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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. I have not nailed this down. At this point, this is just speculation, but...


    I figured that most of the Cuban exiles held full-time jobs. If you're going to have a picnic with families, it would probably be on a weekend.


    In 1976, Sylvia Odio told Gaeton Fonzi:

    Also, there had been a big rally in a park on a liberation day (she didn't remember which day) and she delivered the invocation. That was covered by the newspapers and the television stations and she said the FBI later told her that it thought that Oswald could have been there mingling with the Cubans.”


    CE 2390 (25H370)



    FBI Agent Wallace Heitman interview of Osvaldo Aurelio Pino Pino July 8, 1964

    resides at 719 N. Bishop St. in Dallas and is employed at El Chico Restaurant warehouse. Pino state that he is a member of SNFE. “He said that he remembers that a general reunion of various Cuban refugees had been held several months ago at a picnic grounds near White Rock Lake, and that a woman by the name of Odio had made a short speech at the reunion.”


    Sylvia Odio vs. Liebeler & the La Fontaines

    Written by James DiEugenio

    Tuesday, 15 October 1996 23:18

    “Gaeton Fonzi's interview with Silvia Odio for the Church Committee, reproduced here...”



    RELEASED PER P. L. 102-526 (JFK ACT) 5-2-96

    Notes – Silvia Odio interviewed 1/16/76


    The two big holidays in Cuba are January 1 (when Castro came to power, and July 26)

    25-27 July - National Rebelliousness Days

    3 Days celebrating the beginning of the Cuban Revolution when Castro led a group to attack the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba, during the carnival. The attack took place on 26 July but the day before and after have also been proclaimed as Cuban festivals. The dates still coincide with carnival and festivities are seen taking place throughout the country.

    Sylvia wasn't living in Dallas in January, so this “liberation day” she mentions might be July 26, although I can't imagine a bunch of anti-Castro Cubans getting together to commemorate a Castro holiday.


    Weisberg interview of the Castorr's:

    W: You may not, but that's all right. What we have here are pictures collected of people we don't know too much about. These are some stills taken from the television films taken of the in White Rock Park. in the summer July 1963 I believe.

    ITS Mrs. C: September, I believe.

    Mr. W: Was that it._

    W: Do you remember when that picnic was?

    Mrs. C: Well, it was about mid-September of '63.


    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/C%20Disk/Castorr%20L%20Robert%20Colonel/Item%2012.pdf page 1.



    And, I got to wondering, what a KBOX radio truck would be doing at White Rock Lake on September 7, 1963.


    September 08, 1963 - Page 6

    Alice Daily Echo Newspaper Archives



    Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “Gusts of powerful winds struck in the Dallas area Saturday as a surprise rainstorm whipped into the roof of one residence and damaged another in Mesquite, a suburb just east of Dallas. State Police said no injuries resulted. The wind blew a wooden block through the windshield of a mobile news unit of Radio KBOX of Dallas while it was near White Rock Lake inside the Dallas city limits. On Dallas' North Central Expressway, the blast blew in the side of a service station. Tarpaulins protecting building construction work in downtown Dallas were whipped to shreds. The storm occurred during unexpected rain activity in Dallas and other parts of North Central and Northeast Texas. The rest of the state was unusually hot and nearly all places were dry.”

    September 7, 1963 was a Saturday. The temperature was 102 degrees.


    Posted by Andrej Stancak in the Education Forum 02/10/17


    I would like to turn the attention of Forum members to a remarkable testimony of Mr. Wynne Johnson. Wynne was 15 years old in 1963, and had a girlfriend Vicki. Vicki and Wynne liked to visit the roof of the Southland Center to view the scenery of Dallas. And so they did on September 7, 1963... Wynne and Vicki were approaching the Southland Center when a taxi cab passed and a young man, Lee Harvey Oswald, stepped out. Oswald entered the main lobby, met with Phillips and both men started to talk. Shortly, Veciana came in via a different entrance. And while the three men stood together in the lobby, Wynne and Vicki also entered a long corridor and headed towards the three men.”


