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Chuck Schwartz

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Everything posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1. Ron, this is from Spartacus..https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKbrading.htm#:~:text=After the assassination of John F. Kennedy%2C Brading,a phone call. Brading was released without charge.
  2. Trump and his partners in crime challenged election results in the court systems in many states. And, they lost all court cases. There was no fraud. Only feeble attempts to steal various state elections in key swing states. Of course, where Trump won, there was no fraud - only states where Trump lost . Heads I win , tails you lose?
  3. Jean Paul, Joan Mellen wrote an interesting book on George DeMohrenshildt called " Our Man in Haiti".
  4. Pat, I agree with you. Trump is a fascist. He is not a republican, although the republicans are lining up in support of Trump.
  5. Roger Craig was one of the many people associated with the JFKA who died an unnatural death.
  6. de Mohrenshildt was one of the many people associated with the JFKA that died an unnatural death. He committed suicide, supposedly.
  7. Matt, per the Coast to Coast web site, J. Morley will be on the Coast to Coast show on 7/31.
  8. This documet (posted by M . Clark on this website) is relevant to the Lumumba assassinatiodn...https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/157-10005-10297.pdf
  9. Benjamin, perhaps the JFKA was intended as a false flag operation, but I believe JFK was killed because the US Military/CIA wanted to escalate the war in Vietnam and JFK was against this escalation. John Newman's " JFK and Vietnam" led me to this belief. Maybe this is too big a leap from Newman's book, but that is what I think, for now. Also, alot of what Horne has presented supports my belief.
  10. This essay may be relevant to this thread...https://jfkfacts.org/rigged-triangulation-oswald-kostikov-and-amlash/
  11. Also, there was a "Wanted for Treason" ad printed in the Dallas newspaper(s) before JFK appeared in Dallas. I am not sure who paid for those ad(s). HL Hunt?
  12. Paul, I agree with your comments about Doug Horne and Dino Brugioni. Doug has contibuted greatly to our knowledge of the JFK Assassination.
  13. Chung's article is very good . It covers alot of bases. To quote Dylan, " It is what it is and it's murder most foul."
  14. I enjoyed listening to the Paul Bleu tape. I liked his connection of A. Dulles to Clay Shaw,
  15. DeSantis inveted $300M of Florida State pension money in the Russian Stock market...https://www.newsweek.com/desantis-urged-untangle-floridas-300m-thats-invested-russia-1692721
  16. This is an article written by D. Horne on the Zapruder film alteration...https://www.lewrockwell.com/2012/05/douglas-p-horne/the-two-npic-zapruder-film-events-signposts-pointing-to-the-filmsalteration/
  17. I believe that is why JFK was killed- he stood in the way of a vast escalation of US armed forces in Vietnam.
  18. Just another factoid, Steve, that shows the republican party has gone fascist.
  19. When "Mafia Kingfish" by John H Davis came out, I read this book. I was swayed by Davis' argument that Marcello was deeply involved with the Murder of JFK. I still feel that way, but do not believe that he was as involved as A. Dulles, R. Bissell, T. Barnes, H.Hunt, D. Phillips and D Morales (see page 261 of " The Devil's Chessboard" by David Talbot (the hardcopy version)).
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