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Linda Giovanna Zambanini

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    Bloomington, IN
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    Prayer Man, South Knoll shooter, & the medical evidence LGBT activism/marriage equality, Minoan archaeology, history, Italy, Greece, travel, foreign languages, foreign film - especially Italian.

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  1. I made his findagrave memorial and put his photo on it. Here you go.:
  2. Michael, I was just reading over Dinkin's file again and wondered who INTARZAN 1 and ARMATT were. Searched MF and found nothing, then googled and found your post here. I did a basic google search for both and found that ArmAtt = Army Attaché, (and NavAtt = Navy Attaché). These were on the "Office of the Historian" page for the US State Dept. "List of Abbreviations and Symbols. I still have not found anything for INTARZAN 1, via MF or Google. In fact, MF has no cryptonyms beginning with "I". It's interesting that the Dinkin docs prior to Jul 24, 2017 had redacted the "IN" and it was recorded as [ ]TARZAN 1. Weird. So he/she must still be alive, or know something they don't want to come out. Wonder if John Newman has looked into this?
  3. It was SA David Grant. He did advance work in Dallas - is the oft forgotten partner of Lawson - and some reports say he was in on one of the Oswald interrogations, though i don't think he ever wrote a report about it. I think Vince said he was Clint Hill's brother-in-law. He died a few years ago. Here are some links to photos of him, an obit and a video. I queued up the video to begin at the point where he's helping load the casket onto AF-1. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?fhid=4443&n=david-b-grant&pid=168833469 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1nIqthuIUY&feature=youtu.be&t=32
  4. Hello, Andrej - FYI, i removed those 2 photos of Sarah Stanton you have posted above (with the glasses) a couple of days ago. When i posted them i was not 100% certain it was her and i only left them up for a day before removing them. My idea was that a family member or friend of the family might contact me and say they were not her, if indeed they were not her. I am confident of the child photo of Stanton and her brothers and sister, that i posted on her memorial, however. I had been researching Stanton for 2 years off and an and had gotten nowhere until i redoubled my efforts in the last couple of weeks. In frustration, I finally shelled out big bucks for subscriptions to Ancestry.com, Archive.com, Newspapers.com NewspaperArchive.com, GenealogyBank.com etc...I connected up all her close family's findagrave memorials and created several of their memorials myself, loading them all up with photos, obits and census data etc...that i had found. After days of virtually sleepless, nonstop genealogical research, i tracked down Mrs. Stanton's mother-in-law and granddaughter, via her 1st son from her first marriage, Jack "Jackie" Lionel Daniel! My plan was to contact them via FB, which they were both on, once i got some sleep. I was so psyched! However, I awoke to the news a couple of days ago that Brian Doyle had posted an alleged photo of Stanton and her son, Larry after contacting her granddaughter. Turns out he had used my genealogical research (i had so helpfully posted on the Stanton family findagrave memorials). He did not contact me to see if i had planned on doing so. I was suspicious that this was what had happened because...what are the chances he would track her down at the same moment i had?! He, in fact, admitted to this is what he had done in a FB forum. I was beyond exhausted and incensed. So, when you see that photo, if it is her, be aware of who did the actual legwork. The people in the photo do look like Sarah Stanton and her son Larry, IMO. However, I have not contacted the daughter-in-law and granddaughter yet to confirm that it is, indeed, them.
  5. Thank you, Greg! Yes, it was a over 2 years ago and i don't think a lot of people saw the thread because it didn't get that many likes...which sort of dumbfounded me. I thought it was a great thread.