    Bill Kelly in JFKContercoup



    Saturday September 7, 1963
    That just happens to be the day Alpha 66 founder Antonio Veciana met with David Atlee Phillips and Lee Harvey Oswald at the Southland Center in Dallas, as well as the day Manuel Rodriguez arrived in Dallas to set up a branch of Alpha 66 and leased the safe house on Harlandale Avenue in Oak Cliff.

    (I believe this is wrong about Rodriguez)


    In a May 26, 1964 report filed by Wallace Heitman it showed the address of Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro to be 2311 Nicholson St. Appt. D in Dallas.

    CD 1085 page 220.



    Rodriguez had previously been interviewed on February 10, and May 20, 1964.


    Rodriguez registered as an alien of Dallas, Texas on September 6, 1963, at which time his address was reflected as 1208 Hudspeth Street. His last prior address was 5310 Columbia Street, Dallas.”



    Heitman had previously interviewed Orcarberro on February 10, 1964.

    Informant T-1 had told Heitman that Orcarberro had lived at 5310 Columbia in Dallas.

    According to Heitman, Rodririguez said he registered as an alien of Dallas, TX on September 6, 1963, at which time his address was reflected as 1208 Hudspeth St. His last prior address was listed as 5310 Columbia St., Dallas.


    According to Sylvia Odio, it was the FBI who told her that Oswald was thought to have been seen at this picnic.


    Steve Thomas






  2. 51 minutes ago, Gary Murr said:

    Hi Steve:


    In addition, see the two MF links below; they tie in with your "Cubans sorted by names" but importantly also contain fairly decent mug shots of everyone on these listings.



    https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=77012&relPageId=2&search="Cuban_mugbook Vol II"

    https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=77013&relPageId=2&search="Cuban_mugbook Vol III"

    Thanks Gary,


    Guess I didn't go far enough did I?


    Steve Thomas

  3. 19 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


    Have you ever seen a picture of Salvat?  Mrs. Castorr talks about a heavy set guy who couldn't speak English and might have looked like Howard.

    I got to wondering if it was Pinollas and Salvat that came to visit Odio.


    Steve Thomas


    Here's a 1962 picture of Juan Manuel Salvat in an April 12, 2001 Miami New Times article by Jefferson Morley.


    See p. 5 of this pdf file

    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/C Disk/CIA DRE Cuban Student Directorate/Item 02.pdf


    To me, he doesn't look like the sort of person Sylvia Odio or Mrs. Castorr describe.


    Steve Thomas

  4. I happened to stumble on this by accident. It looks to be a CIA list of Cuban names sorted by patronymic name and matronymic name.

    Some of the names also provide a short physical description.


    I thought it might be helpful to researchers looking for somebody under both names.

    HSCA Segregated CIA Collection Box 33




    Steve Thomas

  5. 2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


    Have you ever seen a picture of Salvat? 

    Steve Thomas


    Here's a video interview of Salvat. It's in Spanish. He's an older man now, but it kind of gives you an idea of what he looked like.

    When you go to the web page, you have to hit page 2, or the Next button to bring up the actual video.




    Steve Thomas

  6. 7 minutes ago, David Boylan said:


    I believe Salvat spoke English. From Mary Ferrell's site.

    Fabian Escalante states in JFK: The Cuban Files, p. 177: "In October (1963), further information placed Salvat and Joaquin Martinez Pinillos with Fermin de Goicoechea in Dallas, in the company of arms smuggler John Thomas Masen, from whom they proposed to acquire weapons of all kinds, presumably stolen from the military depot at Fort Hood, for 'a second invasion of Cuba to take place at the end of the year.'...immediately after the assassination, Salvat and his group engaged in a wide-ranging media campaign charging Cuba with the crisis me, circulating Oswald's pro-communist and pro-Castro background, and arguing that the assassination was Cuba's reprisal for CIA attempts on the life of Fidel Castro."


    https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=23849&relPageId=4 AMHINT2 (Salvat) meeting with David Morales aka Stanley Zamka.

    https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=42232&relPageId=3 Richard Cain being recruited by Salvat.

    https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php?id=AMHINT-2 Some good docs...


    What did you think of that second document where Salvat supposedly said that the DRE was being sponsored by the Pentagon, and not the CIA?


