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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. I found it in a list of ABC Movies of the Week. "Isn't It Shocking?" The sheriff was Alan Alda. I was wrong about the female lead (Louise Lasser) being the killer. It was Edmund O'Brien. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isn't_It_Shocking%3F Now I can get back to worrying about dying of the coronavirus.
  2. It's ironic that Hanks is in Australia to portray Colonel Tom Parker in a movie, when Parker never allowed Elvis to perform overseas and never left the US himself. Why? Because he was a Dutch illegal immigrant. He feared he might not be able to come back.
  3. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/tom-hanks-rita-wilson-coronavirus-1203531498/
  4. Dr. Fauci told the House today that the pandemic "is going to get worse," and that Americans shouldn't assume that the virus will "die off in warmer weather." (Trump says it will "go away.") I wonder how soon now Fauci is going to be fired. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/11/us/politics/anthony-fauci-coronavirus.html
  5. And the killer had a special way of getting access to the old folks and killing them and I can't even remember what it was. It's aggravating.
  6. I remember reading about Majestic 12 in a mag called The Skeptical Inquirer. It seemed to me that the mag made a very good case that the Majestic 12 documents were a hoax. But what do I know? And as for being "skeptical," The Skeptical Inquirer sure seemed determined to toe official lines, debunking anything and everything it could about UFOs, conspiracies, or you name it.
  7. I remember reading the book by Project Blue Book's Edward Ruppelt after his retirement, "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects." It's interesting to read the Wikipedia article on Ruppelt. Allen J. Hynek described him as "seriously puzzled" about some of the UFO cases. Ruppelt had a heart attack in his early 30s, and he died of an attack at the age of only 37 in 1960, the same year that an expanded edition of his book was published in which he called UFOs "a space-age myth." What?
  8. Yes, I'll bet it was, but it's my recollection that the sheriff was played by someone more, well, more "normal" than Andy.
  9. No help. I want to say that the sheriff in the movie was Brian Keith, but there's nothing like it in his filmography. It's conceivable that it was an hour-long episode in a TV series, but if so I can't imagine what the series was, and I don't think it involved any recurring character. Plus it was good enough that I would have watched such a series, so I'm sure it was a movie. I wish I could remember the killer, all I recall is that I think she was blonde, and not a big star but well known. Hate to bring it up again, but it's driving me crazy. Googling stuff (e.g. "movie about killing old people") doesn't help. Surely someone besides me saw this movie.
  10. Trump stated on TV just a few days ago exactly what he's doing on Afghanistan, and I haven't seen one comment about it in the media. He didn't say anything about peace, an agreement, enforcement, verification, or anything else about any kind of diplomacy or Taliban obligations. He said bluntly that the Afghanistan government has to take care of itself, "we can't hold their hand forever." I'm sure that was music to Taliban ears, just like the music to Erdogan's ears (played for him by Trump in their phone call, I assume) when Trump let him go get the Kurds in Syria. Trump was just showing again, to borrow a term from the late Joe McCarthy (I remember hearing Joe say it on TV, almost as shocking back then as Rhett Butler's parting words in Gone with the Wind), that he doesn't "give a tinker's damn" about the Afghanistan people or people anywhere else. He cares about nothing but Donald Trump.
  11. No, that's not it. Looked up a couple of reviews and it's nothing about murder victims being old people. And I don't remember any dogs. The killer had some special way of killing, like some murderous nurse would have in a hospital, but it wasn't about nursing. I can't remember the gimmick.
  12. I don't think it was Andy but someone kind of like him. As best I recall the female (killer) was sort of the star of the movie, or maybe they both were. But can't remember who she was. I just recall her being kind of hot.
  13. If the pandemic gets bad enough, Trump can blame Pence, who's the guy in charge. But not because the pandemic is really bad, of course. Trump could say, "Every time I've said something about this virus being no big deal, Pence has contradicted me." Trump could tweet, "Pence has all the attributes of a dog except loyalty."
  14. That would be nice, but if the 25th Amendment wasn't invoked with Trump on grounds of one's mental state, it never will be (unless caused by a debilitating stroke or something). We will never see his like again (if there really is a God).
  15. I'm not sure that it's "devastating." At least Biden's lies about Iraq are "contained" (to use a term in vogue), unlike Trump''s lies, which encompass the globe on a daily basis. Now if Biden starts spreading more lies across the country (this is known as "community spread"), then it might be devastating, but devastating compared to what? Come November, if Biden indeed wins out over Bernie despite Biden's lies, I'll prefer the lesser of two XXXXX. Though I think both of them, frankly, can go to the devil. Now Douglas, who posted just now, has a good idea. The Democrats could opt for someone young like Mayor Pete under the circumstances. But there's no way that Trump's sycophantic Republicans are going to tell him he shouldn't run. If they dared to try, in a strange show of courage, he would tweet them to hell and back.
  16. From "the third reply" you refer to: "if a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation". "Aldous Huxley... expressed similar enthusiasm in 1959 that a virus might appear that eliminated large numbers of people." That's certainly relevant today. The coronavirus being deadly particularly for old folks reminds me of a TV movie I saw years ago (I can't remember the name of it). It was a murder mystery. The sheriff says that someone in town is killing old people. And one of the characters says, "It's about time."
  17. Me too. And the worst thing is, they say if you catch it, don't go to ER and give it to everyone there. You should call your doctor or the local health department. I guess that's so they can send you a Get Well Soon card. And be careful when you read the card, because you don't know who's been handling it. Not that it matters, because if you have to stay home with this there's only way you're going to "get well soon."
  18. I'm not interested in playing word games with you.
  19. I don't know you from Adam, except that you're a Trump supporter, and based on that I can honestly say that I don't understand you.
  20. Jim, I agree that Trump has a "fake news strategy" and all that. He knows how to manipulate his followers, that's why they eat up his every word, lie and fantasy at his Trumpberg rallies. But I take it from what you've been saying that you don't think Trump is mentally ill despite all the behavioral evidence. So on that we'll have to agree to disagree.
  21. All things considered, weighing on Trump and his diseased mind, I think there's a chance, however slight, that he could go completely berserk before the election and have to be institutionalized. (Unless, of course, his White House lackeys hide him away and hire Alec Baldwin or someone to impersonate him.) If that happens, I guess the Dems will just have to worry about beating Mike Pence, whose main qualification will be he's not crazy.
  22. You posted the psychiatrists' letter, I didn't, but I thank you for posting it. l would say, to borrow Trump's lame-brained phraseology, it's a "perfect" letter.
  23. Yes, Trump was "the outsider" and is a salesman and promoter. But I don't understand why you think the fact that he's a mental basket case is "the wrong approach." He's a POTUS running for reelection, and you really think his mental unfitness is sort of beside the point? I just heard Bernie say on TV that Trump "lies all the time. He's a pathological xxxx." More people need to be talking about his sickness instead of just hemming and hawing about or even ignoring the crazy things he says and does.
  24. The psychiatrists' letter describes Trump perfectly, so I assume you're in agreement as to his mental instability.
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