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Travis Kelly

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Everything posted by Travis Kelly

  1. April is also when the idea of JFK visiting Dallas was first broached (later confirmed in June in El Paso). Immediately after the Walker shooting, April of '63, is when the ball began to roll.
  2. I look back to the Edwin Walker shooting incident as the key. It's been awhile since I read Dick Russell's The Man Who Knew Too Much, but he did some stellar original research here, and tied that to Larrie Schmidt and the Hunt Bros. The Walker shooting was a dress rehearsal for the JFK hit -- Oswald (Harvey in Armstrong's scheme) was there, I think, and may or may not have fired the shot that was probably a deliberate miss -- a staged "assassination" attempt, which may have been what LHO was told would happen in Dallas for JFK (the Gary Weans/John Tower/Audie Murphy story). He had proven his willingness to participate in such a staged provocation with Walker, and immediately after this he was sent to New Orleans in April, where the real patsy set-up work began. According to Judyth Baker, LHO balked at playing the pro-Castro activist in Dallas after the Walker shooting, fearing it was too dangerous. In Farewell America, the book supposedly produced by French intelligence at RFK's behest, there was a celebration at the Hunt offices immediately after the assassination. And there have been allegations that the Hunts funded the hit. Not to say that the Hunts were the prime movers, but they were tied in with Willoughby, Ruby, the CIA, LBJ, and all the major suspects. If the Gary Weans story is true, it explains how many participants (e.g., Secret Service, perhaps Tippit) may have been roped into the operation, never believing that it would actually be lethal. This may have grown out of the Operation Northwoods schemes. But a fake assassination, even if it had worked as a pretext for launching an attack on Cuba (if LHO had been escorted out of the country), would never have dimmed JFK's re-election prospects -- quite the opposite, in fact. His ratings would have skyrocketed -- rally around our attacked president! Thus for the Hunts, LBJ, Hoover, the CIA, Mob, and MIC -- all who stood lose both institutionally and personally if JFK were re-elected in '64 -- the fake hit had to become the real thing. Some were in on the conversion, some were probably not. If this is indeed how it happened, it is similar to the recent spate of terrorist exercises and drills (9/11, 7/7) that served as Trojan Horses for false flag attacks.
  3. The events in Oak Cliff leading up to Oswalds's arrest have always baffled me -- textual accounts of the locations and timeline are confusing, but become much clearer when you look at a map -- it's seems that Tippit was waiting for LHO to cross the viaduct, then immediately rushes to intercept him in the vicinity of the Texas Theater and Top 10 Record Shop (separated by less than 2 blocks), where he must have presumed, or been told, that Oswald would go. It's significant that Oswald was seen at the Top 10 shop twice that morning, at around 7:30. The exact routes on this map are presumed. Tippit may have traveled between the nodes by different streeets than what is indicated. I'll attempt a reconstruction of what happened in this critical hour, assuming the following are true: 1. Following Armstrong's nomenclature, the Oswald who rode in Whaley's cab and killed by Ruby is "Harvey." The look-alike Oswald who was ubiquitously impersonating Harvey in the preceding weeks is "Lee," and he was picked up by the Rambler wagon in front of the TSBD, as witnessed by Roger Craig, and taken to Oak Cliff contemporaneously with Lee. 2. DPD patrol car #107, witnessed by Earlene Roberts honking in front of the Beckley house while Harvey was inside, was a former DPD police car, sold in April, now manned by two DPD imposters, one of whom may have been Roscoe White, not a full-fledged cop at the time. (Roberts initially identified the car as possibly #106, or #207, then changed it to #107.) Supporting this is the account of Doris Holan, who lived at 409 E. Patton, and witnessed a DPD car in the driveway that Tippit's car blocked when he was killed. Except for officer Mentzel eating lunch at Luby's at this time, there were no other DPD patrols officially in Oak Cliff at this time. Also this, from the excellent JFK Chronology (http://www.jfkresearch.com/JFK%20Chronology%201.pdf). RECONSTRUCTION: At 12:50, Whaley's cab with Harvey passes over the Houston viaduct, in front of the Gloco gas station where Tippit has been staked out for about 10 minutes. Two minutes later, the Rambler wagon with Lee passes Tippit -- this is his signal. He races south and west to the Texas Theater and/or the Top Ten Record shop, where he thinks he is supposed to rendezvous with Harvey. Lee has been dropped off near the 10th and Patton location by the Rambler. Meanwhile, Harvey has been instructed to go to his rooming house on Beckley and wait for a signal before leaving for the Texas Theater, where he believes he will meet his contact for the escape to Redbird airport. At about 1:00, that signal arrives as car #107 stops and honks at the Beckley address. Harvey, fearing that that he may have been set up (he is not sure at this point that JFK has actually beeen shot), retrieves his pistoland proceeds to the Texas Theater, taking back alleys, where he is seen by no one. At the same time, about 1:00, Tippit makes his desperate phone call at the Top Ten Record store -- he cannot find "Oswald," and perhaps he too is shaken and confused by the news of JFK being shot. His handlers either don't answer, or the number of rings before the call is disconnected is a coded message -- proceed to the 10th & Patton safe house, or emergency rendezvous point. After leaving the Top Ten store, Tippit encounters the James Anderson vehicle (maybe a similar Rambler wagon?), and stops it to search for his quarry. Then he proceeds eastward on 10th street, to the safe house, where he encounters Lee, who has been pacing back and forth, waiting for him (this would account for the conflicting reports of him traveling east or west on 10th St.). Bogus police car #107 is in the driveway of this house, manned by Roscoe White and a confederate. Tippit sees this car, and perhaps recognizes White, but suspects nothing, as this is the