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Steven Kossor

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Everything posted by Steven Kossor

  1. Interesting. Unless my eyes are deceiving me, the angle of the shadows in the Noel Cook photo stored in the 6th Floor Museum showing AF1 and two other aircraft from the port side (see the top link above in Trygve's post) indicates that the sun was more directly overhead than the shadows in the "starboard side of AF1" photo indicate (the shadows look a lot longer in the latter photograph, indicating the sun was lower in the sky), yet the photos were supposedly taken within 30 minutes of each other. I guess the sun moved faster in Texas in November of '63 than it does now,,,.
  2. Aren't those shadows of the police officers on the starboard side of AF1 a little long for about 2:00 pm? Something isn't right about that late arriving photo of the starboard side of AF1 at about the return of the Kennedy party....
  3. I was wondering if Doug Weldon's manuscript for the book he was working on when he died in 2012 has become available and if so, where?
  4. I was introduced to Dennis David at a conference in Washington a few years ago. I shook hands with him warmly and said "It's my pleasure to meet an honest man." He smiled and said "Thank you." He seemed to be an unassuming, thoughtful man. A rarity, for sure. His influence on history is indisputable and it is only a matter of time before that fact is no longer disputed. The truth will out, but only if it is pursued relentlessly as David Lifton certainly has.
  5. Several pictures of 1963 Lincoln Continental interiors have surfaced and all of them show exposed screw heads attaching the door upholstery to the door frame. The symmetry of the screw heads is very much better in the photos I've looked at, but not exact, so the asymmetry of the features doesn't warrant further comment. The last word I'll have on this is that all screw heads are circular and the feature I've pointed out on the driver's door is not circular. Maybe a bullet struck the door just to the right of the screw? Something atypical caused the unusual, oblong appearance of this feature on the inside of the driver's door; I doubt it was a misshapen screw. I guess we'll never know. Best wishes to the research community that examined this tiny area of inquiry so carefully. The truth will out, but only if we keep searching for it, where ever that search leads.
  6. Apologies for disrupting things. The only thing that makes sense to me is that the feature on the passenger door is different from the feature on the driver's door because they are not the same thing. I think that the feature on the passenger door is a lame attempt to put a comparable feature on that door as a means of creating the debate that has ensued about the appearance of a bullet scar on the inside of the driver's door (which amounts to another "Tague bullet" that further confirms the existence of multiple shooters). I'll look forward to somebody finding out that the upholstery of the doors on the JFK limo wasn't slapped together with one screw placed in approximately the same position on each door so that one had the distinct appearance of a bullet scar. Until then, you can debate this discovery without me. Steve
  7. Please download this .PDF which compares the picture that has become unavailable at the assassination gallery (of the open passenger's side door) with the picture published in the Dallas Times-Herald on 11/22/63 of the open driver's side door. This is the only way to see that the images depict a feature on both doors that is asymmetrical and is definitely not an "embedded screw" in the driver's side door (since screw heads are circular, not elliptical). The feature in the passenger's door may be a screw head; the feature in the driver's door definitely does not meet the criteria for an "embedded screw." Again, if somebody can help me get permission to post pictures on this forum, the discussion would be much more easily supported. https://app.box.com/s/u72vanem50f3pf79w00p3qz75eqhm7ft Steve
  8. This link didn't work for me for reasons unknown; the photo of the passenger door that I downloaded was found in the assassination gallery. http://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=6486
  9. The location of the "rivet" on the passenger door is unequivocally in a different place than the "rivet" on the driver's door - an anomaly that isn't easily explained in the construction of a high quality automobile like the JFK limousine. It doesn't matter what perspective the camera takes in; the thing is located in one position relative to the edge of the door and the panel nearest to it (which is symmetrical on both doors), and that position is not symmetrical on both doors. I really, really wish I could upload the picture that I created which compares the two door images. It is clear that the "rivets" are in different places on the doors. The note from Chris that "the non symmetry of the rivets is a bit strange" is an understatement to be sure. The possibility that a Lincoln Continental would have an exposed "indented screw" as part of the upholstery and that the driver's and passenger's doors would be so obviously asymmetrical as to this feature is inconceivable to me. Glad to see that others are questioning the meaning of this discovery and that awareness of its implications is growing. Steve
  10. Thanks for the reality check. No matter where it came from, to me it's like another "Tague" event -- another unaccounted-for shot. I've scoured every resource I can find but haven't been able to get a picture of the driver's door showing that area prior to DP. Hope someone at the Forum will be able to help in that regard. It shouldn't be hard to get from the Ford archives, should it? Steve
  11. A Lincoln Continental is not assembled slap-dash with asymmetrical features. If you look at the picture of the passenger door, you'll see that the feature there is placed lower and looks different than the feature on the driver's door. I'm not suspecting that two different bullets hit the doors, only that the driver's door was struck by a bullet that left an irregular scar and that an attempt was made to create a comparable feature on the passenger door so that superficial, noncritical observers would conclude that the driver's door feature was a match for the passenger door feature. They are not comparably configured or placed. Look carefully at the comparison pictures and you'll see what I mean: https://app.box.com/s/u72vanem50f3pf79w00p3qz75eqhm7ft Steve
  12. Here's the picture of the passenger door with a similar but not symmetrical or identical feature, which suggests that the feature I've identified as a bullet scar on the inside of the driver's door is not an upholstery feature, and that the feature in this photograph was added to the upholstery in a failed attempt to create a comparable "feature" on the passenger door that might be able to support a claim that the feature on the driver's door in approximately the same location, but with a different appearance was not a bullet scar. Nice try.... Here's a link to a comparison of the two photos: https://app.box.com/s/u72vanem50f3pf79w00p3qz75eqhm7ft Steve
  13. Yes I did. I found a picture of the passenger door somewhere and there is a smaller, similar feature on that door, but it is not in the exact same spot and doesn't have the exact same features as the bullet scar on the driver's side, so I'm guessing that somebody thought "let's make another mark on the passenger door so it looks like the mark on the driver's door" and then botched the necessary symmetrical property that would make their argument plausible. I can upload that picture too, if somebody will give me permission to upload pictures to the Education Forum. Can you please help with that?
