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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. Dude, you and 1964 WCR conclusion-supporters have been whining about him (Armstrong) for years... I'd say he owns most of the nutters hereabouts and thereabouts -- and adding to that, he could, I suspect care less about your uninformed opinions....
  2. yes indeed, murder is a very messy business, especially if finger(s) of guilt are titling towards an area of conservative, corporate bent... my-oh-my!
  3. round two with adenocarcinoma, but holding up my friend... AND, thank you for pressing...
  4. nutters will never, EVER committ to answering your question, it would commit them to debate. If you remember the .john theory of conspiracy, they (nutters) affirm only what the 1964 WCR report supports in its conclusions. Nothing more. a cowardly tactic, but effective... They know 70% of the WCR case evidence would have a tough time being admitted today, even the Zap film is a toss up.... Our buddy Mark follows that scheme and plan to a 't'. As well as our freshly minted, new, photo expert seen hereabouts... It seems Marquette is still kicking them out... <sigh>
  5. lmao.... perhaps the air in Denmark is a little thin these days, eh?
  6. The hand wringing nutters know where this is going: at least 4 shots, 2 from the front - 2 from the rear.... how do YOU spell "conspiracy!" How about tidying up the medical evidence.... now!
  7. I didn't realize we gave posting crowns to a guy behind a curtain down Mexico way??? While I think about it, ya see a guy get off a bus resembling LHO anytime in the past? Surely you can be productive someway, yes?
  8. why? you're the batboy... most here would prefer going toe-to-toe with a 0.75 ERA Lefty...
  9. lol, of course you don't! Here's a tasty red herring for the neo-conservatives: does RFK Jr. want a seat at that fascist, governing table as some in america currently think, think is being formed as some here spar over assassination case evidence? If so, I suspect Uncle Joe Kennedy Jr., RFK and JFK would want a little clarity regarding his position and reasoning...
  10. Lent was over Easter, your current obfuscation/reasoning please?
  11. 7 million years of immune growth? What planet might your species have lived on? -- In my neighborhood during the COVID pandemic, we called the above kind of thinking "insanity" (of course we were all over 65 and of liberal persuasion)...
  12. the world does, that's what happens when nutters fall asleep at the wheel -- every 1964 WCR critic in the USofA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland, India, Russia, Asia, Cuba, South America, Africa, So, Africa, Israel... etal. There is not one blind supporter (LHO did it all by his lonesome) of the 1964 WCR conclusions that can put forth a scenario as to what happened in Dealey Plaza 11/22/63. And, not one 1964 WCR conclusion supporter will debate old and new case evidence... nor even CITE known case evidence...
  13. Dick *I got my Lady of the Evening right here in bed with me, whilst I speak to (and showoff for the damsel) to the President of the USofA on the phone, and advise* Morris? That bastion of conservative media: That Dick Morris? North America "LIBS" can do better; fascism has a horrible history; simply ignore the GOP and let the electorate chose their poison...
  14. of course you do.... whiners will be ....? "the devil made me do it?" lol... I haven't seen this many lone nuts tripping over their own bs in 20 years... when you can't control the medium, WHINE.... here's a better idea: start your own forum!
  15. they are consulting with Marge Green and the super State Department NCOIC Ferdinand Bobert? Rumor has it Putin is in a tough spot licking his ego, and Wagner leader, coup-specialist is parking himself in Belarus right where Putin has some nuclear weapons stored for a rainy day.... The Facistas and Republicans are getting nervous, this was not in any of Oliver Stone's line scripts... Ukrainians should put the petal to the metal...
  16. trying to sell KFC chicken to red meat eaters is "fools folly" son... but you already know that don'tcha?
  17. so says the unintended lone nutter and fry cook from Indiana. LMFAO! I'll have another Jack and a beer chaser bar-keep -- Von Pein he's in serious need of a sherry... I'm witnessing the last vestiges of the old John McAdams choirboys in action, pathetic....
  18. opinions are just like ********, everyone has one, sometimes 3 or 4. Why should anyone trust your amateur hour suggestions? Of course, you can shed light on your subject matter credentials, right here... surprise us, most lone nuts run the other way when backed into that corner...
  19. 8 words for ya concerning old Rollie: Harry Livingston; David Lifton; John Costella and yours truly...
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