designated safe house. (witnesses observed Tippit in this area so often that one thought he lived there). He has a conversation with Lee -- "What the hell happened? You were supposed to be at the Texas Theater? Has Kennedy actually been shot? Get in the car!" Lee balks, starting to walk off, and Tippit gets out, either to force him into the car for the Redbird getaway -- or to arrest him if he's suspects an actual assassination. Lee murders him per the plan. Roscoe White and confederate are there to insure that Tippit is dead. White's confederate does that, then returns to #107 which backs out into the alley and vanishes. Lee then proceeds to the Texas Theater, making a spectacle of himself at the Brewer shoe store and the lobby of the Theater (entering without buying a ticket), where he heads up to the balcony as Harvey sits on the ground floor. Harvey is arrested and taken out the front. Lee is "arrested" in the balcony, taken out back and released. He is then seen by the mechanic T.F. White in the car with George Mather's license plate -- a friend of Tippits and employee of the CIA-connected Collins Radio. Lee may be waiting here for an escort to the military plane that landed on dirt strip by the Trinity River and carried him to Roswell, per Vinson (in JFK:The Unspeakable). _______________________________________________ The above scenario suggests that the Tippit murder was an essential, pre-planned element of the plot. A plausible pretext was needed to apprehend Harvey in Oak Cliff, and the shooting of a police officer filled the bill, while also enraging the cops who might then execute him in an act of vigilante justice (this is Garrison's view). Yet this seems a very risky strategy: if Harvey was supposed to die before ever seeing the inside of Dallas jail cell, there is no guarantee that officers not in on the plot would fulfill this mission -- and it was in fact a failure. Alternatively, we have the story purportedly related by Sam Giancana in Double Cross: that Tippit was designated to kill Oswald (Harvey), got "cold feet," failed to do the job, and then his accomplices (Roscoe White) had to kill him. But this makes no sense -- why the need to kill Tippit? Because his cold feet might loosen his lips? It only makes sense if murdering Tippit, and leading the DPD to the Texas Theater and Harvey, was an emergency improvisation, designed on the spot in desperation, since Tippit had allowed his quarry to escape to the Texas Theater, and there would be no plausible reason for Tippit or any other officer to apprehend and/or kill him there. One other bit of evidence for the two Oswalds in the Tex. Theater; in one account I've read, Julia Postal, the ticket clerk, was interviewed some years later, and asked if Oswald had bought a ticket. Reportedly, she broke down crying and couldn't answer, or struggled to answer. Her distress could be explained by the shock of what she had actually witnessed: Harvey buying a ticket, and then his near identical double, Lee, rushing in without buying a ticket some 30 minutes later. Well, it's still a puzzle wrapped in an enigma. Any thoughts?
  4. I'm 57 and I grew up in the suburbs around Ft. Worth. Until the early '90s, I was one of the ignorant sheeple -- Oswald was a communist nut and all the conspiracy talk so much unfounded blather. I was not politically naive in general, but I had absorbed the conventional wisdom, dismissing "conspiracy theory" as so much paranoid speculation. Like so many others, I had never read a single book about the case. Then I encountered the Texas Monthly article about Roscoe White -- the same thing that spurred Oliver Stone to produce JFK. The Earlene Roberts revelation struck me like a Magic Bullet of satori -- a cop car stopped and honked in front of Oswald's rooming house immediately after the assassination? What the hell? I then read Henry Hurt's Reasonable Doubt, and I have to rate it as one of the greatest shocks of my life: how blatant and thorough the case for a conspiracy, how outrageously I had been betrayed by the minions of our "free press." I then devoured all the major books on the case and became an advocate for truth, appearing on radio talk shows in Tucson and Moab, UT, writing editorials and eventually doing cartoons for Probe. As I studied the case more, I was surprised to learn that LHO had attended the same elementary school in Benbrook, TX where I attended 1st and 2nd grade. Later, as an ad agency art director in Dallas in the '80s, my main graphics vendor was Jaggers-Chile-Stovall -- I was in their offices almost daily for 4 years. I had no idea at the time then that LHO had worked there after his return from the Soviet Union. I was beginning to feel a little like Kerry Thornley, following in the footsteps of Oswald. In 1964, my father began his career with Bell Helicopter in Hurst, TX. He died before I became obsessed with the case and could ask him if he knew Michael Paine. I am particularly incensed by our left gatekeepers -- Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, Justin Raimondo and so many of our university professors, who still defend the absurd Lone Nut fable. Are they blissfully ignorant of the massive body of dissident research, as I was for so many years? Or, like the old apparatchiks of the S.U., they have to tow the party line for the sake of their careers and perks? I don't know, but when they disparage the work of so many dedicated investigators, and the testimony of so many witnesses who have lost their lives in this case, they cross the line of mere timidity and become despicable accomplices to the whole reign of escalating bloody black ops that continue to plague our nation -- MLK, RFK, OKC, 9/11, and... what atrocity next? Although we may never force our government or the corporate media to divulge the whole truth about Nov. 22, it is a triumph that 75-80% of the public now disbelieves the Lone Nut myth. Thusly armed, we are innoculated against gullibility, and this makes it more difficult for the covert operators to pull off their crimes with plausible deniability in the future. So the truth about JFK is not some antiquarian hobby -- it is vitally relevant to us today. "Who control the past, controls the present. Who control the present, controls the future." George Orwell "Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity." Marshall McLuhan
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