    That one kind of threw me. What about the whole Joannides thing?


    Steve Thomas


  7. 5 hours ago, David Boylan said:

    Harold was not very complementary of Hosty. :-) I noticed Gen Walker gave, what, $5 to DRE at the meeting.

    I'm thinking Weisberg's friends were the Castorrs. I read one of his letters where he was not pleased that Dick Russell wrote about them in The Man Who Knew Too Much.

    Great thread.





    I too think the Castorr's were the friends Weisberg refers too.


    I need to straighten out the times. The picnic and Sylvia's visit from the three guys was September.

    These DRE guys were saying the "meeting" where Steig saw Oswald and Walker gave the $5 was mid-October.

    Did Salvat stay in Dallas that long.? Pinolloas told O'Connor that he and Siveira spoke the English at the meetings. I got the feeling that the other guy couldn't speak English. Could Salvat speak English?


    Have you ever seen a picture of Salvat?  Mrs. Castorr talks about a heavy set guy who couldn't speak English and might have looked like Howard.

    I got to wondering if it was Pinollas and Salvat that came to visit Odio.


    Steve Thomas


  8. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/D Disk/DRE/Item 01.pdf

    Ana Silveira provides a list of people in attendance at the October 13, 1963 meeting. (although this is a typewritten list, and not the original)




    Weisberg wants to know more about this meeting.

    “The man who arranged the meetings, Dean Perkins was close to my friends”.


    Steve Thomas



  9. 20 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:




    Manuel Salvat came to Dallas from Miami in (Sept?, Oct?), 1963 to kickstart the DRE.

    He was accompanied by two people: Joaquin Pincillas, and a woman named Anita (LNU).


    Steve Thomas




    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/D Disk/DRE/Item 01.pdf

    p. 10 of that pdf file


    Miami FBI Agent James O'Connor interview of Joaquin Martinez de Pinillos 12/23/63:

    Pinillos (age 22) stated that he, Ana Silveira, and Muel Salvat had traveled from Miami to Dallas in October, 1963..." for the purpose of holding public meetings to inform them about the DRE.

    "Mr. Pinollos stated that Dean Perkins, 11022 Genetta Dr. Dallas, Texas assisted the DRE in organizing the meetings and arranging the publicity attached to the meetings".


    Steve Thomas

  10. 17 hours ago, David Boylan said:


    Some questions:

    Who was the very attractive female from Miami, supposedly representing DRE, that was in the company of Hall and Howard?




    Wallace Heitman interview of Felix Guillermo Othon Pacho Septmber8, 1964

    CE 2390 (25H) 371



    Manuel Salvat came to Dallas from Miami in (Sept?, Oct?), 1963 to kickstart the DRE.

    He was accompanied by two people: Joaquin Pincillas, and a woman named Anita (LNU).


    Steve Thomas


  11. 2 hours ago, David Boylan said:


    Some questions:

    Who was Dean Perkins? He was on stage with John Martino Oct 1 in Dallas.

    Who was the very attractive female from Miami, supposedly representing DRE, that was in the company of Hall and Howard?

    Ed Twilly?

    Was Forray Kiki Ferrer? Weisberg seemed to note this in the margin.  Mrs. Castorr -"Yes. A man by the name of Forray. You see, subsequently, Joanna Rodgers told me that she and her husband were on a cruise and they met this Mr. Forray and he asked if Joanna would do him a personal favor and that was to look after this girl -- Sylvia (Odio)."

    Weisberg's theory page 29 -

    W: The rest of the Moran (Loran) Hall story is (what they told Sylvia Odeo) was that they were going to get this man, Oswald, into Cuba to knock Castro off. I don't believe that but what I do believe (you'd never hire Oswald to kill anybody or you'd never trust him to do it on his own--he wasn't mechanically capable of pulling it off) what could have happened, though, would have been a competent man who looked like Oswald could have used Oswald's papers and it's my belief that when Oswald failed to get the visa, he lost all utility and could serve no purpose to the people he was associated with and I think this is why they framed him.






    II'm afraid  don't know anything about him at all.

