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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. I think it may depend on whether Trump actually believes his own lies. But I don't know what a pathological xxxx believes. In fact I think a psychiatrist would have an absolute field day by sitting down with Trump. He's a mental gold mine. The psychiatrist could write a book longer than "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire."
  2. What has candidate Biden said about it? Has he called his support of the invasion of Iraq a mistake or has he tried to justify it? I haven't seen him challenged on it, but I may have missed it. The smartest and easier thing to do is to say that in hindsight it was a mistake. But I can't think like a politician. At my age and after three and a half years of Trump, I'm kind of surprised I can still think at all.
  3. Why do you think Trump fears him? Remember that "perfect phone call" to try to get a foreign government to get Biden? It was worth bribing Ukraine with millions of dollars in aid and getting impeached.
  4. One thing we're seeing is that the coronavirus severely exacerbates the underlying condition known as narcissistic personality disorder. And that's without infection.
  5. The coronavirus could play a big part in this election. As it spreads, an important factor will be how many lies per day Trump can tell about it. Will enough people finally get sick of his lies when they're actually sick? Today's major Trump lie: We've "shut it down."
  6. As long as Trump loses, who cares if it's Bernie or Biden? I'd settle for my local dogcatcher (a nice lady) in the White House if it means Trump is out. The republic (what's left of it) should survive whoever the Democrat is, but I don't know about Trump.
  7. Craig does sort of look like Putin, but he doesn't look anything like Sean Connery.
  8. And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? ("The Second Coming," W.B. Yeats)
  9. I never watched him so I can't say I won't miss him. I missed him completely.
  10. Are you saying that "the same syndicate" that killed JFK and pulled off 9/11 can't get rid of Donald Trump, though it has tried for four years? Okay.
  11. The concern of the Democrat establishment, whether justified or not, is that a socialist like Bernie, who even has good things to say about Fidel Castro (why in the world did he bring that up?) cannot beat even the low likes of Donald Trump. Of course Trump's chance of reelection, according to conventional wisdom ("It's the economy, stupid"), will depend largely on the economy and not his personality cult. And it looks like the economy is going to suffer a bad virus attack.
  12. Why do you think I would want to do that? Did I post something like that here in my sleep or what? As for the rest of your post, I couldn't understand it. But on the subject of evangelical Christians, I like to watch Jimmy Swaggart's network quite a bit, because I enjoy the music. Jimmy in particular sings old-time gospel. As for the preaching and the discussion panels like Francis & Friends, they worship the Holy Trinity and Donald Trump in that order. There was also a leading Southern Baptist minister whose name I forget and whom I haven't seen recently (maybe he's was on FoxNews which I will no longer watch, even the ladies on Outnumbered aren't sexy anymore) who was on the tube a lot, and he would sing the praises of Donald Trump. Then there was a recent, much publicized article in Christianity Today, written by a fellow who chastised evangelical Christians for abandoning their principles of morality and decency in supporting Donald Trump. Things like this lead me to think that a lot of these Christians just really like Donald Trump. But I don't want to upset you any further.
  13. My favorite Bakker story, from back in his heyday, was when his wife Tammy told how God cured her washing machine. She had to go somewhere and needed her clothes washed first and the machine wouldn't work. She laid hands on the washing machine and God got it working in no time.
  14. I quoted an evangelical Christian because evangelical Chistians are part of his base. But don't worry about it.
  15. I've wondered the same thing. If Trump loses in November, are you confident that he will just concede? He might just call the election results a hoax or massive fraud and tell us to believe him and not what we're hearing from "the enemy of the people." Want the opinion of an evangelical Christian? TV huckster Jim Bakker said a couple of years ago that it Trump was ever impeached, there would be a Second American Civil War. Well, that didn't happen, but that doesn't compare to getting voted out of office.
  16. It's worth a reminder here that Yitzhak Rabin, the head of the IDF's Operations Directorate who became the IDF Chief of the General Staff in 1964, was in Texas on 11/22/63. In Dallas, according to his wife's book, enroute to NYC, after a tour of U.S. military facilities, the last being Fort Bliss in Texas. (IOW he was meeting with U.S. military brass around the country in the days leading up to the assassination.) Here's a thread that gets into this subject: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/9745-mifgash/
  17. It sure ain't what it's cracked up to be. "A shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere" (Ronald Reagan). Someone needs to pay the light bill before the beacon goes out completely.
  18. I would like to say that Bernie will beat Trump with one hand tied behind his back. In any case I wish someone would tie it. Hey, Bernie, it's not polite to point!
  19. I think Biden has been bidin' his time. He'll win the race for the nomination in the home stretch. Bernie will burn out. The bloom is already off Bloomberg. It's Boot Hill for Buttigieg's chances, and Warren might warrant VP at best.
  20. Yes, Trump can destroy the republic in a second term, and one say only say, if he's reelected, that this country asked for it. The question is why. Even his supporters know what he is, it's been on display every day of his presidency. That apparently at least half of America supports him doesn't say very much for America. It doesn't make any rational sense.
  21. Young Gig, or Gig Young either one, reminds me of Guy Madison. When I went to Machu PIcchu in Peru, Guy was there making a movie. I think it was an Italian production. I watched them shoot a scene where he was supposedly giving this sad speech or eulogy to a crowd. All I remember is the last line, "It's what the Inca would have wanted." When they finished the scene, the director raved about how good it was. Guy told him not to get carried away. The movie was "Last King of the Incas." I've never seen any trace of it anywhere over the decades, so I suspect that critics (if anyone saw it) didn't rave about how good it was.
  22. Why doesn't Trump just start his own video website and call it YouBoob?
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