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Ray Mitcham

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Posts posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. 8 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    34.8 inches.

    And allow me to repeat this....

    VINCE BUGLIOSI -- "Mr. Frazier, is it true that you paid hardly any attention to this bag?"

    BUELL FRAZIER -- "That is true."

    BUGLIOSI -- "So the bag could have been protruding out in front of his body, and you wouldn't have been able to see it, is that correct?"

    FRAZIER -- "That is true."


    So the length 34.8" blows both Oswald 's 24" and Randle's 27" estimates out of the water.

    If Oswald had been carrying a bag carrying a 34.8" long the top of the bag would have been showing about  12" above his shoulder, (Again, I've just tried it with a piece of 2"x 1" 34.8" long) which would have easily have been seen by Frazier.

    There are two alternatives to the rifle being in the bag.

    1. There never was a bag.

    2. The bag (if there was one) carried something other than a broken down rifle.

  2. Thank you, David.  

    Now re Randle, she estimated the bag as being 27", and you accept her estimate, but you don't accept what she said about the bag being carried across the road with it held  at the top like a baseball bat,  the bottom not touching the floor. Again, I've just measured the 2"x1" hanging from my hand and the bottom of the piece is about two inches from the floor. (A 27" bag would have been touching the floor.)

    Why would her estimate of 27" be nearer that of  Frazier, who not only saw the bag on the rear seat of his car, but also Oswald carrying it as he said cupped in his hand and armpit?

  3. Quote By DVP. "But a 27" object No way."


    Quotes on the length by Frazier.


    Frazier First day affidavit.


     It must have been about 2' long,”


    Frazier to the Shaw trial

    Q: How much of the back seat did the package occupy? 
    A: I would say roughly
    around two feet, give or take a few inches. “



    Frazier to the Warren Con.


    Mr. BALL - What did the package look like? 
    Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I will be frank with you, I would just, it is right as you get out of the grocery store, just more or less out of a package, you have seen some of these brown paper sacks you can obtain from any, most of the stores, some varieties, but it was a package just
    roughly about two feet long. “

  4. 3 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Seems to me the object (whether it be a rifle or whatever) would just naturally be resting on your shoulder via such a posture. I don't see what's so difficult about it. ~shrug~

    As I said you've obviously never carried a rifle in that way.

    And you certainly would never carry a paper bag containing a broken down rifle in that way.

  5. 2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Not if the cupped hand was held out away from the body a little bit, resulting in the weighty object in the bag to lean against Oswald's shoulder for the walk into the building. (An arm and "cupped hand" CAN be moved and maneuvered, you know.)

    It would be very difficult to hold a rifle in a bag held front of your shoulder for any distance. You've obviously never carried a rifle in that way. 

  6. Glad you can't show where she said it. and glad to see that you believe the FBI were shining light of truth. 


    "“The replica was shortened by folding the open top down to reach the desired length. Then in accordance with Mrs Randle's observations. Special Agent MCNeely grasped the top of this sack with his hand, much like a right handed batter would pick up the baseball bat when approaching the plate. When the proper length of the sack was reached according to Mrs Randle's estimate, it was measured and found to be 27” long.



  7. 1 hour ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    Greg Parker said:


    The last wisdom tooth (a molar) errupts between the age of 17 and 25.

    But of course, this is coming from exerts in the field so we should ignore them and listen to the man in the hat. Or at least that is what he will claim based on past performance.



    Does Greg intimate that the missing tooth (ie. No 30) is a missing wisdom tooth?

  8. I had a Bell an Howell 8mm standard  film cine camera in the seventies. (OK, I know it's not the same camera as Zapruder used!)  The camera did exactly what David mentions above.  Every time you stopped the camera the first frame was always either under or over exposed as the meter inside the camera tried to get the correct setting. Anybody who says that there wasn't a splice where David says above is talking through his or her backside.


    Not only that, but Zapruder said he started filming before the limo turned onto Elm St, as he wanted to film the turn. he never said that he stopped his camera to save film, as the desperados say.

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