    Look at p. 2 of this pdf file:

    There's a couple of clues you can pick up.


    Are Ernie Lazar's databases searchable?  - or the FBI's Subject Files. I'll bet you'll  find out Perkins was big in the John Birch Society.


    PS: Did you read up about the pillow incident on p. 9 of that file? Now that's an interesting idea.

    McHann knew something and it tortured him for the rest of his life.


    I think Weisberg has a pretty good theory on p. 29


    Steve Thomas

  12. 1 hour ago, Lance Payette said:

    I got some further clarification on Skype this morning:  the word translated as "locksmith" does not mean "locksmith" per se.  It is closer to "worker who repairs mechanical things" (as distinguished from a "worker who makes new mechanical things").  What is being translated as "experimental shop" would be the part of the factory where they make sure that new equipment and devices are operating properly before they are put out on the floor of the factory.  So it's more like "checking" than "experimenting."  Apparently this shop also made repairs.  My wife's sister said that the "secret" part of the factory (where she worked as a technical illustrator) had more to do with the space program than the military at that time; it was very compartmentalized, and she had no idea what the things she was drawing were called or used for.  She said the overriding memory of Oswald for those who worked with him (which she didn't) was how openly, blatantly lazy he was - to the degree of just propping himself up in a corner and going to sleep.  It was very offensive to co-workers who actually had to earn their rubles.  There was some saying to the effect that not only was he not a typical American, he wasn't even a typical human.


    "What is being translated as "experimental shop" would be the part of the factory where they make sure that new equipment and devices are operating properly before they are put out on the floor of the factory.  So it's more like "checking" than "experimenting." "


    Which would have fit right into his job title of "Regulator".


    The lazy Oswald... hmmm. That kind of fits with the impressions his supervisors at Reilly Coffee and Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall seemed to have had of him.

    It sounds like the Soviets seemed to have planted him somewhere where they could keep an eye on him, but wasn't expected to really do anything.


    The insights your sister-in-law is able to provide are really helpful.


    Steve Thomas


  13. 10 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

    FWIW, my wife and her sister said that "maintenance mechanic" would be a better translation than "locksmith" (not that LHO was what I typically think of as a maintenance mechanic either, but there you go).  The sister said that "experimental shop" would actually be the "pilot shop" and that this was the machine shop that made parts and tools for the factory, as opposed to working on the actual production of TVs and radios.



    Thank you, and your wife and sister-in-law.


    That translation makes a whole lot more sense.

    Making the parts and tools for the machines sounds about right too, because he talks about reading blueprints in his Collective. I wondered about that at the time.

    "Work here is given out in the form of blueprints and drawings by the foreman Zemof and Jr. foreman Lavcook..."



    Thanks again.


    Steve Thomas



  14. On 12/20/2017 at 11:47 AM, Steve Thomas said:


    W: Do you remember when that picnic was?

    Mrs. C: Well, it was about mid-September of '63.

    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/C%20Disk/Castorr%20L%20Robert%20Colonel/Item%2023.pdf page 5.


    Mr. C: I'm getting back to my belief and thinking that Father McCann was also there...

    Mrs. C: He was invited to that picnic. That was mid-September of '63 and Bob was out of the country.


    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/C%20Disk/Castorr%20L%20Robert%20Colonel/Item%2012.pdf page 1.


    Mrs. C: Now, I was not at that meeting. So far as this picnic was concerned, you see, I was going around to some of these people bringing food, bringing clothing and what have you, and I did not speak nor understand Spanish unfortunately, but I heard that there was going to be a picnic at White Rock Lake and the man by the name of Rodriquez was selling the tickets.

    This just keeps getting better.


    On May 4, 1964 in an interview in his home with SS Agent Ernest I. Aragon, Rogelio Cisneros told Aragon in Miami that he had gone to Dallas, by plane, alone to meet Sylvia Odio, whom he had never met before, in June, 1963, for the specific purpose of meeting Sylvia Odio who was supposed to introduce Cisneros to a Uruguayan named Juan Martin, who was interested in selling small arms to JURE.

    He wanted to buy guns, and Martin wanted to sell them. Odio was going to serve as the middleman (middlewoman?).