  14. Look at the knuckles of the guy carrying the bags, then look to the right. You'll see the scar between the edge of the door and the edge of the panel where the door knob is mounted. The scar is about an inch in from the edge of the door and about three or four inches down from the door lock button. If you zoom in on that area, you'll see that bare metal is exposed inside the hole, that the hole is irregularly shaped (not a feature of the upholstery) and that it suggests a trajectory from inside the car. If that trajectory is plotted based on the configuration of the scar, it either comes from the front passenger side (Kellerman) or from the rear passenger side (Connelly). Hope this helps. It is inconceivable that the existence of this defect in the upholstery of the limousine was accidentally missed, in my opinion. There is no comparable defect on the passenger door, although there appears to be a defect there that is not symmetrical to the one on the driver's door, which clearly suggests that it is not an upholstery feature (they would be symmetrical, if that were the case). Can someone help me get permission to post pictures here?
  15. Has anyone else noticed the bullet scar in the photo by the Dallas Times-Herald on the inside of the driver's door of the JFK limo in the Parkland Hospital ER lot? The door is open and the scar from a bullet strike is plainly visible. This is another shot unaccounted for in the record and may be related to the smelling of gunpowder by the Parkland staff when the Kennedy party came through. It looks like the bullet that caused this scar was fired from inside the car because it's too low to have come from the GK and too small to have come from "above and behind" (it would have been much more elongated if that were the case)..... I don't know why my upload of the photos failed (both less than 1000 kb). Help would be appreciated. Steve
  16. So glad you found a way to preserve this forum. Best wishes always. The truth will out, eventually. Steve
  17. The audio cassette recordings of much testimony before the ARRB and HSCA have been digitized and assembled in a collection that can be downloaded. You can get them here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xogfg3tvgebxb1q/ARRB%26HSCA_audio_tapes_as_mp3_files.zip I'll keep this link available for at least 3 months. Best wishes to all. The truth will out. Steve
  18. Wonderful news. Thanks for your thoughtful and helpful response from someone who has learned a great deal from the insights of others on this Forum.
  19. The newer generations don't trust the mainstream media and are seeking more authoritative, "untainted" sources of information. They get their news more from the internet than anywhere else, with an increasing emphasis on twitter and other social media. They're becoming more discerning about who they bestow credibility upon, too. The relentless and abusive sniping that exists in this forum is the antithesis of what is needed to move in the direction of changing policy and establishing the truth about the JFK assassination and its meaning in American history. We might concentrate on updating Wikipedia with new facts, "troubling questions" and a statement about the need for an honest investigation because in much less than 50 years, the internet is likely to be the most (only?) respected information source for the majority of Americans. They are trusting Facebook less and less as its invasions of privacy become more notorious and its foundation becomes ever more blatantly oriented toward advertising, so a site that maintains a professorial presence will become more important as the years pass. JFKfacts, Mary Ferrell, they may have better legs than this forum, especially if the relentless sniping and name-calling isn't better managed.
