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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. There was a story, and I forget its origin (Hemming?), that if need be the limo would have been blown up at the triple underpass. (No surgery necessary.) There was an explosives expert whose name I forget (a member of Hemming's outfit?) allegedly in Dallas for such duty. There was also a story about a shooter or shooters waiting at the Cabana Hotel on the Stemmons Freeway. The point being, I seriously doubt that JFK was going to leave Dallas alive, Oswald or no Oswald.
  2. Yes, it was very messy, and they couldn't have gotten away with it without the government being a conspirator, the media being accessories, and of course all the sheeple.
  3. Oswald would be the fall guy in the sense that he would be the one shooter (a known "pro-Castro Commie") identified, eliminated probably on his way to Cuba via Mexico. The only problem was he wound up in a Dallas jail, which transformed him into the only shooter, eliminated on his way to a ride in the basement.
  4. There is evidence of body tampering despite however "crazy" the details of Lifton's scenario may be. There is evidence even if Lifton's book had never been written. And as Micah says, such tampering was a Plan B, because of a screw-up that must have involved Oswald, who had to be eliminated asap.
  5. Wrong. They said, "Guys, let's make sure we place shooters where it will be obvious it was an ambush and we'll blame it on Castro." Then later, "What? Oswald was taken alive? Let's think fast."
  6. There is evidence that two different brains were used, which would mean that somebody's head was definitely altered. All in all I think there is ample evidence of alteration both of body and autopsy materials. As for what DSL and JD disagree on, according to Jim they disagree on the role of the WC. As for the rest, I don't know.
  7. To which Dulles probably replied, "You're a terrible commissioner! That's a nasty question!"
  8. You must be talking about Andrews. I thought you meant at Love Field, since the reported witness to the forklift was the pilot of AF2. I recall a helicopter being seen or heard on the dark side at Andrews, and we know from military statements that the casket unloaded on the lighted side was empty.
  9. That sounds like a Review Most True. But can you refresh my memory on the "forklift action"? I don't recall that.
  10. The subject of folk music back when reminds me of a trio that used to play at a club in St. Augustine around 1960. I forget what they called themselves (it was a gal and two guys like Peter, Paul and Mary), but their signature song was "I'm a-Crackin' Up from a Lack o' Shackin' Up." (I guess it was an original, I don't know.)
  11. And there's the foregone conclusion that Oswald acted alone. Perhaps aided in taking his shots by the back brace holding JFK up.
  12. Quarantine is misspelled and there's no # in... well, never mind.
  13. Still, it's hard to beat "I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more." (A hidden reference to, uh, I don't know what. Giving up the weed or something? I've heard that "Mr. Tambourine Man" was a dope peddler.) Dylan was all over the place, tried country music (Nashville Skyline), even became a born-again Christian for a time ("Gotta Serve Somebody"). He's quite a phenomenon. I wonder how much exposure "Murder Most Foul" will get. The industry has changed so much, I don't even know how people get their music anymore. I listened mainly to country before they killed it years ago. "Murder Most Foul" is just one song so it won't be an album, and there are no more 45s. I sure miss the days of vinyl.
  14. The revised album was released in May of 1963. If you have the original version, it's worth lots of money. It's considered to be the rarest record in America.
  15. I wish I had the edition of that album (the one before some tracks were changed) that's worth something like $30,000.
  16. Nice pun on E.G. Marshall (The Defenders, and an officer of the American Judicature Society).
  17. The last I heard, Gabriel only has one horn. (Well, I haven't heard it yet.)
  18. I haven't read this whole thread, so I don't know if the theory or notion has already been mentioned that Ruby was hypnotized to kill Oswald. With post-hypnotic suggestion ("when the horns blow for you"), the horns would be perfect cues for Ruby to act.
  19. Reminds me of that question asked by Nathanael in the New Testament: "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" (John 1:46). (Just substitute "China.")
  20. Trump is now calling it the Chinese Virus. He wants to remind us every day where it came from as if that's going to help. I guess xenophobic utterance is irresistible, like pathological lying, for those afflicted with the mental condition. But I think every president should be a role model. So I think I'll start calling it the Chump Virus. A virus that started in China and happened here on Trump's watch. Also, if you keep going out to restaurants and bars and parties despite the warnings and risk, you're a chump.
  21. Well, first, "vials of bioweapon material" doesn't mean it was coronavirus. As for the virus originating in the Wuhan lab (which I've read is the only such lab in China), that would seem like a strong possibility. But as far as I know the MSM has studiously avoided any mention of that theory, with the official story being that it came from a seafood market. Of course I'm suspicious of "official stories," so I guess we shall see what evolves. There is still allegedly no evidence that the material being carried to China was coronavirus. So you're saying that the virus originated here, went to China, and then has come back to haunt us? Sounds like China is a patsy!
  22. I didn't see any Justice Dept. announcement in the link. If there is some kind of coronavirus conspiracy here, then I assume the MSM won't cover it, I'm surprised that DOJ would announce it, and I guess I'm left in the dark.
  23. That makes two of us, which makes me conclude that there is no corona specified.
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