    Odio had moved to Dallas in March.


    Cisneros had a second purpose in going to Dallas however. When he went to Sylvia's house, he was accompanied by Jorge Rodriguz Alvaredo.

    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI%20Records%20Files/105-82555/105-82555%20Section%20215/215e.pdf page 183 of Heitman's report, p. 16 of the pdf file.

    On September 4, 1964 Jorge Rodriguez Alvareda told Wallace Heitman that Rogelio Cisneros Diaz had come to Dallas in late May, or early June, 1963 for the purpose of organizing the Dallas Branch of JURE.


    On May 28, 1964 a Report out of Dallas is drafted on various Cuban groups.



    Jorge Rodriguez Alvareda advised that the Dallas Chapter of JURE was established in late June and early July, 1963. Rodriguez Alvareda said that he was employed at the Curtis-Mathes plant and that he had been authorized on July 3, 1963 in a letter from Osorio Davila Santana, Secretary General of JURE in Miami to proceed with the organization of JURE unit in Dallas.

    Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro was also employed at the Curtis-Mathes plant.


    Father Walter J. McHann (Mary Ferrell's database spells it Machann)

    CE 2943 p. 402.



    Letter from James Rowley of the Secret Service to J. Lee Rankin dated May 5, 1964. McHann interviewed by SS Inspector Kelly on April 30, 1964.

    McHann was chaplain to the Cuban Catholic Committee of Dallas. They organized religious and social activities for the Cuban refugees to help them adjust. Did they organize the picnic?

    McHann said he had been introduced to John Martin aka Juan Martin; and that one night, John Martin came to Sylvia's while he was there. McHann described John Martin as a Latin, but not a Cuban. Martin had a house in Dallas, but did not live there. He lived in a different city with his family. Sylvia seemed to know John Martin quite well.


    Sylvia Odio moves to Dallas in March

    Cisneros flies from Miami to Dallas in June to set up a gun buying deal with Johnny Martin using Sylvia as the middlewoman and to organize a JURE Chapter in Dallas with Jorge Rodriguez Alvaredo as its President.

    Father McHann at some point is introduced to Johnny Martin at Syvlia's home.

    Two months later, in September, a picnic is organized at White Rock Lake. Oswald is maybe seen there, and maybe not.

    Did the Catholic Cuban Relief Committee, who arranged social activities for the Cubans, organize the picnic?

    Was Father McHann there?

    Was the Rodriguez who was selling tickets, Jorge Rodriguez, the President of the JURE Dallas Chapter?

    That same month three men come to Sylvia's door claiming to be from JURE. She thinks Oswald was one of the three.


    Steve Thomas





  15. On 12/26/2017 at 12:47 AM, Ron Bulman said:

    How did they?...    Ever been to the back side of the TSBD or Dal-Tex?  No mention to my knowledge of anybody from the DPD rushing there after it either. 

    They didn't go out the back door. The Secret Service guys stationed back there told D.V. Harkness so.




    Steve Thomas

  16. Seems to me that you can spend a lot of time arguing about the "what ifs" and the "why nots", but the bottom line is that you don't have anyone who can place Lee Harvey Oswald at the scene of the crime during the shooting, and you don't have any eyewitnesses seeing him fleeing the scene of the crime.

    Who's to say that he didn't simply got tired of waiting for the elevator to come back up and just quietly and calmly walked back down the stairs? Or even crossed the room and walked down the stairs by the front elevator? (Were there stairs by the front elevator that went up to the sixth floor)?

    One's as good a conjecture as another. It's all speculation anyway.


    Steve Thomas

  17. On 12/24/2017 at 3:12 AM, Steve Thomas said:


    CD 1085

    In June, 1963 Andrés Nazario Sargén wrote Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro a letter and urged him to establish a chapter of Alpha 66 in Dallas. Orcarberro moved to Dallas in September, 1963.


    On May 25, 1964, Manuel Rodriguez voluntarily appeared at the Dallas FBI offices and spoke to Wallace Heitman. He told Heitman that the members of SNFE met at bi-weekly meetings at 3126 Harlandale. (Although in his Report, Heitman spelled it Hollandale.)




