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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. I haven't studied the issue of vaccines. I am hardly naive about how evil people can be. But it appears the only hope to end this pandemic is a vaccine, unless you have something else in mind. And if we can't put any hope in a vaccine, then I don't see any hope for the world. But maybe that's the point, there is no hope.
  2. I've got a flu shot every year for years. Haven't had the flu in years. Haven't even had a cold in years. Maybe the flu shot has nothing to do with that, but I'll get the shot again this year. Haven't watched the video so I don't know why the government would want us to have phony vaccines. I can see why they shot JFK and I can see why they brought down the Twin Towers. But shooting me with a phony vaccine? If I had to guess, it's because Big Pharma makes a killing with vaccines, so they just pour something into those syringes, shoot it into our arms, and ca--ching, ca-ching. Right?
  3. Then I guess I'm stuck any way you look at it, not just with a needle.
  4. It's my understanding that working on a vaccine is an international endeavor. Would a French vaccine be subject to CDC approval or would I have to fly to France?
  5. No. I want a vaccine when it's pronounced to be properly tested and approved, not to meet a Trump-imposed deadline. Meanwhile I'll keep drinking bleach.
  6. Is Hassett the one with the perpetual smirk on his face?
  7. Do you think Trump's demand (which of course has been met) that churches be reopened will lead to a surge in obits? I tuned in this morning to the Jimmy Swaggart network (which I watch sometimes for the music) to see how they would handle their reopened Sunday morning service. It's a typical large congregation, with no masks, no social distancing. One of the first things Donnie Swaggart told the worshipers when he took to the pulpit was, "Turn around and greet someone around you. You're not supposed to shake hands, but I won't tell." Nah, I don't see any problem here at all.
  8. There will be an election, but Trump with his loud denunciation of mail-in voting is laying the groundwork for making a major challenge to the results if he loses. It could be a real mess. Indeed turmoil over the election could be his one shot at autocracy.
  9. For us old guys, what is meant by "discord"? Is a "discord server" a place for disagreeable people?
  10. And like Trump thinks the virus may do, the suit just disappeared.
  11. Yes, I remember that. I just went back and looked at Costella's individual frames of the Z film. Toni Foster is blurred in the film until frames 309 and 310, then blurred again in 311. That definitely indicates a stop though very brief, in 309 and 310, with movement again before the head shot in 313. http://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/
  12. It seems to me that if Trump wanted to drain the swamp and get rid of "corrupt and compromised self-dealers," the last people he would want to fire are inspectors general, whose very jobs are to help expose corrupt and compromised self-dealers. But I suppose it depends on which corrupt and compromised self-dealers he wants to get rid of and which ones he wants to keep. He seems to be trying to get rid of one in particular, by taking daily doses of hydroxychloroquine.
  13. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more She hands you a nickel She hands you a dime She doesn't wash her hands And she's coughing all the time I'm staying home, no job's worth dying for I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
  14. Eddy, yes, that is certainly evidence that the car slowed down. The Newmans were obviously convinced that the car stopped. But there were other witnesses who said otherwise. In any case, slowing down or stopping instead of speeding away was incriminating.
  15. David, Thanks. Then all I can say is, if the car stopped it's remarkable that so little was made of it. But I guess that would have been a major reason to alter the Z film, to remove the stop to protect William Greer and the Secret Service. Of course what they couldn't remove was the head snap, so enter - what was it? - a "neuromuscular reaction."
  16. Have you or anyone else (I'm not familiar with your essay "Pig on a Leash") researched how many witnesses said the car stopped and how many said it didn't? And is there any real evidence besides witness statements? While I believe the car slowed down, I find it hard to believe it stopped, for the simple reason that it would make complicity of the driver so obvious. I mean, why in the world would you completely stop a car in the middle of an ambush (instead of taking off as trained) if you didn't want to be implicated by doing so? And if Greer did stop the car, he got away with it, but why in the world would he or anyone else assume beforehand such an improbability? I just don't think it happened unless I see evidence otherwise which I don't think I've seen yet.
  17. Thanks. Trump in Allentown: “So we have the best testing in the world. It could be that testing is, frankly, overrated. Maybe it is overrated. But whatever they start yelling, “We want more. We want more.” You know, they always say, ‘We want more. We want more’ — because they don’t want to give you credit. Then we do more and they say, ‘We want more.’…. “And don’t forget: We have more cases than anybody in the world. But why? Because we do more testing. When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don’t want to write that. It’s common sense. So we test much more many, many times." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-owens-minor-inc-distribution-center-allentown-pa/
  18. Robert, thanks for the info. There's a question, of course, as to whether or why the Brown and Root employees named as CIA assets would have any "need to know" beforehand about the assassination. Also, for the plotters, I would say that the less number of people with such a need to know the better.
  19. This explains the inexplicable: Trump’s “response” to Covid-19. “Jared Kushner has reportedly been telling Trump to do fewer coronavirus tests to improve the stock market” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jared-kushner-has-reportedly-been-telling-trump-to-do-fewer-coronavirus-tests-to-improve-the-stock-market/ar-BB1461XS?ocid=spartandhp
  20. You may have heard the story about Kristofferson landing a helicopter in Johnny Cash's front yard to try to pitch a song to him. He was working as a helicopter pilot. Cash wasn't home, but he went on to record "Sunday Morning Coming Down." I don't know if that was the song K was trying to pitch, or if the song was inspired by the helicopter coming down on a Sunday morning.
  21. It would be interesting to see what happened with the stock of Bell Helicopter (or its parent company Textron) and LBJ's benefactor Brown and Root (which protesters during the Vietnam War called "Burn and Loot").
  22. I was in Nashville a year after that, in 1967, attending Vanderbilt University. I spent more time on Music Row trying to peddle songs than I did studying. There was a tavern on Music Row called the Tally Ho. I was there one night and this guy was at a table strumming his guitar and singing his original songs for free beer. I liked one song so much, "The Best of All Possible Worlds," that I bought him a beer to sing it again. I had no idea who the guy was. A few years later I knew, buying his album with "The Best of All Possible Worlds" on it. It was Kris Kristofferson.
  23. Why do you say Graham's book is "fictionalized"? It's a straightforward indictment of our government. Interestingly (or sickeningly), the first review praising it on the Amazon website is by Gerald Posner. He calls it a work of "great patriotism" and "a must read" for anyone concerned about "the future of America." Yes, Posner is one to be so concerned. https://www.amazon.com/Intelligence-Matters-Arabia-Failure-Americas-ebook/dp/B000FC288U/ref=sr_1_15?dchild=1&keywords=bob+graham&qid=1589458843&s=books&sr=1-15
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