  6. Hi Jim! I'm sure you just misspoke about Powell, he was stuck inside the TSBD, not the Daltex.... I did genealogical research on Powell and tracked him and his yearbook photos down in Feb. 2016 in this thread begun by Wesley Riddle on Dennis Morissette's FB group, "Photo and Film Analysis in the JFK Assassination". I used Powell's HSCA identification/bio card which Wesley dug up and posted, to research him. Read through this thread - i've posted many photos of Powell. Wesley Riddle may have brilliantly found Powell in an Allen Photo (posted in the thread), in which there is an unknown man in a white dress shirt standing rt behind the west TSBD glass door. I agree, he looks like he might be Powell - correct age, hair color etc... Btw...this is a great JFK FB group to follow! Here's the link to the Powell thread: https://www.facebook.com/groups/780923448613656/permalink/995944797111519/
  7. Q: Cheeks Sagging at 34? There are some folks who usually for genetic reasons or maybe from weight issues, will show early signs of facial aging like gravitational descent of the cheeks. While the photo is a very limited view and an in person exam is needed, you do look like you have some sagging going on. Perhaps a cheek lift would help. Sometimes fillers in the cheek bone region can also pull up and redrape sagging tissues a little without surgery. SHOW LESS Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS Snipped from https://www.realself.com/question/cheeks-sagging-34-help
  8. Genetics A significant percentage of the population has a genetic predisposition to the jowls. These are people who tend to develop visible jowls at an early age, and whose face otherwise doesn’t have any significant signs of ageing or other damage. If your parents or close family members have or have had jowls, you are more likely to develop them yourself. https://rutlandaesthetics.com/condition/what-are-jowls/
  9. I was correct above in stating that jowls can be multifactorial. Genetics, smoking, aging, wt gain/loss etc... So, aging is not the only factor and her age does not rule out this lady being Pauline Sanders. : https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/jowls
  10. She's the same lady as in the '46 photo. She has the same dark coloring around her eyes/upper cheeks (rosacea?) Just seen from a different angle. While age may be one factor in causing jowls, i'm sure genetics and obesity can be other factors. She's obviously seriously overweight - best seen from the side view in the '46 photo. The '46 other photo is labeled and she's Mrs. R.E. Sanders. Her husband , Robert E. "Bob" Sanders was a longtime teacher at Crozier and her son Robert E. Sanders Jr. graduated from there in '47. Her son and daughter, Susan Jane Sanders, (who attended Woodrow Wilson HS) look like her. Sorry, Chris, I still believe it's her. If you're convinced it's not her then do some digging on Ancestry.com etc... and find a older "Mrs. R.E. Sanders" who lives in the vicinity of Crozier. Tried to upload a photo of the daughter but it says i can't upload any more than 51.2kb...Crazy limits! How can you post anything on here?!
  11. Thanks for the correction and your height analysis, Andrej! I've been lurking when i'm not posting and I've noticed you do great work. I really appreciate all your hard work and graphics! 😊
  12. Thank you, Bart for posting! And thank you, Andrej for the compliment! ❤️ Btw...as i recall, one of her colleagues on the steps (Frazier?) described Sanders as tall and thin. Obviously she was NEITHER. 😜 If she was standing on the first step down you can see she was shorter than Prayer Man/LHO, who was also standing on the first step down from the landing.
  13. Grrrr...these size limits! Says i can only upload 122Kb because i've reached my limit. (Hope this is a daily limit and not a "forever" limit!) To see the other b&w photo go to his findagrave page: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/60685548/william-george-gaudet
  14. Just found a good color photo of William George "Bill" Gaudet which is probably ca '63. I went thru the voluminous photos posted on his son's obit page and there was a group photo with him, his son (William Gerald Gaudet, Jr), his daughter-in-law and grandkids when they were young. From their ages i'm guessing it is probably around '63. Here's the group photo and a closeup of the elder Gaudet i cropped from it . Also including the two i uploaded on his findagrave (from Linda Minor's site) so you can look at all of them w/o having to go to findagrave. NB: Bill Gaudet has an odd little "fork" in his receding hairline bangs which can be seen in the color photo and the B&W photos, so that confirms it is him.: Well, turns out i can only upload 3 of them before the limits kick in so will post the 3 of them here and the final one in the following post.
  15. Hi Greg! Been working on Gaudet's findagrave and the William Gerald Gaudet, Jr. you posted is not the Gaudet but his son (N.B. he has a different middle name - but nonetheless, it is Gaudet's son). Here is William George "Bill" Gaudet's findagrave memorial on which i uploaded 2 photos of Gaudet, which i found on Linda Minor's site. I looked in the Tulane yearbooks for Gaudet's college photos but could only find his name listed ("William George Gaudet") but no photos. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/60685548?memorialUpdated=Yes
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