    Heitman had previously interviewed Orcarberro on February 10, 1964 and May 10, 1964.

    Informant T-1 had told Heitman that Orcarberro had lived at 5310 Columbia in Dallas.

    According to Heitman, Rodririguez said he registered as an alien of Dallas, TX on September 6, 1963, at which time his address was reflected as 1208 Hudspeth St. His last prior address was listed as 5310 Columbia St., Dallas.


    CE 2390 (25H370)



    FBI Agent Wallace Heitman interview of Osvaldo Aurelio Pino Pino July 8, 1964

    Resides at 719 N. Bishop St. in Dallas and is employed at El Chico Restaurant warehouse. Pino state that he is a member of SNFE. “He said that he remembers that a general reunion of various Cuban refugees had been held several months ago at a picnic grounds near White Rock Lake, and that a woman by the name of Odio had made a short speech at the reunion.”


    This may be Annie Odio and not Sylvia.

    WC testimony of Sylvia Odio:


    Sylvia Odio, July 22, 1964…. we did have some meetings, yes. John Martino spoke… she (Lucille Connell) went to that meeting. I did not go, because they kept it quiet from me so I would not get upset about it…. He came to Dallas and gave a talk to the Cubans about conditions in Cuba, and she was one of the ones that went to the meeting.
    Mr. LIEBELER. Mrs. Connell?
    Mrs. ODIO. Yes; and my sister Annie went, too.



    NARA Record Number: 104-10320-10070


    On pages 4 through 5 of that Report, Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro furnished a list of the present officers of SNFE. Among the list of Officers is Osvaldo Pino Pino.


    Steve Thomas



  18. 10 hours ago, David Boylan said:


    This is important information. I'm surprised there no comments.




    Thank you. I think it is.



    p. 187

    25H371, CE 2390 and CD 1546 p. 188.


    FBI interview of Felix Guillermo Othon Pacho by SA Wallace Heitman on September 8, 1964.

    Othon was the DRE delegate in Dallas after Sarah Castillo. Othon told Heitman that Manuel Salvat had come to Dallas from Miami in September or October, 1963 and that a meeting of about thirty or forty Cubans and Americans had been held at a bank near White Rock Lake. The meeting had been organized by Mr. Dean Perkins, who was sympathetic to the Cuban cause.


    Othon said that he was known as Bill Othon in Dallas among Americans. He said he was employed by Forrest and Cotton Engineers, Mercantile Continental Building, Dallas.


    Is George Parrel Felix Guillermo Othon Pacho, or Fermin De Goicochea?



    CD 1085

    In June, 1963 Andrés Nazario Sargén wrote Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro a letter and urged him to establish a chapter of Alpha 66 in Dallas. Orcarberro moved to Dallas in September, 1963.


    On May 25, 1964, Manuel Rodriguez voluntarily appeared at the Dallas FBI offices and spoke to Wallace Heitman. He told Heitman that the members of SNFE met at bi-weekly meetings at 3126 Harlandale. (Although in his Report, Heitman spelled it Hollandale.)



    On November 23 and 26, 1963 Buddy Walthers writes a Supplementary Investigation Report addressed to Bill Decker. A group of Cubans have been having meetings at 3126 Harlendale St. “on the weekends over the past few months”. “Subject Oswald has been to this house before”.



    Commission Document 946 - SS Aragon Report of 5 May 1964 re: Sylvia Odio, Rogelio Cisneros Diaz page 3



    On May 4, 1964 in an interview in his home with SS Agent Ernest I. Aragon, Cisneros told Aragon that:


    Rogelio Cisneros, a JURE member in Miami, went to Dallas alone, by plane in June, 1963 for the specific purpose of meeting Sylvia Odio who was supposed to introduce Cisneros to a Uruguayan named Juan Martin, who was interested in selling small arms to JURE.


    The JURE office in Dallas was already in operation, having been established in May, 1963. He only contacted Sylvia Odio once. Cisneros was accompanied by Jorge Rodriguez (Alvarada) (Alvereda?), their Dallas delegate, and no one else.