  20. I think it's important to recognize that an honest search for understanding can't be conducted when access to evidence is obstructed. The obstructions have to be removed, not justified, and until that happens it will be impossible to know beyond a reasonable doubt "what happened." The obstructions are so collossal that it is inconceivable to many people that they will ever be removed (exhumation of the President's body, release of all government records related to his assassination, etc). The best we can hope for is the correction of policy that permitted and has sustained the obstruction of evidence for the past 50 years, so that finally "the truth can come out" and our country can recover from the horrors that have befallen us for the past 50 years. I like Don's statement, but in the interest of attracting the widest possible endorsement (especially from among future generations), I'd suggest the following. The Warren Commission, FBI and Dallas Police did not solve the mystery of who assassinated President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The House Assassinations Committee of the late 1970s left more questions than answers behind them. Because access to evidence has been obstructed and a real investigation has never been conducted, reasonable doubt persists about the circumstances of President Kennedy's death. On the verge of the 50th anniversary of the most significant political assassination of the 20th century, it is more important than ever for there to be an open and independent inquiry into the matter for the very first time. Steve
  21. Thanks for all of the help with understanding the "Tague wounding event." When I went to Dallas, I stood at the Western end of the cement square of the South Elm Street sewer cover, faced East and focused on the scar in the lower-right corner of the concrete cover. Then I followed the path of the scar straight up, and the top left corner of the Dallas Records Building came into view as the most probable site for the origin of that scar. Turning around 180 degrees, I noticed that the other end of the scar pointed at the position where Tague was standing (between Commerce and Main). That explanation for the origins of the sewer cover and curb scars makes the most sense to me; it has the benefit of more physical evidence that "lines up" than any of the other possible trajectories. I'm still trying to figure out how the shot that pierced the limo windshield (as imaged in The Smoking Guns episode of The Men Who Killed Kennedy) and went on to strike Kennedy's throat could have been taken without Tague mentioning anything about it. Its origin had to be within a few feet of where he was standing when he was wounded and had to have occurred less than 10 seconds before he was wounded, for the windshield and throat holes to line up exactly as they do with that position when the limo was in the location that hid it behind the Stemmons Freeway sign in the Zfilm. Food for thought. Best wishes always, Steve
  22. In this still from Mark Lane's 1966 interview, James Tague marked his position near the South curb of Main Street, just outside the Triple Overpass in Dealey Plaza where he was struck in the right cheek by debris knocked off the curb of Main Street by a bullet or fragment that hit the curb a few feet East of his position. He reports that he had parked his car on Commerce Street where traffic was stopped and got out to see what was happening. The space between Main and Commerce at the Overpass in Dealey Plaza is a very narrow one. The red arrows show the east to west alignment of the the scar on the South manhold cover on Elm Street with the top left corner of the Dallas Records Building that I confirmed when I visited Dallas in October of 2012. The west end of the scar points very close to Tague's position and could account for the curb strike that wounded him. I'm not sure if others have posited this before, but corroboration always helps, right? Best wishes always. Steve Damn, the file is only 68K but I only have 324 bytes of upload allowed. Sorry. Here's a link to the .pdf for those who are interested: http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/rfwtvj
  23. The links posted here will expire on May 10th so if you're interested in downloading the ARRB/HSCA audio files or the video/pictures from Dallas 2012, please don't delay. Best wishes to all of the researchers. The truth will out. Steve
  24. Listening to Humes quip "I sure hope you guys can figure this thing out..." to the ARRB staff at the end of his interview was galling, to say the least. There are lots of other nuggets in the audio recording series, including an admission by one of the CIA Zfilm handlers that the Zfilm was received on Saturday night at "Hawkeye" (the secret film processing plant operated by Kodak with help from the CIA). Doug Horne's five volume series Inside the ARRB turns out to be a truly remarkable document; I didn't find any discrepancies between its statements and the words spoken by any of the people who testified on tape. Thanks for your appreciation for my efforts. Best wishes to all of the researchers. The truth will out. Steve
  25. If you click on this link, you should be taken directly to the download of the ARRB/HSCA audio recordings that I created for Doug Horne. There are about 50 recordings in the collection. I sincerely appreciate the trust that Doug Horne extended to me in making the ARRB and HSCA recordings available. He asked in his five volume ARRB series if anyone might be able to digitize the recordings, and I volunteered because I have a small recording studio. It turned out to be a daunting task because of the awful quality of several of the recordings. It was obvious that the quality and preservation of the recordings was not a significant concern for most of the other ARRB staff, with the exception of Doug. Thanks, Doug. http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/omjy1p This one links to the download of the Dallas photo log from my 10/24/12 trip to Dallas. I took lots of pictures from various locations and they may be useful to the research community. One thing is clear to me: the throat shot came from a location below and to the left of the President if it created a hole in the windshield and struck only him. I've included three documents in this collection that annotate stills from the video collection described at the bottom of this post. http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/93ns15 This one links to the download of the Dallas video log from my 10/24/12 trip to Dallas. I drove the limo route through DP several times to simulate the movement of the car through the killing zone. I tried to position the camera "where the President would have been" so that researchers can view the terrain as it may have looked from the President's viewpoint. http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/fvqach It is my hope that the distribution of these documents will assist the research community in its effort to understand what happened on 11/22/63, and that this will preserve the record in a more viable state than it has been. The video record is intended to give people who don't have the opportunity to visit Dallas the chance to see how it looked (I shot some video from the Zapruder pedestal) in October of last year. Dealey Plaza is a bowl where truth doesn't exist. I will never go back to Dallas. Steve
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