringfellow's report states "Oswald was arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater." After (Harvey) Oswald's arrest Lt. E..L. Cunningham, Detective E.E. Taylor, Detective John Toney, and patrolman C.F. Bentley were directed to search all of the people in the balcony and obtain their names and addresses. Out of 24 (the number of tickets Postal said she sold) theater patrons that day, the Dallas Police provided the names of two-John Gibson and George Applin. If the names of the other 22 theater patrons were obtained, that list has disappeared. The identity of the man questioned by police in the balcony remains a mystery. He was not arrested and there is no police report, record of arrest, nor mention of any person other than Oswald. What happened to this man? What happened to the list of theater patrons?

    Captain C.E. Talbert and some officers were questioning a boy in the alley while a pickup truck was sitting with the motor running a few yards away (24H242). Talbert was one of the few DPD officers at the Texas Theater who did not write a report of Oswald's arrest to Chief Curry (16 officers wrote such reports). Talbert's testimony before the Warren Commission runs for over 20 pages. At no time was he asked about his involvement at the Texas Theater or his questioning of a young man in the alley behind the theater.

    Bernard Haire, owner of a hobby shop two doors from the theater, walked out the rear of his shop shortly before 2:00 PM and saw police cars backed up to Madison Street. He watched as the police escorted a man from the rear of the Texas Theater wearing a "white pullover shirt." They placed the man in a squad car and drove away. He noticed the man was very "flush" in the face as though he had been in a struggle. Haire's description of this man-"white shirt" with a "flush face"-is consistent with witness statements of Tippit's killer before, during and after the shooting. For 25 years Mr. Haire and other witnesses thought they had witnessed the arrest of Oswald behind the Texas Theater in the alley. When told Oswald was brought out the front of the theater Haire asked "Then who was the person I saw police take out the rear of the theater, put in a police car, and drive off ?"


    This post has been edited by Bernice Moore: Apr 2 2005, 07:13 PM


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