    The testimony of Sylvia Odio was taken at 9 a.m., on July 22, 1964



    Mrs. ODIO. No. I have told you I moved several times, and it is because of reasons of my work, and because my children at the time were in Puerto Rico, I and I went down to get them in Puerto Rico June 29th.
    That was exactly the day that I saw Ray again. We had been trying to establish a contact in Dallas with Mr. Johnny Martin, who is from Uruguay. He is from there, and he had heard that I was involved in this movement. And he said that he had a lot of contacts in Latin America to buy arms, particularly in Brazil, and that if he were in contact with one of our chief leaders of the underground, he would be able to sell him second-hand arms that we could use in our revolution.


    On April 24, 1964 SS Chief Rowley wrote a Memorandum to J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission. This memo is CD 853

    This memo was in response to a letter from Rankin to Rowley dated April 22, 1964. The topic was Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro and the Cuban exile community. Some of the things in Rowley’s memo were:

    1/16/64 Frank Ellsworth was interviewed about Orcarberro.
    Ellsworth had been working undercover gathering evidence against John Thomas Masen.
    Masen told Ellsworth that Orcarberro had been trying to buy guns and bazookas from Masen.

    Masen told Ellsworth that Rodriguez and George F. Parrel were leaders of the local DRE and also members of Alpha-66
    Masen told Ellsworth that George Parrel, an associate of Orcarberro, had also been trying to buy guns from him.
    They had made purchases from him and that they presently have a large cache of arms located somewhere in Dallas, although he did not know the location.

    Parrel was a student at Dallas City College.


    Steve Thomas


  19. 9 hours ago, David Boylan said:


    The descriptions are all over the place as usual. 5'7" to 6'0"? Could be anybody.






    I thought maybe I would start collecting references to him. See if there's any pattern.

    Here's what I have so far:

    1) CIA cable Lee Henry Oswald is 5'10” weighing 165 lbs, light brown, wavy hair with blue eyes.

    October 10, 1963



    2) CIA cable to Dep't of State, FBI and Dep't of Navy

    October 1, 1963


    p. 436 “Probably identical to Lee Henry Oswald” 5'10”, light brown wavy hair, blue eyes.


    3) Stringfellow Cable

    In this referenced cable, Harvey Lee Oswald was described as 5'10" tall, 165 lbs, with light brown hair and blue eyes.



    4) The initial description broadcast over the DPD radio was for a suspect 5"10" tall weighing 165 lbs and nobody knows where that description came from.


    I wonder if the following isn't the original source of so many reports to follow in the coming years:


    5) Report of John Fain (FBI Dallas) dated July 3, 1961. CE 980 p. 388

    1 copy to ONI New Orleans

    On April 28, 1960 Mrs. Marguerite Oswald provided the following physical description of Lee Harvey Oswald:

    5'10" tall, 165 lbs light brown wavy hair, blue eyes.



    Steve Thomas

  20. 2 hours ago, David Boylan said:

    Page 421. LHO was in the company a very tall American at the dance party In Mexico City. Hemming?

    Page 434-441 more Lee Henry Oswald. 6 foot tall, athletic build.





    Here's that 5'10" 165 lb Lee Oswald with light brown wavy hair and blue eyes again. (p. 436)

    Who is this guy? He pops up everywhere.

    Compare that to Oswald's physical description on p. 443. (5'9" 140 lbs)


    Steve Thomas

  21. 7 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


    Mr. BALL. Well, did you ever make any---did you ever say that it was a 7.65 Mauser? 
    Mr. FRITZ. No, sir; I am sure I did not. 
    Mr. BALL. Or did you think it was such a thing? 
    Mr. FRITZ. No, sir; I did not.

    Mr. BALL - Who referred to it as a Mauser that day?
    Mr. BOONE - I believe Captain Fritz. He had knelt down there to look at it, and before he removed it, not knowing what it was, he said that is what it looks like.


    Steve Thomas

  22. 7 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    And since Oswald wasn't seen by anyone running down the stairs, you think that means it was IMPOSSIBLE for him to have done so?

    Did Adams and Styles see Baker and Truly coming up the same stairs they were on?

    Answer: No.

    Does that mean that Baker & Truly never went up those stairs?

    Answer: No.


    So I assume the above comment, Steve, means that you now believe that Howard Brennan never even attended a lineup at the Dallas Police Department at all, is that right?

    If so, you must think this testimony is just a bunch of made-up crap invented by Mr. Brennan, correct?....

    DAVID BELIN -- "Now, taking you down to the Dallas Police Station, I believe you said you talked to Captain Fritz. And then what happened?"

    HOWARD BRENNAN -- "Well, I was just more or less introduced to him in Mr. Sorrels' room, and they told me they were going to conduct a lineup and wanted me to view it, which I did."


    Yes, indeed, his prints most certainly were found in various places on the sixth floor---on two different boxes which were located DEEP INSIDE the assassin's Sniper's Nest. Plus, two LHO prints on the 38-inch brown paper bag that several police officers said they saw in the corner of the Nest before it was picked up. And, of course, Oswald's prints were, as already mentioned, on the Carcano rifle that Oswald ditched between some boxes in the northwest corner of the sixth floor.

    And, IMO, the reason there weren't more of LHO's prints on the rifle is because he very likely utilized his brown shirt as a fingerprint-wiping rag right after the assassination, wiping as many prints from the rifle as he could as he ran across the sixth floor. He then ditched the rifle near the stairwell and then put the brown shirt back on as he ran down the stairs, leaving it untucked and unbuttoned (hence the reason Marrion Baker thought the brown SHIRT resembled a JACKET).

    All that stuff I just mentioned is my own opinion, and needs to be identified as just that--my OPINION--but it fits very nicely with some of the physical evidence in the case, and it fits fairly well with some of the witnesses who said the shooter was wearing only a "light-colored" or a "white" shirt (which would have been Oswald's white T-shirt, of course). He probably had the brown shirt resting on the floor (or on a box) as he pulled the trigger at 12:30. Plus, my "Used The Shirt To Wipe Fingerprints" theory fits nicely with the evidence of similar shirt fibers being wedged in the butt plate of the rifle. As he was wiping off prints, fibers from the shirt could have easily found their way under the butt plate.


    Check out Commission Exhibit No. 637 (which is Oswald's palmprint, taken off the rifle by Lt. J.C. Day on 11/22/63). Also see this important (often overlooked) document.

    Now, if you were referring to the FINGERprints on the trigger guard of the rifle....well, those prints were definitely photographed and were examined in detail by many fingerprint experts---one of whom (Vincent Scalice) said:

    "We're able for the first time to actually say that these are definitely the fingerprints of Lee Harvey Oswald, and that they are on the rifle. There is no doubt about it." -- Vincent J. Scalice; 1993 [See the first video on this page.]

    And although I myself have never seen the photos of the trigger guard fingerprints, some of the pictures of those prints are shown on camera in the 1993 PBS program "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" (during the Scalice segment linked above).


    I believe that Howard Brennan was brought down to Police Headquarters on the evening of November 23rd to ID Oswald as the shooter and at that time he failed to identify Oswald as such, as is indicated on the lineup card in the DPD Archives, Box 6, Folder# 1, Item# 73, page 3


    I know the reasons for refusing to identify Oswald that he gave later, but as far as evidentiary value in a trial, I'll go with the lineup card.


    I am not saying that it was impossible for Oswald to have run down the stairs unseen.

    I am saying that you don't have any eyewitnesses seeing Oswald fleeing the scene.


    The palmprint shown in CE 637 was introduced in evidence in WC (4H23-24).


    Day told the WC that traces of the palmprint were still evident after lifting it off the rifle. Latona of the FBI said that when the FBI got the rifle, there were no traces of a palmprint, or even any evidence that someone had tried to process it.

    637 was not sent to the FBI along with the other evidence on the 22nd. It was not sent until the 26th. He told the WC,

    "Mr. BELIN. Is there any particular reason why this was not released on the 22d?
    Mr. DAY. The gun was being sent in to them for process of prints. Actually I thought the print on the gun was their best bet, still remained on there..."



    This kind of evidence is worthless.


    Steve Thomas

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